Greet the morning
With your heart’s aspiration-cry.Greet the evening
With your life’s gratitude-smile.At night God will grant you
His Eternity’s Love and His Infinity’s Peace. ```The human mind and dissatisfaction
Are inseparable friends,And God alone knows
If there is any chance left for themTo be totally transformed.
```Feed your heart-hunger
With God’s Compassion-HeightAnd God’s Forgiveness-Length.
```The jungle-mind does not know
And will never knowHow to discover
Man’s life-obedience-smile. ```If you take the clever intentions
Of your mindSeriously,
Then your heart’s cheerfulness-splendourWill be chased
By your darkest mind-clouds. ```A searching mind is undoubtedly
The best friendOf the heart’s oneness-fulness.
```The unaspiring mind
Always wants to be the presidentOf life’s confusion-committee.
```Keep your soul’s compassion-banner
Flying highSo that God’s Smiles
Will sing and danceIn your God-oneness-heart.
```My heart wants to take rest
Not inside God’s Heart-GardenBut outside at God’s Feet.
```Who wants to be my partner
In my mind’s endless miseries?Again, who wants to be my partner
In my heart’s constant self-giving? ```My hope-boat carries me far.
My promise-boat carries me farther.My gratitude-boat carries me
Farther than the farthest,Plus faster than the fastest.
```How can you receive God’s Blessings
If your heart does not first welcomeHis absolute Will?
```When your mind is like
A big confusion-circus,Your soul loses its hope-sky
And promise-sun for you. ```In a seeker’s life
Each unaspiring thoughtIs a magnet
For frustration-failure-heart. ```If doubt is the mastermind
Of a disastrous life,Then faith is the choice prince
Of God’s perfection-dreaming Kingdom. ```When I make friends
With my doubtful mind,I see only one thing:
That my self-confidenceIs extremely slippery.
```My faith in God gives me the capacity
To have access to possibility.God’s Faith in me gives me the capacity
To challenge the pride of impossibility. ```You want to know
What my aspiration does for meIn my day-to-day life.
It does two significant things:It breaks all my expectation-chains,
And it helps me unconditionallyTo be closer to God
Even when my consciousnessIs not at the top
Of my spirituality-mountain. ```When I offer my Lord
My heart’s aspiration-flames,He blesses me with His descending
And embracing Satisfaction-Sun. ```Man tells God,
“My Lord,I shall show You
A beautiful dream-land.”God tells man,
“My child,I shall give you
My fruitful Reality-Shore.” ```If your love of God is genuine,
At no time can you haveA head-on collision
With stark disappointment. ```If you enjoy the quagmire
Of self-doubt,Then you will be unconsciously
Carrying with youToday’s tears and tomorrow’s anguish-fears.
```If there is no soul’s sunshine,
How can the heart’s aspiration-plantEver grow and thrive?
```Every morning I offer
To my Lord SupremeMy heart’s secret hopes,
And every day my Lord grants meHis Heart’s sacred Promises.
```Every day I send my mind
To study at faith-schoolSo that it can become an excellent student
Of the world’s oneness-philosophy. ```Every day in vain
His soul and his heart tryTo enter into his doubting mind’s
Unwillingness-prison. ```A heart of gratitude
And a mind of purityAlways stay together,
Move togetherAnd work together.
```Unless you renew your love of God
Every day,You are destined to mourn the loss
Of your faith-power. ```Your success-stories
May not reach God’s Ear,But your progress-stories
Will reach both God’s EarAnd God’s Heart.
```Drive bravely and powerfully
Through your mind’s doubt-stormsOn the strength of your previous
Sweet God-fondness andGod-oneness-moments.
```No clarity of the mind,
No perfection of life.No perfection of life,
No satisfaction of GodThe universal man.
```If you do not prosecute
Your suspicion-mind,You will not be able to make friends
With your aspiration-heart. ```A heart of purity
Can easily make friendsWith the rising tide
Of love, devotion and surrender. ```Our heart can easily possess
Permanent securityBy cultivating sleepless faith
In God. ```A confidence-plant grows
Fast, faster, fastestInto a joy-giving flowering tree.
```Do not forget to enter
Your heart-to-heart talk with GodInto your life’s soulful diary.
```God-Diner remains open
365 days a yearAnd blessingfully invites
God-hungry soulsTo dine free of charge.
```Do not allow your aspiring heart
To be frightenedWhen it sees the mind
Leaving doubt-traces everywhere. ```Your heart’s glowing aspiration
Will definitely be able to avoidAll anxiety-disasters.
```I can clearly see
And I can unmistakably feelThat my Lord Supreme is eager
To increase the strength of my purity-breathEvery day.
```God does not want us to store
Any anxieties,Even past anxieties,
In our overcrowded mind-rooms. ```The human mind
Knows how to conceal.The divine heart
Knows how to reveal.The Supreme Lord
Knows how to fulfil. ```An insecurity-heart
Is always the warning signOf a serious inner disease.
```God’s Compassion-Eye feels miserable
When it sees even one neglected soulIn His Oneness-World-Home.
```If you enjoy
Your partnership with self-doubt,Then how can you expect God
To find time for you? ```If you allow inferiority
To govern you,Then you take yourself away
From God’s Oneness-Heart-Land. ```Self-indulgence in the inner world
Always leads toA dangerous and destructive
Frustration-night. ```My heart and God’s Heart
Are separatedBy my self-doubt-wall,
And by nothing else. ```Patience within, power without!
Patience is a self-perfecting message;Power is a God-fulfilling message.
```If you do not purify your thoughts,
Then how can you dareTo try to make God smile?
