The greatest gift I can give
To my Lord SupremeIs that I shall always be available
At His Heart-Door. ```Each spiritual community
Is either a blessingFor humanity’s heart
Or a disgraceTo humanity’s life.
```The ancient way of meditation
Is to enjoy the fruitsOf renunciation.
The modern way of meditationIs to multiply the flames
Of aspiration. ```Why are you not perfect
If you are not a slaveOf your strangling vital,
A slave of your suspecting mindAnd a slave of your sleeping body?
```Competition for attention
Is as uselessAs deception for perfection.
```Only a beautiful
Aspiration-treeCan produce a powerful
Dedication-fruit. ```How can your heart have satisfaction
Under the gripOf your mind’s suspicion?
```Without the heart’s
Aspiration-foundation,How can you have
A dedication-fort? ```Unless and until you have unloaded
Your deception-truck,How can you be a passenger
On God’s Golden BoatAnd reach His Infinity’s
Immortality-Shore? ```The lowest fee
To visit God’s Heart-GardenIs man’s fleeting
Gratitude-heart-smile. ```God’s Justice-Light quite often
Arrives late.But His Compassion-Delight
Always and alwaysArrives at the right time,
Punctual to the extreme! ```This morning my mind said to God:
“God, if You really love me,Then liberate me
At this very moment.”My heart said to God:
“My Lord, since You love me,Will You not capture me
And keep me foreverIn Your Heart-Beauty’s golden Cage?”
```O my clamour-mind,
Do you really love me?Tell me, “Yes” or “No”.
“For God’s sake,I do not love you!”
Says the mind to me.O my glamour-vital,
Do I really need you?Tell me, “Yes” or “No”.
“I tell you, no, no and no!”Says the vital to me.
```Yesterday I was tired
Of my illusion-life.Today I am tired
Of my confusion-life.But from tomorrow on
I shall never be tiredOf my aspiration-dedication-
Illumination-life. ```An eagerness-heart
Does not want to be late.An eagerness-life
Does not want to wait. ```How can I ever lose God
If I continue to love Him?How can the world ever lose me
If it continues to needMy God-manifestation-service?
```My mind, do tell me,
Do you really have to carryYour daily lethargy-luggage
From your vital to your body? ```If you have a problem,
Then go to the problem-taker:God
And not to the problem-creating machine:Man.
```If I have
A gratitude-heart-hunger,Only then will I enjoy
God’s Forgiveness-Delight-Meal. ```God plays with everybody,
But His Heart plays onlyWith His purity-children.
```My soulful smile
And God’s invisible HandsEnjoy their oneness-delight
In supreme secrecy. ```What else is there to learn
From every life-storyExcept that
Everything human eventually failsAnd
Everything divine ultimately succeeds. ```Three major realisation-requirements:
I must not think of myself.I must only think of God.
I must speed through ignorance-night. ```A rich joy
Will touch your heartWhen your heart is filled
With life-duty’s progress-promise. ```How can I allow my heart
Even to seeMy stupid mind’s
Failure-peaks? ```For me, there is only one place
In God’s entire creationTo collect peace,
And that placeIs my own soul’s nest.
```No other manager
Can satisfy the doubting mindAs the impurity-manager does.
```You say that you have
A heart of faith.If so, where is your soul’s
Confidence-lion?How is it that I don’t see it?
```My soul-landlord is satisfied
Only whenOn a daily basis
I pay my oneness-rent. ```God’s Compassion-competition
Is always wonBy the seeker’s gratitude-heart.
```Every day I must hoist
My heart’s confidence-sailsTo declare God’s Victory-Manifestation
In and through my dedication-life. ```If you do not terminate
Your doubt-attacks,You will never be able
To swim in the wavesOf your cheerfulness-heart-sea.
```Do not allow yourself
To be bitten by inferiority.There is no such thing
As inferiority or superiority.It is all universal oneness-reality.
```He is indeed a fool
Who underestimates his heart’sFaith-foundation.
He is a greater foolWho thinks that God never visits
His mind’s confusion-doorFor its illumination.
```When purity enters,
The doubting mind starts to dieAnd the loving God descends
With His new Compassion-Eye. ```Every day your pilgrim-heart
Has to journey far, very far,To establish a peace-oneness-world
In the heart of humanity. ```While you are playing with
Your mind’s desire-toys,How can you have the power
Of God’s Satisfaction-Smile? ```What the world always needs
From youIs an impressive flower-heart
And not an oppressive power-hand. ```What has blocked
Your progress-road?You have extinguished
Your life’s dedication-flame. ```If your mind is nestled
In the heart of purity,Then you will be able
To climb up toThe high receptivity-roof.
```You are not satisfying God
Any moreBecause you have lost the taste
For your heart’s obedience-fruit. ```A step taken by me
In the right aspiration-directionGives God the delight
Of a true miracle. ```Every day you can be protected
From the hostile forces.Just remember to use
Your brave obedience-shield. ```The doubtful mind
And the fearful vitalAre always on the danger list.
```A God-loving heart
And a self-giving lifeAre always absolutely foolproof.
```I made a serious mistake
By ignoring the stillnessOf my silence-soul.
```The clear, small voice of faith
Will never fail to discoverAnd will never lose
The beauty of the unknowable. ```You can wait
For the moment of revelation.But do not wait
For the moment of self-dedication. ```Every day
Collect the harvest of loveBy keeping your Absolute Lord
Foremost within youAs an absolute priority.
```A great demonstration of strength
Cannot cover more than a few steps.But the good revelation of oneness
Covers the length and breadthOf the world.
```Where do I live?
