My Lord, I am telling You
In all sincerityThat I have implicit faith in You.
“My child, I am telling youWith all My Compassion-Delight
That I shall be responsibleFor everything that you do.”
```At every moment
Keep impurity-breath outOf your God-loving aspiration-heart.
```If desire accompanies you,
Then the golden DoorOf God’s Compassion-Heart
Will be denied you. ```The mind knows only one thing.
It knows only how to magnifyOur difficulties and failures.
```How far can you go
With your mind’s unwillingness?Farther than the farthest
Not only from man, but alsoFrom God’s Compassion-Heart.
```Cherish hope!
This is the only wayThat humanity can have the opportunity
To walk on Divinity’sProgress-road.
```The heart takes vacation
In the countryside of God’s Heart.The mind takes vacation
In the carnival of the vital. ```Although there is nobody
In the audience,God the Lecturer
Every day delivers a lectureOn peace.
```If you skip
Your heart’s aspiration-course,Then you will fail
In your life’s perfection-examination. ```The human mind
Not only likes, but alsoEnormously enjoys,
Living inside darkness-doubt-caves. ```The mind that magnifies
Each and every difficultyCan also minimise and weaken
The smile of opportunity. ```Look inside your heart!
You are bound to see faith-sun.And to your utter astonishment
Your mind’s imperfection-skyWill surrender to your heart’s faith-sun.
```If you want to enter
Into God’s Heart-Country,Then every day you have to renew
Your life’s surrender-visa. ```If you are a student of perfection,
God the Teacher wants to be knownBy you
As God the Satisfaction. ```My heart-temple welcomes
Only the seekersOf earth’s newness
And the loversOf Heaven’s fulness.
```My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-Feet:These are the only things I keep
Inside my heart’s gratitude-temple. ```There is nothing
And there can be nothingSlower than the speed
Of an unwillingness-mind. ```To achieve victory
Over the vital,Invoke your purity-heart’s
Oneness-delight. ```My mind is made of
A thousand promises.My heart is made of
One single deed:Sleepless love of God.
```The mind’s selfishness
And the heart’s ingratitudeAre sleeplessly inseparable.
```Before perfection dawns,
You have to disobeyAll the commands
Of lethargy and anxiety. ```Now that you have withdrawn
Your expectation-application,God is knocking at your perfection-door
With His Vision’s Satisfaction-Smile. ```If your mind is wise,
Then you will be ableTo walk with God for a mile.
If your heart is wiser,
Then you will be allowedTo fly with God for ten miles.
If your soul is wisest,
Then you will be able to run and fly with GodAt every moment.
```You and your undisciplined life
Have forced God to delay His ArrivalAt your heart’s aspiration-gate.
```Since you have chosen self-adoration
As your only occupation,Poor God is compelled to withdraw from you
Helplessly. ```Cheerfulness, unlike frustration,
Does not want to rule your life.It only wants to awaken your dormant life,
Illumine your mindAnd satisfy your heart.
```If your mind’s enthusiasm goes stale,
Then earthly prideWill automatically find you
And Heavenly CompassionWill not acknowledge you.
```Believe it or not,
God has given you another chance,So give up your shameless infatuation
With ignorance-night! ```You are always safe,
My seeker-friend,Inside your heart’s
Spontaneous surrender-smile. ```I showed God my heart’s temple.
God immediately blessed meWith His Compassion-Eye
And Satisfaction-Heart,And asked me to install them
In my heart-temple. ```Can you not see
That you are boarding your mind’sUnwillingness-flight?
You do not know it,But before long yours will be
A fear-infested heart. ```When God entertains us,
The first thing He doesIs remove
Our mind’s thought-thorns. ```How can you be happy
If you have been livingOn high ignorance-wages?
```When the mind’s temptation
Is destroyed,God Himself opens
The illumination-doorFor the seeker.
