I pray to God
To give me the beautyOf an ever-steady mind.
I meditate on GodTo give me the purity
Of an ever-ready heart. ```If your insight
Is pure,Then your foresight will automatically
Be powerful. ```If you are ready
To accept God’s punishmentSoulfully and cheerfully,
Then rest assuredThat God will grant you enlightenment
Sooner than otherwise. ```God and His faithful assistants,
His Compassion-EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Heart,
Every day come to meAnd clear my mind-jungle.
```Poor God and His Compassion
Every day suffer fromThe surprisingly superficial words
And amazingly artificial heartsOf this confusing and confused world.
```Two things
Are very difficult to preserveFor long:
The heart of gratitudeAnd the life of purity.
```Be not satisfied
With the mightiest possibilities.Be satisfied
Only with already-performedPurest inevitabilities.
```Each pure thought clearly shows us
That there is a new worldOf beauty, purity and divinity ahead
And also inspires the seeker in usTo pursue that new world.
```If you are good enough
To receive special blessingsFrom God the Creator,
Then you are also good enoughTo love God the creation
In a very special way. ```Because your mind
Is unwilling to obey your soul,You and your life
Will not seeThe perfection and satisfaction
Of progress-delight. ```God the omnipresent Heart
Consoles me when I loseOn the battlefield of life.
God the transcendental EyeExtols me when I win
On the battlefield of life. ```If your temple of worship
Is not made of your heart’s cries,Then God the Smiler
Will never visit it. ```Allow not death
To be your breath-destroyer.With your heart’s oneness-will
With God’s Immortality,Allow death only to be Your
Eternity’s breath-follower. ```O my aspiration-heart,
Do come back to me.You have enjoyed comfort-recess
For a long time! ```My mind’s doubt-friend
Comes to me openly.My life’s frustration-friend
Comes to me secretly. ```God’s long disappearance
Will turn intoGod’s immediate appearance
If you can uprootYour life’s temptation-tree.
```If you think you are very busy
Praying to GodAnd meditating on God,
That means you are neitherPraying sincerely
Nor meditating on the real God. ```To sail my life’s danger-seas,
I invite my peace-friendTo help me in my boat.
```Quickly fly the years!
Yet one single momentCan either increase humanity’s progress
Or destroy humanity’s success. ```When a God-seeker falls
Into the footsteps of desire,His heart’s aspiration-flames
Can no longer continueClimbing high.
```Surrender’s real test
Is when you discontinueYour friendship
With your old friend,Expectation-greed.
```Unlike human conquerors,
Peace, the divine liberator,Can and will illumine the world.
The peace-emperor will never tryTo conquer the world.
If you do not studyThe catalogue of your weaknesses,
How are you going to knowHow far away you are
From God’s omnipotent Power? ```You are fired by ambition
And not energised by aspiration.Therefore
Your divine destinationIs a far cry.
```Try not to live
On unfounded hopes.Try to live
Purely and powerfullyWith manifested promises.
```If you offer your doubting mind
A compromise,That will be the demise
Of your God-loving aspiration-heart. ```If you are willing
To approach God,Then God will be unveiling
Not only your own divinityBut also His universal Divinity
To you. ```You cleverly enjoy
Your self-torture,While God helplessly suffers
In you and for you. ```If you go to desire-city
During the day,You are not allowed
To come back from that cityAt night.
Once you go there consciously,You are forced to stay there
Indefinitely. ```If your heart-temple
Is made of soulful prayers,Then God will invite you to be
His Eternity’s oneness-player. ```You can win
God’s Satisfaction-PrizeOnly when you have become
Your heart’s perfection-cry. ```A God-protected heart
Satisfies God on earthWith its dedication-smile
And in HeavenWith its aspiration-cry.
```When your wishing mind
Surrenders to your willing heart,God grants your life
His all-fulfilling Smile. ```Unless and until
Each and every breath of yoursIs fully aware of your divinity-sun,
How can God entrust you and your life withHis earth-transformation-responsibility?
