Table of Contents
- Author's preface
- God alone knows
- Question: I used to feel and see a golden light around my heart, but now I no longer do. How can I regain this wonderful presence?
- Question: Yesterday when I was meditating, I got a message from the silence which said, "Love one another." When we get this kind of message in our meditation, should we meditate on it and take it into ourselves?
- Question: When I meditate and I force myself to go deep within, something inside me accuses me of trying to reach God for myself and not for God's sake.
- Question: How can we discipline the mind?
- Question: When one meditates, is he conscious of what is going on around him?
- Question: Sometimes during my meditation I feel I am attacked by very undivine thoughts. How can I fight against them?
- Question: Should you reject all thoughts during meditation?
- God is all for you
- The soul of Paradise
- Question: What is the difference between a thought that comes to you during meditation and an ordinary thought?
- Question: Always when I try to go beyond the mind, it says, "No, carry me with you. I want to go there, too."
- Question: For the past year I have been practising concentration and meditation with my attention focused on my navel chakra. But I don't seem to be making as much progress as I would like in controlling my thoughts. Have you got any suggestions?
- Question: Why do you want us to meditate in the heart? I find it easier to meditate in the mind.
- Question: What is the relationship between consciousness and truth?
- The guide
- Who can save me?
- Question: What is universal Consciousness? How does one recognise it?
- A mounting possibility
- From ancient times
- Question: Sometimes during my meditation I find that my mind seems to be dwelling on worldly or unspiritual thoughts.
- Your age-long hunger
- Glorious is the path
- Question: When we come to meditate with you, we get Light. But we have to keep coming back to get refilled. How much of the Light which you give us remains permanently in us?
- What more do I need?
- Question: What kind of attitude should you have when you meditate on the heart?
- They wait
- Question: Should a person shut himself away all alone and reject humanity in order to meditate?
- Question: Is there any danger in going off to a cave to meditate and trying to realise God in seclusion?
- My earth-life, my Heaven-life
- Question: It you have a job and work, can you meditate at the same time?
- Question: One may obtain peace for a few minutes during meditation, but the instant he returns to the hubbub of life, it all disappears.
- Question: If meditation is the only way of seeing God face to face, what advice would you give to the man who has a family to look after?
- Illumination I need
- Question: How can we convince the unaspiring part of humanity that meditation is a natural experience?
- The master
- Question: What is the best way to meditate during action?
- Question: Some people are very absent-minded and they seem to be in another world. Are they meditating all the time?
- My Lord's favour
- Question: How can a person detach himself emotionally from irritating people and situations?
- Question: What is the best way to get the fruits of our meditation in our daily life?
- Editor's preface to the first edition