My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Your Compassion-Eye I love,Your Thunder-Feet I need.
Your Compassion-Eye teaches meHow to aspire, aspire for the Highest.
Your Thunder-Feet teach meHow to realise, realise the Absolute.
```I give God what I have:
A volcano of earth-complaints.God gives me what He has:
His Heart’s infinite Compassion-Smiles. ```O my mind,
My heart is all readyTo help you clear
Your forest of thoughts.Why do you not accept
My heart’s unconditional help? ```If your life studies
In the school of Eternity’s patience,Then your heart will become
Infinity’s immortal pride. ```The logic of the seeker’s faith:
His life exists precisely becauseHis God exists.
```He is totally lost
Because his eye denies the truthAnd his mind defies the truth.
```You must not allow
Your inspiration to decayBecause a life of aspiration
Is still a far cry. ```Do not accept
The nearness of death,For God Himself
Wants you to enjoyThe fulness of life.
```A life of unconditional surrender
Is God’s matchlessBeauty-toy.
```Only a purity-heart
Is permitted to prayIn the soul’s silence-temple.
```If you live in your mind’s
Sleeping complacency,How can God grant you His Heart’s
Perfection-Satisfaction-Home? ```Every day you have to study
At God’s Compassion-SchoolIf you want to reach your life’s
Unhorizoned realisation-goal. ```I am absolutely certain
That your austerity-mindCan never live
Near God’s Spontaneity-Heart. ```You fool!
Who told you that GodWill give you innumerable chances
To change your life’s direction-flow?He may give you one or two
Or even three chances,But never more!
```Your life’s secret affiliation
With your mind’s doubtHas compelled your aspiration-heart-stream
To run dry and futile. ```God has given you inner freedom
More than necessaryTo refuse the lure of temptation-night.
Just daily use your freedom-lightTo illumine your earth-existence.
```Unconsciously you treasure
Your life’s imperfection-forest.Therefore, God does not answer
Even one questionOut of your life’s teeming questions.
```The sweet company of a selfless God-lover
Will help you live far awayFrom the slightest shadow of expectation.
```If you think that you are
A retired truth-seeker,That means you are already
A fired God-lover. ```Allow not your mind
To feed on untrue fantasy-produce.Just help your heart
To drink in profuselyGod-intoxicating elixir.
```To possess the world forcefully
Is man’s animal greed.To love the world soulfully
Is man’s divine need. ```What is desire
If not a powerful curseFrom an unknown world?
```If yours is a heart
That does not believe inGod’s Compassion-Heart,
Then yours will be a lifeOf total failure.
```If you love God the Creator
Devotedly and soulfully,Then how can you be accused of ignoring
God the creation?Are they not one?
```The heart loves only one season,
And that is the season ofThe soul’s unconditional oneness
With its Beloved God. ```My aspiration-heart
Loves only one place:God’s dream-flooded Garden.
```God proudly loves
The fragrance-flowerOf the seeker’s aspiration-heart.
```Do not undervalue
The capacity of hope.Hope can shake hands
With promise-fulfilment. ```What I have to do
Is to sow progress-seed.Then God will play His part:
He will give meHis Heart’s Satisfaction-Fruit.
```A true seeker’s heart
Will, without fail,Drink a large quantity of devotion-drink
Every day. ```Act not like a beggar!
Fly the bannerOf your oneness-divinity
With your Absolute Lord Supreme. ```The Golden Boat is sailing.
If you have not yet establishedYour oneness-love with your Inner Pilot,
How can you be invited to be a passengerIn the Golden Boat?
```If you give up
Living inside your heart-world,At every moment you have to bow
Either to your tricky mindOr to your tyrant-vital.
```Follow not
Your blindness-mind;Follow only
Your kindness-heart! ```Leave your ignorance-“I”!
Your bumper crop of realisationDoes not depend on your mind’s brilliance
But on your heart’s surrender-joy. ```For the betterment of this world
What have you done?Have you ever said even one thing nice
About this earth?Have you ever thought of pouring
Your concern-lightInto the heart of each and every human being?