```When your aspiration-dedication-life
Is on earthOnly for the fulfilment of God’s Will,
Then you are bound to feelThat your success-life
And progress-heartAre nothing other than
An effortless effort. ```God has not forgotten you
In His forthcomingManifestation-programme,
But you must not delayIn bringing to Him
Your realisation-certificate. ```Opportunity knocks
At our heart-doorAt every moment,
But we have to transformOur opportunity-dreams
Into reality-manifestations. ```If you are carrying
Your surrender-bellWherever you go,
Then ring God’s Victory-SongPerfectly, sleeplessly and unconditionally.
```What can you do
If your mind, vital and bodyDo not want to be introduced
By you to God?You should be happy
That at least you are ableTo introduce your heart,
And its cries and smiles,To God.
```Do not accept
An interview with ignorance-king.If you do so,
You are bound to loseYour long-treasured divinity-life.
```What are you doing?
Why do you have an underfed heartAnd an overfed mind
And a shattered God-manifestation-promise? ```If your aspiration is genuine,
Then it will save youAt every moment
From world-complaints. ```If you daily follow
Your heart’s meditation-dictates,Then yours will be
A liberated mindAnd an immortalised heart.
```Do not be afraid of climbing
With your soul-bird.Your soul-bird will definitely
Be able to take youTo the highest heights,
For it has already been thereNumberless times.
```If a consciousness-catastrophe
Has taken place in your life,Then pray to God
For His extra Compassion-LightAnd His extra Forgiveness-Power.
```Your new surrender-life
Will before long beYour God-promise-fulfiller
Here on earth. ```God has saved you
From your teeming success-pride-life.Therefore, He expects you —
Your heart and your life —To show Him a progress-smile.
```God wants me to visit
His Heart’s Peace-Fulness-GardenFree of aspiration-charge,
But lovingly. ```This world of ours
Is full of sharp criticism-arrows.These arrows cannot hurt
The peace-illumined mindAnd God-intoxicated heart.
```Be brave!
You must controlYour restless mind.
Be wise!You must guide
Your insecure heart.Be pure!
You must see GodFace-to-face.
```When I stay
In my mind’s doubt-room,I doubt even God the Lover
And God the Liberator. ```The ingratitude-knife
Of each human beingIn vain tries to hurt
God’s Compassion-Heart. ```While you are on earth,
If you can becomeA self-giving life,
Then you become automaticallyAn honorary citizen of Heaven.
```When I aspire,
I am not a burden to anybody.But when I do not aspire,
I am everybody’s burden,Plus my own burden,
Plus the burdenOf my all-loving Lord Supreme.
```Because he has
A divinely first-class heart,He does not mind
Playing and singingWith a humanly third-class mind.
```Do not meditate
On your hope-life any more.Just start meditating
On God’s Promise-Life. ```To pass your life’s
Ultimate examination,Keep beauty’s smile
In your thoughtsAnd purity’s power
In your mind. ```You want to know
Who is that special PersonLooking for you?
He is your Eternity’sLove-Emperor-Beggar.
```If your life takes a wrong turn,
Your heart’s aspiration-cryAnd your life’s dedication-smile
Will definitely remain incomplete. ```The only task of humanity
Is to unburden its mind-problemsThat prefer to live
Inside a dangerous caveRather than a spacious palace.
```If you need the wisdom-message
From God,Then search for Him
Not inside your mind-roomBut inside your heart-home.
```You want to run the world,
But you do not want to climbThe highest peak
Of consciousness-flight. ```A purity-life
Permanently pleases God’s HeartAnd fulfils God’s Oneness-Vision.
```God’s Heart is silent
Because your mind is enjoyingDisobedience-restlessness
To the extreme. ```The saddest story told about me
Is when my heart and IAre accused of being insecurity-ants.
```A doubting mind
Is a shameless threatTo your heart’s cherished tranquillity.
```You do not have to learn
Many songs.Just learn two songs:
The patience-song of earthAnd the promise-song of Heaven.
