Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 10



Claim God’s Delight-Fountain

With your heart’s

Purity-flooded innocence-cry.

God has been waiting for you to do so

For a very, very long time.




A prayer-mountain:

This is what my mind urgently needs.

A meditation-fountain:

This is what my heart sleeplessly needs. ```



Even a segment of a sincerity-heart

And the firmament of a divinity-soul

Are extremely fond of each other.




Even if I remember God too late,

God will not hesitate

To give me a beautiful flower

From His Heart-Garden. ```



This moment my mind

Is a pathless forest.

Next moment my mind

Is my heart’s silence-devouring tiger. ```



When God’s Heart

Is my only choice,

God not only fulfils my prayers

But also grants me

His Rainbow-Voice.




A life that does not aspire

Is indeed a failure-life

That returns again and again

Through Eternity’s revolving door. ```



When I soulfully love God,

I consciously become

A God-taught student

Of God-Satisfaction.

When I do not love God

But only love myself,

I helplessly become

A self-taught student

Of deathless dissatisfaction.




Do you know what my mind

Has done?

It has tapped my heart’s

Telephone line to God.


It suspects that my heart

Is speaking ill of it secretly

And that God is powerfully encouraging,

Appreciating and loving my heart.




My mind becomes familiar

With the word “No”

When God speaks to my mind.

My heart becomes familiar

With the words “Yes” and “No”

When God speaks to my heart.

My soul remains familiar

With the word “Yes” — always “Yes” —

When God speaks to my soul.




O my mind’s stupid anger,

Can you not see what you have done?

You have chained me

To my worst enemy: doubt. ```



My mind, heart and soul

All work for my Lord Supreme.

My mind demands a high salary.

In order to keep peace,

My Lord grants my mind

A high salary.

My heart needs only a low salary.

God grants my heart a low salary

And thus satisfies my heart.

My soul does not want any salary.

It works for God for free

And is all gratitude to Him

For using it as His instrument.

God says to my soul,

“You are My Eternity’s Pride,

My Infinity’s Joy

And My Immortality’s Love.”




He does not hate God any more

Because he now wisely knows

That he depends on God.

He does not hate the world any more

Because the world finally realises

That it helplessly depends on him.




I have locked

Inside my body-prison

Two things:

God’s morning Smile


Man’s evening cry. ```



My heart tells me

That God the Lover

Is a sprinter.

My soul tells me

That God the Smiler

Is a middle-distance runner.

My body tells me

That God the Dreamer

Is a long-distance runner.




Your beauty-spreading life-flower

Is bound to fade

If you do not soulfully offer

Your heart-tears

To your Beloved Supreme.




My mind says to my Lord Supreme,

“Please do not fire me,

Although I am not working hard

For You.”

My heart says to my Lord Supreme,

“Please do not employ me

Until I can become a good instrument

Of Yours.” ```



When he searched within

He discovered two things:

A silver purity-sky

And a golden divinity-sun. ```



If you can play

On your heart’s gratitude-flute,

Then God will definitely grant you

His Vision’s unhorizoned Smile. ```



My Lord,

You have severely scolded me

Not because I love You

Less than before,

Not because You love me

Less than before,

But because I have started

Loving excessively

My frustration-generating desire-life.




As long as God is on my side,

I shall not care

Whether or not this world will ever be

On my side. ```



You know perfectly well

That what you have

Is a good-for-nothing mind.

Why, then, do you spend so much time

With your mind, in your mind

And for your mind?

You know perfectly well that yours

Is a good-for-everything heart.

How is it, then,

That you always act like a stranger

Towards your heart?




O my uncooperative mind,

What you need from my Lord

Is a powerful Kick

And not a blessingful Touch

For your illumination.




My Lord,

I shall no more give You

My mind’s despair-tears.

I shall give You only

My heart’s aspiration-smiles.




Your life has become

A difficulty-mountain

Because you feel that God is

Neither His Compassion-Eye

Nor His Forgiveness-Heart.




If you regularly fly

In your aspiration-plane,

God will definitely invite you to fly

In His Satisfaction-Plane. ```



When you fell from your pride-tree,

Did you not see God standing

On your heart’s oneness-lawn,

Looking at you with His Compassion-Eye? ```



My heart’s aspiration-road is paved

With God’s ever-blossoming Beauty.

My life’s dedication-road is paved

With God’s ever-illumining Duty. ```



Your vital is on strike!

