Every day
Become your heart’s purity-cryTo fly into the Heaven-ascending glow
Of your God-Satisfaction-Delight. ```My poor God is utterly embarrassed
To show meHis daily disappointment-list.
Alas, I too am included on it. ```How can a desire-bound life
Ever be releasedFrom the deathless spell
Of insecurity? ```An undisciplined life
Loves only one thing:Excursions into a madness-wilderness.
```When my heart’s inner cry
Is soulfully increasing,It means my life’s perfection-smile
Is definitely progressing. ```To my seeker-heart’s great joy,
All the activities in my mind’sDoubt-department
Are amazingly slowing down. ```My heart, cry!
Cry only for God’s LoveSo that your earthly years
Will not be filledWith insecurity-tears.
```There can be no perfection
In your lifeIf you are not unshakeable
In your aspiration-devotionTo God.
```Because you do not have
A purity-oneness-heart,You and your mind live
In yesterday’s scepticismAnd today’s suspicion.
```Three things of mine
I daily treasure:My obedience-mind,
My gratitude-heartAnd my surrender-life.
```Each and every doubt-challenge
Of my mindWill eventually surrender
To my heart’s faith,I know, I know.
```In your soul I see
Your mind’s sincerity-cry.In your soul I see
Your heart’s enthusiasm-smile.In your soul I see
God the Universal Life-Transformer. ```Victory is assured
Only when my life’sSurrender-action is completed.
```Because you are no longer
A God-lover,You will soon fall victim
To the torrential tideOf frustration.
```My Lord is always
Ready and eager to grant meAn amazing capacity to aspire.
But, alas, where is my willingnessTo receive?
```If you can live
In your heart-garden,Then you are bound to enjoy
The sweet silence of your soul-bird. ```My Lord Supreme
Is begging meTo do Him a big favour.
He is begging me not to thinkOf my misspent
Ignorance-darkness-life. ```If your heart’s
Soulful cheerfulness prevails,Then no human being on earth
Will dare to say thatYour life is of no avail.
```The tranquillity of his heart-sea
Gladly welcomes and embracesThe roaring of his vital-river.
```I do not know
How your heart-flower can ever blossomIf you indefinitely postpone
The God-Hour. ```Right before me
Is my mind’s ego-elephant.Deep within me
Is my heart’s oneness-ant. ```Yesterday I was
My problem-maker-mind.Today I am
My problem-solver-heart.Tomorrow I shall become
My God-fulfiller-soul. ```An historic pact
Between Heaven and earth:Earth will soulfully think
Of Heaven every day.Heaven will no longer be
Indifferent to earth. ```A summit meeting of God-loving
And God-serving soulsGod’s Vision-Eye
And Compassion-HeartWill lovingly and secretly watch.
Why do I cleverly forgetThat I embody
Decades of disappointmentFor my God-manifesting soul?
```Do you really want to be happy?
If so, then throw awayYour mind’s poison-reason.
```No more compassion-light!
No more forgiveness-height!His soul is now threatening
To banish his doubting mind. ```At least three times a day
I make a pilgrimageTo my hallowed heart-temple
To be compassionatelyAnd powerfully blessed
By my Inner Pilot Supreme. ```Do you not know
That your desire-urgeHas guided you into
The bottomless despair-abyss? ```Each oneness-love-flame
Is a transcendental GiftFrom the Absolute Supreme.
```The human heart has much training
In anticipation-sweetness,And the human mind has much training
In complaint-bitterness. ```You enjoy your mind’s
Bombardment by dark doubts.Yet you expect your mind
To be a sea of silence-joy. ```A victim of spiritual starvation
You have becomeJust because you do not invoke
God’s all-nourishing Compassion-Heart. ```With hope-stars I shall illumine
My dark and unlit mind-sky.Indeed, this has been
My only long-cherished dream. ```Escape from the nightmare
Of negativity.You will see
Your mind of purity,And you will become
Your heart of divinity. ```The wild arrogance
Of a self-styled seekerI can never forgive
Even when I want to. ```I do not remember anything
About God’s Promise to me.But I do remember
That I promised GodTo become an unwavering faith-flame
In Him. ```Offer your gratitude-heart
To God.You are bound to get
Unexpected benefit-boons. ```God will grant you
Your fulness-satisfaction-wishIf you give God
Your oneness-dedication-heart. ```Wake up, my mind!
Delay not!Sign up with God’s
Perfection-Oneness-Troop. ```The first question
On your God-realisation-examination:How far do you think you are
Away from God? ```There will be an investigation
By God’s Secret ServiceTo see if you really have made
Your aspiration-comeback. ```Ego-elephant
And dedication-ant:This is what you have been
For a long time! ```God is giving you a sacred tour
Of His Heart-GardenBecause today is your heart’s
Gratitude-anniversary. ```God’s private forecast
For man’s evolution:A slow progress,
A slower perfectionAnd the slowest, slowest
Satisfaction. ```My faith-heart will eventually
Outrun my doubt-mindBecause I was born
Under God’s Compassion-Star. ```His life is caught
In a failure-chainBecause his heart owns only
A frail and fragile faith. ```Paralysed by hesitation,
How can you becomeA member of God’s Happiness-Home?
```By sheer force of will-power
You can easily escapeFrom your ego-boundaries.
