A Soulful Cry Versus a Fruitful Smile


At my brother Mantu's repeated request to write rhymed poetry I have written these short poems. I dedicate these heart-offerings of mine to my brother's great seeker-soul.


12 August 1977

1. To be


To be, indeed, a cosmic god,

I shall try only to succeed.

To be, indeed, a real man,

I shall try only to proceed. ```

2. Sing me a song


Sing me a song,

My Lord Supreme,

I shall give You

My silver dream,

I shall give You

My beauty's sky,

I shall give You

My oneness-tie. ```

3. Beautiful emptiness


Beautiful emptiness

Soulful readiness

Realisation newness

Perfection oneness

I need, I need, I need

My God and my God-need to feed. ```

4. Frank and baby smile


O frank and baby smile,

You have won my heart.

You have conquered death-dart

In life's confusion-mart. ```

5. Waiting for you


"Waiting for You,

My Lord Supreme."

"Waiting for you,

My treasure-dream." ```

6. God's moment and my moment


In God's moment nothing dies.

In my moment nothing lives.

God loves me because I try

To reach His Vision-sky. ```

7. Your Silence and your Sound


Your Silence I sing.

It is my heart.

Your Sound I sing.

It is my mart. ```

8. They truly are


Peace is truly beautiful.

Love is truly soulful.

Man is truly meaningful.

God is truly fruitful. ```

9. Heaven descends


Heaven descends

To quicken my strength.

I ascend

To measure its length. ```

10. My ancient sadness


My ancient sadness still

Haunts me, my soul.

I have not heard from God

My cosmic role. ```

11. You claim me still


You claim me still,

O ignorance-fool!

Don't you know that

I have a new school?

I go to wisdom-school

To be a perfection-tool. ```

12. One fallen flower


One fallen flower

I see and cry;

One fallen soul

I love and die. ```

13. You can do your task


Buddha under the Tree

Drank deep the fount of Light.

You can do your task.

You fell the Titan tree

Of eyeless ignorance-night.


14. An ancient scar


An ancient scar

I see on my flickering eyes.

Yet I shall try and succeed

To breathe divinity-skies. ```

15. I shall not fail


I shall not fail,

I shall not fail.

My soul shall sail,

My heart shall sail.

I shall succeed,

I shall succeed.

My life shall take

The glorious lead. ```

16. The Breath of God


The Breath of God

I breathlessly enjoy.

The Grace of God

I lavishly employ. ```

17. I shall realise God


I shall realise God

Just before tomorrow's sunrise.

I am certain, no surprise:

God's Promise, I execute. ```

18. A puny sound-life


A puny sound-life,


Its pride vaster than the sky.


It knows not how to die.


19. My life


My life, done with the material-life-night,

Has now embraced

The life of renunciation-light.

Meaningless and fruitless

Are the material needs.

Nowhere to be found



20. A soundless voice


A soundless voice

I always need.

My mind of noise,

My heart of poise,

To lovingly feed.


21. My time has come


My time has come

To see the face

Of birthless birth.

My time has come

In stupendous mirth

To prove my worth. ```

22. One ray


One ray of perfection-light

Can expedite

My Godward journey's start.

Conquering the lofty pride

Of Titan-dart.


23. The grandeurs


The grandeurs of my fruitful past

I have totally lost.

I am ready to pay any cost

And live therein to last. ```

24. Mother Earth, Father Heaven


Mother Earth does not argue.

Mother Earth likes to endure.

Father Heaven does not complain.

Father Heaven likes to cure. ```

25. Defects of my desires


Defects of my desires:

They do not want to die,

But they die.

They want to fly,

But they cannot fly.

They want to bind my heart,

Behold, they fail.

To the unhorizoned shore

My boat I sail.


26. No time to waste


I have no time to waste.

Any day, any hour, my supreme Guest

Will surely come with His

All-loving Compassion-Nest. ```

27. God is hospitable


God is hospitable,


No anxiety, no worry

Have I.

I shall give Him

What I have preserved:



28. That's all



What is it after all?

Uncertainty —

Ant-weak, giant-stout,

Within, without.

That's all; that's all. ```

29. A sea of plenty


A sea of plenty

I conceive,

Believe it or not.



Nothing I receive,

Nothing I achieve.


30. Farewell


Farewell, farewell,

O ungrateful world.

So much I have done for you,

So highly I have thought of you.

To please you, your all,

I totally forgot

To respond to God's God-Call.


31. Sound-music and silence-music


The sound-music of humanity

For the poor and feeble souls.

The silence-music of divinity

For the lovers of myriad goals. ```

32. My ancient hopes


My ancient hopes

To sail and fly towards my Lord

Are shattered today.

Again I must cry,

And die in ignorance-play.


33. What are they?


Power, what is it,

If not sheer pain?

Love, what is it,

If not sheer gain? ```

34. Once more


My longing heart

Is fast asleep

Alas, alas!

Once more my life

Is forced to enjoy

Ignorance deep. ```

35. The miracle of miracles


The miracle of miracles —

A tiny, feeble man

Embodies God-Life.

In him has ceased

The wild music

Of ignorance-life. ```

36. The burden of bigness


The burden of bigness

I simply hate,

The burden of littleness


What I need is God-Heart's

Open oneness-game,

To see my life's

Transformation-flame. ```

37. Remembrance-joy


My best remembrance-joy

To you I offer, my soul.

I see you carrying me

And struggling hard

To help me reach my goal.


38. Do what you must


Do what you must,

Dive deep within,

And conquer the pride

Of clamour-din. ```

39. God is there to see


God is there to see.

Why do you worry?

God has asked you to start.

Why do you tarry?

God has asked you to comply.

Why do you not use your own

Heart's oneness high?


40. Remain and become


Remain faithful

So that you can


Surprisingly soulful.

Remain soulful

So that you can


Supremely fruitful. ```

41. A great beginning


Indeed, a great beginning,

I shall think of

My divinity-age;

I shall see the perfection-book

On a special perfection-page.


42. I fight


Desire was the helper-lover great;

Now it is my adversary strong.

Against its face

I fight;

Against its race

I fight;

Desire-worlds I permit not

To throng. ```

43. The power of life


The power of life

I badly need.

The life of power

Who wants?

Not me, not me.


Power wants to bind me,

I shall remain

At easy ease,

Eternally free. ```

44. In silence


In silence we converse,

My Lord Supreme and I.

In silence we build

Each other a hopeful sky. ```

45. I need, I feed


The domain of deeds

I need,

And not the domains

Of speech.

The clime of Truth

I feed,

To see God's Heights

And reach. ```

46. Utterly free


Utterly free

To choose our path of aspiration-cry

And dedication-smile.


If you choose our path,

Yours will be the pride of God-satisfaction-sky. ```

47. Forced by failure


Forced by failure,

I cry and die.



Shall grant me God-wings

To merrily fly. ```

48. I play with truth


I play with truth.

I dance with its ruth.

I play with peace

To own God-release. ```

49. An exam nobody is spared


An exam nobody is spared:

Do we love God?

If so, we needs must dive

Within and await His arrival,

Our great survival, fully prepared.


50. Absurd


What I ask for is absurd-night.

How can I ask

My ignorance to bask

In God's measureless God-height? ```

51. How ridiculous!


How ridiculous!

I still stay with my eyeless,

Wild desire-life.

How ridiculous!

I have yet to conquer

Ignorance-knife. ```

52. Something so simple


Goodness is something so simple,

Yet I fail

To have it in profuse measure.

Slowly and steadily,

Devotedly and unerringly,

I must sail

My life-boat with simplicity-treasure.


53. When my Lord acts


When my Lord acts,

He is not slow.

We just fail and fail

To grow and glow

In His Cosmic Flow.


54. My friend-enemies


Hopeless imperfection,

Helpless situation,

Lifeless perfection,

Godless satisfaction.

These friend-enemies

Of mine;

Compelled always

With them to dine. ```

55. Give me a little time


I shall know more;

Give me a little time.

My soulful heart-clime

Shall reach without fail

God's God-satisfaction-door.


56. Between man and God


Between man and God,

My heart shall always choose


For in man alone

God has planted

His own Realisation-Ken.


57. Man does not die


Man does not die;

Man's possessions die.

Why, why?

Unlike man,

His possessions

Have no ambition-sky. ```

58. My silence-life, my sound-existence


My silence-life prepares,

My sound-existence acts.

I need silence to touch

My Lord's highest Height.

I need sound to control

My wild ignorance-night.

These are the supreme facts.


59. We treasure


Your icy poverty

You know not why

You treasure.

My unlit insecurity-pressure

I know not why I treasure,

Why I treasure. ```

60. O challenger


O challenger of stark


To you I bow and bow,

Time and again,

With my snow-white

Surrender-might. ```

61. What a hungry world!


What a hungry world!

What a hungry man!

What a carefree God!

No change of plan. ```

62. True


True friendship never ages.

True beauty never changes.

True man of love never fails.

Eternally his boat he sails. ```

63. A too familiar song


A too familiar song:

"I do not know."

A too unfamiliar song:

"My life shall grow;

My heart shall glow."


64. A cleverly successful lie


A cleverly successful lie:

God in me is fast asleep.

A hopelessly useless truth:


Death and I drink deep.


65. Man of the hour


Man of the hour,

To you I offer

My gratitude-flower;

To you I offer

My ecstasy-heart's

Oneness-shower. ```

66. Everlasting secret


Everlasting secret:

God loves me infinitely more than

Any human soul on earth,


You believe it or not,

Whether you accept it or not.

Today I disclose the truth supreme

In stupendous mirth. ```

67. What in me hates me


Ah, what in me hates me

I know, I know;

My wild and shameless life

Of ignorance-flow. ```

68. Your stupid mind


Yours is the stupid mind

Jealous of your innocence-light,

Yours is the stupid mind

Afraid of your ignorance-night. ```

69. A silver cry


A silver cry

Has lifted my psychic sky

High, very high.

A silver cry

Tells me how, when and why

I shall in Heaven's vaults fly.


70. Dream of another world


Dream of another world,

An existence new.

Dream of an old world,

Promise of unpainted hue. ```

71. To increase


To increase your serving-strength

Start drinking

God's Compassion-light.

If not, your service-boat

Will be sinking.


72. Two tutors


Two are the tutors I need:

Faith-beauty's cry,

Love-duty's sky,

To feed my perfection-need. ```

73. An ancient victory


An ancient victory

Grants me present glory.

An ancient glory

Is a God-blossomed tree. ```

74. I shall not obey


The boomed command

From the vital world:

I must dance with night.

I shall not obey.

I shall fight and fight

To prove my oneness

With colossal wisdom-light.


75. My heart swimming


My heart swimming

In silver light,

My soul swimming

In ecstasy's height. ```

76. Prayers and meditation


The buzz of prayers

I can never stand.

The silence of meditation

My only friend. ```

77. Outer and inner sun


The outer sun takes all

My impurity-worlds,

Big and small.

My inner sun grants me

A new world-soul,

A new world-role. ```

78. Flow forth my tears


Flow forth my tears!

My promise I fail to keep.

I shall go back

Secretly to ignorance-sleep. ```

79. Your lively lustre


Your lively lustre

Challenges death in life.

Your lovely life

Destroys the breath of strife. ```

80. Silence-speed, silence-seed


O Silence-speed,

I love your beauty's flow.

O Silence-seed,

I love your duty's glow. ```

81. Today



My heart beyond desire.


My life aspiration-fire,

Sure realisation-dire,

Empty of earth-mire. ```

82. Vision of deep beauty


Vision of deep beauty

Has changed your age.

You and your life no more

Shall be in animal cage. ```

83. Forgotten


Forgotten how to fly,

Forgotten how to dive,

Forgotten how to run,

How can I ever thrive? ```

84. I know the art


I know the art

I shall in secret sow,

My own trumpet

Before I blow. ```

85. Soul-wisdom


Soul-wisdom hurries not.

Soul-wisdom tarries not.

God's beauty fails not.

Man-duty fails not. ```

86. Why?


Why, why, why, why?

Why should I take

The side of ignorance-tie?

Why, why, why, why?

Why do I fail

To please God's Compassion-sky? ```

87. A choice dream


A choice dream

Your lovely soul embodies.

A choice goal

Your lively role achieves. ```

88. In vain


In vain, in vain

Earth-beauty longs to bind my soul.

In vain, in vain

Heaven-beauty longs to quicken my goal. ```

89. To you we always surrender


To you we always surrender,

Not because you are great,

Not because you are good,

But because

Your oneness with our oneness

Amazingly has begun to flower. ```

90. How far?


My seeking eyes,

How far, how far

Will you carry me?

Will I ever enjoy



Climb the Reality-tower?


91. Even when I smile


Even when I smile

I feel a death-blow,

Destroying my life

And its smooth flow. ```

92. The beauty of your soul


The ugliness of your face,

Even God-Compassion will fail

To describe.

The beauty of your soul,

Even the eyeless man

Can declare and thrive. ```

93. Lord, give me


Lord, give me your speed,

I need, I badly need.

Lord, give me your poise,

My heart's only choice. ```

94. Give me sun-hope


My Lord Supreme!

