Question: What does it mean to misuse the Kundalini power?

Sri Chinmoy: After the seeker awakens or develops the Kundalini power, if he immediately starts using it to satisfy his ego, not at the direction of God’s all-loving Will, then the Kundalini power will be misused. He will create danger in his life, and danger for those who are around him. But if the seeker listens to the dictates of his soul after he has brought the Kundalini power to the fore, then he cannot make the mistake of misusing the Kundalini power.

You misuse something when you are not directed by God’s Will. Suppose you have two dollars. Now, two individuals have approached you, and both of them tell you that they are in need of money. If you are a seeker, you should dive deep within to know what is God’s Will — whether He wants you to give your money-power to both of them, to one of them or to neither of them. If you do not dive deep within, you may decide to give a dollar to each one. Now, one may use the dollar for transportation to go to a spiritual place, to pray and meditate. But the other may take your dollar to go to a bar and drink. Now, if you had listened to the dictates of God, you would have heard the message to give the money-power only to the seeker who was going to use it for a spiritual purpose, a divine purpose. But you gave your money-power to the wrong one, and his karma, the result of his action, will be worse because of your ignorance.

When we do something without listening to the Will of God, then we are misusing our capacities. We should try only to execute God’s Will. If we know what God’s Will is, then we do not care for the after-effect. By executing God’s Will we feel that we are fulfilled. But human nature has a peculiar way of deriving satisfaction. We feel that if somebody asks for something and we can give it to him, then naturally we are doing the right thing. But we have to know that we have come to earth not only to give, but to give to the right person, the person who is truly needful. If someone is not hungry and just because I have something I give it to him, I do not help that person, especially if I give it untimely.

Power should always be used at God’s choice Hour. At God’s choice Hour, God will inspire me to give you something or God will inspire you to give me something. But if it is not God’s choice Hour, and just because you have something you start giving it to others, then you are misusing your power, light-power, Kundalini power, money-power, any power. This way of using power is dangerous and in no way helps others. It only creates confusion and confusion is followed by destruction.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Aspiration-Glow and Dedication-Flow, part 2, Agni Press, 1977
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