```If you want to enjoy
A soul-deep silence-sweetness,Then pray to God to grant you
His own Perfection-Dreams. ```The day the seeker does not meditate
Early in the morning,He has to face a mind
That is nothing short ofA problem-manufacturer.
```Do not return
God’s Compassion-Light-GiftsUnused!
```Since yours is a face
Full of false devotion,You cannot expect God to have you
As His supremely chosen instrument. ```I suffer unending uncertainty-assaults
When I do not enjoy my divine friendshipWith my heart’s aspiration-flames.
Does the unaspiring mind work?It works
In its usual complaint department. ```If you are the possessor
Of permanent devotion,Then your eagerness-speed
Will remain undiminished by time. ```I know that there are
Millions of ways to aspire,But I have chosen
The sleepless surrender-gratitude way. ```His willing jump to the light
Saved him from seeingThe familiar face of failure.
```How can your heart
Be truly happySince your life itself has become
A pretence of detachment? ```If you are accustomed
To attachment,Who can help you live
In the house of infinite Light? ```A promise-plant
And a hope-tree:These are precisely what
Each seeker needs. ```Alas, his mind has been suffocated
By selfishness-darkness.He can no longer enjoy
The silent voyage to perfection. ```My heart, my heart,
Since the day I started obeying you,In myself I see
A paradise of progress-delight. ```If your heart is dependent
On God’s Compassion-Light,Then God will help you become
His peace-singer. ```My aspiring life
Has at last becomeThe dispeller
Of my desire-nightmares. ```Do not trust the vital.
It always enjoys tellingWorld-temptation-stories.
```If you are accustomed to attachment,
How can God grant youA free passage
To His transcendental Skies? ```What a seeker always needs
Is an innocent beginningAnd not a complacent beginning
To reach safelyHis clear destination.
```When I look at your expectation-face,
You look ugly to me.When I look at your expectation-heart,
I see in you a failure-beggar. ```When God Himself
Compassionately makes a peace appeal,Can you not abide by His Request
Just for a day? ```Although you fail every day,
Every hour, even every minute,Your soul’s compassion-flooded
EncouragementNever leaves you.
```As the call of desire
Is undeniable,Even so, the fulfilment of aspiration
Is inevitable. ```God is always ready
With His Vision’s radiant SmileTo greet you
And bless your purity-heart. ```When I write a heart-letter
To my Lord Supreme,He tells me now is the time
To be a supremely perfect instrumentOf His.
```If you can make friends
With an aspiration-expert,Then your life will not be tormented
By ignorance-dart. ```If you pray and meditate
In your heart’s silence-core,God’s Compassion-Eye will monopolise
The willingness of your dedication-life. ```The only role of a God-singing soul
Is to tell the worldThat today’s man-perfection-possibility
Will be transformed intoTomorrow’s God-satisfaction-reality.
```You may not know
Or you may not even want to know,But God’s Compassion-Light
Can easily see throughYour self-aggrandisement-crown.
```What is a greater irony of fate?
You came into the worldTo be a God-lover,
But now you have becomeA self-lover instead.
```When your life suffers
From happiness-shortage,Just do two things:
Assist God’s Justice-LightAnd do not resist
God’s Compassion-Height. ```Do you know
What God is asking you to do?God is asking you to take
Your heart’s impurity-breathTo your imagination’s farthest end.
What for?Just to bury it.
```Alas, my surrender-life
And my gratitude-heartFor a long time have forgotten
To sit at God’sCompassion-Fulfilment-Feet.
```God’s Seeds always bear fruits
If you becomeYour mind’s humility-surrender
And your heart’s gratitude-smile. ```Your countless problems of the past
Will fade away fastIf you can dare to have
A few glimpses of the infinite LightThat is unconditionally beckoning you.
```God has announced your arrival
At His Heart-Door.When are you going to announce God’s Arrival
At your mind-door? ```O my mind,
Cherish not the flow of thought-river!If you cherish it,
It will carry you to the oceanOf imperfection and destruction.