Do give my heart sun-hope.

In ignorance-dream

No more my life shall grope. ```

95. I weep aloud


I weep aloud

Before a crowd,


Nobody comes to my rescue.

What I say is faultlessly true.


96. Come out and sing


Come out and sing —

I shall help you.

Come out and look —

My life's silver dew. ```

97. Come out and bloom


Come out and bloom:

No doom, no doom.

Come out and glow:

No blow, no blow. ```

98. I shall not fail


I may constantly wail,

But I shall not fail.

My body is surprisingly frail,

But I shall not fail.

Although I step not on wisdom-scale,

No, never shall I fail. ```

99. I have won!


Lo, I have won!

I know now how to grow


I know now how to glow

With delight.

I enjoy my oneness with light and delight.

Lo, I have won!


100. I know


I know, I know, I know

Heaven will pardon you,

But not this earth.

Heaven knows who you truly are.

You are a fool incarnate.

You add nothing to creation's birth. ```

101. I shall not stop


I shall not stop.

I must gallop.

I am God-duty's




In tune with God's cosmic muse,

Rhythmic dance,

My heart shall hop.


102. Although



My heart is small,

It is for all.


My heart is weak,

It is for the meek.


I have but one choice:


In my silence-poise,

I give a listening ear to the baseless voices

Of base-animal human demands. ```

103. My way and God's Way


My way to love God:

I give Him what I have:

My birthless doubt-veil.

God's Way to love me:

He gives me what He is:

His Eternity's Compassion-Faith-sail.


104. God the Lover, God the Beloved


God the Lover I love.

God the Beloved I love.

My Lover is my consolation-light.

My Beloved is my aspiration-flight. ```

105. When I know not


When I know not,

Your trickery loves me,


When I know,

I die to save thee.


106. My lost possession


Slowly and steadily

I shall always smile.

Readily and quickly

I shall always cry.

No, not for you,

No, not for him.

But only for me;

Only for my lost possession:

My Beloved Supreme.


107. I need


Physical strength

I need,

Vital energy

I need,

Mental poise

I need,

Psychic choice

I need,

In my Godward

Thought and deed. ```

108. I must confess


I must confess my heart's conscience-guilt.

For aeons and aeons I have succeeded

In concealing it,

But today I have failed.

I am in love with,

To be absolutely sincere,

I have always been in love with,

My old Friend, birthless

And deathless, God.

Him I truly love.


To Him secretly I go,

And as you know,

His fathomless life-sea

Has a golden shore.

I sail my love-boat

With my heart's gratitude-cry,

Forever and forever more. ```

109. A sad waste of time


A sad waste of time

When I talk to my mind.

No freedom-light,

It is all stone blind. ```

110. I sing and dance


Your saving grace

Has saved my heart.

I sing and dance;

No dragon-dart. ```

111. Forgive me


Forgive me, I am too weak.

Forget me, I am too strong.

Leave me alone, I pray.

I want not the world to throng. ```

112. Do not ask me


Do not ask me;

Nothing I know.

I pray and cry,

Only to grow

Inside my Lord's Eye,

His Highest Vision-sky. ```

113. Because I love


Because I love your soul

You will win again.

Because I love your life-cry

Yours will be one life-sky

Of constant gain.


114. Come, come to me


Come, come to me.

I shall give you

My ecstasy-sea.

Come, come to me. ```

115. Each soul


Each soul is God's:

A new story.

Each soul is man's:

A new glory. ```

116. Something I never can grasp


Something I never can grasp.

Why is it so hard for me to clasp,

To touch, God's Feet of Light

And man's face and head of night? ```

117. An interesting conclusion


An interesting conclusion:

My life eventually

Not only grows

Into perfection,

But God's God-Perfection.


118. I am not interested


I hope, Lord, You understand

Why I do not go to You

As often as I should.

I am not interested at all

In my self-transcendence-hue.


119. I am at a total loss


Kindly, Lord, excuse me.

I am at a total loss.

I know not what I want.

Lord Supreme,

Grant me, your Compassion-flood, grant.


120. The filth of my fate


I can no more tolerate

The filth of my fate.

O Lord, do open

Thy Compassion-gate,


Let me declare

My illumination

And its august date. ```

121. Beauty is wisdom


Beauty is wisdom.

Purity is freedom.

Oneness is realisation.

Perfection is satisfaction. ```

122. Silence-dawn, silence-eve


In silence-dawn

I see your height.

In silence-eve

I become your delight. ```

123. You can no longer touch me


You can no longer touch me,

I am far above the sky.

From now on not only shall I try,

But succeed, in drinking deep

God's Compassion-Light,


His Ecstasy-Sea.


124. I was not prepared for death


I was not prepared for death,

But death did come,

And struck the drum,

And away snatched my flickering breath. ```

125. Today I see and feel


Faith in prosperity,

Victory's divinity,

Today I see and feel

Beauty-nectar-thrill. ```

126. Are you convinced


Are you convinced of your follies?

Then come and sit at wisdom's feet.

It is all pure, clean and neat.

It will grant you wisdom-sun concrete. ```

127. You and I will win


You are your dying face,

I am my crying fate.

Someday, somehow,

You and I will win

Our longing's divinity-gate

And become the winners of the cosmic race. ```

128. Bury your sorrow


Bury your sorrow.


Too late.

Bury it all at once.

Behold, no more

The suffering-harrow. ```

129. He will survive


His joy is beginning to die,

Yet he will survive.

His peace is beginning to die,

Yet he will survive,


His giant will shall thrive. ```

130. How can I fail?


God is my promise-light;

How can I fail?

Mine is the service-light;

I shall just sail. ```

131. My face tells me


My face tells me

How far I am, how far.

Your Grace shows me

How close, how kind You are. ```

132. I love your answers


I love your silence-answer;

It fulfils my soulful prayer.

I love your sound answer;

It helps me become a cosmic player. ```

133. Just a little difference-night


Just a little difference-night:

I see the blossoming soul,

You see the illumining goal.

Just a little difference-night:

I love man, his present state,

You love God — His golden gate. ```

134. Jealousy absconds


Jealousy absconds.

Insecurity conceals.

Doubt-life destroys.

Faith-world reveals. ```

135. Younger than yesterday


I envision him

As one younger than yesterday.

I love and need him

To change my life of clay. ```

136. No joke


No joke,

I shall love God unconditionally.

No joke,

I shall serve God breathlessly.

No joke,

Some day, somehow,

Not now, of course not,

I shall without fail

Become another God.


137. You are too smart


Hopeless is your life.

Helpless is your heart.


Deathless is your hope.

Indeed, you are too smart.


138. Little do they know


Little do they know

How great you are.

Little do they know

Your compassion-shower. ```

139. What is mind-control?


Ah, what is mind-control?

Do you know, do you know?

It is the blossoming

Of man's God-oneness-role. ```

140. Believe me


Believe me,

I am open to suggestion pure.

Believe me,

I shall gladly accept

Your tall life's conviction sure.


141. Do not expect


Do not expect anything real

From me.

I am a forced smile-cry.

Expect everything real

From me.

For I always sincerely try. ```

142. God and I


God and I would have been

A divinely perfect match

Had we seen each other

Before the dawn of life.

Alas now, although we try

We fail to get a catch. ```

143. Make me forget


O make me forget

What little I hardly know.

O make me cry

To be your compassion-glow. ```

144. Not beauty, not duty


What I love is not beauty,

But beauty's soulful breath.

What I admire is not duty,

But duty's selfless strength. ```

145. Prayers


Prayers follow my steps;

I follow their sight.

I try and cry,

I sigh and die,

To see the real end

Of frustration's real death. ```

146. The depth


The depth of meditation-eye

Is realisation-sky.

The depth of prayer-cry

Is the end of a strangling sigh. ```

147. With magic in His Eyes


With magic in His Eyes

God came to me.

With wonder-surprise in my eyes

I drank His Ecstasy. ```

148. He


He who sees is great.

He who knows is good.

He who believes is divine.

He who aspires is mine. ```

149. O strange new gods


O strange new gods,

How false you are!

You say I am far,

Far, very far

From God's Love-Light

And His Grace-shower. ```

150. False dreams, no more


False dreams, no more

Shall I measure.

False hopes, no more

Shall I treasure. ```

151. I play


In beauty's sunshine-flames

I play my myriad games. ```

152. O half-believer


O half-believer,

Sooner than the soonest

Your life shall die.

O full-believer,

God is come

With two soul-stirring wings

For you to fly. ```

153. Yet


So ugly is man's face,

Yet God loves him.

So poor is man's race,

Yet God needs him. ```

154. A vision


A vision of the soul

Makes the divine in me cry.

A dream of the heart

Compels the human in me to die. ```

155. Conquer


Conquer your soul,

Conquer your goal,

If you want to change

The face of earth.

If not, yours will be

The sad failure in

Frustration's stupendous mirth.


156. Each seeker


Each seeker divine,

A cry of aspiration-flame.

A cry of desire-night

Extinguishes the divine in me.

A cry of aspiration-light

Immortalises the human in me

In the bliss of ecstasy-sea.


157. Not man in the crowd


Not man in the crowd

Can save me, my life.

But man in the cave

Not only can save me

But also illumine me,

Fulfil me

And immortalise me.


158. Nature is never spent


Nature is never spent.

Nature's beauty,

Nature's capacity,

Nature's reality,

Never run short of

God's infinite sea

And infinite sky.


159. Life's secret thirst


Life's secret thirst

Enjoy, secretly enjoy.

Life's sacred thirst

Give, soulfully give.

Life's human thirst

Receive, only receive.

Life's divine thirst

Achieve, divinely achieve,

Forgive, supremely forgive.


160. A God-like mind soars


A god-like mind soars.

A giant-like heart roars. ```

161. Pilgrims of Eternity's road


O pilgrims of Eternity's road,

You I admire,

You I love,

You I treasure.

For in you I see promise

Of Infinity's measureless measure. ```

162. I discovered myself


I discovered myself

In the throes of human life.

I discovered myself

In the buffets of human strife.

I now want to discover myself

In golden rainbows.

I now want to discover myself

In my heart's galaxy of star-glows. ```

163. Your mind-glory, your heart-glory


Your mind-glory is bound to slow decline,

Your heart-glory forever bound to shine

In the hearts of humanity's truth

And in the souls of Divinity's ruth. ```

164. Human thoughts, divine thoughts


Human thoughts drenched his eyes.

Divine thoughts purified his eyes.

Human thoughts drenched his eyes of sleep.

Divine thoughts illumined his eyes of dream.

Human thoughts made him feel

His life is a series of frustration-death.

The divine thought made him feel

That his life is an express train

Of measureless length.


165. My chain, my pain


My chain

I recognise,


I shall break it gloriously.

My pain

I realise,


I shall cure it miraculously. ```

166. The breath of man's life


The breath of man's life-height

Tells him what he can easily do.

The death of man's life-night

Tells him what he can eventually do. ```

167. I shall wonder no more


I shall wonder no more.

I shall discover my Lord Supreme

Inside my heart's gratitude-door.


168. Fear and doubt


Fear is a great boss;

Again, fear is a greater loss.

Doubt is a greater boss;

Again, the greatest loss. ```

169. Sorrow


Sorrow, with our family of sighs,

Came to me for Consolation-Light.

I granted its prayer,

And offered something more:



170. The heart may break


The heart may break

But not the heart-cry.

It is destined to grow

High, higher, highest,

To reach the heights

Of God-glory's Vision-sky. ```

171. A hard thing to achieve


Patience is a hard thing to achieve;

But once achieved

Yours is the soul of earthly goal,

And yours is the goal of heavenly role. ```

172. Be not troubled


O troubled heart, O troubled heart,

Be not troubled.

God will definitely cure you,

Cure your aches,

Cure your pangs,

For you are His chosen instrument divine.

To please Him in His dream,

To fulfil Him in His unhorizoned scheme,

You saw the light of day.

God is always ready to be with you

In His infinite sun-delight,

Moon-lustre and unhorizoned ray. ```

173. The heavy weight of God


The heavy weight of God

Puzzles me,

Frightens me,

My length.

The tall height of God

Elevates me,

Enlightens me,

My death. ```

174. The two are one


The two are one:

Earth and Heaven,

Earth's cry and Heaven's smile.

Earth tells me to perform my earthly role

Soulfully and unreservedly.

Heaven inspires me to reach the goal

Cheerfully and unconditionally.


175. Eternity, what is it?


Eternity, what is it?

It is something composed of constant nows,

It is something composed of man's unfulfilled

And fulfilled vows. ```

176. The armies of rainbows


I love the armies of rainbows.

They awaken the beauty of my dormant sleep.

In me I see no more

The ruthless reign of stark ignorance deep. ```

177. You are exceedingly great


You are exceedingly great.

You are exceedingly good.

You easily triumph over time and space.

In you I see God the fulfilment-Grace. ```

178. I lived in a cage


For a long time

I lived in a cage.

I read Eternity's life-illumining page.

I felt the stark penury

Of human existence-night.

Therefore I unified

Earth's excruciating pangs

And Heaven's all-illumining delight,

Founded upon all-giving selfless light.


