Ant, my ant,
In you my heart beholdsThe glory of the Supreme.
Tiniest in size, you house the dreamOf the Omnipotent.
To me you are extremely important,Because you represent
One extremity of God,His message of smallness;
In another word, His greatness. ```Bat, my bat,
With your strange peculiarity-light you see at night,And we see during the day.
Therefore you and men are equal.Let us try to increase our capacities.
You try to see during the dayAnd we during the night.
God is merciful.Let us pray;
He will grant us His deathless Ray. ```Bear, my bear,
Your sense of vengefulnessFar surpasses human might;
Yet unconsciouslyYou cry for the human height.
Nothing satisfies you for long;Not even satisfaction-day.
Inseparable your proud wisdomAnd wild ignorance-clay.
```Bee, my bee,
Your day and nightAnd your patience-industry
Have no respite.Hard you endeavour
To bring nectarFrom the core of your service-tree.
You always donThe robe of fruitful victory.
```Buffalo, my buffalo,
O bearer of Yamaraj,King of death,
Your wisdom-sunControls humanity's breath.
You teach the world:Until Eternity's Cry is won,
Until Immortality's Smile is won,Until earth-pangs and Heaven-Bliss
Are made supremely one,Nothing is done, nothing is done.
```Bull, my bull,
God has ConfidenceAnd you have confidence,
And nobody else.God has the creative Power
And you have the creative power,And nobody else.
God confides in you His Vision-Flood,
You confide in God your mission-blood. ```Butterfly, my butterfly,
You are the harbingerOf man's prosperity-life.
Your sweet arrivalDevours immediately
Man's ceaseless strife. ```Camel, my camel,
Your forbearance-heightIs God's Revelation-Light.
Inside the vast expanseOf futility's desert-hush,
You want to foundDivinity's Triumph-Right.
```Cat, my cat,
You cry for constant affection.I have affection plus compassion.
ThereforeStop crying,
Start smiling.I tell you a supreme secret:
"I treasure your dependence." ```Cock, my cock,
Why do you give the death-signal?"What can I do?
God chose me and made me theinstrument
To be man's death-signal.How long does one play?
Not forever.I tell the weary man,
'Go and take rest.My friend death has carefully
preparedHis nest
For you, only for you.'" ```Cockroach, my cockroach,
Your unpleasantness-interferenceCreates a serious problem
For mankind.Don't you see that?
Are you so blind?Are you really blind?
How many times have we told youThat we don't need you at all
In our restful and fruitful conference,And in our life of
pleasure-indulgence? ```Cow, my cow,
You have the light,You are the light.
ThereforeYou alone have the right
To guide and leadThe entire creation's height.
```Crab, my crab,
Your orphan insecurity-seaInstigates you to fell
The human love-tree.The more your little kingdom
Wants to grasp the vast world,The farther will you be compelled to stay
From the horizon of service-freedom. ```Cricket, my cricket,
Your longing for world-illuminationIn the home of night
Is far beyond the mortal's feeble admiration.God's experience-pride is the connecting link
Between your existence-realityAnd His creation's unfathomed enormity.
```Crow, my crow,
For God's sake,Don't sit on my head,
Don't sit on my shoulders,Don't scratch my body with your death-force!
I don't want to die.I don't want my dear ones to die
And fly away into the sky.You rascal!
Don't darken my doorUntil I have eaten
My nectar-bread. ```Deer, my deer,
God's CompassionHas the fastest speed.
God is very rich, my deer.With His Compassion-moon,
The whole world He knows how to feed.God wants you
To be His student-runnerAnd hoist His Victory's Banner.
```Dog, my dog,
Heaven's faithfulnessAnd
Earth's faithfulnessPut together
Have no match for your faithfulness.Man needs your heart to succeed.
God needs your soul to proceed. ```Dolphin, my dolphin,
Your advanced sagacityDenies your inferiority
To forest animals.You make man feel that your consciousness
Borders upon the extremity of human lifeWith ceaseless strife.
```Donkey, my donkey,
Never do I dareTo belittle or blame
Your stupid stupidity.I know, I know,
Your stupidity's headLoves and serves,
Serves and lovesMan's eye of boastful fecundity.
```Dove, my dove,
You sing the song of peace.The aspiring human beings
Are all on their kneesBefore God
To have your eternal treasure.Without you, life is nothing but
A destructive pressure.With you, life is fulfilled satisfaction
In measureless measure. ```Duck, my duck,
You have the discrimination-powerTo separate milk from water
And drink milkTo satisfy your great need.
The Illumination-Hour
You separate fromThe huge ignorance-night,
And you use the Illumination-HourTo satisfy your great need.
Infinity's silver peace
You separate fromEternity's devouring fight,
And you useInfinity's silver peace
To satisfy your great need. ```Eagle, my eagle,
Your high vision wants to soar aboveYet you want to enjoy and love
The pleasure-life of ignorance below.Heaven's height
AndEarth's pleasure
Go not together,Never!
Be wise, be notStupidly clever.
```Elephant, my elephant,
You are strength,Reality's strength.
Your solid strengthAnd conscious willingness
Can and shall lead the worldTo Infinity's endless length.
```Frog, my frog,
Endlessly you jump and jump,Cheerfully you cover distance,
Proudly you conquer the pride of length.Who could imagine
That your legs had such spring and strength?Continue jumping.
In the process of your evolutionAnd your silver-bright enthusiasm
You are bound to coverEternity's length
And sing the song ofsalvation-perfection.
```Giraffe, my giraffe,
Your height longs to playWith God's Transcendental Height.
God is fond of your psychic cry;Man is proud of your ambition-sky.
God's Height you are bound to reach.Try, you shall succeed; try.
```Goat, my goat,
No more do you careFor the desire-land.
