My Lord Supreme,
May my life,Even in its unconscious moments,
Not repeatIts past imperfection-performances.
```Because you will remain faithful
To your final breath,You are not going to miss
Either the Golden BoatOr the Golden Shore
Of your Inner Pilot. ```Yesterday my life was
The full growth of supreme greatness.Alas, today I have become
Unforeseen frustration-nightAnd the hurtful sighs
Of ceaseless sorrows. ```What is my inner silence doing?
It is searching for my outer life’sCheerful acceptance.
```How can you ever succeed
If yours is a poorly litMind-street of self-confidence?
```What I give God
Is a tiny dropOf my mind’s humility.
God in return gives meHis Heart’s Infinity-stretching
Appreciation. ```Why do you allow your heart’s faith
To be blown awayBy your mind’s unhealthy, uncomely
And conflicting ideas?Why?
```If I can soulfully and unconditionally
Wait for my Lord’s choice God-Hour,Then I have nothing to lose —
Only everything to gain. ```Anger, O anger-beast,
You are, indeed, the greatest,Quickest and surest waste
Of man’s life-energy. ```Alas, I do not know
How long I shall remainWith my failure-fed fate.
Alas, I do not knowWhen I shall be illumined
By my problem-solvingCompassion-soul.
```His life is in between
His mind’s amazon ambitionAnd his doubt’s
Indiscriminate destruction. ```A doubting mind
Is nothing short ofA fruitless reality
Rising from ashes of uselessness. ```God demands your heart’s
Time-tested faithBefore He grants your life
Liberation-perfection. ```Be a surrender-superstar.
Your life will beYour victory’s delight
In profuse measure. ```If you are not aspiring soulfully,
Then each new momentIs found to be
A regular dose of disappointment. ```The fleeting victory
Of a doubting mindIs too inconsequential
To mention. ```The final expectation-breath
Of my heartBrought me a sea of peace.
```God-chosen seeker-souls
Only know how to walkOn the one-way truth-road.
```To give humanity’s heart
Ceaseless nectar-delight,God always keeps open
His Heart’s Oneness-Store. ```Fast, very fast
You will be able to runIf you see everything devotedly
From the angle of self-awareness. ```Although my mind
Is full of problems,It does not accept
My heart’s God-solutions. ```O torture of uncertainty,
O torture of uselessness,When will you accept
My rejection-resolution? ```If you bid adieu
To your aspiration-heart,How can you expect
A perfection-floodedSatisfaction?
```Depend not too much
On chance-breath,Or you will be standing
In a long line of failure. ```God once
Unmistakably felt,God forever
Tangibly and permanently found. ```The human mind
Means doubt in the background.The human heart
Means fear in the foreground. ```God has blessed my heart
UnconditionallyWith a faith-calendar
That has no doubt-days. ```When it comes to God’s
God-Activities,Most of us really know nothing.
We are just useless talkers. ```I wanted to fly
On aspiration-plane.Alas, I am now found
On ambition-flightBound for destruction-land.
```As one can drink water easily,
Even so, the human mindCan twist truth easily
And mercilessly. ```Try harder, infinitely harder!
Your heart’s aspiration-cryWill last longer.
```No matter how softly and secretly
Doubt walks,Its footsteps are unmistakably heard.
```Allow not your heart’s
God-manifestation-soldiersTo be plagued by bold “perhaps”-troops.
```Every day I pray to God
To keep me surroundedBy my heart’s God-surrender-will.
```You are bound to succeed
Since you haveAn inexhaustible supply
Of hope-flowers. ```He is flooded with happiness
Because he was able to eavesdropOn the golden future.
Do not dare come nearMy body-temple!
I do not want youTo clip the wings
Of my soulful willingness-bird. ```With your ebbing faith-stamina,
How can you please GodThe way you did once upon a time?
```I know not how or why
Suddenly a life of successAnd a life of progress
Are beckoning me. ```To my extreme sorrow,
You have buried yourselfIn a tomb of self-pity.
```Every morning I tell my heart
What to save,And promptly teach it
How to save. ```Every evening I tell my mind
What to throw away,And compassionately teach it
How to throw away. ```To conquer your mind’s
Daily frustration-fatigueWith your heart’s
Cheerfulness-lightIs always worth a try.
```A long-lasting
Gratitude-heart-treeIs, alas,
Beyond man’s grasp. ```My Lord, do help me eat
Sweetness-gratitude-heart-fruitsEvery day, without fail.
```O my aspiration-heart,
Do not go visit my mindIn its swelling
Selfishness-compartment! ```O my mind,
You are the reigning monarchOf self-doubt.
How can you ever please me? ```Surrender, cheerfully surrender
To God’s Will.You will not be buffeted
By the strong winds of worry. ```I am simply shocked
To see the constant escalationOf your mind’s blind suspicion.
```His final descent into his mind’s
Confusion-doubt-dungeonIs utterly deplorable,
If not despicable. ```May my love of God
Remain for meSomething indefinable
So that I will remainEternally joyful.
```Nobody is an exception —
At least, not I.We all live in the fruitless
Frustration-world of desire. ```What a fool I am!
