The fastest way to reach
One’s highest heightIs to discover one’s own
Sky-vast silence-heart. ```The more I increase
My expectation-hunger,The sooner I die
From inescapable starvation. ```If you are
Your self-limiting belief,How can God bless you
With His Satisfaction-Pride-Crown? ```I really do not know
How a human mind,Fused with confusion-night,
Will ever be transformedInto Divinity’s Perfection-Light.
```I know, I know,
Just a flicker of heart-faithIs enough to surmount
A mountain-doubt-mind. ```Hope is my success-eye.
Hope is my progress-heart.My Lord, I would rather die
Than see the collapse of my hope. ```He is his own hyperbole
Of self-worth.Therefore, the inspiration-mind
And the aspiration-heartHave left him for good.
```Although my life-river
Is flooded with failure,My life-boat will eventually reach
The Golden Shore. ```Undercurrents of doubt-opposition
Can destroyA progress-promise-life.
```Am I such a fool
That I cannot see throughYour flattery-flavoured sincerity?
```Alas, the ordinary human life
Is nothing but an endless streamOf ruthless suffering
From birth to death. ```How beautiful, how powerful,
How fruitful,The revival of self-confidence!
```Even the flood
Of your mind’s suspicion-nightCannot ruin his heart’s
God-blessed purity-breath. ```God tells the soulful seeker
That his aspiration-heartIs very near God’s Heaven-Home.
```What I need is not
An army of resolutions.I need in myself
Only one aspiration-perfection-soldier. ```If you care only for
Your service-perfection,Then God will soon care for
Your complete realisation-satisfaction. ```My heart does have the capacity
To lead my mind,But my mind is either reluctant or afraid
To follow my wise heart. ```You do know how to forget
Your morning meditation.But can you not do
The most difficult thingAnd remember to practise
Your morning meditation,Which is God’s first meal of the day?
```May the divine in us
Always lead us,No matter how unwilling
The human in us isTo follow.
```God does not mind
The slow paceOf my inner progress.
But He does mindWhen I prefer my outer success
To my inner progress. ```My mind is a confusing
Ignorance-teacher.My life is a confused
Ignorance-student. ```If you live not in the world
Of child-heart-fantasy-blossoms,How can you ever enjoy God-ecstasy
From your aspiration-heart? ```What I need
Is only a slow, steady and unerring growthOf my God-manifestation-life-tree.
```No matter when it is or
Where it is,The danger-power of temptation
Is always tantalising. ```Only a heart of love
And a life of serviceCan be the torch-bearers
Of inner progress. ```Since you are still enjoying
Your mind’s ignorance-dream,How can God invite you to participate
In His Light-Manifestation-PlanOn earth?
```Lord, do give me the capacity
To escapeFrom my scheming mind
And my unloving heart. ```My Lord
Has infinitely more important thingsTo do
Than to care for my cleverness-mind. ```God’s Heart is God’s
Compassion-Flood.Man’s mind is man’s
Frustration-desert. ```God is secretly feeding
My heart-angels,In the hope that one day
I shall starve my mind-devilsTo death.
```The self-interest
Of the mindAnd the ego-nourishment
Of the vitalAre always inseparable.
```No more shall I permit myself
To be a faithful followerOf my past stupidity-mistakes.
```Surrender your will to God’s Will.
You will see thatAll your disappointments
Will turn into unimaginable strengths. ```Because you are a stark fool
You cherish your championshipOf your failure-past.
```It is almost an impossible task
To find an oasisOf humility-heart
In the vast mind-desert. ```How can you make
Any inner progressWhen you do not give up your mind,
Which enjoys nothing other thanConstant confusion-unrest?
```Do you not know
That your present failure-lifeIs tied
To your impurity-past? ```Even in the worry-market
I do not suffer at allBecause I secretly and safely keep God
In my heart-pocket. ```Aspire to become supremely good,
And do not waste your timeEnjoying premature
Progress-delight-speculations. ```God wants
Each human being to be liberatedFrom the stingy ration
Of earth-bound time. ```Aspiration is the
Indispensable jewelIn the crown of stupendous achievements.
```Exploitation of God’s Compassion-Forgiveness
Is humanity’s incurableUniversal disease.
```His heart is all happiness
Because his life has hadA full season
Without the reason-mind. ```From today on
I shall cheerfully and devotedlyRemain under my Lord’s
Compassion-Umbrella. ```We must not live any more
In the dim morning of humanity.We must now live
In the bright noon of divinity. ```Nobody forced you
To be tied to your life’s ignorance-tree.Free yourself,
And start climbing God’s Fulness-Tree! ```Nobody’s life is destined
To remain unprotectedFrom ruthless inevitability-sufferings.
```You have such inflated self-pride
That even God does not dareTo come near you.
He is always frightened to deathBy the blackness of his own
Vital-shadow. ```The constant fear
Of tomorrow’s unknown birthIs at once destroying today’s man’s
Imagination-mind and aspiration-heart. ```Only purity-hallowed moments
Can awakenThe God-seeker’s heart-blossoms.
```My mind,
Be not a slaveTo your small and doubtful self.
Be a friendTo your giant and powerful self.
```If you sleeplessly live
In your heart’s purity-country,Sleeplessly you will be blessed
By God’s Compassion-Bounty. ```No high victory,
No real satisfaction,For a desire-life!
