I may not be or cannot be a member
Of God’s Vision-Manifestation-teamOn earth,
But I dearly love the team’sGod-oneness-heart
And profoundly admireIts God-fulness-hands.
But I do know and I do feelThat God will eventually make me
A member of His Vision-Manifestation-team. ```God Himself has told me
That there are no speed limitsOn my self-transcendence-road.
```God is proud of me
Because of my life’s firmness.God is fond of me
Because of my heart’s tenderness. ```Because I have overfed my body,
God is crying,Standing outside my body.
Because I have starved my soul,
God is crying,Lying inside my soul.
```If your unconditional surrender
Is complete, perfect and enduring,Then you are fast nearing
Your God-realisation-zone. ```A barren nothingness is your life
Because you have strongly supportedYour mind’s unwillingness to welcome
God’s Compassion-Heart. ```Your mind’s jealousy-train
Will never be able to reachYour heart’s purity-station.
```If you enjoy
Your mind’s jealousy-storms,Then God will not grant you
His Divinity-Manifestation-Dream. ```My soul is showing me
The sure surrender-way,The only way to live
In God’s Heart’sCompassion-Inspiration-Nest.
```Since you are a victim
Of inactivity,The temptation-snake has a free access
To your life. ```O my Lord’s Silence-Eye,
For You, only for You,My heart’s sleepless
Gratitude-flood! ```A desiring mind
Raises expectation.A self-giving heart
Traces illumination. ```O my arrogance-vital,
Do you not know that before longYou will collapse
Into a dark nothingness-abyss? ```Pay proper attention to your vital’s attacks.
You will see that nobodyWill ever be able to force you
Out of your heart’s aspiration-abode. ```This morning I gave God
What I had:My openness-heart.
This evening God gave me
What He eternally is:His Fulness-Victory.
```When did God tell you to live
In your darkness-hermit-mind-caveAnd not in His illumination-flooded
Heart-Palace? ```My secret desire is to see
God’s Fondness-Eye.My sacred desire is to give God
The fragrance of my oneness-heart. ```You want to know if I have
Anything special to show you.Yes, I have!
I have my aspiration-love-flamesThat play upon the Heart-Ocean
Of my Lord Supreme. ```This morning
God told my aspiration-heartThat it has nothing to do
With my stupid mind’sFailure-peaks.
```My life’s Lord Supreme,
Today You are Your Heart’sNew Love-Forgiveness
And I am my heart’sNew-found faith.
```My God-loving heart
Is crying tomorrow’s tearsTo smash the confines
Of earth-bound timeAnd fly away
Into Infinity’s Heart-Delight. ```Imitation can either limit
Your life’s ultimate capacityOr awaken your heart
To the highest Reality. ```My long-forgotten aspiration-sun
Is once more risingBecause today I bravely dared
To lose my mind’s little “I”. ```Every morning my soul teaches me
A new surrender-song,And every morning I teach myself
A new gratitude-dance. ```Be not your mind’s
Devouring negative tree.Be your heart’s
Climbing positive plant. ```If your heart’s oneness
Is hard at work,Then you are chosen to see God
Walking with His Sweetness-SmileInside your flower-heart-garden.
```The human mind cannot rest
Because it is constantly restless.The divine heart does not rest
Because it has always something to doFor its Beloved Supreme.
```When God passes by me,
It takes Him onlyThree fleeting seconds.
Should I not then thinkOf His Compassion-Heart
And His Vision-EyeInstead of thinking
Of my own insecurity-heartAnd my impurity-mind?
```Who has written
My Heaven-climbing prayers?God the universal Compassion-Heart.
Who is going to read them?God the transcendental Satisfaction-Eye.
```Yesterday I was a great fool
When I took God’s Compassion-EyeFor granted.
Today I am a greater foolSince I am taking God’s Forgiveness-Heart
For granted. ```Your heart is a whirlwind
Of anxietyBecause your doubting mind
Will never change. ```This morning God told me
Something absolutely new:“My child,
Even if you are not inspiredTo feel My Divinity’s Heart,
Try at least to be temptedTo see My Beauty’s Eye.”
