Just be conscious,
O my mind!God is coming to see you.
Just be receptive,O my heart!
God is coming to bless you.Just be soulful,
O my life!God is coming to fulfil you.
```Your life’s illusion-mask
Will soon be buriedIn your sordid mind-clay .
```A surrender-life
Can sing the songOf perfection-smile
And dance the danceOf satisfaction-life.
```In the seeker’s pure heart-home
There can be no stranger,No doubt-bewilderment.
```To lift the weight
Of your life,You must forget
The stupid blindnessOf your mind.
```Man’s night job
Is to sleep and dream.God’s night Job
Is to transform man’sUnwillingness-mind
And illumine hisSoulfulness-heart.
```A seeker’s heart
Is his God-identity.A seeker’s mind
Is his life-creativity.A seeker’s life
Is God’s Dream-Divinity. ```A liberated soul tells the world
What God’s ForgivenessHas done for him,
What God’s CompassionIs doing for him
And what God’s SatisfactionWill do for him.
```A doubting mind has the capacity
To diminishThe seeker’s dedication-life
And extinguishThe seeker’s aspiration-flames.
```O my Lord Supreme,
Do make meA strict disciplinarian-physician
So that I can easily cureMy self-pity-disease.
```How can I expect happiness
From a lethargy-prone body?How can I expect peace
From an insecurity-infested heart? ```The day your mind says good-bye
To its doubts,God will place your mind
On His universal Delight-Throne. ```Man thinks
Manifestation is a taskThat can never be completed.
God tells manThat manifestation is His
Birthless and deathlessLight-Revolution.
```O seeker,
No matter how many timesYou have failed,
God will grant you alwaysAnother chance,
Provided you care forA little larger receptivity-heart.
```If you do not serve
When it is your turn to serve,God will not love you
When it is His time to love. ```Self-discipline
Strengthens the human heartPowerfully.
Self-disciplineInvokes the divine life
Consciously. ```How can God’s Compassion
Permanently reside inside your heartWhen you do not want
Your mind’s indulgence-stormTo subside?
```If you do not prefer
Your heart’s purityTo your mind’s impurity,
Your failure-life will beEternity’s friend.
```There are so many things on earth
Which we can satisfactorily finish.But the full manifestation of God-Light
Remains always unfinished. ```You have learnt perfectly
The art of complaining.But God is not going to teach you
His Art of perfecting. ```The mind calls it
Frustration.The heart calls it
Futile expectation.But God calls it
Needed illumination. ```God gave me
A life of EternityFor my improvement.
How is itThat I do not want to give myself
Even ten daysFor my improvement?
```Because you are good,
You give yourselfSmilingly.
Because you want to be perfect,You give yourself
Unconditionally. ```If your heart is faithful,
Definitely your life will be fruitfulIn the world of aspiration.
```Your mind is shining
Because it has stopped doubting.Your heart is dancing
Because it has stopped fearing. ```The mind teaches man
Not only how to doubt GodBut also how to doubt himself.
The heart teaches manNot only how to love God
But also how to love God’s creation,Man.
```Not only one,
But all the heart-racesAre won
By the compassion-seeker-souls. ```Unless your ego-balloon bursts,
Your little heart’s onenessWith God’s giant Heart
Can never be established. ```If you reveal
Your aspiration-secretsTo mankind,
God will revealHis Satisfaction-Secrets
To you. ```When are you going
To compel your mindTo make its farewell speech?
Can be followedBy sorrow nights.
Oneness-sunCannot be followed
By division-clouds. ```Your heart’s surrender-cry
Will soon be transformedInto your life’s courage-smile.
```If you are afraid
Of the pastAnd if you are afraid
Of the future,How can God grant you
His Perfection-Satisfaction-Smile? ```Your aspiration-cry
Must not fail you.Your realisation-smile
Will not fail you.Your oneness with your Supreme Pilot
Can never fail you. ```If your heart is true,
Who can weaken your heartAnd frighten your life?
```A God-doubter’s path
Is unimaginably longAnd unpardonably foolish.
```Control your
Destruction-poison-tongue!God’s Compassion-Feet
Will be within your easy reach. ```If you are not prepared
For your surrender-present,You will not be allowed
To be near God’s Satisfaction-Tower. ```With your luminosity-mind
You can sit at God’s Feet.With your generosity-heart
You can live inside God’s Heart. ```May God the Compassion
Be the Owner of my heart.May God the Justice
Be the Owner of my mind. ```Selflessness is suspected.
Fulness is suspected.Anything that is new,
Illumining and fulfillingIs suspected.
Alas, suspicion everywherereigns supreme.
```If you do not befriend
Your aspiration-heart,Your life will be
A frustration-sigh. ```God’s fond Dream is
Man the flower.Man’s fond dream is
God the Power. ```Your heart must first become
A hope-seed.Then only will God transform it
Into a reality-tree. ```You must practise
Your patience-lessonEvery day.
Then only will you be ableTo swim in a sea of peace
Every day. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is always willingTo teach you.
But is your aspiration-heartReady to learn?
```God wants you to try
To transform your lifeIn a new way:
The way of complete andUnconditional surrender.
```Do not find new excuses!
They are as shamelessAnd as useless as ever.
This very moment cryFor God’s Satisfaction-Smile
In your aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life.
```Tomorrow does not
Have to remain uncertainIf you dream of God
For God’s sakeAnd not for yours.
```Your slow progress
Must not dishearten you.Anything that wants to be divine
And anything that wants to be perfectNeeds slow and steady progress.