179. Speak gravely


Since you are speaking,

Speak gravely, please,

For you are talking of grave things.

Life is not a dream.

Death is not an extinction sure.

Life is reality-freedom searching

And freedom-achieving-shore.


180. Desert silence, forest silence


I love desert silence.

It strengthens my limited strength.

I love forest silence.

It intensifies my groping length. ```

181. How to get back


How to get back

Life's lost charm?

You can get back

Life's lost charm

If you do not harm

Your childlike inner cry

And childlike outer smile.

Life's lost charm

Easily you can regain

If you refrain

From thought-temptation-chain. ```

182. Despair is drowning me


Despair is drowning me,

My life-boat

And my joy divine.

I must destroy the despair-night

To shine in Eternity's sunshine.


183. I must be brief


I must be brief, I must be brief.

Each moment of mine

Either expedites my God-journey

Or delays my God-journey.

I must be brief, I must be brief.

In each second I have the capacity

To reach my loftiest height.

Again, in a brief second

I may fall in the very jaws

Of my abysmal night. ```

184. O world-sorrow


O world-sorrow,

You are too heavy for me to bear.

O world-delight,

You are too light for me to endure.

O God-Sorrow,

I know not how deep

Or how intense you are,


You contain

The world in its beginningless sorrow

And its endless joy

For sure. ```

185. Each day


Each day I die with sleep, each day.

Each day I forget my God-Vision-ray. ```

186. Your mind is mountain-high


Your mind is mountain-high.

Your heart is ocean-deep.

Your vital is sky-vast.

Your body Divinity's cast. ```

187. You are the king


You are the king of modern thought,

You fly without the help of wings.

In you I see the triumphant galaxy of kings.


188. Your tears, your fears, your doubts


Your tears have touched

The very depth of my heart.

Your fears have touched

The very depth of my eye.

Your doubts have touched

The very depth of my compassion-dance.

In me I shall give you the chance

To smile and fly. ```

189. Dream-reality rhymes


You give the universe your cosmic laws.

You give the universe your cosmic crimes.

In you I see the perfect perfection

Of dream-reality rhymes. ```

190. No more I cry


No more I cry, no more I cry.

I must claim my right divine.

I must shine on my devotion

And aspiration-shrine. ```

191. They give


Love gives man its own precious energy.

Joy gives him its own precious world.

Peace gives him its own precious rest.

Aspiration gives him its own precious quest. ```

192. Death is in your eyes


Death is in your eyes today.

Be careful, I say,

Destruction may destroy

God-perfection-day. ```

193. Easy, not easy


Easy dreaming,

Easy climbing,

Easy smiling,

But not easy loving,

Not easy surrendering,

Not easy fulfilling

God, the Dream,

God, the Dreamer

And God, the Dreamland.


194. In an emergency


In an emergency

You can bring

God to you.


Do not make it a daily process.

Your urgency demands

His Presence

Before His Compassion-flood. ```

195. Who is there?


Who is there?


Stay where you are.

Who is there?


Do come where I am.

Who is there?

My desire-friend?

Go back.

Go back,

To your dingy cage.

Who is there?

My aspiration-flame?

Come back.

Come back,

We want you to learn

From Immortality's Infinity-page. ```

196. "Might-have-been"


My name is "Might-have-been".

Success failed to crown me.

Progress failed to touch me.

I am alone, all alone

To see, feel and enjoy

The strength of success

And the length of progress.


197. I have tried


I have tried time and again

To remove the curse of life.

But alas, I have failed.

I have tried time and again

To garland the duty of life.

I have at times succeeded.

I have at times successfully sailed

My life's dream-boat

In the sea of beauty's reality-shore.


198. I shall not hide from you


I shall not hide from you.

Why should I,

And how can I?

I shall make you

My oneness-cry,

My oneness-sigh,

So that a day shall come

When I shall become

Your oneness-sky,

And your oneness-light,

And your oneness-kite.


199. I feel sorry


O thought, I feel sorry

That you are suffering from fatigue.

I feel sorry, for around you is all fire.

I feel sorry, O thought,

That you are always caught

By ignorance's chain,

By an endless strain.

I feel sorry because you are

God's true failure

And I am doomed

Your presence black to endure.


200. I place at Your Lotus-Feet


The blunder

Of my mind,

The thunder

Of my vital,

The tower

Of my heart,

And the hour

Of my body

I place at Your Lotus-Feet,

To free myself from ignorance-night

Impure, unlit.


201. I wish


I wish to be a citizen of a smiling land,

I wish to be there a loving heart and a giving hand,

I wish to have two snow-white pure eyes,

To inspire and lift all the citizens to the blue-vast skies. ```

202. You know


You know your duty,

You know your duty's joy.

You know your beauty,

You know your beauty's toy.

You know your heart's perfection-cry,

You know your life's transformation-dye. ```

203. Your eternal note of sadness


Your eternal note of sadness

Has created pangs beyond measure.

Your eternal note of sadness

Will be transformed into

God-Divinity's smiling treasure.


204. What do I ask for?


What do I ask for?

I ask for the satisfaction of the God-man in me.

I ask for the perfection of the man-god in me.


205. You cherish


You cherish an immortal hate

Towards doubt.

Perhaps you may be right,


If you want to free yourself

From doubt-invasion,

Then sing the song of God-Compassion

Inside your gratitude-heart,

Inside your gratitude-life,

Inside your all-becoming vision-reality-light. ```

206. Love and serve


There is always

A time to love,

A time to serve.

When the morning dawns

Love, love,

Become the breath of love.

When evening starts

Serve, serve,

And be the breath, fulfilling and fulfilled,

Of God above. ```

207. Dive deep within


Outward lustre has ruined

Your aspiration-cry.

Therefore you fail to fly.

Display not

Your outer life,

Your outer lustre,

Outer aspiration and dedication-flow.

Dive deep within,

See the face of light,

And then try in Me always to grow. ```

208. Arrows of desire


Arrows of desire I hurl,

The nights of frustration I endure.

I enjoy death's reality sweet and pure.

In my divinity-light,

Nothing impure, nothing obscure.


209. At last


At last the torch of truth is found,

At last the love of life has bound

Man's surrendered oneness

With God's perfection-newness. ```

210. The voice of prayer


The voice of prayer will always ascend,

No matter where it is found.

The poise of meditation will always spread

All-where, Heaven-free or earth-bound. ```

211. Greatness and goodness


Greatness is not big,

Greatness is small.

Greatness is short,

Greatness is never tall.

It is goodness

That is big and tall.

It is goodness

That is God's treasured doll. ```

212. Who says?


Who says that your eyes are sad?

Who says that your eyes are mad?

I see your eyes flooded with crystal tears:


In you I see Divinity's truth-awakening

And life-blossoming bud. ```

213. Beauty's gloom, duty's doom


Unending is your beauty's gloom,

Uninspiring is my duty's doom.

Your beauty will feed your heart and all,

My duty will make me a puny bondage-doll. ```

214. Do not be a fool


When your heart shapes a wrong thought,

Do not be a fool, stay with me.

Stay around me, taut.

If you are with me,

If you are around me,

You can never be caught

By the tentacles of living death.

No, stay with my ever-energising breath. ```

215. Smile, my heart, smile


Smile, my heart, smile.

Your smile means so much to me,

Your smile feeds my reality within,

Your smile liberates me from world-clamour and world-din.

Smile, my heart, smile.

Smile at least once in a while. ```

216. Laugh, my heart, laugh!


Laugh, my heart, laugh!

Challenge the pride of ignorance-dart.

Laugh, laugh, my soulful heart.


217. Darkness and light


Darkness is visible.

What shall I do?

What can I do?

Light is visible.

What shall I do?

What can I do?


I need to appreciate my soul's beauty.


I need to perform my God-duty. ```

218. A tower of strength


When I see you,

I not only see a tower of strength

In my imagination-length

But also I see a compassion-heart

To challenge my ignorance-dart.


219. Sad news, bad news


Sad news,

Bad news.

Sad news is that

I have far to go.

Bad news is that

I am already tired.

Good news,

And happy news.

Good news is that

I shall reach my destination.

On the way I shall never be fired.

I shall row my eternity's boat,

I shall row

In my Lord's earth-purifying

Cosmic-flow. ```

220. The land of tomorrow


I do not want to live

In the land of tomorrow.

I want to live

In the land of eternal now.

Those who live in the land of tomorrow

Just borrow and borrow

From the land of nowhere

And never can return.

I want to live in eternal now.

In each now abides

My God-fulfilling

And God-fulfilled



221. I love hope-hour


I love hope-hour.

It makes me see God's Compassion-shower.

I love hope-hour.

In it I see Eternity's



Life-fulfilling power.


222. What shall you do?


What shall you do with your excess of love?

What shall you do with your excess of peace?

Use them to feed the hunger of earth

And stop wild frustration's birth. ```

223. A broken toy


Your life is nothing but a broken toy.

Break it,

Smash it thoroughly.

Consume your life with joy.

Lo, you become

The Supreme's cherished,

Peerless toy.


224. Darkness dies


In Immortality's Light,

Darkness dies.

In Infinity's Smiles,

Eternity cries. ```

225. Gratitude-dove


Yours is the life

Of self-giving love.

Mine is the life

Of gratitude-dove. ```

226. The difference


The difference between you and me

Is very simple, indeed.

You shall live by fame,

Ever increasing fame;

And I shall try to live a simplicity-life

Unconditionally with God,

To be a selfless member

Of God's cosmic Game. ```

227. Born to see, born to adorn


I was not born

To blow my own horn.

I was born

To see God-Beauty's morn,

The devil's satisfaction torn

From earth-life.

I was born to adorn

God's supreme Immortality-Throne. ```

228. Beauty's moon


Beauty's moon

And beauty's noon

I shall see soon.



With you I shall commune

At a time opportune. ```

229. Within the mind


Within the mind there is mud.

But God's Compassion-flood

Always removes the mud

And grants a life-nourishing,

Life-energising blood.


230. From coast to coast


From coast to coast

I boast and boast

And what I see at the end

Of my journey's death,

I see my own reality's phantom-hour

And ignorance-tower,

And my own reality's frightening

Destruction-ghost. ```

231. Are you my boss?


Are you my boss?

Then have me cross

The length of ignorance-sea.

Make me one, inseparably one,

With Reality's unhorizoned ecstasy.


232. I run and run


With a happy speed

I run and run,

To cheerfully feed

My human race,

To transform

My human face,

To begin

A new journey's course,

To salute

The sunlit Source. ```

233. The careless life


Do not arouse the careless life.

The careless life is as bad

As the useless life.

Do not touch the useless life.

In it is the fruit

Of perfect destruction-knife. ```

234. Where is your home?


Where is your home,



Therefore you roam

In death-world's long home.


235. Yes


Yes, I will live the Truth.

Yes, I will love the world.

Yes, I will break ignorance-gate

And for a God-interview

Set the date.


236. I yearn


I yearn to climb,

I yearn to run,

I yearn to dive,

I yearn for fun. ```

237. Fruitful vision, wishful dream


A fruitful vision brings to me

The life-breath of Immortality.

A wishful dream carries me

Into the world of baseless fantasy. ```

238. Why is the world so sad?


Why is the world so sad?

Have I done something bad?

Why is the world so insecure?

Have I done something impure?

Why does the world have no energy left?

Have I committed an inner theft? ```

239. Seek


Seek for new joy,

Seek for new life.

Seek for new satisfaction-height,

Seek for new perfection-delight. ```

240. You were born to sweet delight


You were born to sweet delight.

Alas, I was born to frightening night.

You were born to give joy to all.

I was born to sigh in sorrow's hall. ```

241. Stupidity



Stupidity is not simplicity.

Simplicity is not sincerity.

Sincerity is not purity.

Purity is not Divinity.

Divinity is not Immortality.

Immortality is not God-Unity.

God-Unity is not God's sole Reality.

God's sole Reality is the oneness

Of His creation's Vision-Reality. ```

242. You lie and dream


You lie and dream

All day long.

This is what you do.

How do you expect

God to hew

Your human life

Of ignorance-clay

Into sun-bright day? ```

243. My Lord is late


My Lord is late.

My Lord is late.

Is it true?

Is it true?

Has He forgotten the date?

Has He forgotten the date?

No, no, My Lord can never be late,

He is my soul's room.

He is my life's bloom.

He is my earth's fate.

He is my Heaven's gate.


244. The drops of sorrow


The drops of sorrow

Divide me, my heart,

My all.

Because of sorrow's dart

I am now sick,

I am now weak,



245. I always compare you


I always compare you

With God's loftiest Grace.

I always compare you

With God's Freedom-Face. ```

246. They deceive me


My vision deceives me,

My mission, too.

To be with them

I feel no obligation true. ```

247. Essence of prayer


Essence of prayer:

A journey to the height.

Substance of prayer:

An entrance to light. ```

248. A God-lover drinks deep


For God,

A God-lover drinks deep ignorance-night.

For man,

A God-lover offers perfection-Light. ```

249. God's golden Eye


I shall not fear,

I shall not fear.