```Yesterday God casually asked me
To give Him my heart’s gratitude-seed.Today God is seriously asking me
To give Him my life’s surrender-plant.Tomorrow God will unmistakably ask me
To give Him my all,And that includes my little “I”.
```Not with the tears of your eyes
But with the tears of your heartWill you be able to leave
Your bondage-life far behind you. ```If you are riding
The train of unending desires,How can you arrive
At the hour of liberation? ```If you are
Your heart’s purity-perseverance,You will hear
The soundless sound of fulfilment-song. ```What does God do
By Himself, with His own Heart?He and His Heart
Together create SmilesThat span His own Vision-Sky.
```If you are only
A punishment-fearing seeker,You will never see the Summit-Goal
Either above or ahead. ```Every night take a step back
From your fancied tension-lifeTo sleep with God’s God-Vision-Dreams.
```God openly and cheerfully
Enters into my heart-palace.He secretly and sadly
Enters into my mind-cave. ```Your golden dreams
Are shatteredBecause you enjoyed
Your mind’s doubt-schemes. ```What does meditation do?
Meditation brings downThe God of your life,
The God in your lifeAnd also
The God for your life. ```Would you like to follow
A less complicated path?Will you shatter the dreams
Of your stark uncertainty?Will you?
```The deeper I dive within
The clearer becomes the gold mineOf my heart’s gratitude.
```The seeker’s heart-cry
Is his escalator to go upTo his own highest height
In God’s Love-Fragrance-Heart. ```Every day cry
For illumination-lightAnd illumination-delight.
Otherwise,Every day you will have to face
A host of temptation-sellers. ```An ingratitude-thought-ant
Is enough to disturbImmortality’s love-flooded soul.
```There is no quitting!
Only rekindle your enthusiasm.Indeed,
This is an unparalleled giftThat you can offer
Both to the creation and to the Creator. ```Have you lost the boarding pass
For your Heaven-flight?If so,
Enter into your heart-gardenAnd collect some beauty-flowers
And offer them to the ticket-checker. ```Confusion does not have to be
The monopoly of our human mind.It is also the powerful destroyer
Of our heart’s illumination. ```Each true God-lover
Has to be the standing record-holderFor selfless service.
```Your gratitude-life
May escape God’s notice.Your surrender-life
May escape God’s notice.But your love-oneness-life
Can never escape God’s notice. ```The inevitable happened:
My doubt-mind becameMy life’s disastrous failure.
```Not by hiding
From God’s Compassion-LightBut by confiding
In God’s Forgiveness-HeartCan and will a seeker’s life
Receive God’s Perfection-Light. ```The main reason
For my being here on earthIs to see God smiling sleeplessly
In His Beauty’s creation-flower:Man.
```Centuries of corrupt power
Have finally discoveredThat they have done nothing other
Than lay a frustration-foundation. ```Do you want to invent
A new name for God?Then clip immediately the wings
Of your God-oneness unwillingness-bird. ```His sweet breath of sincerity
Has stopped his mindFrom feeding the fantasies of fame.
```Live not in the heart
Of false hope.Live not in the mind
Of false disappointment.If you live in these two places,
You will be inducted intoThe hall of stupidity-fame.
```My sure life-sincerity-sun
Has collected a plethoraOf earth-illumining
And soul-fulfilling memories. ```The ancient question is:
Can God ever be seen?The modern answer is:
God can be seenAnd played with,
But He is not loved.Perhaps He does not have to be loved.
```Only a self-conquering sprinter’s heart
Can run quickly through the crowded hallOf hesitation-life.
Always pays a fleeting visitTo both man’s mind-jungle
And his heart-garden. ```How can a stupidity-collecting mind
Go beyond grief-futility-domainAnd self-destruction-night?
```What man’s mind demands,
God’s Heart will not supply.What man’s heart invokes,
God’s Heart will supplyIn infinitely greater measure
Than man’s heart can ever need. ```God is happy
Because He hasHis Eternity’s unreserved Heart.
Man is pleased
Because he hasHis impurity-flooded mind.
```If you are not ready
To forget your impurity-past,How can you expect God
To liberate you fromYour poverty-stricken aspiration-life?