I made my desires out of nothing,And now I am allowing them
To be my everything. ```God, You are my heart-accepted
Reality’s Divinity.God, You are my mind-rejected
Stupidity’s futility. ```When I close my eyes,
I become the dreamerOf golden dreams.
When I open my eyes,I live in the purgatory
Of eyeless fears. ```Do not embark
On self-indulgence-journey.You are bound to arrive
At self-destruction-destination. ```I am sure there is a way
To escape from the grinding jawsOf ignorance-tyrant.
```O quicksand-doubt,
I do not want you any more;I do not need you any more.
You are totally forgottenFolly of yore.
```Your head is full
Of profit-measurement,But your heart is full
Of love-enlightenment. ```O my mind,
I vehemently detest your scoffingAt my heart’s stupendous
God-manifestation-success. ```The human mind is quite peculiar.
Secretly it enjoys livingIn a thicket of obstacles.
```O my heart,
Every morning I want you to singMy Lord’s Heart-Sky-Manifestation-Song
Before you do anything else. ```I am not going to spend
The rest of my lifeWith my mind-made unworthiness.
```I am my heart’s flower-smile
Because I know thatI am in the everywhere-care
Of my Lord Supreme. ```Now that wisdom-light
Has entered into my entire being,I shall not drown
In the sorrowful seasOf my expectation-tears.
```Because of my Lord’s
Unconditional Compassion-Light,At long last my hesitation-minus-life
Has turned intoMy willingness-plus-life.
```Who can destroy
Your selflessness-heart?Nobody!
Who can take away from youThe seeker of the year award?
Nobody! ```How can you love God
If you cherish the bitternessOf your mind?
How can you love GodIf you treasure the resentment
Of your vital? ```Because you are a giver,
I see you as the morning sun.Because you are a taker,
I see you as the evening moon. ```Slowly, steadily and unerringly
He climbed up his life’sTransformation-stairs.
```God blessingfully appreciates
Your life’s dedicatedService-smiles.
```The moment I relinquished
My ego-trophy,God gave me the most fruitful
Surprise-visit. ```Momentous and prosperous
Are purity’s possessions.Dangerous and imperious
Are impurity’s claims. ```My Lord Supreme has told me
That no self-giving actCan ever be trivial.
```O jealousy-dwarf,
You do not belong to me.O oneness-giant,
I am of youAnd I am all for you.
```O my heart’s aspiration,
Do you not thinkThat you are oversleeping?
Do you not thinkThat it is high time
For you to wake up? ```Who or what can help you conquer
Your insecurity-addictionIf not your own
Mightier than the mightiestWillingness?
```O happiness-rainbow,
My heart’s sky is sleeplesslyCrying for you.
```Live a humility-oneness-existence
If you want to swim in the SeaOf God’s Fulness-Delight.
```An unwillingness-life
Was born to be frustratedAnd is destined to continually fail.
```Say farewell to frustration-mind
If you want to beA permanent member
Of your heart’s aspiration-group. ```Even your midget-sized willingness
God can utilise,And grant you satisfaction-delight
Far beyond your imagination. ```If you want to qualify
For a spot on God’s Team,Then make your heart
An aspiration-flameAnd make your life
A dedication-plant. ```Man’s favourite refrain:
“God, give me!”God’s favourite refrain:
“Man, take Me!” ```Envy based on stupidity
Is the real destructionOf a true happiness-life.
```When I fail
To aspire regularly,My life becomes wilted petals
Of expectation-flowers. ```Every day, every hour, every minute
The human mind-nightHas to be brightened
By the divine heart’sDelight-stars.
```There are many dark spots
In your life’s dedication-smiles.Therefore,
You are not able to pleaseEither man’s eyes or God’s Heart.
```O my poor vital-fool,
I simply do not knowWho will ever be able to end
Your deathless aggression-sufferings. ```What is insecurity?
It is indeed a limitless negative forceThat destroys the beauty and purity
Of human life. ```Easy to predict
The compassionate God’s next move,But not man’s whimsical moves.
```I love the company of hope.
I shall not allowMy garden of hope
To be uprooted by doubt. ```Wish-power tells me
That one day, someday,I shall definitely be able
To realise God.But will-power infallibly tells me
That I am another God. ```Surrender now,
And you will seeSatisfaction will soon follow.
Aspire always,And remain
An eternal gratitude-student. ```To feed the hungry fear
With ceaseless failureIs a common experience.
Each seeker, no matter how great he is,Will agree.
```My mind’s confusion-flag
Is cut to piecesBy my heart’s
Illumination-sword. ```I have decided to utilise
Both desire and need.Desire, you I shall keep
Beneath my thunder-feet.Need, you I shall keep
At my Lord’s Lotus-Feet. ```The human mind stumbles
Through a suspicion-wildernessBefore it reaches
The heart’s oneness-garden. ```To achieve unconditional surrender
To God’s WillIs undoubtedly man’s hardest struggle.
But the struggle is finally embracedBy the Light Supreme.
```I was born to be perfect.
I was born to be a choiceInstrument of God.
I was born to fulfil GodIn His own Way
In every way. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 122, Agni Press, 1989
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