What have I to call my own
If not the Compassion-EyeOf my Eternity’s Beloved Supreme?
```Remain inside your heart.
Gratitude-lifeWill soon be your speciality.
```Because your mind-boat has no sail
You are unhappy.Because your heart-sea has no peace
You are miserable. ```Indeed,
The heart’s way is the better way.But the soul’s way
Is not only betterBut also easier.
```God gives trophies
To the believers.The devil gives crowns
To the quitters. ```Be not afraid
Of your mind’s darkness-life.A single aspiration-flame
Of your heartCan illumine your darkness-mind.
```My Lord Supreme,
Yours aloneIs the future life
Of my earthly existence-cry. ```The heart of faith
Predicts.The mind of doubt
Contradicts.The Light of God
Illumines the mindAnd fulfils the heart.
Man the stupid thinkerIgnores
God the wise Lover. ```Meditate on perfection.
The mind of peaceWill awaken
In your heart’s perfection-dream. ```If you do not climb
Your own aspiration-Everest,How can you shine
Even for a fleeting secondIn God’s supreme Satisfaction-Firmament?
```If you are asleep
In your mind’s weakness-room,Nobody will come —
No, not even God —To wake you.
```Your service-life will tell you
What God is doing for you.Your prayer-life will tell you
Where God is waiting for you. ```Since your mind is getting older,
Can you not ask your heartTo become bolder
And stop your mind’s ruthlessAspiration-exploitation?
```The impurity-noise of the mind
And the purity-silence of the heartWill perhaps remain
Two giant rivalsTo the end.
```Try again and again!
Who knows?In a few thousand years
You may getA perfect taste of liberation.
```He who aspires soulfully
And does not befriend ignorance-nightAny more
Is undoubtedlyA saint of the future.
```The love that spans the universe
Is not new.It is old,
AncientAnd eternal.
```Your unfulfilled promises
Must not weaken your mind.Success is bound to dawn
If your mind starts studyingAt your heart’s school.
```For God’s Birthday Celebration,
What He wants from meIs my heart’s birthless cry
And my life’s deathless smile. ```If you raise your voice,
Man will laugh at you.If you raise your consciousness,
God will smile at you. ```Both the impatience of the mind
And the frustration of the vitalAre in transit
To nowhere. ```How many years will dawn for me
Before I will be able to becomeA genuine friend
Of tomorrow’s heart? ```It is an old story
When I tell the worldThat I am going to perfect it.
It is a new storyWhen I tell not only the world
But also my mindThat I shall improve my own life.
```What can be better proof
That I am a true God-seekerAnd God-lover
Than the fact that I have known GodFor many years?
```Even God was shocked
When he decided to withdrawFrom his dedication-life
And embrace the lifeOf retirement-lethargy.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is ahead of your aspiration-heart.I am telling you,
In case you are not aware of it. ```To illumine your illusion-mind,
You must discontinueYour old friendship
With your ego-friend. ```You do not remember
Why you have come into the world!If this is true,
Then it is equally trueThat you do not want to remember it.
```If your aspiration-heart
Is not functioning well,Then invite its best friend,
Dedication-life,To come and help it.
```If you are in your heart,
You will be in your aspiration-boat.If you are in your soul,
You will be at your Golden Shore. ```A purity-heart is at once
A seeker’s life-protectionAnd his mind-illumination.
```Anxiety stabs
The human mind.Purity gladdens
The divine heart. ```To invite a few thoughts
Is not enough.To invite new thoughts
Is not enough.To become the owner of divine thoughts
Is more than enough. ```He is happy in the morning
When he offersHis heart’s aspiring cry
To the rising sun.He is happy at night
When he offersHis life’s dedication-smile
To the beaming moon. ```God is getting ready
To enter into your doubting mind,And you are getting ready
To enter into God’s smiling Heart. ```Unwillingness is draining
Your life-energy.Therefore, how can God sing
His Satisfaction-SongInside your heart?
```He begs God
To grant him the capacityTo work
And grow into a sea of lightUnder God’s Justice-Supervision.
```If you come out
Of your insecurity-cave,God will not only show you
His supreme PalaceBut also allow you
To live there permanently. ```With your faltering aspiration-steps,
How far can you go?With your weak dedication-hands,
How much can you offer? ```The fragrance
Of a purity-flower-heartIs cherished
By God’s earth-energising Breath. ```The desire-world
Is made of falsehood.But alas,
It has the tremendous capacityTo fascinate the entire human life.
```Explore, every day explore
Your unexplored gratitude-lifeTo expand your divinity’s
Light-existence. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
And my heart’s aspiration-flameImmensely liked each other
Right from the very beginning. ```Not the mind’s attraction
Nor the heart’s repulsionBut the soul’s illumination only
Can liberate a human life. ```Do not forget
Your life’s surrender-daysAnd your heart’s gratitude-moments
If you want to beA supremely chosen instrument
Of your Lord Supreme. ```The human mind fights
For its universal supremacy.The divine heart longs
For God’s supernal Intimacy. ```When I saw God,
I expected His Satisfaction-Smile.I was disappointed.
When God saw me,
He expected my heart’s perfection-cry.He was disappointed.
```The main difference
Between my soul and my lifeIs this:
Time uses my life;My soul uses time’s eye.
```My heart digs and
My soul buriesMy failure-past.
