You can hear
God’s Compassion-FootstepsOnly when you offer Him
The fragrance of your silence-purity-heart. ```Only my gratitude-heart
Doesn’t give my Lord SupremeEven a mild headache.
```If you cannot
Illumine your mind for good,Try at least
To enjoy a lifeWithout your bondage-loving mind.
```In our aspiration-heart
Evolution gives usThe joy of the Infinite
And revolution gives usThe promise of self-transcendence.
```If you want hope-seeds
To sprout in your life,Then transform your heart
Into your soul’s purity-nest. ```It seems to me
That both man and God are burdenedWith possible, if not impossible,
Expectations. ```A doubting mind
In a thickening life-forestIs indeed a short-cut
To self-destruction. ```Because you have made faith
Your loving and illumining friend,Your mind — your enemy number one —
Will no longer come to play with you. ```God wants you to be
A constantly blossomingAmateur self-giver.
But what you have doneIs so peculiar.
You have made yourself intoA professional self-pleaser
And self-enjoyer. ```Your dream of God-life
Is not a mental hallucination.Indeed, this is your soul’s
God-manifestation-fulfilment-vision. ```If you are your heart’s insecurity,
Needless to say,You are not pleasing and fulfilling
Your soul’s tranquillity. ```If you are planning to run
To Heaven,First conquer your proud mind
With your humility-heart. ```I pray to God to grant my mind
Every dayA new inspiration-ladder
And my heartA new aspiration-escalator.
```How long will you be studying
At the university of fear?When are you going to start studying
At your heart’s confidence-school? ```My heart invites
Only God-loving soulsTo be its most distinguished guests.
It never invites ignorance-enjoyersAnd their dear relatives.
```A restless vital
And a suspicious mindEventually cause a series of
Life-destruction-catastrophes. ```If your life becomes your heart’s
Sleepless aspiration-hours,Then God will definitely appear to you
As His Vision’s tallest tower. ```Not to be satisfied with the world
Is a malady of the mind.To speak ill of the world
Is a worse malady of the mind.To have no faith in the world
Is the worst malady of the mind. ```You do not have to do anything else.
Just offer your heart’sGratitude-tears
To your Lord Supreme.His own Compassion-Light-Tears
Will erase the Himalayan blundersOf your dark past.
```He who does not aspire,
He who does not serve,He who does not love,
He who lives onlyIn his self-centred life-cave,
Is indeed a delegateFrom ignorance-flooded slumberland.
```If you believe in
Your future perfection-delight,Then God will definitely put you
On His Divinity’s Satisfaction-List. ```If you enjoy living
In your mind’s fear-forest,How can God show you
His Heart-Beauty’sUniversal Fragrance-Garden?
```When you climb up the Truth-Mountain,
You see that God and His Eternity’sCompassion-Fulfilment-Fountain
Have been waiting for you. ```He who lives a simple, God-loving life
Is chosen by God HimselfTo fight for Him
Against devouring ignorance-night. ```A single God-chosen soul
Can stand againstIll-fated humanity’s downfall
And carry humanity’s burdenTo Divinity’s highest height.
```Who says that each success
Needs a failure-foundation?No!
What each success needsIs God’s unconditional
Compassion-Foundation. ```God and God’s Love-Smile
Follow only Eternity’sOne-way road.
```If an iota of faith-flower-fragrance
You have in your heart-garden,Then God will come and bless you
With His Divinity’s Pride-Blessings. ```If your mind enjoys
Its doubt-confusion-fog,Then how can your life be
God’s most faithful dog? ```Perfection-beauty in the human life
Is possible only whenWe do not miss
Our daily aspiration-appointmentsWith God.
```It is high time for the sincere God-lover
To come out of his mind’sSelf-imposed darkness-night.