I shall tear, constantly tear,

The veil of ignorance,


And own God's golden Eye. ```

250. We shall live again


We shall live again,

O stupendous Faith-reign.

We shall live again.

Doubt shall be removed

From bondage-chain.


251. Essence and substance


Essence pure,

Substance sure.

Essence tells me

What I was

And what I can

Eventually be.

Substance tells me

To live eternally, soulfully

In the satisfaction-sea.


252. Do not lament your fate


Do not lament your fate,

Try to open your heart's gate.

Everything will be all right.

God with His Compassion-Height,

God with His Perfection-Light,

God with His Satisfaction-Delight

Will come to you,

Embrace you,

Please you,

Fulfil you,

Of course in His own Way,

Which is the only way

For you to see

The face of real ecstasy-sea

In supreme Reality.


253. I lost


Doubt I lost, faith I gained.

Fear I lost, courage I retained.

Man I lost, God I claimed.

Truth I lost, nobody I blamed. ```

254. Cry for perfection-light


O doubt, you are impure.

O jealousy, you are obscure.

O insecurity, you are unsure.

O insincerity, you are immature.

Cry for perfection-light,

Cry for satisfaction-height.

Everything at God's Hour

Your life shall procure. ```

255. Calamity, calamity


Calamity, calamity,

You are the true friend

Of uncertainty.

Calamity, calamity,

Away you take the essence

From sure reality.

Calamity, calamity,

In you I see

A failure-life's untold poverty.


256. The cosmic gods


I find it so difficult

To reconcile with the cosmic gods.

Indifferent they always have been.

Now they have become something more:

They find fault with humanity's

Doleful and soulful cry.

O cosmic gods, remain where you are

In some fairylands high.

Let the world enjoy its ancient sway.

Let the world evolve in God's perennial Way. ```

257. Your body is small


Your body is small

But your heart is tall,

Very tall.

No ignorance-pall

I see within you.

I see around you

Life's purity-dew.


258. Are you a sage?


Are you a sage?

If so, your heart must be

Freed from venom-rage,

Earth's ignorance-cage. ```

259. I know not your age


I know not your age,

But I can clearly see,

I can clearly feel,

Who you are.

My inner vision says your age

Is written on eternity's page,

And God's all-inspiring

And all-illumining stage. ```

260. Within a hungry heart


With a hungry heart I came to see my Lord Supreme.

He saw an iota of anger in my mind-cave.

Furious, He said to me either to brave

The buffets of ignorance-sea

Or to leave Him alone with His

Transcendental, immortalising ecstasy. ```

261. Faith


O faith, you are always

A bringer of new things.

Always you bring to me

Beauty's glow,

Duty's flow.

O faith, O bringer

Of blossoming liberation,

In you I see


And feel satisfying and satisfied perfection.


262. My life-boat shall sail


My life-boat shall sail and sail.

My heart of love can never fail. ```

263. If you do not love me


If you do not love me,

Then I will spend all my time

In my heart's room

With the stranger-friend doom.

I shall mount and mount

From eternity's destruction-fount. ```

264. I shall not bend


I shall not bend,

Even if necessity demands.

I may end

My cosmic game,


Never shall I bend. ```

265. A gentleman like me


A gentleman like me can never brood,

Although ignorance-dream

My poor fate,

My hunger's only food. ```

266. My compeer light


O Light, O Light, O my compeer Light,

In you is my soul-might,

With you is my heart-height,

For you is my life-delight. ```

267. My sister night


O night, O night,

O my sister night,

I love your heart,

Your silence-height. ```

268. You are my Source


O Lord Supreme, I am your course,

You are my Source.

You are my beauty's Bloom

In my heart's gratitude-room. ```

269. O lion in me


O lion in me, roar,

Just roar.

O man in me, snore not,

Never snore.

O vital in me, stop, stop,

No place to hop.

O body in me, sleep, sleep

Before you are asked to weep. ```

270. Sacrifice


Sacrifice today

Your life-giving blood.

God will grant you

His Compassion-Flood.

Sacrifice the beauty

Of your divinity-core.

Lo, your boat has already touched

The Golden Shore. ```

271. Your heart knows how to bask


Your mind knows how to mask

The reality-dream.

Your heart knows how to bask

In God's Compassion-Light supreme. ```

272. Build!


Build, build confidence.

Behold, excellence

Slowly will grow

On your perfection-tree. ```

273. Give me the capacity


O Lord Supreme,

Give me the capacity to conceal,

Give me the capacity to reveal.

I want to conceal my previous life-flow.

I want to reveal my present life-glow. ```

274. I shall discover within


I shall not fail, I shall not fail

In life's examination dire.

I shall discover within

Knowledge-sun and wisdom-fire. ```

275. Why are you so tense?


Why are you so tense?


It makes no sense.

Commence your knowledge-life.

Destroy your ignorance-knife.


276. My inner flame


My inner flame does not blame anybody,

My inner flame.

If you see not my inner flame,

Never will you be freed from ignorance-game. ```

277. God's Game


You want to play God's Game?

There is no set fee.

Give me what you have, give.

I shall show you the seed immortal

Of Infinite Reality.


278. I shall find my God


I shall find my God the Beauty.

I shall bind my God the Duty.

I shall show my mind

What I have from God:

Consolation deep and kind.


279. There is no seeing


There is no sleeping.

There is no seeing.

Either you lose or win

Inside earth's clamour-din. ```

280. Who will tie me?


Who will tie me?

Who will?

Who will buy me?

Who will?

Mine is a helpless cry,

Mine is a hopeless sigh. ```

281. Who?


Who will live with me?

Who will?

Who will cry with me?

Who will?

Who will preach for me?

Who will?

Who will reach my heart?

Who will? ```

282. I hate my fate


I hate my fate, I hate.

It keeps on knocking at my heart's gate.

My heart yearns for God's date.

I know it is not too late,

Not too late.


283. A life with no flaw


God Himself wants to draw

You, only you.

Yours is the life

That has no flaw.

Yours is the life

Of a rainbow-dream

Swimming in Immortality's stream.


284. My boat I steer


I shall soon reach my destined goal.

I shall soon teach my aspiration-role.

Those who are with me are my dear ones.

With them, my boat I steer.

And who else accompanies us?

Gratitude-tear. ```

285. I cry for love


I cry for love,

I try for truth.

Below, above

I die for ruth. ```

286. Halt, halt!


Halt, halt!

Do not assault

The members of your sweet little family.

Indeed, they are your vast heart's



287. City of the sleepers


O city of the sleepers,

I wish to be a citizen of your city.

I shall pay my fee,

Become a true member

For Eternity.


288. I shall feed my Lord


I shall feed my Lord

With my selfless service pure.

I shall feed my Lord

With my breathless purity sure. ```

289. Now I understand


Now I understand

Why God has stopped

Talking to me.

He does not talk to me

Because jealousy and insecurity

Have enveloped me totally —

Totally, mercilessly, unreservedly.


290. Somewhere before


Somewhere before,

I saw God's Face.

And today I have become

God's Satisfaction-Grace. ```

291. The ladder of truth


O come and ascend the ladder of truth.

Behold, God's measureless Ruth.

His Hour has struck.

Let us enjoy our peerless luck. ```

292. He was


Receptive on earth,

Creative in Heaven

He was.

Struggled on earth,

Right from his very birth.

Triumph in Heaven,

He became. ```

293. Imagination and creation


Imagination is in Heaven.

Creation is on earth.

Imagination takes creation to God the Source.

Creation takes imagination to man the course. ```

294. I am wrong, I am wrong


I am wrong, I am wrong,

I want to learn

God-illumining song.

I am wrong, I am wrong,

My position now,

I made it strong.

I am wrong, I am wrong,

Alone to God

I shall belong.


295. Let us once more try


O ignorance-dream,

Before we die

Let us once more try,

Once more,

To be at our inner door

And garland the Feet

Of our Beloved Supreme,

And thus end our

Age-long illusion and delusion-dream.


296. I don't believe it


I don't believe it.

How can God speak ill of me?

How can He?

Am I not His extended Self?

Am I not His imperfect Self?

Am I not entirely His,

Only His?

No, my Lord cannot speak ill of me,

For I am He,

Swimming in the preparation-sea. ```

297. Now I know


Ah, ah, now I know

Why at the beginning of time

God become the Vision-sun,

And the Reality-Light.

Vision is His Preparation-strength.

Reality is His Realisation-length. ```

298. All you need


All you need is love.

All he needs is peace.

All I need is joy.

And what God needs

Is our ignorance-release.


299. Can you spare a minute?


Can you spare a minute?

I shall tell you something secret and sweet.

God has told me this morning that you will

Replace Him before long,

And He will gladly His position quit.


300. When I look at you


When I look at you, I see your mind

Carrying a cargo of clear thought:

Perfection-light your mind has caught.

In you I cherish my journey's birth,

In you I nourish my reality's mirth. ```

301. The rainbow of an hour


The rainbow of an hour

Can fulfil my soul.

The thunder of an hour

Can destroy my earth-role. ```

302. The end of craving


The end of craving

Arouses the bird of longing.

Longing has no end.

Longing has only one friend:


Along Eternity's road

Of satisfaction white.


303. Him I gave my all


With eager speed I ran

Towards Heaven to see the Face

Of my Lord Supreme.

With eager cry

Him I saw,

Him I loved,

Him I gave my all:

Material world,

Spiritual world,

My realisation small

And aspiration tall. ```

304. Alas, alas


Alas, alas, even my own heart

Will not wait for me.

Alas, alas, even my own soul

Does not care for me.

Alas, alas, even my own God

Has forsaken me.

Alas, alas, even my dream-world

Has deserted me. ```

305. Give me another!


O give me another chance!

This time I shall use

My destruction-lance

To pierce the veil of


And establish the reign of



306. An instant with God


An instant with God

Can make you freedom-son.

An instant with God

Can make you perfection-sun.

An instant with God

Can make you another God.

Indeed, another God.


307. One honest tear


One honest tear

Can spear

The veil of

Earthbound night

And herald

The birth of

God's Transcendence-Height.


308. Bind me no more


O my doubt-mind,

Bind me no more, bind.

O my greedy vital,

Blind me no more, blind.

O my insecure heart,

Find me, find God,

Inside your existence-reality,

Find. ```

309. Because I fear


O Supreme Lord, because I fear,

You allow me not to steer

The boat of my reality-dream.


310. The supreme feast


O my Lord Supreme,

I have made arrangements

For the supreme feast

Where my hungry vital, my hungry mind,

My sleeping body and my insecure heart,

All will dine together with You

And enjoy the feast


Once in this lifetime at least.


311. Only one deed


Only one deed can feed my supreme need.

I shall sow the seed of love-oneness-light

And see inside the seed the tree,

The blossoming tree of Perfection-Delight. ```

312. How far?


How far is it?

How far your illusion-delusion-dream?

How far from here?

How far?

Is it so near?

Is it so near?

How is it, then,

We do not conquer it,

Devour it,

My dear? ```

313. Sooner than at once


Sooner than at once,

I shall see the face of Truth.

Sooner than at once,

I shall grow into God-ruth.

Sooner than at once,

I shall bring good news to earth.

Sooner than at once

Will dawn a new Divinity's birth. ```

314. The God-messenger


I see the God-messenger come.

I see him bringing me the message

Of God-Compassion.

I see him smiling the smile

Of consolation.

O God-messenger,

O bridge between my weeping tears

And God's Compassion-smiles,

Your service-light I admire and adore

Forever and ever more.


315. One thing to give, one thing to take


I have but one thing to give,

I have but one thing to take.

I shall give my surrendered life

To my beloved Supreme

And from Him I shall take

His Compassion-flood,

My long-cherished dream.


316. Nothing but a trick


God-manifestation in a day:

Nothing but a trick.

God-realisation in a day:

Nothing but a trick.

God-aspiration in a day:

Nothing but a trick.

God-Compassion in a day

Can never be a trick

But a Reality flooded with Divinity

And a Divinity flooded with Reality. ```

317. Examine


Examine your sleep.

Make it really deep!

Examine your wakeful hours.

Make them powerful towers!

Examine your own self.

You are your own help. ```

318. A small chance


Still there is a small chance,

I may perhaps succeed,

I shall unfurl the lance

Of my gratitude-life,

And conquer my own

Life-threatening lance. ```

319. I never cared to know


A thing I never cared to know:

Who is for God?

The thing I never cared to learn:

To cry for me.

But I hear an inner voice

Telling me

That all human beings

Consciously or unconsciously,

Directly or indirectly,

Care for God,

And all human beings in their perfect sleep

Cry for me,

Poor me.


320. Who knows?


Who knows?

Who knows?

Who knows why and how

I made friends with doubt?

Now, no matter how I cry,

No matter how I shout,

My shameless enemy, doubt,

Does not leave me alone.

I cry, I moan, I groan.

My doubt-friend continues

Its shameless and ruthless game.


321. Beyond the shadow of a doubt


Beyond the shadow of a doubt,

I shall win God's smiling Face.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt,

I shall run with God

In His earth-transforming days.


322. Newness shall overtake us


Newness shall overtake us

As a flood.