```You are tempted
To capture God the creationInstead of being inspired
To see God the Creator. ```When my aspiration-flames climb up
To my soul’s zenith-height,I enthrone my Lord Supreme
With my heart’s sleepless ecstasy. ```My dear friend,
You are not sure if God exists.I wish to tell you that
God not only existsBut also is suffering badly
From the shortage of God-lovers. ```You are in your mind’s
Imprisoned desire,But God wants you to be in your heart’s
Liberated aspiration. ```When we pray and meditate soulfully,
God allows us to paintOur prayer and meditation
Inside His Heart.When we pray and meditate
Soulfully and unconditionally,God Himself paints His Infinity’s Beauty
Inside our hearts. ```The place to be happy
God has chosen for meWith His infinite Compassion.
The time to be happyI have to choose for myself.
God has chosen the place:Here!
I must choose the time:Now!
```There is and there can be
No real excuseWhy I cannot be more sincere,
More devotedAnd more perfect
In my daily aspiration-life. ```You are sinking and sinking
In the mire of suffering-nightBecause you are deliberately
Ignoring the CallOf God’s Compassion-flooded Heart.
```How can the doubting mind
And the loving heartEver have a beautiful and peaceful
Coexistence-delight? ```If you can sincerely and soulfully
Praise God’s Ways,Then God will grant you
His Bliss-flooded eternal Day. ```I am never alone.
Previously I enjoyed the companyOf my reluctance-mind.
Now I am enjoying the companyOf my hesitation-heart.
Alas, alas! ```How can God keep track
Of His infinite children?Exactly the way we keep track
Of our surrender-lifeAnd gratitude-breath.
```Because you do not value
Your faith in God,Before long you will have
A severe suffering-punishment. ```If you think
That you are not ready for God,Then that is your way of thinking.
But God is telling meThat you are more than ready,
And He is also telling meThat I must start serving Him in you
Immediately. ```If your mind is on constant parade,
God’s compassionate Heart-GateWill always remain invisible.
```Every day
Try to learn more and moreAbout the aspiration-language
And the dedication-book. ```Three inventions of the idle mind:
God does not care for His creation.Man is hopeless.
Heaven and earth are not on speaking terms. ```Sleep your ignorance-sleep if you want to,
But do not blame GodIf He comes to you
And catches you asleep. ```Your poor aspiration-heart
At every moment is afraidOf your desire-destruction-furnace.
```Morning shows the day.
Therefore, if you want your dayTo be flooded with joy,
Then set your mind-frighteningAnd heart-awakening alarm
Every morning. ```Your purity-heart’s soulful cries
Can carry you far beyondYour mind’s darkest imperfection-summit.
```Every day God invites you to swim
In His Heart’s Compassion-Sea.You do not accept His Invitation,
For you have an aptitude for self-indulgence. ```If you have consciously chosen
A surrender-life and a gratitude-heart,Then God will before long grant you
CheerfullyImmortality’s satisfaction-delight.
```Can you not see
That you are completely suffocatedBy your untiring selfishness?
Can you not seeThat jealousy-weeds
Have powerfully invadedYour soul-beauty’s heart-garden?
```The confusion of your mind
Is already thickeningAnd is ready to strangle you.
How is it that even nowYou do not care for
Your soul’s satisfaction? ```The sincere heart-cry of my life
And the Protection-PresenceOf my Lord’s Compassion-Feet
Love to live together. ```Your life of chaos and confusion
Is all due to one thing:You have allowed yourself unconsciously,
If not consciously,To be captured by
Temptation-ignorance-night. ```Your life is an orphan
Because you have allowed insecurityTo devour your heart.
```My Lord Supreme,
I may not carry Your Justice-LightWith me,
I may not carry Your Compassion-HeartWith me,
But I do carry with meYour Forgiveness-Delight
Wherever I go. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 117, Agni Press, 1988
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