There is only one way to Heaven:
My heart’s sleeplessly climbingAspiration-flame-cries.
```Never think
That at God’s choice HourGod will give you
What you want.No, never!
He will give youAt His choice Hour
What you need:Perfection in your aspiration.
```I had a dream:
God was invisible.I have a dream:
God is visible.I will have a dream:
God will not only be visibleBut also available.
```If you reject the mind’s dictates,
God Himself will teach youHow to fly
In His Heart’s Illumination-Sky. ```Life is not
A tragic accident-experiment.Life is God’s
Magic Compassion-Experience. ```This morning
I offered a very special prayerTo my Lord Supreme:
“My Lord,Save my heart-purity
From my mind-poison.” ```Your slow and steady
Life-dedication-trainIs bound for God’s Victory-Station.
```There is only
One disgrace:I do not want to become
A perfect instrumentOf my Lord Supreme.
```What each aspiring life needs
Is an unparalleledSpontaneity-smile.
```God invented my purity-heart.
When am I going to discoverMy surrender-life?
```The beauty of my heart’s perfection-rainbow
Has given GodA complete Satisfaction-Meal.
```Try to explore
The limits of aspiration.God will give you the power
Of His self-giving Smile. ```Nobody wants you to be
The victim of your mind-master.You can easily become
The oneness-life of your heart-friend. ```If you have the desire
To cancel the past,Then God will come to you
As a guestOf your greatness-height
And goodness-light. ```If your mind stands on
The assembly line of thoughts,You will be forced to remain estranged
From your God-blessed satisfaction-life. ```Your life-sea
Has become violently roughBecause you have allowed yourself
To be distractedBy powerful earth-bound desire-thoughts.
```Although I have told God repeatedly
That perfection is a far cryIn my life,
God has cheerfully sent meA wide-open Heart-Invitation.
```I am lost,
My aspiration is shockingly lostAnd my dedication is completely lost
In betweenHeaven-silence and earth-violence.
```Your doubting mind
Is fully responsibleFor your aspiring heart’s
Decaying and dying faith. ```Because of a new supply of sincerity
In your mindAnd a new supply of purity
In your heart,Fast, very fast, are fading away
Your old desire-problems. ```Most happily
God will announce your victory twice:Once when you have conquered
Your impurity-mindAnd once when you have offered
Your purity-heart to God. ```God is willing to work
With you and for you,But you have to choose God
As your only Liberator-Champion-Supreme. ```What have I learnt
From my clever mind?I have learnt how to possess
A deep-seated desire:World-conquest.
```Because of your heart’s weak devotion,
You think that God will not bless youWith His Heart’s strong Compassion.
You are totally mistaken! ```God is not
A greedy businessman.He is His Heart’s
Unconditionally self-giving Delight. ```My Lord Supreme,
I may know just a littleAbout Your Justice-Light,
But I shall never, never know enoughAbout Your infinite Compassion-Ocean.
```Because you are at the open door
Of Infinity,The sunlit silence of Immortality
Is welcoming you. ```If you want to search breathlessly
For your Lord Supreme,Then be always an inspiring and inspired
Front runner. ```You may be right when you say
That God does not love you,But rest assured,
God’s Compassion can never forget you. ```Since you are lethargy incarnate,
The gates of deathAre lovingly welcoming you.
```You want to know
What I have been doing all this time.I have been doing only one thing:
I have been longing for hope-dawnIn my sorrow-filled life.
```Because you have allowed
Your vital to choose,You and your heart have lost everything —
Everything that longs forEarth-perfection and God-Satisfaction.
```Now that you have become
A traveller of the Beyond,God the Compassion
Will not miss you any more. ```Because you have not listened
To the dictates of your Inner Pilot,Today you have become
A victim of stark imperfection. ```If you can sleep without desire-thorns,
Your life-car will travelFaster than the fastest
In the progress-lane. ```Each time I enjoy a pure thought,
I feel that I am livingIn my own homemade Heaven.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do grant me the capacityTo sign a life-long contract
With obedience, surrenderAnd gratitude-company.
```How do you know
That your desire-licenceWill not expire?
I assure you, before longGod will replace your desire-licence
With an aspiration-licenceEven before your desire-licence expires.
```Because I live
In the land of soulfulness,I am able to meet regularly
With my two best friends:Aspiration and dedication.
```Your humility-mind
And your sincerity-heartWill always be able to create
A climate of perfection-receptivity for you. ```My life’s outer opportunities
Cannot even knock at my Lord’s Door.My life’s inner opportunities
Do not have to knock at my Lord’s Door.My Lord keeps His Door wide open
For them. ```Your meditation-regularity-ride
Will definitely take youAlong your liberation-progress-highway.
```No matter how slow
Your selflessness-progress-feet are,You will be able to reach your destination
Long before you can ever imagine. ```Your soul has been waiting
For thousands of yearsTo bring God to your heart-home
For God’s complete Satisfaction in you. ```God is searching for a new cry
In my heart-cave.I am longing for a new Smile
In God’s Vision-Eye. ```Because of my life’s new surrender
To God,God has given me
His Heart’s new address. ```Do you not know
That your soul has been waitingFor a thousand years
To become an unconditional God-lover? ```What has stolen your heart’s oneness
With God?Your incapacity to dream of God
The infinite Compassion. ```God does not mind if you forget
To thank Him,But He does mind if you do not have
A purity-heart. ```God will not allow you
To take Him home with youIf you do not sing for Him
A surrender-songAnd dance for Him
A surrender-danceIn front of His Heart-Palace.