I live in God’sExpanding Forgiveness-Garden.
Where does God live?
He lives in myThickening mind-forest.
```Because you are a fool
You shake hands withExpectation-frustration-destruction-enemies.
```When I show God my catalogue
Of Himalayan blunders,He asks me to sit inside
The perfection-trainOf progress-delight.
```Everything has left me
Save and exceptThe lengthening shadows
Of expectation-futility. ```If you are lost
In temptation-trance,Then you will be forced to swallow
The bitter pills of helpless defeats. ```Are you not sorry
That this morningYou purposely did not look
At God’s all-transformingCompassion-Eye?
```He who hesitates,
Stops.He who stops,
Fails.He who fails,
Cries and sighs.He who cries and sighs
Will be given another chanceBy God Himself
At God’s choice Hour. ```You think you saw God
Just yesterday.No, you are totally mistaken!
It was centuries earlierThan you think.
```I do not want my mind
To be ruthlessly caughtIn the revolving door
Of monkey-thoughts. ```When you are
Your heart-sincerity,God will give you
His Fulness-Divinity. ```Your ruthless greed-giant mind
Will one day be forcedBy God’s adamantine Will
To join the ignorance-death march. ```The empty hands of failure
Remain always unknownTo the quick-flying
Aspiration-heart-bird. ```Alas, why did I allow
My heart’s purity-lifeTo be buried
In the ugly and impureMind-mud?
```An aspiration-heart
May unconsciously attractA God-lover.
A desire-mindCan and does repel
A God-lover. ```God gave you
What you unconsciously wanted:Temptation-frustration.
The same God is giving youWhat you consciously need:
Perfection-satisfaction. ```Do not go anywhere!
Can you not seeThat you are already inside
Your fulness-heart-home? ```He is praying.
What for?For a quick recovery
From his aspiration-collapse. ```Why is God laughing?
Because He cannot keep His Eyes shut,Whereas His earth-children
Cannot keep their eyes open. ```Something must be kept sacred:
Your gratitude-heart-conversationWith God’s Compassion-Eye.
```You do not know,
Perhaps you will never know,That your own heart
Is God’s only fond possession. ```You are feeding your mind
Too much.Therefore, all your tiny and feeble
Aspiration-flamesAre flickering.
```Somehow the human mind
Every day fails to answerGod’s long-distance
Compassion-Love-Calls. ```Every day God tells
His choice childrenOnly one thing:
“Do not desertThis perfection-thirsty
And satisfaction-hungry earth!” ```If you want your heart
To reach the Goal,Do not allow your vital
To speak to anybody,And do not allow your mind
To teach anybody. ```May my heart become
An inner long-distanceRunning-hero
On God’s Perfection-flooded RoadTo become the Heart
Of tomorrow’s God. ```Each great thought
Is a slow-moving success-train.Each drop of goodwill
Is a fast-flying progress-plane. ```My Lord,
Do give me anything elseYou want to,
But do not give meA mind weighted down
With transformation-ignoring thoughts. ```Sooner or later
Almost all, if not all seekersAre bitten
By the ugly doubt-dog. ```Inside your mind’s
Prevailing worry and anxiety,You are trying to discover
Your heart’s silence-floodedHimalayan security.
```Alas, in my mind’s
Shopping mall of confusion,I am trying to remember
My heart’s long-forgottenSoul-illumination.
```Have you been to God’s Door
Recently?It seems that of late
He is showing much interestIn spreading world peace
And a oneness-world-heart. ```One day, quite unexpectedly,
He was breathlessly shockedTo see insufficient funds
In his heart’s sincerity-bank. ```You want to find
God and God-Truth?Then go beyond and beyond,
Far beyond the man-madeConfines of the mind.
```The human mind cleverly
Wants to know the facts.The divine heart sleeplessly
Wants to discover the truths. ```Since the desire-devil
Is so dear to you,How can God
Be near to you? ```My mind gave me information
About liberation.My heart is giving me liberation itself,
The liberation that it hasSoulfully received from God Himself.
```The name-and-fame game
Is always taintedBy temptation’s touch.
This truth is knownBy both the possessors
And the observers. ```On oneness-road
Only heart-travellersAre chosen by God
To walk, march and run. ```If you have
Two willingness-eyesAnd one obedience-heart,
Then you need nothing more. ```Her aspiration-heart
Has regained its faith-footingAnd is bathing once again
In God’s Compassion-Tears. ```God appreciates and even admires
Your fight with self-doubtsAnd your victory over them.
```Take the path of God-obedience.
All your resistance-barriersWill soon disappear.
```When I speak ill of God,
God tells me,“My son,
I am not going to leaveEither My Heaven or My earth
Until I have changed your mind.” ```My mind’s cries tell me
That everything on earthIs tragic.
My heart’s smiles tell meThat everything on earth
Is magic. ```Without God’s Compassion-Smiles,
Who can have heart-tears?Without heart-tears,
Who can ever waterGod’s Fondness-Aspiration-Garden?
```Unnoticed and unknown remain
Your heart’s pureAspiration-cries
And your soul’s surePerfection-smiles.
```God has made
His Transformation-PromiseUnconditional.
Can you not makeYour acceptance-promise
Genuine? ```God wears only the garland
Of your pure heart’sSincere gratitude-tears.
```The only way to surprise God
Is to tell Him,“Beloved Lord,
I love You onlyAnd I need You only,
Not for my sakeBut for Your sake only.”
```Where is your heart’s
Rising sun?Where else, if not in your Lord’s
Compassion-flooded Eye? ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 107, Agni Press, 1987
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