But alas, your vital is not suffering

From the strike.

It is your heart that is suffering





If you live in the cramped room of fear,

How can you ever be

A choice instrument of God?




Between my present happiness

And my future happiness,

Two divine things exist:

My promise-divinity


My faith-beauty. ```



He who thinks

That he does not know

What truth is in the inner world

Is an illegal alien there. ```



Long before my heart’s

Little light grows dim,

I must capture the vast Light

Of my Lord’s infinite Heart. ```



In the outer world

I have buried

My inferiority complex

To become great.

In the inner world

I have buried

My superiority complex

To become perfect. ```



Your stupid and ungrateful mind

Is not ready to pay

Even a courtesy call on God,

Whereas your heart every day pays

A devoted and surrendered visit to God.




The mind that does not want

To change

And the life that does not want

To grow

Have already contracted a deadly disease:

Suspicion. ```



In your spiritual life

Drive forward fast, very fast.

If you cannot do that,

At least drive forward slowly.

But never, never

Drive in reverse! ```



If you live a life

Of loveless duty,

How can you experience

The divinity of a day

Freed from endless ordeals?




My Lord,

I cannot separate

Your Heart of Tears

From Your Eye of Scoldings.

To me they are absolutely the same.




When you are your heart’s

Diamond calmness,

God becomes His thousand Smiles

And million Dances. ```



His newly illumined life-boat

Plies between his mind’s silver trance

And his heart’s golden dance.




Unless you challenge

The age-old victory of ignorance,

Your life is doomed to remain

A failure-sigh. ```



My Lord gave me

His magical Vision-Eye

And now I am giving Him

My radical reality-life. ```



Yesterday’s stupidity-life

I gave up.

Today’s insecurity-life

I am giving up.

Soon I shall start enjoying

Tomorrow’s practical God-life. ```



My mind is satisfied

Being God’s tortoise.

My heart is satisfied

Being God’s deer.

My soul is satisfied

Being God’s lion.

And I am satisfied,

Completely satisfied,

Being God’s lamb.




Each hope-blossom

Is a God-sent messenger

From Heaven’s God-distributing

Delight. ```



Your division-mind

Is a sea of fears.

Therefore, your oneness-heart

Has become a flood of tears. ```



His is the heart

That is as young

As a morning promise.

His is the life

That is as old

As an evening hope.




I know where I stand.

I stand between

The nothingness-desert

Of my mind

And the fulness-sea

Of my heart. ```



The beauty that feeds

The greedy eyes

Is no beauty at all.

The beauty that is hungry

For God’s Eye

Is the only real beauty. ```



The slow decline of his progress

Began the day he lost touch

With his heart’s faith.




Do you think

God’s omniscient Eye

Cannot see

Your transient cry?

How can you expect

With this transient cry

To win God’s ever-effervescent Smile?




You cannot live in

Desire’s bondage-cave

And aspiration’s freedom-sky

At the same time. ```



God never wants from you

Your mind’s fearful prayers.

He wants from you

Only your heart’s prayerful meditations. ```



Your mind may be chained

To doubt,

But your heart is always hoisting

Faith’s victory-banner. ```



Although your life overslept,

You are not doomed

To utter disappointment.

Now that you are up,

Start walking and running

Along Eternity’s Road

And begin to enjoy

Your endless journey. ```



God’s Heart

Is my lover within,

And God’s Eye

Is my supplier without. ```



When we live inside the body-room,

We see God the Stranger.

When we live inside the heart-room,

We see God the Lover.

When we live inside the soul-room,

We see God the Dreamer. ```



The East is like a tree

Without branches, leaves,

Flowers or fruits.

The West is like a tree

Poorly nourished,

With dying roots.

Who can appreciate either tree?




You are running forward,

Asking, “Where is the goal?”

I tell you,

If you have no sense of speed,

How can there ever

Be a goal for you? ```



Not one but all my limbs

I broke

As I was speedily climbing down

Ingratitude-hill. ```



A man of suspicion

Undoubtedly lives

A lonely insecurity-life.




Every day you must aspire

If you want to remain

An active player

In God’s life-transforming

Cosmic Game.




The Guru is both vision and reality.

Through meditation we realise

The vision of the Guru.

Through dedication we manifest

The reality of the Guru.




If you want to wage a successful war

Against despair,

Then once and for all fortify

Your aspiring heart

And searching life.




