A hopeful heart
Can easily study faith-lessonsAt the happiness-school.
```Your Inner Pilot
Is infinitely more compassionateThan you can ever imagine.
Therefore, He will not fulfilYour vital’s dangerous demands.
```If you are brave,
Only then will God show you the roadFrom your mind-doubts
To your heart-certaintyPlus life-divinity.
```A life of dedication
And God’s Heart of SatisfactionCan never be separated,
Never! ```Man’s latest discovery:
God is all Forgiveness.God’s latest discovery:
Man can be satisfied. ```If your mind
And not your heartIs your advocate,
Then you are bound to getAn unsatisfactory judgement
From God. ```Be brave, always brave,
And dauntlessly playInside your heart’s
Aspiration-garden. ```Time and again you may complain
Against the world.But God is not going to explain
To youHow and why this world
Dives within and flies without. ```A pure heart
Is man’s life-changingSecret smile
And sacred cry. ```Because you allowed your heart
To get lost,Today your aspiration-life
Is buriedInside a doubt-cave.
```Either you pray soulfully
And meditate calmly,Or you and your age-old nothingness
Will be forced to live togetherForever.
```The world of aspiration-light
Is only sought by hero-swimmersWho are ready to swim against
The strong currents of temptation-river. ```Are you so blind
That you do not seeYour life’s ingratitude-drop
Turning intoA dangerous sea?
```He who surrenders to God’s Will
At every momentReceives from God every night
Life-illumining dreams. ```Alas, there are so many miles
Between what I deliberatelyDo not want to know
And what I am supposed to knowIn the inner world.
```If you do not offer
Your total commitment to God,How do you expect God to grant
His full Enlightenment to you? ```God sings
His Silence-Songs of DelightOnly for the seekers
Who fulfil their inner and outer promises. ```The past is a country
Only for foreigners and strangers.Be wise!
Do not visit that country. ```Where is the difference
Between your desire-thoughtsAnd your failure-life?
No difference! ```Today you are taking infant steps
Of progress.Do not give up!
Continue!Tomorrow you will be able to take
Giant stridesIn your progress-life.
```One book I always want to read,
And that book is God-Eternity’sGod-Satisfaction-Book.
```Unless you don
Your soul’s purity-robe,Your earth-life
Will not look beautiful. ```His Inner Pilot is pleased
With his insight.The rest of the world is pleased
With his foresight. ```Sit down and listen
To your inner whispers.Your outer life will no longer remain
A meaningless failure. ```Remember, remember
Your aspiration-nightsAnd dedication-days
And your self-giving lifeTo God’s Compassion-Eye.
```Where does love grow?
Love grows on the topOf your heart’s aspiration-hill.
```This is the moment of choice!
Either accept the world of noiseOr accept God-Beauty’s Silence-Voice.
```Keep your aspiration-heart-door open
So God can come in at any momentTo grant you His Satisfaction-Award.
```Because you are a stark fool,
You think that God’s creationIs humanity minus divinity.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Pretends that it does not knowHumanity’s treacherous mind.
```If you refuse to serve,
Rest assuredYou are worse than worthless
In God’s cosmic Vision-Light. ```When I think of God-discovery
And God-manifestation,My heart tells me only one thing:
Nothing is too soon,Nothing is too late!
```If you do not have time to pray,
Then do not blame GodIf your life is nothing
But a lump of clay. ```Direct your devotion
Towards God’s Compassion-Eye.He will inundate your entire life
With His Infinity’s Nectar-Blessings. ```You forgot to surrender.
Therefore, God cameOnly to go!
```Make your heart
A soulful shrineAnd make your life
A fountain of tears.Then perfection will claim you
As its very own. ```Enjoy not deliberately
Your longIgnorance-ingratitude-tradition,
For therein abidesYour slow death.
```Every day you must unlearn
Your mind’s doubt-songBefore you start learning
Your heart’s faith-dance. ```The moment God received
Your surrender-letter,He became all Satisfaction
With both your inner life of aspirationAnd your outer life of dedication.
```If you can identify yourself
With God’s Compassion-Light,Then He will help your heartbeat throb
Inside His transcendental Smile. ```Provoke not anybody
And be not provoked,For every discord in life
Meets with a destructive end. ```If you want to live
In the world of compromise,You will not hear the voice
Of the Golden Age. ```The doubter
Within each aspiring human beingIs nothing but
A dangerous invader. ```His entire heart
Was most richly comfortedBy the absence of desire’s
Possessive hunger. ```Each gratitude-heart
Is a magnetThat pulls in
God’s sacred Smiles. ```He is totally lost
BetweenThe imagination of his mind
And the indecision of his life. ```Stay not with your aspiration-plan,
But try to becomeAn aspiration-plant
Immediately. ```Now that your divine possibilities
Are coming to the fore,You will not suffer any more
From your life’s human disabilities. ```Your heart’s deep-rooted faith
Must not care forYour delinquent mind.
```Be not busy
With the task of ruthless doubting,But be occupied
With the task of fruitful surrendering. ```A life of surrender
Is always a living blossomOf celestial beauty.
