O God-lover,
Every day you must enterInto your heart-garden
To sow purity-seedsAnd grow divinity-plants.
```At the end of his life’s journey
Each human being seesThat his life remains
An unfinished battle. ```A life of happiness
Does not cost anything.Just give and give
And do not expect.Lo, the universal happiness
Is all yours. ```I never think that a life of hope
Is an easy task.To me, a hope-life
Is an arduous task. ```I am not asking you
To underestimate your mind’s capacities.I am asking you
To take your mind into your heartSo that your mind can be flooded
With unlimited capacities. ```Each darkness-thought in your mind
Is eitherA conscious or an unconscious disrespect
To God’s Compassion-EyeAnd Forgiveness-Heart.
```Multiply daily
Your heart’s perfection-deedsAnd never copy, even by mistake,
Your foolish mind-mistakes. ```If you think that God
Gets angry with youWhen you do not listen to Him,
Then why do you make the same mistakeAgain and again
By disobeying God? ```God will prove your importance
To the worldThe day you can sincerely feel
That you are not indispensableEither in this world or in any world.
```My mind calls him humanly brave,
But my Beloved Supreme tells meTo call him divinely beautiful.
```My success-life has taught me
How to remain brave.My progress-life will teach me
How to become pure. ```What is great for you
May not be great for God,But what is good for you
Is definitely good for God as well. ```You think that you know
All the answers.Then tell me,
How can I become another GodLike you?
```God does not expect
My immediate perfection,But He does expect
My heart’s immediate, plus lasting,Satisfaction.
```If you are tired in your inner life,
Then knock at your mind’sInspiration-door
And appreciate the beauty of your heart’sAspiration-house.
```If you are human,
Then tolerate human mistakes.If you are divine,
Then liberate human mistakes. ```There is only one way
To the ultimate Victory:Every day, clear and sanctify
Your mind’s dense jungle. ```If you have a heart,
Then you have a heart-garden too.If you have a heart-garden,
Then you have a heart-rose as well.If you have a heart-rose,
Then God the Lover of beautyWill definitely claim you as His very own.
```A life of discipline
Can bring in God’s ProtectionTo save your life
From outer and inner disaster. ```If you want to be
Far from the age of darkness,Then crown your heart
With your soul’s silence-light. ```Who says
That your mind can never beA beautiful flower?
Just startCaring for soulfulness
In your sleepless life-breath. ```If you have the capacity
To have willingnessIn your searching mind
And your loving heart,Then you are bound to receive
God’s Sweetness and Fulness-Smile. ```The step from
Your heart’s excellenceTo your soul’s super-excellence
Must begin slowly, steadily,Convincingly and unerringly.
```Every day God inspires us
To start our journeyFrom our abysmal falsehood
To His perennial Truth. ```Forget and do not forget.
Forget your oneness-danceWith ignorance-night.
Do not forget your promise to GodTo see Him smile
His Satisfaction-Smile. ```If you allow your mind
To remainIn your consciousness-basement,
Then how can you ever expectGod’s Ecstasy-Applause?
```Your face of perfection
You can seeOnly after you have seen
God’s Eye of Compassion. ```Greatness competes with
Goodness.Goodness competes with
Soulfulness.Soulfulness competes with
Self-transcendence.Self-transcendence does not compete
With anything or anyone.It just tries to complete
God’s transcendental DreamIn His universal Existence-Life.
```To be one of God’s very best,
Always follow the heart-roadAnd always keep your soul
As your only guide. ```The fragrance of a pure heart
Always intensifiesYour life’s satisfaction-Delight.
```Do not try to win
The argument with ignorance.It is not worthwhile!
Daily make friends with the wingsOf oneness-enlightenment-soul-bird.
```If you live in the darkness-depth
Of your mind-cave,Then for you there is no clear choice
Between right and wrong. ```Who is the author
Of your heart’s joyIf not your life’s sleepless
And deathlessSurrender-seeker-soul?