```Never pay any attention
To doubt’s point of view.Its strength is not enough to carry
Even an iota of truth-weight. ```Unless you are sick
Of your mind-dissatisfaction,You will not feel the feather-touch
Of God’sSweetness-Forgiveness-Oneness-Light.
```Your constant aspiration-heart
Unmistakably claims protectionFrom your uncertainty-mind.
```If your mind makes friends
With a time bomb,How can you not be acquainted
With infinite sufferings? ```Only the heart’s
Sweetness and fondness-tearsCan procure admission to God’s
Compassion-Illumination-Heart-Home. ```What does insincerity-heart do?
What does impurity-mind do?Together they spread and spread
Futility’s lethargy-plague. ```God creates His Vision-Soul-Birds
To sing with HimHis Heart’s Fulness-Fountain-Songs.
```The landlord of the heart-room
Is extremely strict.He only allows the faith-tenant
To live there. ```If you can play
On your life’s transcendence-violin,Only then will God grant you
His Heart’s Nectar-Nest. ```The seeker’s soulfulness-heart-shops
Are always openTo both God the Dreamer
And God the Lover. ```If you do not want insecurity-insects
To bite you,Then every day
Learn a new cheerfulness-songFrom God the Compassion-Illumination-Singer.
```How can you expect God
To wait for youWith His Illumination,
If you allow your life to beYour mind’s desire-weight?
```Every day if you sing
Your heart’s oneness-song,Then God will grant you
His own Heart’s Satisfaction-Song. ```All the keys are available
Either here or elsewhere,But your life’s gratitude-heart-key
Is not to be foundAnywhere.
```If there is no enthusiasm
In the seeker’s heart,Then he will never be able to enjoy
The God-Beauty of God’sBirthless and deathless Time.
```Each realisation-bird has the capacity
To build a God-worshipping nestWhere blossoms God-Beauty’s Smile.
```My soul runs
On Heaven-Beauty’s road.My heart runs
On earth-beauty’s road.My mind runs
On life-curiosity’s road. ```Every time you forget to think of God,
God becomesAn unnecessary need in your life
And your heart’s oneness-cord with GodIs weakened.
```If you go to your mind’s
Doubt-meetings,You are bound to lose
Your life’s God-pleasingBrightness-dawn.
```I have seen many things in my life,
And many more things I shall see.But one thing I have not seen
And, alas, shall never see,And that is my mind’s
Climbing aspiration-steps. ```If you are your heart’s gratitude,
Then God will give you His own HandTo sound your and your God’s
Victory-Gong. ```When you ask your mind
To show you the enlightenment-apartment,It takes you immediately
Into its darkness-basementAnd tells you
This is what you actually need. ```If you can uproot
Your mind’s long-cherishedImpurity-poison-tree,
God will grant you His Soul’s SunAnd His Heart’s Sunshine.
```Can you not see
That God has given youTwo invaluable things?
He has given you faithTo chase doubt.
He has given you confidenceTo hire happiness.
```Your heart’s willingness-eye
Can serve at onceBoth God the Dreamer
And man the seeker. ```If there is no devotion
In your heart,Your life will never see
God-Beauty’s Sunrise. ```If you can bury
Your self-esteem,God will grant you
His Heart of Satisfaction-Delight. ```One breathless moment
Can transform the doubterIn your mind
Into the God-loverIn your heart.
```Nobody asked you
To be in the gripOf temptation-torture.
Nobody asked youTo remain in the thickness
Of desire-forest. ```If you can consciously remain
In God-Eternity’s Compassion-Home,Then your mind will not pass through
A throng of thought-lives,And you will not see
The quarrelling, fighting and stranglingBetween life and death.
```There is not
A single human being on earthWho does not and cannot love
The whispering wings of hope-birdIn his heart-garden.
```Because your heart
Is enchanted with expectation,Your mind will be
Frustrated with confusion. ```O my imprisoned soul-love-bird,
Come out and flyIn your Supreme Lord’s
Silence-flooded Freedom-Sky. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 108, Agni Press, 1987
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_108