```You cannot get confidence-light
And competence-mightUnless you dare to compete
With your own Heavenward achievements. ```I shall not blame
Your curiosity-mind,But you also must not criticise
My heart’s purity-plant. ```If you become
A humility-instrument-doll,You are bound to hear
God’s clarion Call. ```God asked you not to compromise
With ignorance-night.Alas, you have not only compromised
With ignorance-night,But you have also established
Your oneness-heartWith the destruction-blows
Of ignorance-night. ```Because of your newly acquired
Purity-heart,Your life’s transformation-gate
Is opening for you today. ```God is so proud of you
Because you are spreadingRipples of cheerfulness
Inside His Heart-Garden. ```You show God what you have:
Your heart’s aspiration-fountain.God will give you what He has:
His Heart’s Satisfaction-Mountain. ```What you have is nothing other than
An attention-seeking vital.What God wants you to become is
A surrendered, fulfilling willingness. ```Let yesterday sleep,
And allow not frustrationTo rule your mind.
Tomorrow’s satisfaction-sunWill be all yours.
Just start seeing the riseOf your surrender-heart-tide.
```If compassion
Is not in your aspiration-heart,Then the smile of your concern-eye
Is a deliberate falsehood. ```There is nothing
That self-giving cannot conquer.It can even conquer the very pride
Of Death-Monarch. ```God asks me
To enjoy the treasureOf my heart-life
And not the pleasureOf my mind-life.
```Are you not tired of living
Inside your mind-desert?If so, then come and live
In your heart’s aspiration-oasis. ```I love the world
That needs my heartMore than the world
That admires my mind. ```Become your heart’s
Sympathy-contribution.God will grant you His Heart’s
Satisfaction-Nest. ```It is good to know
That God loves me.It is better to know
That God needs me.It is best to know
That God does everythingUnconditionally for me.
```Gratitude is sweet
When others expect it from me.Gratitude is sweeter
When I expect it from others.Gratitude is sweetest
When the giver and the receiverSoulfully and powerfully sing
Their oneness-song. ```If you are swimming
In your mind’s desire-river,God will never want to be
His Heart’s Satisfaction-Giver. ```God does not want
To fulfil your desirePrecisely because
He wants to fulfil His own Desire.What is God’s Desire?
His Desire is to make youExactly like Him: another God.
```Last night
I had two sweet visions:From now on
I shall be able to love GodUnconditionally,
And God will proclaim my heart-victoryTo the world at large.
```What has made my life strong?
NotDoing anything for myself
Or for the rest of the world,But
Touching God’s Haven-FeetAnd smiling at God’s Compassion-Eye.
```This heartbroken world
Will have not only consolationBut also perfection
When it begs truth-lightTo manifest itself in sleepless action.
```Since yours is a very promising heart,
God will grant you the capacityTo follow His fastest forward Stride.
```God cries
With His transcendental Satisfaction-JoyWhen Immortality’s aspiration-cry
Struggles in and forMortality’s transformation-breath.
```Not true, not true!
You are uninspiredNot because you are tired.
You are uninspiredBecause you do not value
The supreme satisfactionOf reaching your destination.
```Two truth-seekers:
One truth-seeker thinksThat God lives for the seeker’s perfection.
The other feelsThat the seeker lives for God’s Satisfaction.
I think God is proud of them equally. ```I do not know why
You are so deeply interestedIn entering into your closed mind-room,
When your heart-room is wide openAnd welcoming you cheerfully.
```A heart of purity
And a life of simplicityNot only are fond of each other,
But also quite often live together. ```Because of your God-searching mind,
I admire you.Because of your God-serving heart,
I love you. ```Was there any time
When there was no necessity,Or will there be any time
When there will be no necessityFor the survival of humanity’s
Heaven-longing consciousness? ```I know you are busy.
At least, your mind has made you think so.Even so, can you not find some time
To invite God, your Supreme Guest,To bless you — your heart and your life —
With His all-illumining and all-fulfillingPresence?
```If you want to live
In God’s Satisfaction-Palace,Then you must always remain
In God’s Heart-Country:Silence.
