Being American means


Mr Heinrich Böll, West Germany’s 1972 Nobel Laureate in literature, declared: “Being American means the chance to be what you want.”

I asked my God two small questions:

What is the meaning of chance?

What do Americans want to be?

“My son, you are a God-lover.

For a God-lover there is no such thing as chance.

My dictionary does not house that particular word.

What you and I call Grace, others call chance.

“My son, here is My answer

To your second question:

Americans want to be perfect slaves to their freedom.”

Father, what do You mean?

I don’t understand Your answer.

Please be a little more explicit.

“What I mean is this:

Americans are not profitably,

Consciously and unreservedly

Using their freedom-soul

To reach the acme of their Freedom-Goal.”


From:Sri Chinmoy,America in Her Depths, Vishma Press, 1973
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