```If you do not aspire,
Then you will not knowThat human love is only
A shaky illusion and delusion-bridge. ```If you allow your heart
To be flooded with dedication-dreams,Then yours will be
The golden days without shadow. ```If you are not ready
For your aspiration-life,How will you be ready
For your perfection-smile? ```Because of his soulful surrender-life,
Every day he receivesA special invitation
To the Heaven-festival. ```Misery knocks at your life’s door
Because you allow doubtAnd your dark desire-life
To follow you. ```You can escape
The chasm of ignorance-nightIf you study the secrets
Dropped by Cosmic Time. ```The path before you is closed,
Not because yours is a useless lifeBut because yours is an unattempted heart.
```The main purpose of a God-lover
Is to inspire his fellow travellersTo surpass themselves.
```Be soulfully happy all the time.
Otherwise, you will be totally lostWhile travelling
Between summit and abyss. ```God does not want you
To worship Him under pressure.God wants you to worship Him
As a self-giving pleasure. ```Joy has drifted away from his heart
Because he sees that the world around himIs enjoying the deepest ignorance-sleep.
```If you are a wanderer
In your own heart,How will you become a voyager
To your immortal Home? ```Can you not see
That your life-bud is blossoming?Can you not see
That your hungry hopesAre about to be satisfied?
```Because you have kept
Your heart-door shut,God’s daily morning message
You cannot hear. ```Who is awake within me?
Not God the Ruler,But God the Lover.
```Since you have given God
Your days and nights,God will grant you
His Heart’s immortal Smile. ```If you nourish your depression,
That means you are squanderingGod’s Compassion.
```I did what I was not supposed to do:
I complained.God did what He was supposed to do:
He sighed. ```As your heart is embracing
Tomorrow’s dawn,Even so, your mind is approaching
Its immediate death. ```At every moment
Inner peace spreads its opulence:Satisfaction-heart.
```True, truth can grow anywhere,
In any human being.But it prefers to grow always
In silence-heart. ```From the soul’s world
The great Masters ploughThe same kind of fertile fields
That they ploughed on earth,And good seekers in Heaven
Will eventually grow intoGreat banyan trees on earth.
```Another year is ending.
Alas!God knows what I have done
And what I have not doneFor Him.
```Be careful!
One day the Golden Boat of the SupremeMay not have room to keep you
If you prove again and againTo be an undeserving passenger.
```Although there are
Countless people on earth,You are definitely one of those
Chosen to be in God’s BoatAnd to do something good
For the earth-consciousness. ```True, God-realisation
Is the most important goal in life,But never call the experiences
We go through to prepare ourselvesFor our highest Goal
Unimportant! ```Yogis are like waves,
Avatars are like the sea.If you have the capacity
To be a wave again and again,One day you can also become
The sea itself. ```What kind of help does he get
From his Master?Not merely outer help
But inner help as well,For he carries his Master
Inside his aspiring heartWith utmost love, devotion and surrender.
```God has His own choice Hour
For each of us.But God’s Hour we can expedite
Through constant obedience and gratitude. ```The first and foremost thing
Is constant cheerfulness in the heart.Then anything divine that you want
Is bound to come. ```His eye of vision
Was not only unknownBut also unknowable,
For the Unknowable was what he wasAnd what he represented.
```Serve God and humanity
In a cheerful and meditative consciousness.Lo, you will make the fastest progress!
```Never will I try to bind my Lord.
I only want to enter into Him —To be infinite like Him,
To be divine, to be immortal,To be perfect in every way.
```The spiritual life
Is for the wise —Those who feel they need
God’s Love, Light and Delight. ```God sees many souls crying,
But He must waitFor their outer receptivity.
```Only when I look
Inside others’ heartsDo I see my own perfection
And the perfection that I wantTo see in them.
```Each time he says
He is going to obey God,What happens?
When the obedience-moment comes,He proves that his hour
Has not yet struck. ```Today you may not be aspiring,
But if you can remember and valueYour own highest consciousness,
Then special Grace may descend from AboveTo rekindle your aspiration-flame.
```How to make your inner life strong?
Through selfless service.If you can help others,
This will expedite the reawakeningOf your own highest consciousness.
```He is happy
Because he has confidence in his MasterAs the bridge that will take him
To his Beloved Supreme. ```Your heart’s aspiration-cry
Can never be old.It always remains
Soulfully and powerfully young. ```When two minds meet,
You must know that they areKnowingly or unknowingly
But quicklyGrowing confusion-plants.
```How can you hide
The beauty of your aspiration-heart,And how can you hide
The impurity of your doubt-mind? ```If your life lives
In your heart’s aspiration-boat,Then the desire-storm of the outer world
Cannot frighten you. ```If your heart is
An aspiration-lover,Then your life must be
A dedication-fulfiller. ```Meditate and meditate.
God will grant youHis Heart’s Divinity-Depths.
Pray and pray.God will nullify
Your mind’s humanity-debts. ```Humanity’s God-realisation-list
God has already postedSo everybody can see and know.
But humanity’s God-manifestation-listGod has not yet posted,
And nobody knows when and where. ```Your man-given outer strength
Cannot sustain you.But your God-given inner strength
Will never fail you. ```My invocation of the Supreme
Is the breath of my visionAnd the life of my realisation.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 102, Agni Press, 1985
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_102