```One surrender-step
Is a perfect accomplishmentIn man’s perfection-longing life.
```To enjoy the beauty
Of a silence-heartIs to enjoy the bliss
Of a progress-life. ```If you are a genuine God-seeker,
Then you must never be seenMoving around
At the foot of hesitation-hill. ```The God-realisation-journey
Starts with the aspiration-cryAnd dedication-smile
Of the God-dreaming seeker. ```An impurity-mind
And an ingratitude-heartAre extremely powerful realities
Which separate man from God. ```God the Justice
May not always find time for me,But God the Compassion
Has always plenty of time for meAnd for my satisfaction.
```Every day try to remember
Only one thing:That you have to clear
Your mind’s jungle-thoughts. ```The outer school-education
Is definitely important.The inner school-dedication
Is ultimately essential. ```It is good
To have confidence-light,But if you overdraw
Your confidence-bank account,Then it will be the beginning
Of your lamentable future. ```He who knows
The art of self-effacementWill also discover
A way to God-fulfilment. ```The moment you break
All your human bonds,God will give you
Not only a divine heartBut also His own Heart.
```Until I received
An invitation from God,I participated
In the world-excitement-game —Alas, far beyond my own imagination!
```To dream
Of God’s full manifestation on earthIs the blossoming
Of the heart’s wisdom-sun. ```If your heart
Is a sleepless joy-singer,Then it must also be
A thoughtless God-bringer. ```If yours is an open-hearted invitation
For God to step into your heart-room,Then you will get a standing ovation
From the cosmic gods. ```My mind forgets
That God loves my mind.My heart forgets
That both God and my heartEqually need each other.
```My gratitude-breath
Is my invisible and invaluableHelper-friend.
```Nobody can and nobody wants to
Practise what I preach.But my Compassion-flooded
Lord SupremeSmilingly practises
What I ceaselessly preach. ```Be sincere and be brave!
You know you do not know howTo solve the world’s problems.
```First ask God’s Permission
To enter into His Heart-Room.Then He Himself will give you the capacity
To climb up His Divinity’s ascendingAnd expanding Tree.
```Make your promise to God
As soulfully as possible,For God has assured you
That He will grant you fulfilmentAs much as possible.
```Every day
Make your soulful obedienceWorthy of God’s supreme Command.
```Do not misuse God’s Compassion-Light
If you want God’s Perfection-EyeAnd His Satisfaction-Heart
To act in and through you. ```God’s Forgiveness is not hard to find.
God’s Compassion is not hard to find.God’s indifference and withdrawal
Are always hard to find. ```Nobody can be relaxed,
Nobody can be comfortable,Nobody can be happy
Inside his mind’s ego-prison. ```How can you ever please God
If you do not takeHis Compassion-Medicine
To cure your life-threateningSpiritual ailments?
```I know what is done for me
By God the Compassion.His Compassion is beautiful and powerful.
I know what is done through meBy God the Justice.
His Justice is absolutely perfect. ```Every day without fail
You must welcomeThe purity-dawn for your mind
And the sincerity-day for your heart. ```My love of God
Is not a loan from GodBut a gift from God.
```God’s Forgiveness inspired
My yesterday’s aspiration.God’s Compassion is inspiring
My today’s perfection. ```Are you deaf?
Are you blind?Can you not hear,
Can you not seeThat God is begging you
To come out of your self-chosenIgnorance-cave?
```If your life is all self-importance,
Then God has infinitely moreImportant things to do
Than be with you. ```Your heart’s aspiration-tears
Will definitely please God,And you will one day climb up
The Himalayan realisation-mountain. ```If your heart knows the truth,
Then help your heart to compel your mindTo speak the truth.
```After you have won
God’s Compassion-Light,You will eventually win
God’s Fulfilment-Smile. ```What you have
Is a superficial heart.How, then, do you expect God
To dance His Satisfaction-DanceFor you?
```When your mind is plagued
By dark doubts,You are bound to be imprisoned
By all limitations — inner and outer. ```It is the mind’s inspiration-bud
That before long grows intoThe heart’s aspiration-flower
And eventually becomesThe life’s realisation-fruit.
```Tell your heart that God
Loves your heart sleeplessly.Tell your mind that God
Is coming to investigate your mind carefully. ```Ignore the last attack of impurity
Exactly the way you ignoredThe first attack of insecurity:
Bravely and sleeplessly. ```Every day my Lord gives me
The capacity to free myselfFrom frustration-night.
But, alas,My fondness for temptation-snake
Does not allow me to please my God. ```Only take one brave step
To please God, your Inner Pilot.Do you know what that brave step will be?
Planting a sincerity-plant in your heart. ```Do not save your gratitude-heart
For God-Satisfaction-Day.Who knows, that sacred day
May never arrive in your life. ```O world’s gossip-tongue,
No, not even God’s Compassion-SkyCan forgive your ceaseless stupidity-flow.
```My Lord Supreme,
I need Your inner SupervisionTo perfect my life.
My Lord Supreme,I need Your outer Supervision
To fulfil Your outer Command. ```You must never appreciate
The stupidity-mind.You must every day garland
The wisdom-surcharged soul. ```Be careful!
I assure you that one dayTime will throw you out
Of your superiority-palace.Therefore, become and remain
A satisfied humility-plant. ```Do not overlook the daily faults
Of your unaspiring mind.Do not underestimate
Your heart’s aspiration-cryFor your life’s perfection-smile.
```Every morning without fail
I go to God the Supreme DoctorFor faith and dedication-injections.
```My Lord Supreme,
May each day becomeMy heart’s aspiration-fulfilment-day.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 119, Agni Press, 1988
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