Every day collect love-flowers
From your heart-gardenAnd place them on your soul’s
Peace-shrineAs a prayer to your Beloved Supreme.
```How can you expect to get
God’s Compassion-SunWith your feeble heart’s
Tight budget of gratitude? ```He who has a great appetite
For flatteryWill never be able to learn
The art of self-mastery. ```Two insoluble problems:
How can the doubting mindEver be illumined?
How can the insecure heartEver become indomitable?
```If you are not acquainted
With God’s Forgiveness-Light,You will always be found
Inside your mind’s prison cell. ```Poor human mind!
What else does it knowExcept
Thought-mud-pleasure? ```Each soul is God’s
Direct representative on earth.Therefore
It is authorised to exerciseIts God-ordained dignity.
```Little drops of gratitude-rain
Can liberate the human mindFrom all its bondage-chains.
```The human mind is afraid of
The tormenting conscience.The divine heart is fond of
The illumining conscience. ```Each man is fallible,
YetEach man will eventually become
God’s perfect representativeOn earth.
```When God sees you at His Heart’s Door,
Be sure you are not accompanied byYour hesitation-eye
And your confusion-mind. ```If your meditation
Is truly high and deep,Then you are bound to have
A silent dialogue with peace. ```Nobody wants you to keep track of
Your inactive file of lethargy.Both Heaven and earth want you
To be a dynamic action-hero. ```If you are a true God-lover,
Then it is quite possibleFor you to foresee
That in the battle betweenAspiration-heart and suspicion-mind,
Aspiration-heart will eventually win. ```My inspiration tells me
That it is in need ofDaily correction.
My aspiration tells meThat it is in need of
Daily perfection.My soul tells me
That it is in need ofDaily revelation.
```The sadness of your heart
Will dissolve in your soul’s joyIf you never run out of
Self-giving and God-loving. ```If death wants to show you
Its face,Can you not show death
Your God-given life-transformingGrace?
```My heart’s hope-eye
Will always pierce through the stormsOf my failures
For God’s eventual Victory. ```How can your heart
Be flooded with aspiration-satisfaction,When you consciously allow your mind
To be shrouded in dismal suspicions? ```Each negative thought
In the mindIs another destroyer
Of a security-heart. ```O my human heart,
When will you stop enjoyingTornado-perplexities?
O my divine heart,
When will you start enjoyingThe beauty of a childlike sincerity?
```Each soulful thought
Is not only the life-cleanerBut also the God-distributor.
```If intuition-light is my guide,
Then the illumination of HeavenAnd the perfection of earth
I shall see at the same time. ```Three wonders we carry within:
A God-dream,A perfection-life
And a transformation-earth. ```God loves you
When He sees your heartFlooded with silence.
God loves you
When He sees your mindEmpty of its usual contents:
Confusion-forest. ```Experience is a tiny plant
That grows and grows.Realisation is a huge tree
That gives and gives. ```Each perfect thought
Is sweetness in the mind,Fulness in the heart
And completeness in the life. ```My heart’s confidence-smiles
Shall winGod’s Silence-Beauty’s Eye.
```Every day God visits
My heart’s aspiration-eyeAnd feeds it with
His Oneness-Satisfaction-Smile. ```What can you expect
From a mind-tree,If not destruction-doubt-branches
To frighten the aspiration-seeker? ```My soul is teaching my heart
How to slayIts insecurity-ants.
```Because of your desire-life,
God comes and goes in your heart.He will take up permanent residence
Inside your heartOnly when you become
Your life’s climbing aspiration-cry. ```God will open
Your heart’s purity-doorIf you can show Him
Your eyes’ sincerity-smile. ```You know that your mind
Is always faithless.Why then do you not send your mind
To your heart’s faith-reform school? ```If you do not buy
Your mind’s division-products,God will grant you His Heart’s
Illumination-Satisfaction-Feast. ```Each day you pray and meditate
Soulfully,You are bound to spread your heart’s
```A purity-heart always enjoys
Singing with GodHis Heart’s Perfection-Satisfaction-Songs.