```Although we have discovered
And even accepted the right path,We do not want to walk fast
Along the path.We want only to enjoy rest,
Endless rest. ```God lost a most precious dream
The day my aspiring heartSurrendered to my doubting mind.
```You may think I am a fool,
And I don’t deny it.But I am a genuine Truth-loving fool.
```God knows that you have
Many responsibilities.But do you not know
That each time you take onA new responsibility,
God is ready to takeAnother step forward towards you?
```If you start
With your heart’s aspiration-dawn,Then you are bound to enjoy
Your soulful life’s progress-day. ```When your life is
A hesitation-story,How can you have the eye to see
God’s Compassion-Glory? ```If your mind is unfaithful in thought,
Then you will be compelled to beThe possessor of untold miseries.
```If you are pursuing perfection,
Then patience has to beYour only luminous companion.
```After centuries and centuries
Of ignorance-sleep,Today his awakened life
Has met with an unfamiliar God:The God of Justice-Light.
```Because you have abandoned
Your heart-citadel,You are now forced to live
In the forest of darkness-fears. ```His soul has invited
A good many comrade-soulsTo attend the funeral
Of his mind’s desire-life. ```If you can enjoy
Your heart’s soulful meditationAnd your life’s fruitful action,
Then know and feelThat God is gloriously fulfilled
In and through you. ```One God-Call can awaken you
For the fulfilment ofGod’s sacred Heart’s secret Promise.
```If your mind is intent
On your life’s transformation,Then yours will be
A world-home of peace. ```Since your mind lives in doubt-territory,
How can you expect perfection-privilegesFrom God’s Compassion-Eye?
```You will remain the champion of failures
Unless your life-breathGrows into sure-footed faith.
```The leftovers from another life
Must not be taken seriously,For they cannot be of any real help to us
In our fast-awakening divinity. ```For those who give up,
There can be no inner universeOf peace and bliss.
```My soulful heart
Always illumines meWith its purity-sweetness-charms.
```If you give up playing
The inner game,How will your Lord’s Dream
Ever come true? ```A soulful dedication is the beginning of
A newness and fulness-peaceIn God’s Perfection-Manifestation.
```If you live in your unaspiring mind,
How can you avoidThe mind-struggles?
If you live in your aspiring heart,How can you not enjoy
Your heart-play? ```You know that your desiring mind
Is the inventor of sorrow.Why do you not go to your aspiring heart
To meet the discoverer of world-Delight? ```God promises complete satisfaction
Only after man offersHis long-cherished perfection-promise.
```If you do not create more receptivity,
Your heart’s aspiration-flowerMay wilt,
And your life’s service-treeMay collapse.
```God sadly asks me,
“My poor child,When My Heart invites you
Lovingly, compassionately and unconditionally,How is it that your answer
Is always ‘no’?” ```A giant will-power-mind
Can lead, guide and illumineThousands and thousands
Of stray and uncomely thoughts. ```Every day you must skip
At least one desire-mealAnd completely enjoy
One aspiration-feast. ```There is only one way
To enter into your confidence-heart,And that way is to invite your hope-smile
To accompany you. ```What you need is
A death-defying faithTo climb up your heart’s aspiration-mountain
And declare your and God’sSupreme Victory.
```You are corrupted by prosperity.
If you want to make any progress,Then accept a humble
Simplicity-surrender-life. ```Keep anxiety out of your mind’s
God-invitation-room.Yours will be a life
Of supremely blessed sky-vast peace. ```Because you have
An endless row of pure thoughts,You will be able to take
Immortality-dictationFrom God.
```Now that you have exhausted the vision
Of your curiosity-eye,You will be able to enjoy
A speedy and confident forward-marchTowards your summit-goal.
```He does only one thing:
He lives in the shadowOf his stupid ego.
```Because he crossed swords
With suspicion-night,He is now enjoying
His life’s liberation-day. ```God wants us to obey Him,
But what we doIs just offer Him
Our wavering willingness. ```Do not be perturbed
By man’s suspicion-hurricaneIf you want your own life to live
In God’s Liberation-Sea. ```Real aspiration
Does not need public attention.Real aspiration
Gets what it needsTo reach its ultimate destination
From God’s infinite Compassion. ```God has not hidden
Your Heaven-treasures:Love, joy and peace.
It is you who have hidden themIn order to enjoy your earthly game
In a peculiar way. ```You do not have to stand
Before God’s Judgement-SeatIf you sleeplessly want
God’s CompassionTo rule your life.
```This world has not given us
The opportunity and capacityTo speak about it freely.
But God has given usUnmistakably and unconditionally
Both the opportunity and the capacityTo speak about Him freely.
```The unaspiring mind thinks
That meditation is a waste of time.The aspiring heart feels and knows
That meditation isThe secret and sacred blossoming
Of one’s Heaven-ascending life. ```My heart strongly feels
That the new generation will claimThe aspiration-flames of the inner world
As its birthright. ```A man without a goal
Is a restless sleepWithout a sweet dream.
```God is supremely surprised
When He seesThat man thinks
God can live without him. ```Can you not see
What you are doingTo your soul?
Either cleverly or foolishlyYou are hiding your soul
In your mind’s dark cave. ```If you do not show
Your surrender-identification cardAt God’s Heart-Door,
How will you be admittedThrough God’s Vision-Entrance?
```What is desire
If not a greedy possessionOf man’s ignorance-mind?
```If you want to be a perfection-runner,
Then start at the aspiration-startAnd run along the progress-road
To the realisation-finish. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 118, Agni Press, 1988
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