Table of Contents
- Question: When will perfection dawn here on earth?
- Question: Guru, can perfection in our jobs or in our school work help us in our spiritual life?
- Question: Is joy a form of perfection?
- Question: How can I attain a level of perfection in my relationship with my spiritual brothers and sisters?
- Question: Was God perfect before He created the universe?
- Question: Guru, how can we make a perfect union between the inner and outer world?
- Question: Who is the perfect disciple?
- Question: If the perfection of the soul is beyond the perfection of the mind, does that mean you are supposed to concentrate on perfecting the mind?
- Question: How can I become perfectly secure and fearless?
- Question: If one has ill health, is perfection attainable?
- Question: Guru, what perfection do your disciples need in order to achieve God-realisation in this lifetime?
- Question: Has the soul always been perfect?
- Question: How can I offer my soul's perfection to my vital?
- Question: How can you establish your perfect oneness with the Supreme?
- Question: How can you develop perfect gratitude?
- Question: How can detachment help me become more and more perfect?
- Question: How can we identify with the perfection of the Divine Mother?
- Question: Guru, since the perfection of the soul is an ever-transcending thing, does man ever reach a time in his life when he is pure perfection?
- Question: Guru, how can we perfect our physical or our vital stamina?
- Question: Guru, how can we become a perfect student in the inner and outer school?
- Question: How can we offer ourselves as a perfect flower to God?
- Question: By chanting AUM can we reveal inner and outer perfection?
- Question: How can you perfect the transformation of your body's need?
- Question: Guru, how can the creative process in man, his art and music, be continually directed towards God's Vision of perfection?
- Question: How can we reach our inner perfection and then spread it to our outer, imperfect life?
- Question: How can I perfect my ability to surrender to the Supreme?
- Question: Guru, what directly interferes with our perfection?
- Question: Does outer success ever help our inner perfection?
- Question: Guru, how can we perfect our cry for the Supreme?
- Question: Does everything ultimately have to become perfect?
- Question: Guru, if the Supreme is constantly transcending Himself, how can anything be perfect?
- Question: How can I constantly march towards a life of perfection?
- Question: Is perfection in the eye of the beholder?
- Question: What is the heart of perfection?
- Question: How can I water my perfection-tree?
- Question: What keeps us from attaining perfection?
- Question: How can we achieve perfection in our body and vital so that we won't live in darkness anymore?
- Question: How can I relate outer spiritual perfection to inner spiritual perfection?
- Question: How can I reach perfection in my musical manifestation of the Supreme?
- Question: How can we intensely aspire for perfection without having greed enter in?
- Question: What can I do every day to perfect my emotional life?
- Question: How can I get rid of the feeling of ego when I work with others who have less capacity than I, and achieve perfection in my dealings with my spiritual brothers and sisters?
- Question: Does the perfection of the body result in a superman?
- Question: How can I get perfection in my meditation?
- Question: How can I act in perfect courage?
- Question: How do you know you have reached perfection with respect to some divine quality?
- Question: How does the perfection of world-ignorance take place?
- Question: Why does the dawn of the individual perfection always seem so distant?
- Question: If world-perfection comes from the perfection of the individual souls, how will the animals ever become perfect?
- Question: Is it possible for all of us to reach perfection in this life?
- Question: How can the physical mind be perfected?
- Question: Who are the Supreme's perfect warriors?
- Question: What comes first, realisation or perfection?
- Question: How can we perfect our actions?
- Question: Do God the Father and God the Mother see perfection differently or in the same way?
- Question: If we don't strive for perfection in our outer life, will that hinder our inner perfection?
- Editor's note