```The human mind finds it difficult
To trust even GodWhen He delivers unconditionally
His Love-Compassion-Speeches. ```Don’t be a fool!
Although you are in your doubting mind,Do not reject your heart’s
Earth-transformation-oneness-appeal. ```Become your heart’s
Devotion-drops.Lo, God will give you His Heart’s
Satisfaction-Sun-Smiles. ```Every day you must climb up
Your heart’s enthusiasm-peakSo that you can bathe in
Your Lord’s Nectar-Satisfaction-River. ```Do not go through
The temptation-gates.The destruction-tiger
Will unmistakably greet you! ```Do not ask mankind
For its opinionOnce you have heard
God’s Life-Transformation-Command. ```If you want your consciousness-lift
To be certified by God,Then serve God’s Earth-Oneness-Will
Sleeplessly and unconditionally. ```Train your mind
To claim your Lord SupremeAs its very own
Before your mind gets the chanceTo throw you into its confusion-market.
```Each unaspiring thought
Is a taste of poisonThat destroys humanity’s
God-realisation-hope and promise. ```To intensify the purity
Of your heartBurn your soul-incense
Every day. ```If you frequent
The expectation-market,You will buy nothing
But frustration-fruits. ```If you can bravely pray
Inside your mind-forest,Then God will be proud of you.
If you can soulfully meditate
Inside your heart-garden,Then God will be fond of you.
```My body’s engine
Takes only one fuel:God’s Compassion-flooded
Assurance-Light. ```If you are caught
In your mind’s doubt-whirlpool,Then pray to God
To grant you the smileOf His Heart-Fragrance-Faith.
```Ask your mind and heart
To live togetherOn your life’s
Perfection-promise-peak. ```Alas, in the morning
My mind shows me what it has:An ignorance-boat,
And in the eveningMy mind shows me what it is:
A doubt-leak. ```You think that by postponing
Your body’s lethargy-vacation,Someday, somehow
You will be able to expediteYour heart’s ecstasy-perfection.
```What you need
Is an unfailing faith.What you need
Is a profound inspiration.What you need
Is a sleepless inner urgeTo conquer the storms of fear
And the volcanoes of doubt. ```The human mind tries to gather
Even sorry-sounding excusesSo that it can avoid
The severe punishmentOf conscience-light.
```You will make the fastest progress
With the help of two things:God’s Compassion-Eye
And your enthusiasm-mind. ```God’s Compassion acts
In and through each human beingFrom enthusiasm-start
To enthusiasm-finish. ```Nobody has done anything great
And nobody will do anything greatIn this world
Unless he has developedThe enthusiasm-strength
To receive God’s Compassion-Light. ```When you have enthusiasm,
You feel that God’s entire worldBelongs to you.
When you lose enthusiasm,You feel that it is not worthwhile
To budge an inch. ```When you have enthusiasm,
God comes first in your life.When you lose enthusiasm,
Either you push God aside entirely,Or you create so many obligations
That He comes last in your life. ```When you have enthusiasm,
You are ready to coverThe length and breadth of the world
In the name of God,The Transcendental Victor,
Inside God the universal creation. ```Why are you losing faith
In the spiritual life?You may not know it,
But the unconscious hostilities and desiresOf those whom you once held dear
Are attacking you indirectly,Ruthlessly and sleeplessly!
```Old desires are looming large
In your lifeBecause you are mixing
With unaspiring friendsFrom your distant past.
```The dormant wolf in humanity
Can attack you indirectlyThrough the binding desires,
Blinding frustrationsAnd grasping ambitions
Of those around you. ```Your goal is not here;
It is far beyond.Do not relax
Or lose your enthusiasm.God wants you to run
An ultramarathon every dayTo reveal the amazing capacity
Of a God-seeker-runner. ```By waiting for all the runners
Who are behind youIn the inner race,
You are in no way doing them a favour.You are only delaying
Your own God-speed. ```Have sincere oneness
With the runners ahead of youOn the spiritual path.
Otherwise, immediatelyA wild competition begins.
```The speed that you have
Is very fast,But it is not yet fast enough.