Oneness shall overtake us

As a fragrant preparation,



323. I know what I am for


I know what I am for.

I am for God and God alone.

I am for God-manifestation-light.

I am for God-perfection-height.

I am for God-satisfaction-light.

I am for God-oneness-delight.

I am for God,

I am for God alone. ```

324. I need a place


Lord, Lord, You run too fast,

I cannot keep pace.

Lord, Lord give me

A small room,

A solitary space,

In Your Compassion-Heart.

I need a place

For my days. ```

325. I am a special case


Lord, I am a special case.

Please, please, do not chase

Me away.

Lord, Lord, I am a special case.

I shall show You, Lord, my face.

How can I?

Where should I?

If You do not grant me Your boundless Grace?

Lord, Lord. ```

326. Be pure, be sure


Your thoughts are base,

Therefore nobody endeavours to embrace

You and your thought-reality.

Be pure, be sure.

In you is awaiting


God-perfection and

God-satisfaction-unity's multiplicity.


327. A truly priceless friend


A truly priceless friend have I:

My gratitude-heart.

This friend of mine cancels the arrival

Of death-dart.

This friend of mine accelerates my

Godward journey.

This friend of mine grants me,




328. Always and everywhere


Always and everywhere I hear only one cry:

I shall ascend to God's sky.

Always and everywhere I hear only one song:

God alone is His perfection-gong. ```

329. A blue eye from above


A blue eye from above has blessed my heart.

A green eye from below has touched my heart.

A white eye from God has blessed and touched,

Loved, embraced and fulfilled me,

My puny body,

My flickering vital,

My feeble mind


My insecure heart.


330. Inside my heart


Inside my heart I feel

Nameless sadness.

Inside my heart I feel

A strong barrenness.

Inside my heart I feel

A sense of soullessness.

Inside my heart I feel

The beginning, absolute beginning

Of an untarnished newness.


331. I brag and I lag


I brag and brag

Day in and day out.

Therefore I lag

Behind in everything

I do and say.

I fail in everything, I fail.

Long ago I had forgotten how to sail

In the sea of life-energising


Of my Lord Supreme. ```

332. Do not hide


I am on your side,

Do not hide, do not hide.

You I shall guide,

Do not hide, do not hide. ```

333. Are you sure?


Are you sure,

When you say

That I am earthbound?

Are you sure

That in ignorance

You have my presence found?

Are you sure

That my sound-life

Is no longer strong?

Are you sure

That my aspiration-life

Is not long?


334. An extraordinary event


An extraordinary event:

My earth-descent.

An extraordinary event:

My Heaven-ascent.

An extraordinary event:

My cheerful consent. ```

335. I shall not care


I shall not care for the amount,

No matter how much you charge me,

I shall mount and mount,

I shall see my realisation-fount. ```

336. He is not the same


He is not the same.

He has now a new name.

He is not the same.

He has now abundant fame.

He is not the same.

He is now apt to tame

His vital world

And mental world.

He is not the same.


337. Why do you criticise?


Why do you criticise?

Why do you criticise?

Why do you fail to harmonise?

Why do you fail to harmonise?

You criticise and destroy

Your own oneness-life,

Arouse speedily

Humanity's untold strife. ```

338. Something for nothing


Something for nothing

Only clever Man can expect.

Nothing for something

Only poor God can accept. ```

339. My promise


I shall give God my promise,

My promise dire,

To smash the pride of ignorance-dream.

God has promised to me

That He will give me another chance,

For the illumination of the desire-world,

And transformation, illumination

And manifestation of the aspiration-world. ```

340. Think of me


Think of me, O earth.

I shall always be ready for your liberation-light.

Think of me,

Then I shall always be ready for your



341. A real nuisance


Criticism-game is a real nuisance.

I must stop it

Once and for all

And laugh inside my heart,

Feel the living breath

Of the members of my little family,

Big and small.


342. Have you forgotten?


Have you forgotten something, mind,

My mind?

What is it?

Have you forgotten

Or have you lost your poise?

Then come to me.

I shall show you where you can find it.

You can find it

In your soulful oneness

With your elder brother, heart,

Reality-heart, Divinity-heart.

O mind, you will find it.

It is there.


343. Grant me hope


My Lord Supreme, grant me hope,

Unconquerable hope

So that I do not

In the quagmire grope.

Lord Supreme, grant me faith,

Unconquerable aspiration-flame,

So that I can play with God

In His self-transcendence game. ```

344. Two complaints


I came to Mother Earth

To register a complaint

Against Father Heaven.

The complaint is simple:

Father Heaven is not as alert

As he was once upon a time.

I went to Father Heaven

To register a complaint

Against Mother Earth.

Mother Earth is not as energetic

As she was before.


345. Try and die


O my aspiration-flame,

although you are weak,

Although you are slow,

I shall not blame you,

I shall never blame,

O my aspiration-flame,

For I know nothing is easy

In this world.

Nothing is easy to perform

In this world of ours,

Even when God's Hour strikes,

Even when destination-goal nears

Our aspiration-cry.

Nothing is easy.

We just try

And die

And die and try.


346. Are you a saint?


Are you a saint?

Are you a saint?

Then paint my life with your purity-paint.

Are you a fake?

Are you a fake?

Then touch me not,

Wake me not, wake.


347. Thought for today


Thought for today:

I shall play with my Inner Pilot,

I shall play.

I shall tell him my life's story,

And offer him my life's gratitude-glory.


348. Just a simple request


The poet in silence speaks.

The singer in silence sings.

I, the poet and I, the singer,

Know not how to speak and sing.

What I know is just a simple request:

For my children,

A oneness-nest.


349. An unforgotten incident


An unforgotten incident:

God smiled at me

Before my soul left for this earth.

An unforgettable accident:

My doubt-world and God's faith-world

My insecurity-world and God's sympathy-world

All of a sudden collided on life's highway.

My possessions were totally smashed.

God's possessions surprisingly remained

Unbroken, nay, not even touched.


350. No small compromise


No small compromise.

We are acting, undoubtedly

Like the wise.


351. Many a time


Many a time I have tried to cut

The root of ignorance-night.

Each time I tried I sadly failed,

Therefore I gave up.

Now my surrendered life to God's


And Compassion-delight

Can cut the root of ignorance-night. ```

352. My life's great story


The body is apt to decay.

The vital is apt to play.

The mind is apt to think.

The heart is apt to sink.

Indeed, this is my life's great story.


353. My unconditional surrender


My unconditional surrender

Is younger than yesterday.

Therefore I have to be

Extremely careful, soulful,

For this tiny sapling

Can be totally uprooted by





354. One need


One need, one need, one supreme need;

A heart of dedication-seed.

One choice, one choice, one supreme choice;

Surrender life to the surrendered life

Of the inner voice.


355. I have played


For you once I have played my ignorance-game

In my inner journey, my Lord.

To play wisdom-flame, ignorance was

Within me.

Dance and glance,

No chance have I to enter into my

Self-amorous trance.


356. Life


Life is a flowing stream.

Life is a glowing dream.

Life is a perfection-slope.

Life is dedication-glow. ```

357. Let us now start


O heart, my heart,

Let us now start.

Let us face ignorance-life,

And eat it with our dragon-knife. ```

358. Let me save you


Let me save you,

Let me now save,

From your savage cave,

I am truly brave. ```

359. That's all


Pain, pain all over,

Ignorance rain-shower.

Fall, fall, a tropic fall,

Nothing more, that's all. ```

360. I hide no more


I hide no more, I hide.

Now come and ride.

Ignorance-dream I shall cease.

Within, without, a flood of peace. ```

361. I lead


I lead my past eve,

I guide my present morn,

I sow the seed of reality-seed,

I lovingly feed the world hunger, I feed. ```

362. I feed


I feed my Godward need,

Conquered my earthbound greed. ```

363. Today and tomorrow


O world, today you offer me

Your invaluable crown.

Tomorrow you garland me

With your venom-frown. ```

364. No goal


No goal, no goal,

All dark dole,

Life a bottomless hole,

And I have no role. ```

365. Note, O universe


Note, O universe, note,

My heart and I shall vote

Only for my Beloved Supreme,

My Eternity's Reality-Dream. ```

366. How can I steer


Fear, my dear, fear,

How can I steer

My life-boat,

Tell me,

With you,

In you,

For you.


367. Who sings, who cries?


Who sings the songs of doom

Inside my reality-room?

Who cries for perfection-noon

Inside the heart of beauty's moon? ```

368. Drill, kill, lock, shock


Drill, my vital, drill.

Kill, my mind, kill.

Lock, my body, lock.

Shock, my life, shock. ```

369. No fear


No fear, no fear,

I shall help you steer

Your duty's life-boat

And reach your destination-pier. ```

370. I grow


I grow not only to blow

My own horn;

I grow also to glow

With beauty's morn. ```

371. I love


I love my ascendance-dance.

I love my transcendence-trance. ```

372. My realisation-time


I love my realisation-time

Which embodies unmistakable

Cosmic rhythm and rhyme.


373. Pray and play


Two things I do:

I pray and play.

I play to achieve.

I pray to conceive. ```

374. One supreme task


One supreme task

Keeps me alive,

Helps me thrive;

Ignorance, I must unmask. ```

375. Who is my Supreme?


Who is my Supreme?

My life's only

Flawless Dream.

Indeed, He is my Supreme. ```

376. I shall grow


I shall grow inside

Each crying heart.

I shall divinely use

My ignorance-destroying dart. ```

377. Gloom and doom


Gloom and doom;

Together they room,

Together they boom

Destruction-bloom. ```

378. The boat of hope


Today I shall sail the boat of hope.

I shall no longer grope

In the mind's quagmire.

A will indomitable and dire

Shall guide me, my onward steps,

And thus put an end to unforeseen,

Unaspiring ends.


379. God-game


I play God-game

With God-flame.

I dance God-dance

With God-lance. ```

380. Only one crime


Only one crime

In Eternity's time;

When I do not pray

For the gnostic ray. ```

381. Properly use your time


O properly use your time

Wherever you are, in whatever

If you do not want to be

Involved in shameless crime. ```

382. My longing eye


O my longing eye,

You tie me with vastness-sky.

Beauty's grace,

I run with your duty's race. ```

383. Curiosity


Curiosity, curiosity,

Remember, you are


An unwanted necessity. ```



You are a follower of this earth,

I am a follower of Heaven.

I need your patience-sea,

You need my life's ecstasy. ```

385. Does it belong?


Aspiration, does it belong

To me?

No, it does not.

It belongs to God-Compassion-Tree. ```

386. A lover's newness


A lover's newness,

A server's oneness,

A seeker's calmness,

And God's readiness,

Make you divinely great,

Supremely good,

In all your devotedness.


387. Not too late


Not too late to choose


Come with your aspiration-fountain,

Your life will succeed.

Your heart shall proceed.


388. You are too great


You are too great

To wail,

I am too good

To fail.

I know, I know.

Let us both

Together grow and flow.


389. I must begin


My silence-sadness

Has killed my heart.

I must begin,

A quick new start. ```

390. Your Face


Your Face

Is a universal place.

Your Heart

Is a transcendental Bliss.

And You are

Eternity's Freedom-release. ```

391. A life of sin


A life of sin

Can never win.

The sins, while drinking,

Eat the dreams, while sinking. ```

392. One test


One test, one supreme test

The seeker must go through.

He has to discover the supreme Nest.


393. Friends


Two brave friends — gloom and doom.

Two sweet friends — glow and flow.

Two soulful friends — door and floor.

Two illumining friends — dream and stream. ```

394. Both have lost


Heaven fell

On the old poor earth.


Both have lost their

Natural mirth.


395. Today I own


Today I own

New hopes, new scopes,

New cries, new skies,

New newness, new oneness

Today I own.


396. From today


I love you, friend.

I shall serve you.

I love your heart-hope.

From today

It can never in ignorance grope.


397. I call it "God"


I call it "God".

They call it Grace.

I call it man.

They call it His Face. ```

398. All goodness


All goodness and no badness,

That is what you are.

You are my joy and pride; from you

I never suffer. ```

399. The song of fulfilling constant newness


Hope is less dear than faith,

Faith is less dear than love,

Love is less dear than oneness,

Oneness is the song

Of fulfilling constant newness.


400. Easy and difficult


Easy, too easy,

To pray to God.


Most difficult,

To accept God's God-rod.


401. Desire lives, desire dies


Desire lives, desire dies.

It lives in my vital world of night,

It dies in my inner world of light.


402. Are you dead?


Are you dead to pleasure?

Then you are fit to measure

God, your Eternity's Treasure.


403. You will see the difference


Let your faith rule.

Let reason stop.

You will see the difference,

No mind-horse to hop. ```

404. Desire and aspiration


Desire is my sad decay,

Aspiration is my beauty's

Fruitful soul-ray.


405. First and last


Desire is first to fight

And last to quit.

Love is first to see

And first to be. ```

406. Don't leave me behind


Don't leave me behind,

O aspiration-flame.

In your absence I shall lose

All interest in God-Game. ```

407. Yours and mine


Yours is the heart of tenderness.

