Obedience is the sacred beauty
Of God’s Oneness-ManifestationIn His seeker-lovers.
```Before you master the art
Of heart-offering,You must learn the art
Of purity-becoming. ```Your life has suffered
Not because the evil forcesHave captured your heart,
But because you have asked your mindTo be your Lord Supreme.
```Meditate on your soul
To steel your senses,And not on your mind
To kill your senses. ```If your heart does not listen
With love,Your mind will never become
The fragrance-delight of perfection. ```The beauty of self-giving
And the duty of earth-lovingCan never be insignificant
In the seeker’s God-realisingAnd God-manifesting life.
```Do not think that God the Justice
Loves you lessThan God the Compassion.
God the Justice wants to see youVictorious in the battlefield of life.
His Compassion-Heart and his Justice-EyeExpect only one thing from you:
Perfection. ```Remember the thing
You have deplorably forgotten:Your life is your soul’s
Unhorizoned strength. ```If you do not closely examine
Your mind’s secret motives,You can never demolish
Your life’s ignorance-tree. ```If you are planning
To satisfy God,Your life will always remain
In the planning stage.But if you have the confidence
That you can please God,Then you are already on the fair road
To pleasing God. ```O seeker, I am telling you
Once and for all:Your soul will not value
Your undeserved successIn your outer life
And your undeserved progressIn your inner life.
And something more:It does not appreciate an easy victory!
```If you are a great soul,
That means you have a great mind.If you are a good soul,
That means you have a good heart.If you are a perfect soul,
That means you areA sleeplessly surrendered life.
```If delight is your heart’s choice,
Then sleeplessly keep ignoranceOut of your life’s boundary.
```The short, slow steps of unwillingness
Are the beginningOf fast destruction-night.
```He has proved his greatness and goodness
By his successful experimentIn non-expectation.
```The mind’s perpetual doubt-journey
Can never reachThe golden shore of the heart’s delight.
```You must not choose!
Let your heart choose for you.Your self-giving and God-loving heart
Can never make a wrong choice. ```If your breath is chained
To expectation,Then your life is doomed
To frustration. ```His heart is ashamed
Of his mind’s deliberate unwillingnessTo be at God’s Compassion-Door.
```You are shattered by sorrow.
Do you know why?Because you cheerfully invited
The temptation-tyrant. ```If you see with your heart,
God will not be able to playHide-and-seek with you.
```What is human life
If not a birthless and deathless processionOf unillumining thoughts?
```If you taste from desire-dish every day,
How can God serve youWith His Vision’s aspiration-dish?
```You must know
That you have a peace-cornerInside your heart.
Every day try to park your mind’sUncomely thoughts
In that corner. ```God is always for you,
But are you for God always?If so, you cannot be a victim
To your outer life’s false joys! ```He is the sweetness
Of his heart’s selflessness.He is the newness
Of his Lord’s Fruitfulness. ```God secretly and compassionately
Watches you every dayWhile you pass through
Your heart’s surrender-gates. ```The mind’s profession is doubting.
The heart’s profession is loving.The soul’s profession is illumining.
God’s Profession is witnessing. ```Nobody can compel you to get lost
In your mind’s desire-storm.Again, nobody can liberate you
From your mind’s desire-storm.You are your heart’s inspirer.
You are your life’s liberator.You are your God’s Vision-fulfiller.
```A man of promise
Definitely knowsThat God does not make
Dangerous demands. ```You can conquer
The breath of deathIf you can daily sing
Your soul’s silence-song. ```To bring your dream to life,
You and your lifeMust start your faith-train
Immediately. ```You have forgotten to surrender.
That does not meanGod will forget to remember
Your oneness-heartOf the hoary past.
```The road from darkness
To certaintyNot only illumines
The human in usBut also manifests
The divine in us. ```God is never too busy!
Just make an iota of inner progress.Lo, He is always ready to be
Your immediate Help. ```Nobody can steal away
Your time —Nobody —
If your full-time jobIs God-satisfaction.
```God will give each one
A different answerBecause
Each one gets tremendousSatisfaction-pleasure
From his particular answer. ```Once God becomes real to you,
Yours should be every dayA God-preoccupied heart.
```Yesterday’s cheerful heart
Is tomorrow’s confidence-life.This is the message
From the Delight-Height of God. ```Your soul is dying
For God’s Manifestation-DelightInside the purity-heart
Of your aspiration-world. ```God can feed
Your hungry heartIf you can become a stranger
To your worry-anxiety-life. ```To breathe in purity’s breath
Is a very good startIn your long-forgotten
Aspiration-life. ```If you cannot direct
Your devotion to God,You can at least think of God.
If you cannot
Even think of God,You can at least believe
That God’s Compassion-LightWill never desert you.
```My soul feels sorry
When it seesThe modern distribution
Of ultra-modern truth. ```A willing heart’s capacity
Can easily make friends withGod’s Infinity-Heart.
```Who has time?
Not he who wastes time!Who loves God?
Not he who dares to imagineThat God is for somebody else!
```If you are your heart’s commitment
To God’s Will,Then you can never remain short
In your inner height. ```You may not be inspired
To speak to God.That does not mean
God is also supposed to playThe same game.
He easily plays a totally different gameWith you, in you and for you.
```Your aspiration-life is in ruins
BecauseYour unaspiring mind is torturing
Your helpless, unawakened life-bird. ```If you know you have
An unready mind,That means you also have
An unreliable heart. ```If you do not have
A doubting mind,That means at least one nightmare
Is gone forever! ```Every day your soul
Brings a message from God to you.Can you not one day
Take your soul’s message to mankind? ```My desire-life was bitter
And it was not complete.My aspiration-life is sweet,
And how I wish to complete it! ```What have you done for God
That you want and deserveA great reception in Heaven?