```When my dream-life dances
In supreme ecstasy,I go far beyond my mind’s
Hurtful doubt-domain. ```Do not give in!
Do not give up!Temptation-snares are everywhere;
Do not give in!Illumination-peak is just above
Your confusion-mind;Do not give up!
Will eventually be pleasedExcept one thing,
And that is man’s desire-life. ```I accept my own faults
To purify my mind.I accept others’ faults
To perfect my heart. ```O hope-tears,
Where are you?O hope-smiles,
Where are you?O hope-realisation-truth,
Where are you?O hope-perfection-God,
Where are you? ```For a long time
My Lord Supreme has been asking meTo apply for my
Aspiration-dedication-permitAnd to stop my
Aspiration-dedication-demonstration. ```Your question is:
How far can faith take you?My answer is:
As far as you want,To see God-Eternity’s
Infinity-Smile. ```Do not linger
In lethargy-land.Otherwise, God will stop considering you
As His friend. ```The key to God’s Heart-Kingdom
Can be foundInside your heart’s
Rose-purity-garden. ```If you do not banish
Your mind and its brooding doubts,God and His Compassion
Will before long vanishFrom your life-breath.
```God does not want you to be a victim
Of teeming expectations.He wants you to be a lover
Of your own rising aspiration. ```Each soul suffers
When its other family members —Heart, mind, vital and body —
Live with broken promisesTo God.
```Can you not ask your heart
Once moreNot to wander,
But to returnTo its God-Beauty-furnished home?
```If I do not put peace
Into my daily actions,Then my mind will throw me into
The thickness of itsLife-frightening jungle.
```If your mind is restless,
If your heart is helpless,God will not blame you.
God will blame you only ifYou do not want to see
God’s Vision-EyeAnd His Perfection-Heart
Right in front of you. ```Are you a giver or a taker?
If you are a giver,Then give to your beggar-mind
Satisfaction.If you are a taker,
Then take from GodWhat He has for you:
Perfection. ```Every day God invites me
To His Compassion-Dinner.But my doubting mind
And my trembling heartForbid me to accept
His Compassion-flooded invitation. ```Man wants only one thing
In life and from life:A comfortable complacency-life.
God wants from man only one thing:He wants man to learn every day
A new song of self-transcendenceFrom Him.
```I shall build my life
On my mind’s determination-rock.I shall build my life
On my heart’s aspiration-mountain.I shall build my life
In the heart of God’s Compassion-Sea. ```God loves you.
How can you ever expectTo receive from Him
Your self-destructive ego-rewards? ```Again and again I ask myself
Why I do not cry forPerfection in my life
And why I do not ask forGod’s Satisfaction in my heart.
This is a daily problem in my life,With no solution!
```God’s Blessing-Compassion
I needTo cure my mind’s long-lingering
Doubt-damage. ```If I can start my life
All over again,I shall not forget
To see the beautyOf my searching mind
And to feel the purityOf my aspiring heart.
```Each man starts his journey
With a well-meaning intention.Alas, he does not end it
With a well-doing action. ```Every day you must survey
Your mind’s doubt-territoryAnd try to transform it
With your heart’s faith-plants. ```Soulfulness never grows old.
Soulfulness can never decay.Soulfulness shines
In each and every clime. ```Each disobedience-drop
Eventually becomesAs powerful as the ocean itself
To destroy its possessor himself. ```My heart arrives at the destination
Without quarrelling.My soul arrives at the destination
Without travelling.And I shall arrive at the destination
Smiling. ```Because your mind, too,
Is a creation of God,Rest assured that there shall come a time
When even your mindWill be amazingly illumined
By your Lord’s God-Touch. ```Already you have surrendered
To many things.Do not surrender
At least to this thing:Your mind’s carelessness-stupidity.
```Alas, where can I find
A self-controlled mind?Alas, where can I find
A self-dedicated heart?Alas, where can I find
A self-awakened life? ```When I do not aspire,
I clearly see that my body housesOnly nerves, bones and muscles.