Mine is the heart of frankness.

Yours is the heart of newness.

Mine is the heart of oneness. ```

408. Transformation-hue


No such luck!

God will not do

Everything for you.

No never!

God will help you,

But you have to do

Your own task: transformation-hue.


409. Human folly


Human folly:

Man's love for isolation-life.

Divine wisdom:

Put an end to division-strife. ```

410. A row of stars


I see a row of stars

In my heart-sky.

I fly and fly,

Touch their life-breath,

And offer them

My service-delight-flowers. ```

411. O Lord, I've tried


O Lord, I've tried and tried

But my desire-friends

Allow me not to claim You

As my own, very own.

My desire-friends make me feel

You are my Lord and not my Friend.

O my Lord Supreme, grant that I may feel You

As my old Friend,

My own reality's only Friend.


412. Fear, dear


Fear, dear, cannot you stay,

Only for today.

At a distance so that I can see

Your unforgettable dance

In a more appreciative way?

Here, nearness is blindness,

And when I am blind,

My appreciation may not touch the


Fear, dear, today remain at a distance.

Let me glance at your capacity-game

Do not worry, I shall not blame.

It is just illumination-fun,

Nothing more, nothing less.

Fear, dear, be fearless

Today, only today.


413. There is a way


There is a way, there is a way

To pay the world.

There is a way, there is a way to pay,

To pay, unmistakably, to pay

The charge of self-aggrandisement ray.

There is a way, there is a way.

Give what you have and then stop.

Take what you need and then halt. ```

414. Twin brothers


Twin brothers — life and death.

Life demands of me what can be done

Sooner than at once.

Life inspires me to do everything

Sooner than at once.

Death reminds me of the necessity of a rest,

In silence-nest.


415. My fate


My fate is to bring down God's supernal ray.

My heart is my choice,

My soul is my voice,

My life is my promise white,

Promise, promise-light.

My bed is my rest's stupendous height. ```

416. I shall test


I shall test you, I shall test.

I shall test your silence-nest.

I shall play with you,

Never shall I take any rest. ```

417. Buds of hope


I love all buds of hope,

They bring me breathless joy.

I enjoy their beauty's scope,

I am their soulful, fruitful toy. ```

418. A living flame


I want my life

To be a living flame.

I want my breath

To be a part of God-game. ```

419. Your mind's supplies


What will you do

With your mind's supplies,

Fear, doubt and jealousy?

Give them to me

And take from me in return

All my ecstasy. ```

420. For God only


I know, I know,

You are for God only.

I know, I know,

Yours is the love

For God only.


421. They shine


Love sweetly shines.

Faith quietly shines.

Confidence confidently shines.

God selflessly shines. ```

422. You, you


You, you.

O my heart's golden hue!

I love you, and you I need.

Just come and stay with me

And in silence feed.


423. A climbing mount


A climbing mount,

A nectar fount,

In you, in your beauty's sea,

I always see. ```

424. Come and help me


O loving heart,

O searching soul,

O crying life,

O flying goal,

Come and help me

To complete my

God-manifesting role.


425. Deep in beauty's dream


Deep in beauty's dream,

I saw my Beloved Supreme.

Him I told, "My Lord Supreme,

Because my life is dying,

In me do shine,

Only once do shine." ```

426. You are sure to win


You are sure to win,

Just cry within.

Blessing descends,

Gratitude ascends,

To silence your life's

Clamour-din. ```

427. Gratitude-flower



All can buy.


Only a few can try.


I try only to sigh. ```

428. It simply cannot be


It simply cannot be.

You cannot have an interview with God.


Purify your body's breath,

Lengthen your mind's length.

Then it will be

More than possible,


God will without fail grant you

An interview. ```

429. I feel sorry


I feel sorry

For your unmerited sorrow.

I feel sorry, for your self-styled leadership

I feel sorry

For your imperfection life-ship.


430. Each delay is too long


Right now is too short,

Each delay is too long.

Right now, the awakener

Is Perfection-Light,

Each delay, a failure-cry

In the heart of night. ```

431. Treacherous smiler


O treacherous smiler,

Thee I salute at a distance.

O tremendous smiler,

Thee I love in my soulful trance. ```

432. You are impossible


You are impossible to please,

I gave up trying long ago.

You are impossible to love,

I gave up loving you long, long ago. ```

433. You make others happy


You make others happy.


I make others suffer.


I know not, I know not.

Who can give one faultless answer,



434. Tell me where I live


Tell me where I live.

Inside your flickering mind?

No, never.

Tell me where I live.

Inside my darkening vital?

No, never.

Inside my crying heart?

Sorry, no.

Inside my perfection-vision?

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! ```

435. I will arise


I will arise, I will.

Do not worry, do not suffer.

I shall embrace a new beginning,

And divinely and unreservedly prosper. ```

436. Stop talking


Stop talking.

You too can be happy.

Stop frowning.

You can easily be happy.

Start giving.

Lo, you are already happy. ```

437. Nothing


Nothing is as disgraceful

As jealousy's ugly face.

Nothing is as disgusting

As impurity's backward race. ```

438. O silence-time


O silence-time,

I love your Eye.

I love your Sky.

I love your Heart-flame.

I love your God-game.


439. Busy dreams


O busy dreams,

Stop, for God's sake, stop!

In me I have seen a deathless star.

It is so near,

with no scar.


440. The cry of fear


The cry of fear

Made him insane.

The fear of cry

Made his life full of bane. ```

441. In the abyss of time


In the abyss of time,

I saw my own

Life-flickering ray

That brought me a happy day. ```

442. Game and flame


I love your pride-devour game.

I love your ecstasy-tower-flame. ```

443. Pride




Dear friend, what you badly need

Is a life-saving guide. ```

444. Daily


Daily I scan

My little life.

Daily I plan

My tiny hope. ```

445. We know how


You know how to explain.

He knows how to remain.

I know how to retain.

God knows how to refrain. ```

446. By ear unheard


By ear unheard,

By eye unseen,

By hand untouched,

My folly-screen. ```

447. Love is a lasting fire


Love is a lasting fire.

Faith is a blossoming flower.

Doubt is a killing life.

Joy is a climbing tower. ```

448. You know


You know that I am trying.

You know that I am crying.

You know that I am dying.

What more can you expect by shouting? ```

449. The least push of joy


The least push of joy

Made him not only great

And good but also perfect.

The least push of joy. ```

450. The only thing


Hope is the only thing

That keeps me alive.

Joy is the only thing

To make me thrive. ```

451. Sleepless hours


O sleepless hours,

I adore your glory's flowers.

I love your satisfaction-cry.

With you my heart shall fly. ```

452. A wild thought-breath


A wild thought-breath

In you is grown.

Therefore your strength

Is gone; groan. ```

453. A heavy heart


A heavy heart

Have I.

A failure-soul

Am I.

Mine is an

Eyeless 'I'.

I shall soon die,

Sleepless I. ```

454. Your place


True, you feel all grace,

But do you know where your place is?

My heart is your place — only place.


455. Dawn is the creator


Dawn is the creator of Light.

Light is the creator of Delight.

Delight is the creator of Perfection

And Oneness-height. ```

456. Let us see


My inner life informed my outer life

That it would not mix with it any more.

My outer life said to the inner life,

"Let us see who first reaches the shore." ```

457. The silence of truth


The silence of truth

Loves and becomes,

Becomes and loves.

The sound of truth

Threatens and frightens,

Frightens and threatens,

Develops and envelops,

Envelops and develops.


458. Truth-tellers


There are only two truth-tellers,

My seeker friend and my

Lover God.

These two are undoubtedly

The only truth-tellers

And only life fulfillers. ```

459. A dangerous fellow


You are a dangerous fellow.

You enjoy dancing with venom-doubt,

No matter how long we scream,

How loudly we shout. ```

460. O earth! O Heaven!


O earth,

For your sake,

Not to make you badly jealous,

I have not gone to Heaven


O Heaven,

For your sake,

Not to make you sadly jealous,

I have not come down to earth

Dancing. ```

461. It is all my fault


It is all my fault.

I told you that

God does not care for you

Any more.

To you He has closed His Heart-door.

He cares only for me.

Your belief has troubled you.

My dark lie has killed me. ```

462. I wish


I wish I could stop

Weaving my poem garland,

And go and sleep

In a snow-white dreamland. ```

463. An unbelievable story


Desire is bold but desire is not old.

Faith is old yet bold.

Desire-world and faith in God

Together cry, together shine,

Together rub each other together,

Together they love; together they hate.

An unbelievable story

In human history. ```

464. My faith, my patience


My faith has become bold

But not my aspiration-cry.

My patience has become old

But not my forgiveness-sky. ```

465. To forget


To surrender to death

Is to become a God-failure,

Here and there,

On earth and in Heaven, sure. ```

466. Evolution of desire


Desire ultimately becomes

A frustration-sea,

A destruction-sky,

And an unforgettable sigh. ```

467. I offered


My tears and sighs,

Long ago I offered to my fate-maker.

My love and joy, just the other day,

I've offered to my life-transformer.

My gratitude-flame, yesterday I have

Offered to my Saviour-Friend and



468. Never mind


Never mind what others do,

What others think.

Never mind.

Just do what you feel like doing.

Just say what you feel like saying.

Never mind what others do or say.

In no way will you be responsible

For their action and deed. ```

469. At long last


My long desired Lord, my long desired Lord,

At long last I have come and sat at your Feet.

To forget you was my death,

And now to be with You

Is to enjoy Eternity's infinite breath.


470. What is it?


Aspiration: what is it?

A letter of high inspiration.

Realisation: what is it?

A letter of high aspiration.

Revelation: what is it?

A letter of high realisation.

Manifestation: what is it?

A letter of high revelation. ```

471. Caring is


Caring is loving;

Loving is becoming;

Becoming is all-giving;

All-giving is God-bestowing,

God-growing, God-illumining,

God-divining, God-fulfilling. ```

472. No second chance


No second chance, just come and try.

Life itself is a serious business.

Here keep your promise, all your promise.

Keep your promise and step on the ladder

Of abundant glory,

Or break your promise and swim in the sea

Of ceaseless frown

And in mockery drown. ```

473. If not


Choose more wisely.

If not you may repent.

Give more bountifully.

If not you will repent. ```

474. I have been longing


From time's beginning,

I have been longing

Only for one thing —

A glimpse of God-Beauty's

Universal ring.


475. Just remember me


Remember me.

I need no reward from You.

Just remember me.

Love me.

I need no consolation from you.

Just remember me.


476. A silly fellow


You are a silly fellow.

You cannot free yourself

From doubting.

I tell you, life is for those

Who are all-loving

In life-breath

And all-giving

In death-length. ```

477. A life


A life of faith is worth trying.

A life of love is worth living.

A life of God is worth becoming.


478. A babe


A baby bliss you enjoy.

A baby life you employ.

A baby God, your only toy.


479. My eternal plea


My eternal plea to God:

I wish to become

A real man

With spanless ken. ```

480. A hero


You are a loud-mouthed hero,

Nothing more, nothing less.

He is a big-hearted hero,

Something more: spotless. ```

481. I still remember


I still remember clearly

My desire's darkest night.

I still remember devotedly

My longing's brightest day. ```

482. A sincere cry


This must I have,

A sincere cry,

To try and fly

Into the vaulted sky. ```

483. Alas! who is not a fool?


Realisation counterfeit?

Perhaps it is.

In that case, I have fooled the world.


Who is not a fool?

I have snatched God's Delight.

Duty I snatch, Delight I snatch,

Oneness I snatch,

From only one thing — God's unconditional



484. Every time you smile


Every time you smile, I forget

The life of death-existence.

Every time you smile, my Heaven-hunger increases,

My heart-hunger decreases.

Every time you smile, you grant me

A virgin mind and a virgin heart,

A hallowed life and a beautiful seeker.


485. O sweet meditation!


O sweet meditation-flames,

You have brought me the message

Of eternal silence.

You have given me courage indomitable.

You have given me patience interminable.

You have taught me how to be rich

In mercy.

You have taught me how to drink

Deep ecstasy.


486. You are my all


O lover of all!

O protection tall!

In you I see and feel

My satisfaction-delight.

You are my God-height.

You are my all. ```

487. Your worst foe


Do you know, friend, do you know

Your only friend, your worst foe —


It has become really insane.

It speaks ill of you,

Inside and out. ```

488. God's partners


God's visible partner:

His birthless Compassion-Light.

God's invisible partner:

His deathless Justice-Height.

Together they give God

Endless duty's

Endless delight.


489. Who sees God's Face


Who sees God's Face


Knows God's constant Grace,

Wherein abides a world-transforming,

A world-enlightening new race.


490. The harbinger


A great help, grief

Is the harbinger

Of my Lord's wonder,

Compassion-relief. ```

491. One voice, one divine choice


One voice, one voice, one divine voice,

One choice, one choice, one supreme choice,

Have made my life

Divinely soulful,

Supremely fruitful.

One voice, one divine voice,

One choice, one supreme choice.


492. Now is the time


Now is the time, now,

For me, my heart, to plough

The fields of concern-light,

To collect the bumper crops of delight. ```

493. The voice above


The voice above

I greatly treasure.