```Promise-seeds of God
Will sprout in your heartIf you can put your restlessness-mind
Permanently to sleep. ```Your incapacity does not make God sad,
But your unwillingnessNot only makes Him sad
But also gives HimA severe headache!
```An unconditionally surrendered soul
Is undoubtedlyGod’s perfect champion-messenger
On earth. ```Pray to God
Day in and day outTo unburden
Impossible expectation-frustrationFrom your mind.
```If you do not have the sense
Of a true God-serverAnd if you do not have the heart
Of a true God-lover,How can you expect to be
God’s peace-ambassadorAnd peace-distributor
To His creation? ```Say to ignorance-night,
“I do not want to drink any moreWith you, in you or for you.
Never!” ```For my Heavenward journey,
My purity-heart joined meLong before anybody else.
```There is not a single day
When your mind will not tryTo play tricks on you.
Try to befriend your soul.It will save you,
Fortify youAnd finally illumine you.
```At the end of temptation-tunnel,
The destruction-wolfGreedily awaits your arrival.
```There is only one place
To find comfort-joyAnd that is inside
God’s all-forgiving Compassion-Eye. ```Are you swimming
In ignorance-night-sea?If so, be pure and brave.
Are you swimmingIn wisdom-light-ocean?
If so, be self-giving and unconditional. ```If your oneness-heart is missing,
How can you have a fulness-lifeTo satisfy you?
```Someday you will be able
To escape your frustration-net.But you will never be able
To escape God’s Liberation-Ocean. ```Beautiful are the wings
Of your heart’s dawn.They will transform your life
Into God’s everlasting Day. ```Are you in
A self-giving consciousness-light?Then God has come to you
And will be blessing youWith His Heart’s infinite Delight.
```Surrender your thought-world
To God’s Will.Your life will be
God’s universal Heart-Delight. ```Why do you allow your mind
To enjoy its isolation?Teach your mind
To enjoy the fulnessOf oneness-satisfaction.
```God is sad
That your faith-flameIs wavering.
God is disappointedThat your confidence-heart
Is starving. ```Have patience in your mind.
Have poise in your vital.Lo, a garden of peace
Is smiling inside your heart. ```What everybody wants now
Is an immediate satisfaction-goal.What everybody needs now
Is his journey’s sleepless aspiration-soul. ```An ingratitude-life
God definitely forgives.But this life
Is nothing other thanA barren desert-failure.
```You must love
Your daily discipline-life.Then only will God grant you
The keys to His Heart’s Fulness-Door. ```When we have faith in God,
God proudly tells usThat we are His perfect instruments.
When God has faith in us,We dare to tell God
That He is our own, very own. ```The only free man in the universe
Is he who consciously invites GodTo be his immortal Guest
And live in his heart-roomSmilingly and blessingfully.
```If consciousness-light is your choice,
That means God is preparing HimselfIn and through you
For your new mutual victory. ```Can you not see
That your doubting mindIs enjoying nothing but
A stagnant complacency?Are you so blind
That you cannot seeThat your heart is enjoying
The preparation for God’s arrival-regency? ```The river of life
Teaches each manThat he has to learn
Either willingly or unwillinglyThe oneness-song of the vastness-sea.
```He who has learnt
A long lesson in humilityWill before long enjoy
The Beauty of God’s own Divinity. ```A soulful smile
Is the nourishing foodOf love.
A fruitful cryIs the fulfilling food
Of oneness. ```The way to human glory
Demands hard work.The way to divine glory
Needs only one song to learn,And that song is
The surrender-songOf the seeker’s entire being.
```When a golden dream
Dances in your aspiration-heart,Rest assured that God
And God’s Satisfaction-HeartAre fast approaching you.
```How can you see
The beauty of God’s creation-lifeIf your own heart does not ignore
The impurity of your mind-doubts? ```If you are obedient,
God will tell youWhat He is going to give you
Immediately.If you are surrendered,
God will immediately give youUnconditionally
Infinitely more than you can ever imagine. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 113, Agni Press, 1987
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_113