When I do aspire,I clearly see and feel
That my body is the embodimentOf God’s transcendental Silence
And His universal Sound. ```There is a higher home,
And that home is insideYour illumination-soul.
There is a brighter room,And that room is inside
Your aspiration-body. ```God will powerfully
Shake hands with you,If you can soulfully accept
Your heart’s inner confidenceAs your best friend.
```Little by little
Your divinity will be revealedBy God Himself.
Little by littleYour human foibles
Will be exposedBy the forces of ignorance-night.
```The dark power of inconscience-night
In your lifeWill be chased away
By God’s LightIf you leave the past far behind.
```Nobody knows
When, where and howThe desire-flower will wither and fall
From its life-tree. ```Since you have a heart,
Can you not make itAs bright as the moon?
Since you have a mind,Can you not make it
As powerful as the sun? ```You cannot give God
What you do not have:A heart of gratitude.
You cannot give man
What you do not have:A thought of goodness.
```All roads lead to something.
That something can be eitherYour life’s destruction-cry
Or your heart’s perfection-smile. ```Freedom is not free
In the outer world.Peace is not free
In the inner world.God and His Satisfaction are not free
In any world. ```Do not ridicule
The sad failures of others.Who knows,
You too may be sailingIn the same boat before long!
```If you live in the desire-forest,
The doubt-tiger will unmistakablyDevour you and your beauty’s heart.
```From now on keep a diary
Of your heart-dreams.This world, with its hurtful attacks,
Will be a stranger to you. ```Accept the outer world in peace.
The inner world will give youNot only God, but also
His infinite Satisfaction-Delight. ```God will recruit you
If you dare to dreamBeyond your easy reach.
```If you place your heart
In your Lord’s Hands,How will you ever suffer
From aspiration-shortage? ```More and more I shall feed
My aspiration-flamesTo win my life’s
Challenging games. ```I see myself
As I am.God sees me
As what I can ultimately become. ```If you fly the gratitude-plane,
God will meet youAt His Satisfaction-Airport.
```If you need any advice
In your spiritual life,Then call on God
At His Compassion-Apartment. ```Who can ever rescue me
From my sinking life-boatIf not God the Dreamer
In my lifeAnd God the Lover
In my heart? ```If you do not reject
Your temptation-life,How can you see your soul,
Your life’s satisfaction-source? ```God the Eye may not be
Just a step ahead of you,But God the Heart is always
A step ahead of you. ```The motto of the mind:
I may not be as great as God,But I can think as big as God.
```If you aim at
Your mind’s nothingness,How will your life ever achieve
Your heart’s fulness? ```His life is a step-by-step surrender
To God’s Will.Therefore, in the inner world
He has become an aspiration-giant. ```If you turn your sad failure-life
To God,God will lend you His Compassion-Eye
Free of charge. ```If you take a stand
Only for God-SatisfactionIn God’s own Way,
Then you are bound to seeThat God is just
A heartbeat away. ```Two words can never be found
In your mind’s desire-dictionary:Perfection and satisfaction.
```God will supervise your life
When you can prove to HimThat you are sincerely happy,
Soulfully happyAnd unconditionally happy.
```When I say, “I want,”
God frowns at me.When I say “I need,”
God smiles at me.When I say “I have,”
God shakes hands with me.When I say “I am,”
God embraces me. ```You are only deceiving the real in you
If you are unwilling to batheIn God’s Nectar-Compassion-Ocean.
```The distance between
Your dream and your realityIs the distance between
Your powerful smile and your sorrowful cry. ```What kind of goodness is it
If you keep it always on guard?What kind of forgiveness is it
If you keep it always unused? ```Your dream of God-realisation
Came directly from the heartOf God’s Compassion-Sun,
And is not your mind’sUnfounded hallucination.
```My heart’s aspiration-cry
And my soul’s illumination-smileEventually will shine
Far beyond the transience of time. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 110, Agni Press, 1987
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_110