```Aspiration is not
A small, temporary reliefFrom human suffering.
It is the only wayTo enter into the sea
Of Eternity’s Bliss. ```When doubt assails your mind,
Immediately appeal to the higher power:Your inner faith.
```If you are your mind’s pretence,
God is not going to persuade youTo enjoy your heart’s
Oneness-relationship with Him. ```There is always something more
To the story of man’s transformationAnd God’s Manifestation.
This is a story that is at onceBeginningless and endless.
Is the dream-seed.Realisation
Is the reality-tree.Manifestation
Is the perfection-fruit. ```Each time God the Compassion
Lights my heart-candle,I see a supreme glow
Inside my heart’s purity-nest. ```Each God-seeking life
Is definitely a freedom-experienceOf God’s universal Vision,
Light and Delight. ```If you do not remember
Your aspiration-treasure,Who can and who will show you
The beauty of realisationAnd the joy of perfection?
```If and when
A mind is freed from doubt,Then that mind becomes
An island of light in the darkness-sea. ```If the mind wants to dominate you,
That is the business of the mind.But you have the capacity
To eliminate the mindFrom your life’s heart-chamber.
```God’s Compassion-Soap
Every day washesMan’s ingratitude-heart
And disobedience-life. ```Even a faint complaint
Against GodCan easily change your life
For Eternity. ```A constant oneness-heart
With the Inner PilotIs the seeker’s life-changing challenge.
```Every day you attend
Your ego-exhibits.Can you not today,
Even for a short time,Attend your soul’s
God-revelation-exhibits? ```Love is not always enough.
Devotion is not always enough.Only oneness-surrender-satisfaction
Is always enough. ```If you have not taken
A self-study course,Then take one.
You will value God’s supreme VisionIn you and for you.
```If you want to see,
Then see beyond your little self.If you want to become,
Then become the fountain-heartOf satisfaction
In God’s Self-Transcendence-Vision. ```You think what you have
Is a doubting mind.But I wish you to feel
That what you areIs a heart,
And this heart is the heraldOf a new age.
```God has granted you
A real heart-altar.Do not put
Any artificial flowers on it. ```Do not allow
Your heart’s beauty-flowers to dry.These flowers will grant you
Divinity’s liberation-breath. ```My self-giving
Is nothing other thanMy Lord’s
Perfection-Oneness-ManifestationMade visible.
```You will specialise
In doing the impossibleIf you compel your mind to be fed
By your faith-preparation. ```If you refuse to serve,
Yours will be a lifeWorse than useless,
Even in God’sAll-forgiving Compassion-Eye.
```Do not give up, do not give up!
Your soul has endless patience.Listen to your soul’s compassion-whispers.
You will eventually succeed.Do not give up!
```If you remain in the destruction-vital,
Even when God the CompassionArrives at your door,
You will take HimAs a complete stranger.
```No, not in the man-made churches
But in the God-made heart-temples,God will grant you
A long interview. ```Join the God-lovers’ society.
God will one day share with youHis Eternity’s Infinity.
```If you take shelter
In your mind’s impurity-house,How can God reveal to you
His Heart’s Delight-Treasures? ```Heart’s gratitude
Can never take birthIn the mind’s unwillingness-home.
```Faith is not only
The true God-lover in youBut also the brave ignorance-destroyer
For you. ```Even for a second
Daily try to liveIn your soul’s enchanting and illumining
Heart-depths. ```The silence-greeting of your soul
Can easily liberate youFrom your mind’s all-devouring pride.
```In his case
The past is not dust.The past is all golden and diamond!
In his case, alas,The future is the problem.
He is unable to shape itIn God’s own Way.
```The human mind
Is a hallucination-dreamThat lives in the abysmal abyss
Of the doubt-land. ```When God grants you
A new, inspiring, encouragingAnd illumining faith-certificate,
Accept it immediatelyAnd preserve it
With your sleepless gratitude. ```God’s first Achievement:
His Vision in HisSatisfaction-Smile.
Man’s last achievement:
God for God’s sake. ```If you cry and cry to be purified,
God will stand right before youAnd listen to your heart’s
Orphan-songs. ```No, the years blessed by the Inner Pilot
Are not gone!They are still within us.
They have to be brought to the foreEvery day
Consciously and sleeplessly. ```Alas,
The unaspiring lecturesOf the mind-professor
Are not only guiding today’s old worldBut perhaps will also feed
Tomorrow’s new world. ```If you do not use
Your heart’s discrimination-light,You will not be able to see
Beyond the unlit cave of your mind. ```Your mind’s desire-list
Is indeed a long list,Helpless and useless.
Your heart’s aspiration-list
Is indeed a short list,Powerful and fruitful.
```Purity is long dead
In your life.Therefore
You are a perfect strangerTo your heart’s aspiration-light.
```Humanity minus divinity:
A God-missing experience.Do not commit yourself to an experience
Worse than the worst. ```Nobody wanted you
To be caught in the netOf your binding mind,
Your strangling vitalAnd your sleeping body.
```I feel sorry
For only one thing:I feel really sorry
When I look at my heart’sEncaged divinity-bird.
```May my life become
The garden of my heart.May my heart become
The flower of my soul.May my soul become
The fragrance of my Lord Supreme. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 103, Agni Press, 1985
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_103