```A God-lover tries
To perfect the world outwardlyWhile loving the world inwardly
In secrecy supreme. ```In silence the peace-lover struggles
Against the sleeplessAnd countless complaints
From humanity’s mind-market. ```Every day water the faith-plant
Inside your heart-garden.Then you are bound to see
A galaxy of God-fulfilment-opportunities. ```To appreciate another aspiring heart
Is to increase the fragranceOf one’s own heart-garden.
```Try a little more compassion!
Your frustration-balloonWill burst
And your heart’s satisfaction-flowerWill blossom.
```You cannot collect wasted time.
You must use your time, present and future,To the best of your inner capacities.
```Do not feel shy
While approaching your Lord Supreme.Do not be fearful
While approaching your Lord Supreme.Just have a purity-heart
While approaching your Lord Supreme. ```You can never be too busy
To think of God,For thinking of God soulfully
Grants you His Eternity’s Life. ```Living in your doubt-mind
Is as bad as livingIn the blind night of self-torture.
```Peace does not want
To conquer the world.Peace only wants to
Unconditionally love the worldFor its own oneness-perfection.
```You must not hesitate.
You must not delay.You must immediately uproot
Your mind’s temptation-tree. ```To sail the aspiration-lacking danger-seas
Is quite commonFor those who live humanity’s desire-life.
```If you fall into
The long footsteps of desire,Your God-realisation-hope
Will be nothing other thanA punctured life-balloon.
```Because you are fired by ambition,
You do not see thatGod’s all-illumining Light
Grants you the real satisfaction-delight. ```Have aspiration-flames.
The world’s ignorance-problemsWill before long be solved.
```If your mind does not learn
Your soul’s silence-song,Then your mind will never be able
To sound God’s Victory-Gong. ```If your heart does not take
The surrender-course,Then your life will never drink
Nectar-bliss. ```Either bury your doubt alive
Or starve it to deathIf you want to enjoy the beauty
Of your heart’s faith-garden. ```First pray to God devotedly
To claim you as His very own.Then only will you be able
To claim the world as your very own. ```Even God’s Compassion-Eye
Will not invite your restlessness-mindAnd frustration-vital
To come and visitHis Heart’s Illumination-Home.
```Now that you are enjoying
Your heart’s aspiration-lightMore than ever before,
Your mind’s ignorance-nightIs bound to grow shorter.
```Finally you have decided
To abandon your ego-life.Therefore, God’s Satisfaction-Delight
Has decided to liveInside your heart permanently.
```If you want God to be hopeful
About your heart’s progress-march,Then you have to throw
Your mind’s useless thoughtsInto an oblivion-cave.
```God and His Heart’s sadness
Will perpetually followYou and your mind’s madness.
```When your mind’s fear
And your heart’s courage wrestle,You must immediately help your heart
So that you and your heart can quickly reachYour soul’s promised Divinity-Shore.
```O hope, my hope,
Where are you?Can you not see
That I amMy heart’s helplessness?
O promise, my promise,
Where are you?Can you not see
That I amMy life’s fruitlessness?
```God’s Oneness-Compassion-Eye
Wants to guide the world.But we want our mind’s division-monarchy
To govern our lives instead. ```Every day you must take care
Of your aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life
If you want to drinkGod’s Compassion-Light
From God’s Perfection-Cup. ```Do not allow your consciousness-light
To fight with the world,But use your consciousness-light
To illumine the mind of the world. ```The difference between man and God
Is this:Man is searching for God
Out of his curiosity.God is searching for man’s
Satisfaction-heartOut of His Necessity.
```If you have a silence-cry
In your heart today,Then you will have a sound-smile
In your life tomorrow. ```If you keep your perfection-promise,
Then God will definitely keepHis Satisfaction-Promise,
Plus give you His all-fulfilling Love. ```Your life’s dedication-branches
Will look most beautiful and powerfulIf you keep your heart’s aspiration-tree
In perfect condition. ```God’s Compassion-Light
Forgives us every day,Although every day we are convicted
Of doubt-jealousy-crimes. ```An earth-loving man
And a Heaven-serving manCan easily find the pathway
To God-Satisfaction. ```Perfection-delight will always
Remain a far cryUnless we stop our mind from enjoying
Its self-styled division-night. ```Who is deserving
And who is undeserving?God is at once the unconditional Giver
And the unconditional Receiver. ```A true seeker is
A genuine memberOf God’s Compassion-flooded family.