```Your heart will definitely feel
Ecstasy’s electric currentIf you sleeplessly keep God
In full command of your aspiration-life. ```Do not be afraid of talking
To God’s Compassion-Eye.It is all Concern.
Do not be afraid of thinkingOf God’s Forgiveness-Heart.
It is all Love. ```Every day, at every moment,
Be strict with your mind-mosquitoes!Unnecessarily and shamelessly
They are biting your aspiring purity-heart. ```If you give up studying
At your heart’s inner school,You are definitely going to betray
God the Transcendental JudgeAnd man the universal player.
```If you sleeplessly cry
For God the Compassion,How can your faith-foundation,
Either in God or in yourself,Be shaken?
```God and God’s Assurance-Voice
Are only for thoseWho have taken God
As their only choice. ```If you do not participate
In the earth-transformation-game,The soul of this earth
Will look neither beautiful nor fruitfulTo you.
```Do not worry!
Do not worry!Even your mind’s audacity
Will one day surrenderTo God’s unconditional Illumination-Reality.
```When I walk alone in the mind-forest,
Fear tries to befriend my heartAnd doubt blinds my sight.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
How can I be truly happyUnless I sit
At Your Compassion-Protection-Feet? ```If you study
In God’s obedience-training school,Then you can become
Man’s perfection-teaching professor. ```Precious are my heart’s
Silence-tears.Infinitely more precious is my Lord’s
Silence-flooded Eye. ```My Lord Supreme,
I am offering YouMy life’s emotion-waves.
Will You not grant meYour Heart’s Liberation-Ocean?
```God is triumphantly proud
Only of those who love and treasureTheir God-ordained God-responsibilities.
```My Lord Supreme compassionately tells me
Not to be afraidOf the temptation-test
Of devouring time. ```My temptation-enemies are telling me
That God does not love my heartAnd that God does not need my life.
My aspiration-friends are telling meThat God is crying for my love
And that God is eagerly waiting forMy life’s arrival.
```The clever mind
Will never be able to knowThe wise heart’s oneness
With God’s Fulness. ```I cannot think
Of God the creationWithout thinking
Of God the Creator.I cannot think
Of God’s Compassion-EyeWithout thinking
Of God’s Manifestation-Hands.I cannot think
Of God’s transcendental LoveWithout thinking
Of God’s universal Peace. ```How can I have peace?
Not by talking about peace,But by walking
Along the road of peace. ```You are wrong!
Nobody’s purity-heart can enjoy friendshipWith his mind’s suspicion-night.
```Infinity’s joy is crowning you
Because you have won todayYour heart’s surrender-gratitude-race.
```Do not live inside your mind’s
Multiplicity-room.Live inside your heart’s
Unity-home. ```If you live
In your unlit mind,How can you see the beauty
Of your sunlit heart? ```A silence-mind can challenge
The pride of ignorance-night.Again, it is the silence-mind
That has the capacityTo invite and welcome God.
```Give your purity-heart a chance.
It will definitely take youTo God’s Heart-Garden-Beauty.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
How can I be absolutely perfectUnless I sleeplessly beg You
To use Your Justice-LightWhenever it is needed?
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Although Your Feet are infinitely strongerThan my heart,
When Your Thunder-Feet kick meEither playfully or seriously,
I get tremendous joy. ```If you are locked
In your mind’s ignorance-room,Then rest assured
That God’s Justice DepartmentIs not going to release you.
```Who can separate your future
From your presentUnless you become a gratitude-heart
In God’s Nectar-Compassion-Eye? ```A purity-heart
Is a lifetime memberOf God’s universal
Consciousness-blossoming committee. ```God does not want to waste
Your time or His time.Therefore
With His blessingful Silence-LightHe asks you also not to waste
Either His or yourMutually precious time.
```The mind’s perpetual message to God:
“O God, if You exist, then prove itWith Your infinite Power.”
The heart’s habitual message to God:“O God, I do not want to know
Whether You exist or not.I just love You,
And shall forever do so.” ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 115, Agni Press, 1988
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