```Since you are among the chosen few,
God will finishYour Heavenward race.
You just have to start. ```God
The Compassion-GiverNeeds man
The aspiration-tree. ```Because you are a feeble seeker
You are forced to ply your little boatBetween your mind’s suspicion-shore
And your life’s destruction-shore. ```Just ask yourself
Once and for all, in all sincerity,Whether you are a tenth-class God-seeker
Or a first-class status-climber. ```My everyday gift to God:
A gratitude-breath.God’s everyday Boon to me:
A Satisfaction-Smile. ```I am convinced that in the near future
My heart, my mind, my vital and my body,Like my soul,
Will win the man-oneness-raceAnd the God-fulness-trophy.
```My most precious heart,
I simply cannot understand how and whyYou have let yourself be confined
For so longBy your blind mind-limits.
```My mind is thirsty for attention,
My heart is thirsty for affection,But I am trying to be thirsty
For perfection. ```Just try to love God unconditionally.
You will soon see how beautifullyYour life’s aspiration-transcendence-tree
Is flowering. ```If you are a genuine God-lover,
Then God will definitely make you feelThe weight of His disapproval
When you speak ill of His creation,The human race.
```Even one soulful prayer
Early every morningCan cure your spiritual malnutrition.
```Alas, because my aspiration-heart
Is not strong,Its friendship with my doubting mind
Has turned it into a battered faith-flower. ```In the morning
I pray for the seeds of hope.In the evening
I meditate on the fruits of fulfilment. ```Your Himalayan realisation
Can easily becomeA temptation-chaser
For all God-lovers around you. ```Everybody will see
Teeming destruction-minesIf they walk along the doubt-road.
No exception! ```Delay not!
Soulfully invoke God the CompassionTo burst your mind’s
Over-inflated ego-balloon. ```Kick hard
Your body’s lethargyIf you want to grow into
Your soul’s ecstasy. ```God is His own God-Heart’s
Compassion-Service.Man is his own man-mind’s
Ingratitude-practice. ```Alas, my mind enjoys
Doubt’s dubious future;My body enjoys
Its excess lethargy-weight.How will I enjoy
My divinity’s goal,Or do I even have a goal?
```My surrender-life
Is the straightest lineTo God’s blue-gold Fulfilment-Palace.
```Humanity is
Humanity’s corruption-bound vital.Divinity is
Divinity’s Transcendence-Fount-Source. ```My poor mind,
Since when have you becomeA willing victim
Of the doubt-monster? ```Peace-promises everybody makes
Every day.Alas, peace-existence-life
Is still a far cry! ```For one Smile from God
Sleeplessly his heart cries,Dauntlessly his mind fights —
Fights against his own ignorance-sea. ```You are telling me that from now on
God alone is your Eternity’s All.I am telling you that from now on
You and your life will no more fall —Never!
```What kind of aspiration
Do you and your heart have,What kind of dedication
Do you and your life have,If the test of time frightens you?
```God leaves aside everything
And runs towards meWhen I live in my heart’s
Silence-tears. ```How can God’s powerful appreciation
Last for longIf your life’s aspiration-edition
Is very limited? ```Only a spontaneous burst
Of your life’s surrenderCan meet with God-Divinity’s
God-Splendour. ```Yours is a temptation-vital-failure.
Yours is a frustration-mind-disaster.Therefore, happiness cannot be
Your possession-light. ```You want to know
If God is doing something special today.Yes, He is doing something
Very special today.He is celebrating the magical return
Of my long-lost faith in myself. ```Because of your heart’s
Ceaseless insecurity-cries,God does not want to depend any longer
On your life’s perfection-promises. ```Now more than ever
I need the perfect perfectionOf my surrender-life!
```A true God-lover knows
That his gratitude-surrender-lifeIs a one-way road to God.
```When do you have the time
To think of the world’sSuspicion-mind
If you are living inside your ownAspiration-heart-world?
```God is always ready
With His Compassion-Train.When will you regain
Your aspiration-reign? ```The life of an aspiration-lover
Never suffers from desire-cancer.Every day his life enjoys
God’s Satisfaction-Delight. ```Your mind’s illumination-perfection
Is not a far cryBecause your life is steadily heading
In the right dedication-direction. ```One dark desire is bold enough
To eclipse your heart’s aspiration-sunFor a longer than the longest time.
```Just because my mind
Is refusing to accept truth,Do you think my heart will stop
Choosing truth — the only right thing? ```Satisfaction is no luxury.
It is God’s absolute necessityIn man’s life
And man’s absolute necessityFor God’s Heart.
```Because you are your heart’s
Genuine aspiration-cry,God does not want you
To allow your mindNear the revolving temptation-door
Of confusion. ```If you do not protect your purity-heart
With your security-mind,Your life’s satisfaction-boat
Will never start sailing. ```Your life is doomed
To an insignificant endBecause even in your dreams
You do not care to satisfyGod the Compassion.
```With your heart’s silence-prayers
When you arrive at God’s Door,He immediately opens it
And happily and proudlyAsks His Eye and Heart
To dance for you. ```Lord, do tell me just once more
That soon I shall be ableTo please You
In Your own Way. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 121, Agni Press, 1988
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