```The mind’s darkness-cloud
Can be dispelledIf you value sleeplessly
The climbing flamesOf your aspiration-heart.
```How can you be
A world-dominatingOuter conqueror
If you are a sleeplessly cryingInner beggar?
```The modern problem is
Constant relaxation.The ancient answer is
Sleepless aspiration. ```My heart sings God-songs
Only after it has been blessedBy my soul’s divinity-smiles.
```What you call
Your little heart,God calls that very thing
His big Hand. ```A true God-lover
Does not have to abideBy his mind’s decisions.
He has only to listenTo his heart’s dictates.
```Be careful of your impurity-mind.
Your impurity-mind can easily obliterateAll your God-loving,
God-fulfilling hopes. ```You must love and feed
Your heart’s aspiration-criesMore than anything else
If you want to demolishYour mind’s huge doubt-walls.
```You can say farewell
To your failure-lifeJust by starting the game
Of soulful self-transcendence. ```Do not allow
Your innocence-heartTo be exploited.
Do not allow
Your sincerity-mindTo be exploited.
Do not allow
Your simplicity-lifeTo be exploited.
```When I look at the face of Heaven,
I am completely puzzled.When I look at the heart of Heaven,
I am immediately illumined. ```Do not go near him who owns
Jealousy’s volcano-breathIf you want to have
A safe, pure and God-fulfilled life. ```If your heart becomes
The manager of your life,Then God will definitely invite your heart
To be an important playerIn His universal Oneness-Vision-Game.
```You may think that God
Has forgotten your promisesSince you yourself have forgotten them.
But unfortunately this is notAnd can never be the case.
```May my life-breath
Become the resonanceOf God’s Earth-Transformation-Organ.
```If you give God your heart’s
Dearest treasure, surrender,Then God will grant you His Vision’s
Dearest treasure, peace. ```What you call desire-satisfaction
Is nothing other thanYour soul’s God-promise-assassination.
```If you do not keep
Your suspicion-mind-roomUnder lock and key,
Then God will never be ableTo give you
Your soul-reality’s victory-crown. ```Do you want to possess the world?
Then do the first thing first.Pray to God
To possess you entirely,Along with your mind’s desire-forest.
```Neither your mind’s doubt
Nor your heart’s faithCan declare their victory
One over the other.It is God who has to declare first
Who is the stronger of the two. ```You are living in tomorrow’s
False sweetness-dreams.You must live in today’s
Soulfulness-promise-light. ```If you want to know
Who is actually serving God,I will tell you.
Only those are serving GodWhose hearts are God’s love-lamps.
```God’s Motto:
Never give up,Never give up!
Man’s motto:
Alas, I do not knowWhen I should start!
```Your mind’s determination
Wants to shake the world.Your heart’s aspiration
Wishes to embrace the world.Now you have to decide
Whom you want to follow. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartKnow everything except one thing:
How to take even a short vacation. ```There is no God-reward for you,
For you have not offeredYour selfless service
For God’s supreme manifestation on earth. ```You may not tempt anybody,
But you will be hatedEven by the person who has tempted you
When God-hunger arises in himAt God’s choice Hour.
```It is not your fear of God
That has shakenYour faith-foundation in God.
It is your unwillingness to leadA life divine
That is the cause of your God-desertion. ```Your desire-fire you must extinguish,
For that is the only wayYou can earn
God’s Satisfaction-Blessings. ```As you are blind
To God’s Compassion-Light,Even so, God’s Heart is blind
To your ignorance-night. ```God grants His infinite Compassion-Light
And Satisfaction-DelightTo those chosen instruments of His
Who never delay in serving HimAnd manifesting Him
In His creation vast. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 114, Agni Press, 1987
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