Alas, my mindPowerfully resurrects
My failure-past. ```Challenge your frustration-vital!
God will put your nameOn His Heart’s Satisfaction-List.
```To speak ill of oneself
Is not a sign of virtue.Therefore
How can you expect a trophyFrom God the Judge?
```God always wants to accompany you
Early in the morningWhen you go out for your prayer-walk,
But you decline His OfferAnd invite your hesitation-mind
To accompany you. ```Do you want to know
Your soul’s opinionOf your life?
Your soul still maintainsThe deathless hope
That someday you will beA true God-seeker.
```My mind,
Are you not tiredOf your ambition-game?
My heart,
Are you not awareOf your aspiration-game?
```Two severe punishments:
A life without loveAnd love without God.
```If your heart helps the helpless
Devotedly and cheerfully,Then God’s Satisfaction-Eye
Will beckon youTo your long-cherished destination.
```Either have a clever mind
Or have a pure heartTo declare at every moment:
“My Lord Supreme,This very moment I have kept
Only for You.” ```When I keep myself
Under the control of my mind,I clearly see
That I am a tiny ant.But when I keep my life
Under God’s Control,I unmistakably see
That I am a budding God. ```If you want to keep peace with yourself,
Then care for your heart first.At the beginning of your spiritual journey,
Care for your heart first!At the middle of your spiritual journey,
Care for your heart first!At the end of your spiritual journey,
Care for your heart first! ```The fearful mind
Needs salvation.The soulful heart
Needs liberation. ```If you are
An inner challenge-lover,Then God’s Satisfaction-Tower
Is yours. ```Man thinks
Perfection is unattainable.God knows
Perfection is not only reachableBut also available
In God’s Vision-Creation. ```You can claim
Your realisation-birthrightOnly when your mind
Is ready to enjoyThe divinity of silence-ecstasy.
```If you can keep
Your heart’s sincerity-candlesAlways lit,
Then there can be no ignorance-nightTo keep you away
From God’s Satisfaction-Light. ```The aspiration-knight
Of a seekerWill always destroy
The ingratitude-nightOf the seeker’s heart.
```There are so many places
To visit.Why do you have to visit
All the timeYour mind’s desire-chamber?
```Stay in your newborn
Hope-heart.All your silver dreams
Will turn intoGolden realities.
```Because he has spread
His heart’s concern-netAll-where,
God’s Satisfaction-SunEmbraces his life.
```Before you do anything
Either in the inner worldOr in the outer world,
Devotedly waitFor the Supreme’s
Seal of Approval. ```Do not allow doubt-thoughts
To stayOn your mind’s highest floor
Or evenIn your mind’s basement.
```Pray to your soul
To whisperAgain and again
Your heart’s aspiration-songs. ```A critical mind
Is bound to liveIn a delight-forsaken clime.
```If you can be true
To your aspiration-heart,There is no desire-attack
That you cannot conquer. ```No substitute
For the toleranceOf the heart!
No substitute
For the satisfactionOf the soul!
```If you do not empty
Your mind’s frustration-well,How can God grant you
His Ecstasy-Sea? ```How can God love you
If you do not loveHis sweet creation-child:
Earth? ```The Sound-God
Is worshipped.The Silence-God
Is loved. ```Either run forward
Or dive inward.A safe road will definitely appear.
```The mind demands
Explanation-surges.The heart needs
Illumination-sea. ```A gratitude-heart
Is a perfect interpreterOf God’s Oneness-Life.
```God is ready to tell you
The secrets of the universe.What He needs from you
Is your heart’s oneness-expansion. ```The limit
Of human loveIs unlimited frustration.
The limit
Of divine LoveIs unhorizoned illumination.
```“O ignorance,
You can take backYour destruction-weapons
And use them,Since I do not use them
Any more.”This is the lesson
That the illumined mind teaches. ```A heart of sympathy
Satisfies bothA hungry mind and a thirsty heart.
```O seeker, you may not know it,
But it is absolutely trueThat your silence-eye carries
The stupendous weight of the world. ```I remember way back
When God taught meAffectionately and secretly
How to please HimUnconditionally.
Is right now noticeable.But oneness-sky
Is eventually inevitable. ```My oneness-heart stopped functioning
In harmony with GodIn my mind’s confusion-market.
And prayerfully invokesWisdom-God.
```“I love God only.”
Although it is false now,One day
Belatedly, painfully,I will prove it to be true
In my own life. ```Do you know
What questionYou are being asked by God?
“When are you going to beAnother God
Like Me?” ```Your world-mind
May fail God,But your earth-heart
Will never fail God. ```Your life’s dedication-waves
Without failWill eventually enter into
God’s Oneness-Ocean. ```Your faith is so fragile!
How can God grant youThe dreams that carry you
To His own ever-transcendingBeyond?
```The moment God
Opens up your heart-door,You and your mind
Must immediately enter into itAnd occupy two permanent seats.
```Who wants you to swim the channel
Between your mind and vitalWhen there is a sea of God-illumination
Between your heart and soul? ```Every second a seeker can start over,
For his life’s mistakesAre initial drafts
And not the final version. ```The only time God feels sorry
Is when He is compelled to withdrawHis Affection-Love-Light
From an ingratitude-life. ```Because you have now become
A gratitude-heartAnd a surrender-life,
God’s supreme VictoryIn and through you
Is the perfect prediction. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 105, Agni Press, 1986
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_105