It is my soul-beauty's dove,

My realisation-love,

The voice above.


494. Come my friend


Come, my friend enthusiasm, come.

Love all, risk all,


Yours is the victory's golden call. ```

495. I have come into the world


I have come into the world

To spread Divinity's Truth,

Eternity's ruth,


To show the world

God-concern, sweet,

Yet majestic, profound and smooth.

I have come into the world. ```

496. A stranger


You are a stranger to fear.

I am a stranger to doubt.

In God's Heart we have a special place,

To sing, to dance, to enjoy and shout. ```

497. My existence-art


When I feed my flame within my heart,

Earth's patience-flood,

Heaven's perfection-blood,

I see together sporting within me,

My existence-art.


498. O holy hope!


O holy hope!


Of you, of your love

For me,


There is a Heaven above. ```

499. Two good friends


My frequent tears,

My persistent fears

Have become two good friends.

Alas, I am not quite safe

In their trembling, quivering

Hands. ```

500. Risk all


Risk all, love all, become all.

Then your fault-finding nature

Will be transformed into

Wisdom vast, perfection tall. ```

501. I love the world


I love the world,

Its stark stupidity.

The world loves me,

My self-styled responsibility. ```

502. The world loves me


Because I create,

The world loves me, my soul.

Because they receive,

Them I give cheerfully

My gratitude-heart

Pure and sweet,



My oneness-all.


503. Whom wilt thou choose?


Whom wilt Thou choose?


From now on

I shall always

Befriend Thee,

Love Thee,

Illumine Thee

And fulfil Thee,

According to my strength-capacity

And length-reality. ```

504. Someday


My Lord, my eternity's Lord,

Someday will you call me inside,


I shall not do anything wrong, undivine.

Just allow me to get inside and pray

And be deeply involved in

Surrender-meditation life.


505. Let me


Let me smash the attachment-chain.

Let me stop the illusion-reign.

Let me stop desire-game.

Let me feed my aspiration-flame. ```

506. Wake up!


Wake up, wake up!

This is the time to meditate.

Everyone, wake up!

Be pure, be sweet, be sure.

Cancel all dry thoughts.

I have only one will,

Ignorance to kill,

And sing destination-dance. ```

507. When does surrender come?


When does surrender come?

What does surrender do?

Surrender comes when you are

Unreservedly happy.

And what does surrender do?

Surrender makes you an

Unconditionally surrendered soul

To God the acme of perfection

In human confusion.


508. More and more


I miss you more and more,

I love you more and more.

My tears are messengers mature.

My smiles my heart's open door. ```

509. Destination-dance


Destination-dance I have seen

Many a time.

In it abides creation's

Rhythm and rhyme. ```

510. One foot on earth


One foot on earth, one foot in Heaven.

This is how he declares his supremacy

On earth.

This is how he welcomes the Creator's

New birth.


511. Yesterday


Yesterday is too old.

Therefore, being young and bold,

I find it extremely difficult

To mix with the old generation.

Therefore I care not

For yesterday's source.

I care only for today's course.


512. Aspiration, realisation, perfection


Aspiration alters the world.

Realisation illumines the world.

Perfection fulfils the world.


513. God conceals


God conceals

My hope

And reveals

My promise-hall.

He is my Eternity's

Father, Brother,

And Eternity's

All, all. ```

514. Sincerity is


Sincerity is freedom.

Freedom is joy.

Joy is peace.

Peace is

God the Vision-maker

And God the Reality-distributor. ```

515. Lord, keep me humble


Lord, keep me humble,

This is what I pray,

To Thy gracious Will.

Make me holy wisdom-light

So that I can always

Against ignorance fight. ```

516. Silence and sound


Silence immaculate I need.

Sound fire-pure I need,

In my life of aspiration-flame

And in my life of dedication-game. ```

517. I kneel before Thee


I kneel before Thee in prayer

With devotion pure.

I lift my soul

For you to console.

I try to live chaste in thought

To enjoy my Godward eternal destiny. ```

518. My life, my heart


Mine is the life

I have committed to Thy God-serving.

Mine is the heart

I have committed to Thy God-keeping. ```

519. My birthright


My Father has taught me

How to claim once more

My birthright.

Therefore I am divinely happy in God-Light

Once more

And supremely proud

Once more.


520. The Creator Supreme


Do not forget this,

O my heart of dream!

Daily you have to love and worship

The Creator Supreme.

He is our Eternity's doll

And Divinity's absolute all. ```

521. O fault-finding unbelievers


O fault-finding unbelievers!

You have come to the wrong place.

This is for those

Who have sterling faith

In God and themselves.

You have come to the wrong place,

Yours is the life with no Grace.


522. I Am Taking Everything Back


I am taking everything back.

I shall no longer criticise you.

I shall no longer frown at you.

I shall just give you

What you need and deserve,

A Compassion-smile. ```

523. Although


Although I have failed,

I know I have tried.

Although I have cried,

I have failed.

Joy exists not

In our uncertain life. ```

524. No Haste


No haste,

No waste,

Taste nectar-delight.

Then on you proceed

To fight against teeming odds

Of ignorance-night. ```

525. Inspiration


Inspiration takes me to God

The length.

Aspiration takes me to God

The height.

Realisation takes me to God

The omnipotent.

Manifestation takes me to God

Where He dances

With earth's penury

And with Heaven's Eldorado. ```

526. Those Who Helped Me


Those who helped me

Were but few.

Those who loved me

Were but fewer.

Those who taught me

Were the fewest.

Here to each I offer

The flood of my soulful



527. My Deep Heart Is Full


My deep heart is full.

I shall smile today,

Heaven's blue smile.

I shall study once more

In my inner school

And scatter God-Light all around,

For a while.


528. Your Simple Soul


The utterance of your simple soul

Is simple too:

Love for love's sake,

God for God's sake,

Truth for truth's sake.

We too, not for our sake,

But for God's compassion-

And perfection-sake. ```

529. Spontaneous And Momentous



Is our sweet Mother Earth.


Is our dear Father Heaven.

To both I offer

My heart's gratitude-breath

And my life's happiness-length.


530. How I Cried


How I cried

When I heard I shall not see

Beauty's soul,


And Divinity-role.

How I cried. ```

531. I Spoke


I spoke to God with a soulful smile.

I spoke to man with a doleful cry.

I spoke to the world with a truthful eye.

I spoke to myself with a fruitful heart-song. ```

532. My Secret


My secret I reveal,

God is my pole-star promise.


I always dare and fulfil. ```

533. Stop Not


O my sweet inspiration,

Stop not,

Stop not.

Carry me farther down.

O my soulful aspiration,

Stop not,

Stop not

Until you have helped me

Achieve my realisation,

Reach my source,

My soul's destination-crown.


534. Two Friends


Two friends have I:

My hope-sky,

And my faith-sea.

They always let me fly

And swim unreservedly

And unconditionally,

Since the very day

Our friendship-banner we unfurled,

Under the sun-vast golden ray.


535. You Pray Well


You pray well.

Do you know why?

Because you cry well,

Because you love well,

Because you surrender well,

In the heart of silence-night,

In the soul of compassion-light.


536. Thoughtless


Thoughtless alone I climbed up

Life's perfection-tree.

Wordless I climbed down

With satisfaction-fruits.

Lavishly I distribute,

Generously I contribute,

The flow of my world's possessions.


537. You Are Calling Me


You are calling me.

I smile and smile.

I make no reply.

Why, you know;

Because I see in me

Your own heart-beat flow. ```

538. Soul Of Endless Beauty


O soul of endless beauty!

Do teach me the song:

Unity versus multiplicity.

You are the only one

Who knows the song.

Therefore all souls

To you must throng.


539. My Silence-Sun


Splendid, my silence-sun.

Save you, my life

Shall always remain

Pitifully undone. ```

540. Divine


How can I bark?

How can I shout?

Divine I am

Within, without. ```

541. I shall awaken you


My soulful heart,

My only all,

I shall awaken you

With God-manifestation call. ```

542. Ascend and descend


My tears ascend.

My smiles descend.

While ascending I become

The joy of Truth.

While descending I become

The love of ruth. ```

543. You Have Given Me


You have given me a full Eternity.

I have given you my heart's gratitude-tree.

You have given me Infinity's Light.

I am offering you my heart's service-might. ```

544. I Have Sung


Peace-song I have sung.

Bliss-song I have sung.

Love-song I have sung.

Surrender-song, I have yet to sing.


The master-singer in me

Remains still

Incomplete, unfulfilled. ```

545. It's Too Late


It's too late.

I ask my soul to come.

I ask my heart to come


Since time goes on

And waits for nobody,

I use the precious time

Here, right in front of me. ```

546. I Shall Feed


I shall feed my sacred flame,

Inside the living breath of my heart,

Soulfully and devotedly.

Today I shall begin my journey's start. ```

547. Stop


O busy mind, stop.

O busy vital, stop.

O busy body, stop.

O drowsy heart, stop.

O silver soul, move on,

Fly up,

Dive deep.


548. Dear Friends


Joy has a dear friend: simplicity.

Peace has a dear friend: sincerity.

Love has a dear friend: unity.

God has a dear friend: necessity. ```

549. Kindle The Fire


O kindle the fire of happiness!

Therein I shall seek

The door of friendliness,

The room of greatness

And the palace of goodness.

I shall see,

I shall see.


550. My Soul-Root


My soul-root is deep,

My heart-stem is sturdy,

My life-plant is far-fetched,

My adventure is risky and speedy.

But I know I am one

With the success-heart of light,

And one with the progress-soul of delight.


551. To Get To The Root


To get to the root of human problems,

Let us enter into the real root, the soul,

Wherein lies the solution of all problems

And perfection's satisfaction-goal. ```

552. On His Own


Each one is on his own.

Each one must adorn

His life,


Conquering the price of

Ignorance dire.


Each one can be on his own. ```

553. Seeing Is Believing


Seeing is believing,

When I live inside my mind's puny cave.

Believing is seeing,

When I brave

Ignorance-king and shine

With my fate adamantine. ```

554. What a Miserable Life


Half-believing, half-doubting,

What a miserable life you lead.

Half-refusal and half-consent,

What a miserable heart you feed.

Contain everything

In perfect shape,


And norm.

Yours will be victory's unprecedented dawn.


555. When My Faith And Doubt Fight


When my faith and doubt fight,

I am thrown into a death-struggle.

With utmost difficulty I smuggle

And bring out faith,


And doubt. ```

556. Nothing Worse, Nothing Better


There is nothing worse than doubt.

There is nothing better than faith.

I stay with doubt

For its fire-pure change.

I love my faith's

Indefinitely extended range. ```

557. Forget


Forget all your old grievances,

Venture a new life,

Gather new experiences.

On you will proceed,

Holding your victory's sunlit moon.


558. My Teacher And My Tutor


Experience is my teacher.

I love him and I love him.

Realisation is my tutor.

I love plus I need him. ```

559. Save Thee


I have abandoned everything and everyone,

Save Thee.

In Thee I have discovered

My Heaven-illumining

And earth-fulfilling

Fruitful tree. ```

560. Our Dear Possessions


What you have

Is a heart-sweetening light.

What I have

Is a mind-clearing might.

Let us together share

Our dear possessions

And complete our unity's

Illumination-run. ```

561. Fill My Heart


O fill my heart

With a silence-glow.

My heart is battered

By falsehood's giant blow. ```

562. Love Of Journey


The love of journey,

Easy to have.

But the journey of love

Is a tremendous task.

Ask anybody, ask.


563. Quote Me Not


O quote me not,

Quote me not, quote.

From you I need no vote.

What I need is your inner cry

To feed my own heart's

Vast blue sky. ```

564. Permit Me


Permit me to receive you.

Permit me to achieve you.

Permit me to see

The divine mind in you.

Permit me to see

God-necessity in you. ```

565. To Serve


To serve my Lord Supreme best

I have become soulfully

A silence-nest.


566. The Best Thing


Since Heaven and earth are one,

The best thing will be for me

To ask Heaven to give me


And to ask earth to give me

Determination-bliss. ```

567. Follower And Seeker


O follower of earth!

Go, go and sin no more.

O seeker of Heaven!

Speed forth and stand

On the Golden Shore.


568. Unknown Morrow


O unknown morrow,

From you I shall borrow

The fount of love-light

To scale my topless height. ```

569. An Illumining And Fulfilling Family


Hearts are in unity.

Minds are in multiplicity.

I am in newness.

God is in His Oneness.

Indeed we have formed

An illumining and fulfilling family. ```

570. I Love Them All


I love my heart's morning star

Spotless, without a scar.

I love my beauty's moon.

I love my beauty's noon.

I love them all.

Me they enthrall. ```

571. Just Because You Are A Sage


Just because you are a sage,

I am sure you can bring me

Out of my mental cage.

Just because you are a sage,

You can easily empty my mind

Of wild rage. ```

572. Roar


Roar, roar,

My lion heart.

The cosmic door

Is wide open.

Roar, roar,

My lion heart.

My eagle bird shall soar and soar


Life is but a prosperity store.