```If you live in the mind,
You can at best survive.But if you live in the heart,
You will definitely thrive. ```God does not tempt you
To be either good or bad.He just helps you
In your upward attempts. ```You can never be
Any help to yourself.God alone can be of help to you.
Therefore, soulfully and sleeplesslyTurn towards Him.
```Do not expect
Perfection-comments from man.In man’s eyes
You are and you will always remainImperfect.
```Do not pretend!
Your surrender-lifeIs not within your reach.
Do not pretend!Your gratitude-heart
Is still a far cry. ```Your mind’s
Unwillingness-mountain-heightYou have to scale.
Why should anybody elseDo it for you?
```God wants your mind
To build bridges.Alas, it has built
Insurmountable barriers instead. ```You say you cannot do
Many things at a time.Then do at least one thing
At a time:Just follow faithfully
God’s Footsteps to Heaven. ```An aspiration-heart
Transcends the human mind.A surrender-life
Transcends all earth-victories. ```God wants you to do
Something special for Him.God wants you to participate
In His Peace March on earth. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is my heartAnd I am His
Manifestation-hands. ```Nobody compelled your mind
And nobody can compel your mindTo become dizzy from running
In confusion-temptation-circles. ```The seeker’s gratitude-heart-prayers
Do not just fly.They fly faster than the fastest
To Heaven’s loftiest height. ```The divine heart is always eager
To become a memberOf God’s Compassion-Society,
But the human mind is always unwilling. ```If you have a gratitude-heart
And a surrender-life,Then you have nothing left to win
In the march of your life. ```God gave you the capacity
To be good.Can you not use your tenacity
To make yourself perfect? ```If you are in the mind,
You have to grope.If you are in the heart,
You have to seek.If you are in the soul,
You are bound to reachYour destination.
```Only a faithful, God-hungry heart
Is blessedBy God’s fruitful Satisfaction-Smile.
```No matter what the heart does,
No matter how much the heart achieves,The mind is always apt to belittle
The heart’s achievement-glories. ```If you cannot keep
Your heart’s door openTo tomorrow’s dawn,
How can you expect God to favour youWith His supreme Blessing-Boons?
```You want to take only a day
To perfect your life.But God wants to give you
As much time as you need.Don’t be in a hurry!
God wants your perfection-lightAnd not your imagination-speed.
```Your mind thinks
It has to be enormousIn order to house God.
Your heart feels and knowsThat what it needs
Is a tiny faith-cageIn order to welcome God.
```A heart of sincerity
Prays, meditates and serves.A mind of cleverness
Loves to take a substantial salary. ```May my life-music
Be in perfect tuneWith the God-Blessings
That are fast approaching my heart. ```If your determination-heart
Can push you from behind,Then God’s Compassion-Eye
Will definitely pull you from ahead. ```The longer we live the spiritual life,
The clearer it becomes to usThat God’s Compassion-Eye
Is leading usAnd His Forgiveness-Heart
Is following us. ```When God stops giving us
His Blessings,We cry.
When God starts withdrawingHis Compassion,
We unmistakably die. ```If you cannot be
A Heaven-dreamer first,Then you cannot be
An earth-winner finally. ```O my mind,
You can do betterThan to have
And constantly cherishA reluctance-frown.
```Do not climb up
The mistake-mountainIf you want to visit
God’s Perfection andSatisfaction-Fountain.
```If you are cherishing
Your mind’s depression openly,That means you are cherishing
Your heart’s ingratitude secretlyAs well.
```Either you must have
Fear of God’s PowerOr you must have
Faith in God’s LoveTo succeed
In your life’s outer journeyAnd proceed
In your life’s inner journey. ```Each earth-bound desire
Shows an unconscious disrespectFor God’s conscious, unconditional,
Universal Self-Offering. ```Your preference
For a purity-heartIs illumining
Your unlit doubt-mind. ```To have a heart of immense gratitude
Is to envisionA glowing perfection-dawn
In the near future. ```Now that you have stopped reading
Your mind’s doubt-book,God will invite you to read
His Heart’s Illumination-Book. ```“Stop wanting!”
Give this message to your mind.“Start longing!”
Give this message to your heart.“Continue serving!”
Give this message to your life. ```If the mind does not care for
The heart’s prayer-life,Why should the heart care for
The mind’s desire-hunger? ```Allow not your mind
To be paralysed by doubt.Allow not your heart
To be attacked by unwillingness.Allow not your life
To be deceived by fear. ```If your heart has obedience-light,
Then your heart will not allowYour mind
To cherish oblivion-night. ```What you call
Negligible indulgence,God calls
Your life’s slow but eventualSuicide.
```Your eye of endless expectation
Will soon meet withYour heart of fruitless frustration.
```“I shall not pray to God any more,
For He has not fulfilled my prayers!”Indeed, this is a most deplorable
And unforgivable decision. ```If your heart is great with gratitude,
The limitless Joy of God’s HeartWill blessingfully befriend your heart
Without fail. ```Now that your heart
Has started its surrender-journey,Heaven’s delight-shore
Will not remain a far cry. ```If purity
Stands in front of your heartAnd guards your heart,
How can jealousy-thiefRob your heart?
```It is you and nobody else,
Not even God,Who have to set the deadline
To end your desire-life. ```There is no such thing
As an impossible promise.Each God-promise
Will be helped by God HimselfIn and through the God-seeker.
```It is you
Who have to always valueThe aspiration-flames
Of your heart-cries.Expect not others
To do it for you. ```The mind’s enthusiasm,
The heart’s aspiration,The life’s dedication:
These three divine flowersA God-seeker must place
On his God-worship-shrineEvery day.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 106, Agni Press, 1986
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_106