The destination that you have reached
Is very far,But it is not yet far enough.
```Complacency has entered your life
Because you feel you have reachedThe top of the Himalayas.
But have you forgottenThat your aim was continuous progress-light
Inside God’s Heart-Delight-Sea? ```If your mind constantly
Plays tricks on you,Can you not
Play a trick on your mindBy feeling that God Himself
Desperately needs you? ```There is no such thing
As sweetness-expectation,For inside expectation
There are always desire-thorns. ```A beautiful rose
Was my gift to God.Fortunately, I did not expect
Anything from God in return,Not even a smile.
That is why I am divinely happyAnd God is supremely proud of me.
```Happiness in cheerful self-giving
Is beyond compare.It is the highest delight
That God has created for humanity. ```In the outer world
Your height is fixed,But in the inner world
Your God-hunger can take youForever higher and higher.
```Even those who have reached
The ultimate heightsHave not declared, “Enough!”
For they have learntGod’s supreme Secret:
The eternal self-transcendence-song. ```If your progress in one field
Is obstructed,Go another way.
There are so many ways open to youIf you look within.
Only do not give upThe idea of progress.
```Something is missing!
You have given consciously,But not unconditionally.
Therefore, you are unfulfilled;Therefore, you are incomplete.
```You are holding all your problems inside.
Inwardly you do not ask for God’s HelpAnd outwardly you are afraid of Him.
Blindness is your outer life;Foolishness is your inner life.
```God always depends on
The seeker’s sincerity-eyeAnd purity-heart.
```Year after year
Your sincerity compels youTo tell God about your weaknesses.
God tries His best to help you,But, alas, your determination is not there
To conquer those devouring tiger-forces. ```The spiritual ladder has many rungs.
Now you are standingOn the sincerity-rung.
But if you do not step upTo the determination-rung
How will you ever ascend? ```By telling God about your problems,
What benefit do you get,Since you do not care to harness
Your determination-volcano-power? ```Does God ever give up?
At the start of each yearGod is filled with inspiration
To re-energise His children —Even the hopeless cases.
```Like the soul,
Each human mindWill one day believe
In the future manifestationOf God’s Perfection-Beauty on earth.
```Be not interested
In receiving credit from God.Be only interested
In serving God. ```Just because you thought of God
In your worst possible moment,Do you think you will receive
Extra protection from the Supreme?God is not such a fool!
```You do not have
The capacity or willingnessTo fulfil God’s Request.
At the same time,It is beneath your dignity
To ask others to help.Alas, you are
Your stark stupidity-life! ```The vital knows only one song,
And it sings that song every day.What is that song?
It is the song of self-indulgence. ```If you want to walk
On Eternity’s Road,Then your heart-door
Can never be kept closed. ```Withdrawal from life-activities
Will not make you happy.To make yourself happy
You need to breathe inThe fragrance of your soul-tranquility.
```When ignorance wants to interfere,
Just boldly declare,“Not here!
Not now!”And finally say,
```Pray to God to grant you
The same Love that He usesTo love Himself,
So that you can enjoy freedom infiniteFrom your earth-bound ego-fetters.
```If you are enjoying
A drowsy enthusiasm,And if you have surrendered
To the mercy of irresponsibility,You will definitely suffer
The bitter failures of reality-life. ```Do not give any other job
To your enthusiasm!To crusade against
Your depression-enemy dailyIs more than enough.
```A heart of eagerness-light
Will definitely be ableTo drink in breathlessly
God’s Nectar-Delight. ```In God’s Telephone Directory
Nothing is unlisted.No, not even His Eternity’s
Infinity-Vision-Number. ```Whoever loves to sing faithfully
The song of oneness-heart,God will bless with
His Beauty’s Satisfaction-Eye. ```God has already told your mind
What it is supposed to do.It is you who have to either
Force your mindTo obey God’s Will
Or surrender to your mind’sThickness-forest.
```What my mind needs daily
Is a Cheerfulness-Smile from God.What my heart needs daily
Is a Fruitfulness-Blessing from God. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 109, Agni Press, 1987
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_109