— Sri Chinmoy
October 12th, 1999My Absolute Lord Supreme!
May the tears of my heartFeed You
Exactly the wayThe Smiles of Your Eye
Feed my heart —Sumptuously
```12 October 1999
11:40 p.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
You love each and everyHuman being
Unconditionally.So must I.
```13 October 1999
4:27 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
God-realisation-thirstI have.
God-manifestation-hungerI need.
```13 October 1999
5:36 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Sweet, sweeter, sweetestAre the tears of my heart
AndThe sorrows of my life.
```13 October 1999
6:12 p.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
A mounting aspiration-cryIs the only requirement
For God-realisation.A spreading dedication-smile
Is the only requirementFor God-manifestation.
```14 October 1999
5:21 p.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
May my vital, my bodyAnd all that I have
And all that I amBe always on Your side.
```14 October 1999
8:31 p.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
May my obedience-heartSleeplessly sing for You.
May my surrender-lifeBreathlessly dance for You.
```15 October 1999
12:56 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Patience I must practise,For patience is the pioneer
Of victory.```
15 October 19998:34 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
You want me to learnOnly devotion-heart-songs
And sing for You,For Your Satisfaction.
```15 October 1999
5:50 p.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
I am exceedingly happyThat I am able to cancel
All my desire-tripsToday and forever.
```16 October 1999
2:01 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
I shall sleeplesslyKeep my heart's door open
To all God-seekers.```
16 October 19998:25 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Today I received a personal callFrom my Lord.
He wanted to knowHow my gratitude-heart-tears
Are doing.```
16 October 19997:41 p.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
The mind may prayTo the unknown God,
But the heart always praysTo the known and familiar God.
```17 October 1999
12:45 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Please, please, please,Give me back all my old
Blue-gold dreams —My God-aspiration,
My God-realisation,My God-manifestation,
My life-transcendenceAnd
My God-satisfaction-dreams.```
17 October 19998:50 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
May my constant surrenderTo Your Will
Be my one singleBurning desire.
```18 October 1999
7:22 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Today I must remove AltogetherMy world-possession-
18 October 19999:03 p.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
My mind departs quicklyOnly when I start living
Happily and proudlyInside my heart.
```19 October 1999
5:32 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
I must keep my heart-eyeOpen
All the timeTo Your Will.
```20 October 1999
1:14 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
From now on I shall beThe adamantine determination
Of a God-seeker-hero.```
22 October 19997:52 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Today You are asking meTo be a passenger
Of Your Eternity'sBlue-gold Dream-Boat.
My gratitude-heartI place at Your Feet.
```23 October 1999
8:09 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
The mind is pride-pleasureWith no God.
The heart is humility-treasureOnly with God.
```24 October 1999
9:27 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
I have been for a long timeA member
Of the God-lovers' society.Today I have become
A memberOf the God-servers' society
As well.```
25 October 19998:36 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
My dedication-life,My aspiration-heart
AndMy surrender-breath
Are extremely fond ofOne another.
```26 October 1999
8:30 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
My peace isMy love-expansion.
My love isMy aspiration-expansion.
My aspiration isMy Lord's Compassion-expansion.
```26 October 1999
12:22 p.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
I am the loverOf Your Compassion-Eye.
You are the LoverOf my aspiration-heart.
```26 October 1999
9:23 p.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Your Forgiveness-HeartHas made my miserable life
Liveable once more.```
28 October 1999 New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Do give me the strengthTo be always ready
For the correctionAnd perfection
Of my life.```
1 November 19997:46 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
I must break the age-old,Tenebrous night of my mind
Into a million pieces.```
2 November 19997:39 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
God wants my ever-blossomingGratitude-heart
To captain the pro-God team.```
3 November 19997:49 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
In vain I have been tryingFor years and years
To tame my monkey-mind —In vain!
```4 November 1999
8:04 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
May I have the heartThat loves and loves
And lovesEach and every human heart.
```7 November 1999
6:26 a.m.
New YorkMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
The source ofMy beatitude-life
IsMy God-gratitude-heart.
```5 December 1999
8:06 a.m.
São Paulo, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
In the spiritual life,A heart of devotion-ecstasy
Is a supreme necessityTo realise God.
```6 December 1999
7:52 a.m.
São Paulo, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
My faith-life is notMy mind-frustration.
It isMy heart-illumination.
```8 December 1999
6:53 a.m.
Nova Friburgo, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
My Lord's Compassion-EyeEvery morning rings
My mind's inspiration-bells,My heart's aspiration-bells
AndMy life's dedication-bells.
I ring every morningMy Lord's
9 December 19995:25 a.m.
Nova Friburgo, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Do come and liberate meFrom my self-doubt —
The heaviest of all burdens.```
13 December 19996:56 a.m.
Nova Friburgo, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
The unaspiring mindIs a powerful magnet
For nonsense.The aspiring heart
Is the most powerful magnetFor universal oneness.
```14 December 1999
5:21 a.m.
Nova Friburgo, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
You are commanding my mindNot to represent the past.
```15 December 1999
6:14 a.m.
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Your Compassion-EyeHas employed
My newness-mind,My eagerness-heart
AndMy selflessness-life
To do public relations for You.```
16 December 19995:01 a.m.
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
May my morning startWith my God-gratitude-heart-
Tears and smiles.```
17 December 19994:37 a.m.
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
My prayer is my short-cutTo Your Compassion-Feet.
My meditation is my short-cutTo Your Satisfaction-Heart.
```19 December 1999
6:38 a.m.
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Every morningYou push my body
VehementlyAnd You pull my heart
20 December 19994:56 a.m.
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
My heart is throbbingWith the God-Arrival-expectation.
```21 December 1999
6:25 a.m.
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
God smiles and smilesAnd smiles
When I ask HimFor instant God-realisation.
```22 December 1999
5:00 a.m.
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
My mind says to me:"Accept a disciple —
Take a tremendous risk."My heart says to me:
"Accept a disciple —Offer a most fragrant flower
To God."```
23 December 19994:38 a.m.
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Your Compassion-EyeNever closes
Your Heart'sForgiveness-Door.
```25 December 1999
5:19 a.m.
Curitiba, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
Every dayI must run and run and run
On only one track:My God-obedience-track.
```27 December 1999
5:56 a.m.
Curitiba, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
My heart most devotedlyMemorises
Your Compassion-floodedMorning Messages.
```28 December 1999
6:38 a.m.
Curitiba, BrazilMy Absolute Lord Supreme!
I want to become a heartOf glowing hopes
And not a mindOf towering promises.
```29 December 1999
4:57 a.m.
Curitiba, BrazilFrom:Sri Chinmoy,My Aspiration-Heart Cycles, part 1, Agni Press, 2000
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ahc_1