Table of Contents
Part I: The fairy world
- The fairy world: conversation on a birthday
- Question: How do you know that you are actually seeing a fairy and that it isn't your imagination?
- Question: Will the younger disciples find it easier to see the fairies?
- Question: If we see a fairy, then will we be convinced that the fairy world exists?
- Question: What is fairy language like? Do they speak like us?
- Question: Y saw a fairy once.
- Question: What do fairies do?
- Question: Are fairies very tiny?
- Question: Are fairies cute?
- Question: What do they wear?
- Question: Do you often see fairies?
- Question: Do fairies have different incarnations or do they just exist?
- Question: Would a human soul go into a fairy world or become an angel?
- Question: Are fairies conscious of the existence of God?
- Question: Where do fairies live?
- Question: If fairies have their own world, why do they come here?
- Question: On other occasions why do they come to this world, Guru?
- Question: How far away is their world?
- Question: Must angels also be given special purity to function on earth?
- Question: Sometimes children have imaginary friends. Are they fairies?
- Question: Why do they come?
- Question: When they visit you, what do they do? Do they talk to you?
- Question: How can you invoke an angel?
- Question: Do you have any disciples who are angels?
- Question: Can we see guardian angels?
- Question: Once we become your disciples, do we need a guardian angel? Do they still stay with us then?
- Question: Are angels large?
- Question: Are all angels masculine?
- Question: I don't know how much of this I can believe, Guru.
- Question: When we imagine something, is that a mental process?
- Question: What is the relationship between God's imagination and God-realisation?
- Question: What is the difference between the Indian gods and the Western gods, like Zeus?
Part II — Witchcraft, the planets, dreams
- Question: Do demons manifest on the physical plane?
- Question: Do demons have a form?
- Question: Are these the same things that Christians would call devils?
- Question: What is the difference between a ghost and a transcendental spirit?
- Question: How do you fight with hostile vital beings?
- Question: What is the difference in the actual fighting between spiritual power and occult power? How do they manifest?
- Question: Do the hostile forces have a commander?
- Question: To fight hostile forces, does one have to be a very, very great spiritual Master? Or can an ordinary occultist do something?
- Question: What are witches?
- Question: Were the so-called witches in Salem really witches?
- Question: Do they actually use spells?
- Question: Would a person who is spiritually developed do it?
- Question: Do witches actually use concoctions or voodoo dolls?
- Question: Do the forces leave immediately when these people accept your path?
- Question: Was the Medusa a freak of nature?
- Question: I just finished reading a book about the Bermuda triangle. It is a place where planes and ships disappear into thin air, or ships with full crews are found abandoned with no people on board and no signs of any chaos. Can you explain what happened here?
- Question: When the beings take people off the ships, what kind of experience do the people's souls have?
- Question: Guru, I read somewhere that scientists have found that the pyramid shape has very strange effects on certain things. For example, when a person sleeps in a pyramid-shaped room, they say he needs very little sleep.
- Question: When the astronauts landed on the moon, did they bring a different consciousness to the moon?
- Question: Are there canals on Mars?
- Question: Is there life on other planets?
- Question: So is earth the only place in the entire universe that has physical manifestation? What about Heaven?
- Question: Is it possible to travel on the astral plane to the other planets?
- Question: Do human beings ever establish some inner connection with certain planets?
- Question: When you speak of bringing down Light and Peace from the planets, are you speaking of the physical planets like Mars or Jupiter, or are you speaking of the higher worlds?
- Question: Do the planets put together their good qualities and create harmony?
- Question: Do the planets ever fight?
- Question: When planets fight, is the earth affected?
- Question: Can we see the fighting if we go to these planets?
- Question: Was there ever an Atlantis?
- Question: Were Indians the first human souls on earth?
- Question: Did the people of ancient days ever fly?
- Question: Can it still be done now?
- Question: What will you do with us in the inner world? Will we have dinner and things like that?
- Question: Do you ever get together with your inner beings and have parties and talk about us, or are you always serious?
- Question: Are there good days and bad days in the inner world?
- Question: If we get a little capacity in the inner world, what should we do?
- Question: Last night you moved your hand down when blessing X.
- Question: I don't think I receive prasad soulfully.
- Question: When I first hurt my foot, immediately after that, within thirty seconds, it was all better. How did I lose the force that you put on it?
- Question: When I hurt my foot, after you knew about it, was I wrong to bring it to your attention again when it wasn't getting better?
- Question: If you didn't know about my foot on the physical plane, would you still know about it inwardly?
- Question: When you put a force on someone, do you throw out light? Like when M got accepted into the mountain climbing team against all odds?
- Question: Sometimes I dream that I fly through the air. Is that good or bad?
- Question: How can we have good dreams?
- Question: How do you concentrate on the navel, and why?
- Editor's preface to the first edition