```The greatest scandal of the age:
Each human being is swimmingCheerfully and speedily
With the ignorance-tide. ```What can you expect
From the worry-factorySince the suspicion-mind
Has always been its boss? ```How to go beyond
Doubt-boundaries?Just ride your heart’s
Indomitable aspiration-chariot! ```God commands earth’s
Aspiration-troopsTo brave the old and unwilling
Lethargy-world. ```No exchange rate
For doubt-currencyIn the heart’s
Aspiration-country. ```He who declares,
“Here and now!”Is God’s favourite
In the self-realisation-race. ```Alas, when will the mind
Beg the heart for advice?Alas, when will the heart
Have infinite patienceFor the mind?
```O my seeker-friend,
For maximum heart-satisfactionUse minimum mind-confusion.
```In his case
Not even sixty secondsIs the average life span
Of an inspiring thought. ```A quick course in self-control
Will grant youAn abiding satisfaction-heart.
```To maintain
Your hard-earned poiseNever enjoy
Aspiration-vacation. ```God asks you to do
Only one thing:Not to allow doubt the hijacker
To board your heart’sAspiration-flight.
```You are your mind’s
Sporadic attemptsAt self-discipline.
How can you then expectPerfection in your life?
```Do not slip backwards
Into the darkness-nightIf you want your life to be
Bright with promise-stars. ```Heart’s music and life’s songs
Will mingleOnly when you fly
With your aspiration-dedication-wings. ```I am now all ready
To wing my mystic flightTo the future worlds
Of Existence-Consciousness-BlissInfinite.
```If you sever
Your long-distance line to GodOnce more,
You will be permanently foundIn your life’s lethargy-lounge.
```A constant battle
Between the heart’s faithAnd the mind’s doubt:
Alas, this is whatPoor human life is.
```If you do not break out
Of your ego-boundaries,Then you will soon grow into
Your own pyramid of catastrophes. ```Once you lost your simplicity-mind,
You never found it again.Once you lost your purity-heart,
You never found it again.Once you lost your oneness-life,
You never found it again.Once you found God’s
Unconditional Compassion-Eye,You never lost it again.
```I do not need a mind
Of balloon-thoughts.What I need is a life
Of Himalayan ideals. ```God has made you
A fruitful knower of His HeartBecause you are
A soulful server of man. ```When you are your life’s
Ignorance-confession,God becomes His Heart’s
Forgiveness-Benediction. ```Because of your present strong attachment
To ignorance-life,Your past aspiration-heart
Is now a battered rainbow-dream. ```Move out of suspicion-slums
If you want to enjoyThe breath of nectar-air-energy.
```You have liberated yourself
From the desire-life.Therefore, God has cast His complete
Satisfaction-Eye on you. ```God’s request:
“My child, please please Me.”Man’s request:
“God, please please me first!” ```Be always good
To all those you love.That unquestionably
Includes God. ```If you are befriended
By aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life,
Then God will grant youYour happiness-harvest.
```O my mind,
I shall no longer house youWith your useless
Amplified worries. ```My only prayer
To my Lord SupremeIs to help me stop playing
The endless soundtrackOf thoughts.
```My joy knows no bounds today,
For my heart’s aspiration-cryIs chasing my mind’s
Confusion-chaos. ```Because my Lord
Is His Compassion-Satisfaction-Eye,I am my heart’s
Aspiration-mounting cry. ```My frustrations tell God,
“Lord, why have You deserted me?”God tells my frustrations,
“Your false accusationsAre not acceptable!
When did you need Me?When did you invoke Me?”
```My mind enjoys the revolving door
Of self-enlargement.My heart adores the revolving door
Of God-enjoyment. ```I am a sleepless faith-lover.
Therefore,I shall, without fail,
Leave the doubt-followersBehind.
```Whenever I love my desire-mind,
I am immediately forced to participateIn the round-robin tournament
Of ruthless self-torture. ```Heaven-soaring hearts
Are alwaysGod’s blessingful and fruitful
Smiles. ```If you want to resist some things,
Resist by all means.But do not resist
Your aspiration-life’sDedication-beauty.
```You call it
Your attachment.I call it
Your imprisonment.God calls it
Your forced enlightenment. ```Hide anything you want to,
Save and exceptYour heart’s beauty,
Your life’s dutyAnd your perfection-hungry divinity.
```You can enjoy
The fruits of faithIf your mind’s humility dawns.
```If you can lift your life
Out of selfishness-night,God is bound to grant you
His powerful Heart’sSatisfaction-Light.
```My soul’s silence-delight
Every day multipliesMy heart’s God-service-faith.
```My aspiration-boat
Has never usedThe dark black doubt-sails.
```He who does not daily aspire
Often holds a powerful grudgeAgainst the merciful God.
```For you
There can be no doomBecause every day
Your heart’s purity-smile blooms. ```You are your mind’s uncertainty.
ThereforeYour mind’s connection with God
Is as fragile as an eggshell. ```Nobody can dare
Prevent you from feastingEither on self-pity
Or on God-Satisfaction. ```Your life is enjoying
Perfection-satisfactionPrecisely because your mind
Is a stranger to expectation. ```May each prayer-breath
Of my lifeBe a whisper of gratitude
To my Absolute Lord Supreme. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 124, Agni Press, 1989
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_124