If you feel that

To work for mankind

Is beneath your dignity,

Then you are, indeed,

An unfortunate God-seeker.




If you care only for manifestation

And not for realisation,

There will be no true

Spirit of God-oneness

In your actions.





This is the message of the West.


This is the message of the East.


This is the Message

Of my Beloved Supreme.




Doctors call it

An emergency room.

I call it

God’s Compassion-Exercise Room. ```



Why do you want to remain

Always seated with folded hands?

Come out into the world.

Manifest God in a new way:

Through your life of self-giving.




For centuries

I travelled alone in paradise

With my silence-eye.

Finally, whom did I see?

My Eternity’s dear fellow-enjoyer,

My soul. ```



Do you not see the difference

Between your past power-life

And your present light-life?

With power you became a hero-warrior.

With light you are earth’s life-transformer.




True, sleep covers all human doubts

And all human thoughts.

But since it does not transform

Doubt into faith and thought into will,

It is as useless

As a deplorably unmanifested man. ```



The message of Heaven is brief

But most powerful:

God loves me unconditionally.

The message of earth is long, uncertain

And most painful:

Earth does not need me.




O my mind,

Do not hide in

Your own darkness-night.

O my heart,

Wake up before

Ignorance-prince steps in.

O my soul,

Do spread your oneness-smile

Within and without my life.




If you have an aspiration-heart,

Then allow it to enjoy

The soaring eagle-flight

Of your progress-smile. ```



If you remain inside God’s Consciousness,

You will see God

As your Father and Mother,

Your Sister and Brother,

Your Friend, Your All.




My Lord Supreme,

I am tired of playing hide-and-seek

With You.

“My child, I am also tired

Of playing this ancient game.

Let us now start playing a new game,

A totally new game: oneness-fulness.”




Capacity is

His life’s shrine.

Willingness is

His heart’s deity. ```



God the Sprinter feels sorry

For my body’s incapacity.

God the Lover feels sorry

For my heart’s incapacity.

God the Dreamer feels sorry

For my life’s incapacity. ```



My earth-born thought

Can never do the work of love.

My Heaven-born thought

Will do not only the work of love

But also the Work of God.




No wonder you are a stranger

To your Heaven-shining skies.

You are not at all receptive

To Heaven’s God-descending light. ```



My heart’s crying

Is my life’s sacred hunger.

My soul’s soaring

Is my Lord’s secret Meal. ```



You want to know where I live

Most of the time.

I live most of the time

In the silence-garden of my soul’s music

Where no disharmony can ever eclipse

The sovereignty of my soul. ```



His heart is studying

The technology of tears

So that his life can become

A factory of God-Smiles. ```



How can God give you

A taste of His universal Delight

If you are not willing

To forget totally

The taste of your personal fears?




Your life-plant is growing

Within the shadow of your suspicion-mind.

How then can you expect to see

The flowering of your oneness-smile? ```



Every day you allow the temptation-bird

To sing inside your vital.

How can you then live

In Eternity’s sunrise? ```



Every morning my Beloved Supreme

Begs me to touch His Smiles.

Every evening my Lord Supreme

Commands me to wipe His Tears. ```



If you want to become

A world-class seeker,

Then you must take a course

At God’s Compassion-University. ```



With his national mind

He began

His life’s earthly journey.

With his international heart

He completed

His life’s Heavenly journey.




My Beloved Supreme

Leads my aspiration-heart,

And I follow His Vision-Eye.




O my mind,

I do not mind if you are old,

But I do mind if you fail to tell me

A new, inspiring and illumining earth-story. ```



God the Vision

Was in the beginning.

God the Satisfaction

Will be at the end.

God the Dedication

Is in between. ```



A constant, prayerful, cheerful

And soulful obedience

Is unmistakably a record-breaking

Inner achievement-event. ```



You want to know

Whether you should live or love.

If you love your body alone,

Then you should only live.

If you love your heart alone,

Then you should only love.

If you love God alone and nothing else,

Then you must at once live and love. ```



There was a time when your mind

Won the world over

To division-night.

Now your heart

Is winning the world over

To oneness-day. ```



A superlative God-lover

Is he who never loses his grip

On God’s Compassion-Divinity.




What you have done

May not have pleased God,

But what you have not done

Has certainly pleased God.

What have you not done?

You have not accepted

The daily invitation

From ignorance-prince. ```



I do not have to know

What the truth is.

All that I have to know

Is that God is the only Truth. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 10, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from