573. Because I Rowed


Because I rowed my boat

Day in, day out,

I learned the wisdom of my inner core

Plus God-Divinity's God-Lore. ```

574. I Love The Heart Of All


I love the heart of all,


I shall never brook a fall.


575. Take Care


Take care.

All around you there

Is a tricky snare.

Take care,

Take care.

The world-frown

Is apt to stare.

Take care,

Take care. ```

576. We Are All Experts


My heart knows how to tie.

My soul knows how to fly.

My life knows how to try.

And I know how to cry.

We are all experts in our specific field

In a special way.

Daily we bring the Lord Supreme's

Satisfaction-Ray. ```

577. O Earth


O earth,

Allow me just once

To say my say:

There was a time

When I lived with God

And His eternal Day

And played with God

In His eternal Play. ```

578. Take My Heart


O take my heart, take

To God's sacred door.

O make my life a sincere cry

And then take me

To God's golden shore.


579. Who Will Hear


Who will hear my doleful tale?

Who will believe my titan gale?

Who will hail my life, hail?

Who will sail with me,

Who will sail?


No, not even a single soul

For perfection-goal. ```

580. Although I Speak


Although I speak

I am quite weak.

Although I play

In God's eternal Day

I am not quite strong.

Although I fly and fly

My wings have almost given way.

No fear,

No tear.

I shall bravely dare

My life-experiences to share

With all and sundry in stupendous glee. ```

581. O My Heart


O my heart,

You are the reservoir

Of my unending bliss.

In you I behold

My everlasting peace.

In you I see

The perfect blossom of soul-qualities:

Faith unending,

Love unending,

Truth unending,

Light unending.


582. Sow And Row


Slowly I sow

The seed of beauty's flame.

Soulfully I row

The boat of God's Compassion-game. ```

583. There Is But One Voice


There is but one voice.

There is but one choice.

This voice leads me

Into the heart of sun-bright day.

This choice helps me join

God's all-illumining play. ```

584. I Shall Not Swerve


I shall not swerve

From the path of Truth.

I shall just serve and serve

All those who remain

On the path of perennial ruth.

No, never shall I swerve

From the path of Truth.


585. Away You Must Remain


If you have no God-zeal,

Then away you must remain

From God's cosmic meal.


586. Rest, My Heart, Rest


Rest, my heart, rest.

In you I have found my life's quest

And my soul's nest.

Rest, my heart, rest. ```

587. I Urge


I urge

You not to arouse

Your emotion-surge.

For you will be totally lost

In destruction

With futility-flight. ```

588. I Was Born


I was born

On a spotless morn

And soon became a close friend

Of perpetual day,

Upon the heart

Of earth's bondage-clay. ```

589. The Small Hours


The small hours embody

The perfect time for anything,

For everything:

For God-Arrival,

For man-survival,

For animal-exit. ```

590. Flowers Fade Away


Flowers fade away.

Life fades away.

My heart-gratitude-flames never fade.

They always take shelter

Under life's protection-shade.


591. To The Zenith-Height


To the zenith-height,

I shall offer my gratitude-flight.

To the deepest depth,

I shall offer my gratitude-length. ```

592. I Am Ready


I am ready, O ambition-bird.

Take me to the world beyond,

Serene and pure,

Where Infinity's Smile

Will reign supreme, sure.


593. When Your Face Shines


When your face shines and smiles,

I lose in no time

All my dingy wiles.


594. Just Stand And Wait


Just stand and wait.

I shall open for you

My heart's golden gate.

Just stand and wait. ```

595. The March Of Life


The march of life

I appreciate with my soulful heart.

The flow of love

I appreciate with my soulful life.

I move along Eternity's shore

To open in confidence

Immortality's door.


596. I Love The Words Of Light


I love the words of light.

I love the messages of delight.

I love the flight

Of winging thought.

In them I long always

To be caught. ```

597. I Shall Stoop From Heaven


I shall stoop from Heaven

To see you,

To watch your deeds and misdeeds.

I shall converse with God

About your slumber-needs.

I shall end your living pleasure-night

And spread God-Beauty's God-Perfection-Height. ```

598. Such Precious Delight


Such precious delight

How could you lose?

Such precious summit-height

Where could you lose?

Lost height, lost delight,

You are swimming bare

In the sea of ignorance, all-where.


599. With His Eagle-Eyes


With his eagle-eyes

He sees beauty's sun-door.

With his eagle-eyes

He sees duty's sea-roar. ```

600. In The Bottomless Deeps


In the bottomless deeps

I have seen my beauty's soul

Flooded with Infinity's world-transforming,


Translucent Goal.


601. A Shattered Boat


A shattered boat my life is.

Long lost am I,

My helpless oars.

Trembling within and without

I face all alone Eternity's Infinity-Shore.


602. My Creator's Praise


My Creator's praise

On my dedication-life

I treasure.

My Creator's infinite Light

I distribute soulfully

And devotedly

And thus humanity's consciousness

I raise.


603. Into The World


Into the world of surrender-light,

Into the world of selfless height,

I saw the beauty of the soul unknown.

In me before long I shall grow and own

The birth of perfection-light,

More, ever more. ```

604. Awake, O My Soul


Awake, O my soul, awake.

Look at me, my angel-infancy

In which I embody my ecstasy-sea.


605. O Lord Of Love


O Lord of Love,

O Lord of Life,

Descend and guide my sight.

I shall grow flowers of peace

For Thy tired Body's supreme release.


606. O My Only Light


O my only Light,

O my only Delight,

O my only Perfection-height,

At the end of my journey's close,

With my heart's gratitude-rose,

To You I bow,

To You I bow.


607. Man's Ingratitude


Man's ingratitude is man's worst


Man's gratitude-light

Is man's life-fulfilling

And life-nourishing highest height.


608. Courage My Soul Already Has


Courage my soul already has.

Faith my heart already has.

Love my life already has.

God my soul already has.

What else do I need?

I need only one thing.

I need, I want, to give my Lord Supreme

A most nourishing meal

In ecstasy-filled thrill.


609. O Lord Of Golden Day


O Lord of golden day,

To You I pray,

With You I play,

To see the face of summit-height

And Divinity's translucent light.


610. Strive Hard


Strive hard,

Seek quick,

To find

The body of truth.

Yield not to lethargy blind.

Cleave not to weakness-night. ```

611. Let Me Sail


Once more let me sail

My life-boat,

Let me sail.

This time I can never fail

And I shall never fail.

Success will definitely be mine.

Through progress-light

I shall shine. ```

612. True


True, art is long,

Life is short.

But God-Grace can reverse the game

With a streak of heavenly flame. ```

613. Let Us Taste


Let us taste

The purity of dawn.

The beauty of eve,

Let us taste.

No hurry, no haste.

We shall reach our destination-sun

and thus end our lives'

Eyeless cosmic fun. ```

614. All Things Rejoice


All things rejoice

Inside my soulful voice,

Which has become God's

Most illumining and fulfilling choice. ```

615. Time Is Fleeting


Time is fleeting.

My promise-flame is flickering.

Yet I hope my life shall succeed

And my heart shall proceed. ```

616. Your Love Has Crowned


Your love has crowned my day.

I shall fulfil your gnostic play. ```

617. Can You Tell Me


Can you tell me, friend,

Who has escaped from desire-night?

Nobody, nobody.

Can you tell me, friend,

Who wants to live in aspiration-height?

Somebody, somebody.

Can you tell me, friends,

Who wants to live in realisation-light?

Everybody, everybody.


618. Those Who Begin Today


Those who begin today

Will end tomorrow.

What will they begin with?

They'll begin either

With their curiosity-day

Or with their aspiration-sun. ```

619. All Except One


All companions are but fleeting,

Temporal realities except one:

Man and his unconquerable hope.

Alas, this is how we grope. ```

620. I Aspire


I aspire to illumine my desire-night.

I aspire to remember my liberation-height.

I aspire to claim my long lost

Perfection-delight. ```

621. We Strive


They strive for right.

I strive for light.

They strive for God-force.

I strive for God-grace.

They strive for God-ecstasy.

I strive for Godward journey. ```

622. The Hardest Miracle


This is the hardest miracle

That I have ever seen:

Man talks of God

Without knowing Him,

Man meditates on God

Without seeing Him,

Man prays to God

Without loving Him. ```

623. Promises To Keep


I have a good many promises to keep.

I shall definitely keep them one by one

And when all my victories are won,

At my Lord's august Feet

I shall resign with my heart's

Satisfaction-sun. ```

624. I Touch Not


I touch not Thy holy Feet,

They are too pure.

I see not Thy holy Eyes,

They are too sure.

I feel not Thy holy Heart

Which embodies purity-power,

That threatens and frightens

Death-dart. ```

625. I Was Fired


I was fired

In Heaven

For not giving

A proper message.

I was hired

On earth

Only to be scolded

And cancelled

My return passage.


626. I Soulfully Feed


I soulfully feed a flame within.

I fruitfully smile without.

I devotedly distribute God-Light

And God-Sight

All around.

In me the flood-tide of God-Compassion

Is finally found.


627. Your Future Hope


Father, You want me to equal You.

I want only

To be at Your Compassion-Feet

To love You,

To please You fully

And become Your future hope. ```

628. Only You


Father, You love not only me

But my ignorance too.

Who can and who will go so far?


It is You,

Only You,

Who can not only go so far

But infinitely farther. ```

629. Lock Me, O Lord


Lock me, O Lord, and then throw away the key,

To please Thy Heart's Will.


I shall love Thee,

Only Thee,

For mine is the life

Only to please Thee.


630. Wrap Me


Beloved Supreme, wrap me

In Your sweet and strong Compassion-Embrace,

And transform once and for all

My earth-bound face. ```

Editor’s introduction to the first edition

The first thing that would strike the reading picking up this book, would probably be its bulk. A quick glance at the contents would show 630 titles listed. Sri Chinmoy is clearly the most prolific of poets. But someone unfamiliar with his writings might be forgiven for thinking these represented a lifetime’s work, the labour of many years. As such they would stand as a considerable achievement.

But how astonishing is the truth, that these poems are not the work of years, or months, or even days, but were in fact written in a twenty-four hour period, from midnight to midnight on a single day!

And for Sri Chinmoy this was the latest in a long line of marathon creative sessions: 16,000 paintings in a day; 843 poems in a day. The figures roll easily off the tongue, but to see the reality is something else. It takes the breath away.

The poems in this volume are part of an even longer project which Sri Chinmoy set himself — to write 1,000 poems, each with a rhyming structure. (This is in honour of his brother Mantu who has a preference fo such forms over more freely constructed poems.) Sri Chinmoy set a date, some months ahead, for the achievement of his target. But within a few days, in spike of keeping up with his intensely busy schedule of activities, he had made the time to write some 500 rhyming poems. Then at midnight on Friday 12th August 1977, he started work on the sequence published here. He began writing them out by hand, and covered hundreds of sheets from notebooks. Then as the flow of inspiration increased, he recited the poems directly onto a tape, to be transcribed.

Disciples worked with him, round the clock, typing, editing, proofreading, so that the book could be printed and published the following day! We were able to help with the work, to share in this process of becoming, this amazing flow of creative energy that infused even the most menial job with a meaning and significance. We share in the flow, were part of the whole.

And at midnight on August 13th, 24 hours after starting, the poet pronounced his verdict on his achievement.

“Not bad,” he said.

Not bad!

With a book of poems as large as this, especially where the individual poems are short, the tendency is to skim through, read them greedily and quickly, or simply dip into the book at random, reading here and there. It is part of the beauty of there bing so many that there is something for every taste, and, more important, something for every need. Time and again I have had the same experience, of opening the book of Guru’s poems at random and finding exactly the right words to speak to me at the precise moment. Or in skimming, I am suddenly arrested by a line or a phrase that seems to reasons, to glow, to throw light on all that I have been reading. For in a very real sense, the part contains the whole, and each of these short poems contains in essence, distilled, all of Sri Chinmoy’s wisdom, his philosophy. They are gems of many facets.

And there are many moods here, many modes ot expression, from the playful and humorous to the profound and majestic. they are now wry, now instructive, now with the scriptural quality, the simple dignity and clarity that tells us, “This is the highest Truth.”

Always they are a delight, and the self-imposed stricture of making the poems rhyme simply adds at once to the entertainment and illumining fun; delight on delight for the ear and the eye.

This delight, and the ease of the flow, may even tend to hide the tremendous technical achievement. Over one thousand poems. Six hundred and thirty of them in a day. And all of them rhymed. There is a verbal agility and sureness of touch of a very high order, a limitless inventiveness. Sri Chinmoy uses words with the same dexterity with which he wields a paintbrush or draws a bow across the esraj.

In these poems, the flow is structured, the energy is manifest in a tighter form, takin gon the limitation of rhyme. But the limitation has itself become inspiration, part of the game. The form becomes a vehicle for his endless play.

Those of us who are caught up in that play, in the dance of the worlds he is openting up to us, bow to Sri Chinmoy, in gratitude.


From:Sri Chinmoy,A Soulful Cry Versus a Fruitful Smile, Agni Press, 1977
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/sc