ThereforeTruth-Light is descending into you
AndYou shall before long become
A member divine of the aspiration-band.And then through you will play
God's own Hand. ```Horse, my horse,
I envy you.I mean it, I really do.
Your life of constant and complete sacrificeIs far beyond the height
Of all earthly and heavenly price.God barters His Eternity's Heart-gratitude
With your immortality's sacrifice-plenitude. ```Jackal, my jackal,
Stop your roguishness-life.Lo, truth-life is at your door
To carry you to the golden shore.Your preparation-day
AndGod's fulfilled Compassion-Ray
Are one, inseparable,Far beyond the domain of clay.
```Lamb, my lamb,
Your white helplessness-dayCompels God-Compassion
In you to stay,And guide you to
Infinity's Height,Eternity's Light,
Immortality's Right. ```Lion, my lion,
To your stupendous sovereigntyImpotent lives quickly surrender.
Your sovereigntyHas not destroyed your sense of necessity.
You do not roamBeyond necessity's door.
ThereforeYours is the golden shore.
```Louse, my louse,
Why do you devourWith your atrocity-hunger
Man's purity-head and beauty-hair?It is not fair,
It is not fair!God's Compassion-Flood
Shall save man and his innocence.Man's angry hands
Shall destroy you, your life-blood. ```Monkey, my monkey,
Your restlessness-lifeHas won a transformation-face.
What a miracle!Yesterday you belonged
To God's unconditional Grace.Today you belong
To God's Aspiration-Race. ```Mosquito, my mosquito,
You torture humanity's breathWith your tiny body, your outer frame.
Human valour, human pride, human fameAre at your mercy's reign.
You prove that size is not important:What is important is capacity's life.
How secretly you carryDeath-King's secret knife!
```Mouse, my mouse,
You are the bearer of Ganapati,The giver of realisation-plenitude.
Earth-consciousness knowsThis truth sublime.
ThereforeTo you, to you alone,
Earth-life is all gratitude. ```Nightingale, my nightingale,
Your sweetness-melody of rhapsodyDivinely waters man's consciousness-tree.
You are your divinity's voice,You are our soulful admiration's choice.
```Panther, my panther,
Yesterday you served GodWith your destruction-speed.
Indeed, you were unbelievably powerful.Today you are serving God
With your aspiration-speed.Indeed, you are divinely soulful.
Tomorrow you shall be serving GodWith your realisation-speed.
Indeed, you will be supremely fruitful. ```Parrot, my parrot,
Your high and constant admirationFor human voice and human wisdom
Compels you to leave your sky-vast freedomAnd stay in a tiny cage of imitation's limitation.
Your imitation of your superior brother, man,Endows you with the pride-light of satisfaction.
```Peacock, my peacock,
I asked my GodWhen He will grant me victory.
Smilingly He said:"Son, not until you stop climbing
The ignorance-tree." ```Pig, my pig,
Today you derive satisfactionFrom ignorance-night.
Tomorrow you shall derive satisfactionFrom perfection,
Your friend, your only friend.Your embrace of perfection
With your transformation-bodyIs your birthright.
```Rabbit, my rabbit,
Your gold sincerityTakes your soul to God-Goal.
Through you aloneGod reveals His perfection-role
On Heaven-bound earthWith stupendous mirth.
```Rhinoceros, my rhinoceros,
You know the art of concentration,You know the secret of liberation.
You expedite goal-perfection on earth,You expedite Immortality's birth.
```Scorpion, my scorpion,
Your ignorance-forceIs conquered
By the human man's medicine-force,And the divine man's forgiveness-force.
Since you are conqueredBy two mighty forces,
Stop your eyeless course. ```Shark, my shark,
I am so proud of you.Your meanness-consciousness
Is totally gone.Therefore
You swim in the sea of light and eternal day.I assure you, you shall not
Be asked to swim againIn the sea of water, mud and clay.
```Skunk, my skunk,
You spread darkness all around.Save God's Compassion-Flood,
Nothing is foundIn your ignoble blood.
```Snake, my red snake,
I need your energy.Even the Lord Shiva needs you
Around his divine neck.Energy feeds the life of the universe.
Energy lost, life becomesA painful farce.
```Snake, my black snake,
How dare you blightAgain my aspiration-life
With your inconscience-night?Are you a brute?
Are you an idiot?Oh, I see; you are both.
```Sparrow, my sparrow,
You embody future's high secrecy.You reveal its wealth
With your psychic delicacy.Your tiny body and your spanless
Foreseeing eyeCreate in man bold contradiction
Of fascination-sky. ```Spider, my spider,
You build your homeWith patience-light.
Against the speedy timeYou and your confidence fight.
You teach the worldWhat patience can do:
Build perfection's kingdompure and true.
```Squirrel, my squirrel,
You served the Lord RamaWith your devoted service.
You carried grains of sandWhile he was building
His famous bridgeTo fight against Ravana,
The force undivine.He has made you immortal.
You carry his nameOn your heart.
Your service-gloryIs far beyond the death-dart.
```Swan, my swan,
How did you attain yourGod-realisation?
How did you performSuch a difficult task?
"I realised God
By offering my life'sIgnorance-husk and ignorance-bark
To the SupremeThe moment
My hour dawnedIn my weeping life.
What I have now is God.What I have now is God's
All-fulfilling Illumination-Life." ```Tiger, my tiger,
When are you going to endYour dark cruelty-life?
How long shall wait at your doorYour divinity friend?
Don't delay!Don't delay!
Inside the vital of your delayLooms large your world-failure day.
```Tortoise, my tortoise,
Your slow, self-controlledConfidence-life
Challenges ignorance-knifeAnd sows the seeds of immortality —
Your universe-surprisingEmbodied Reality.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Animal Kingdom, Agni Press, 1973
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