Truth compassionately knocks
At the searching mind’s door.Truth proudly knocks
At the aspiring heart’s door. ```Many are the follies of the mind.
But when it cherishesIts own ignorance-reflection,
That is the beginningOf its spiritual extinction.
```Keep away
From anxiety-horizons.Then you will never see
Thick worry-clouds. ```Because you are a stark fool
You never leave your heart-treasureIn your Lord Supreme’s
Safe-deposit box. ```I need
Only one thing:My ego’s
Ruthless embarrassment. ```If you are a genuine God-lover,
Then you must realiseThat now is the only perfect time
To check out of ignorance-hotel. ```Every morning,
Without fail,I must renew
My God-surrender-permit. ```Give, give,
As long as you live!And what should you give?
Your world-dedication-smile. ```The Compassion-Lord
Never wants any human beingTo suffer from
Aspiration-starvation. ```When I look in the mind-mirror,
I just bitterly weepFor the countless stupid mistakes
I have made. ```It is already too late
For you to bid good-byeTo your mind-dictator,
Because you have allowed your heartTo be imprisoned by doubt.
```My heart brilliantly sparkles
The moment I sitAt my Lord’s Compassion-Feet.
```O my heart,
Do you not knowThat your soul is all compassion?
Do you not knowThat its daily
Aspiration-wake-up callIs totally free?
```The aspiration-tree
In every heart-gardenIs cheerfully
And dynamically green. ```If you are not spontaneously
Kind to yourself,Then all your God-satisfaction-attempts
Will badly fail. ```A self-giving purity-heart
Is the satisfaction-delightOf the Lord Supreme.
```Two monumental tasks:
To have a sleeplessAspiration-heart-cry
And an unconditionalService-soul-smile.
```My gratitude-heart
Is the perfect yardstickTo measure
My aspiration-height. ```If you do not sleeplessly
And breathlessly cry,How will you see your heart’s
Blue aspiration-birdIn full flight?
```Alas, how can I be perfect,
How can I be happy,Since there is so much
Aspiration-neglect in my life? ```May each moment
Of my lifeBe a heart-awakening song!
```Alas, in vain
I have been trying hardTo recover from
Frustration-intoxication. ```An ungrateful heart
And an impure mindAre always in collusion
To dethrone God. ```A doubting mind
Thrives on misquotingGod the Compassion.
```Sleepless dynamism
Is God’s greatest BoonTo the human body.
```A self-giving heart
Knows how to make friendsWith world-forgiveness.
```Every day a secret
And sacred conversationTakes place between Heaven’s smile
And earth’s cry. ```To arrive
At the wisdom-light-shoreIs almost an impossible task
For the weak human mind. ```If you want to see
Your heart’s aspiration-beauty,Then you must first set off
Your inspiration-fireworks. ```Who wants to hear
The endless debateOf the aggression-vital
And the suspicion-mind? ```Who loves God most?
He who never expectsAnything from God —
No, not even in his dreams! ```To me you are
A failure incarnateIf you do not even attempt
To please GodIn God’s own Way.
```Don’t be disappointed.
God will grant youAnother God-Hour
To love and serve Him. ```Today’s happiness-drop
Is undoubtedly the promiseOf tomorrow’s happiness-sea.
Just keep on praying and meditating. ```God has infinitely
More important things to doThan be tired of humanity’s
Sleeping heart. ```Doubt, insecurity
And impurityAre the three prime
Spiritual death symptoms. ```I am extremely worried
Because my heart has notHeard from God lately.
```My Lord is always tired
Of hearing my mind’s sad news,But He is never tired
Of hearing my heart’s good news. ```A gratitude-heart
Immediately knowsHow to multiply
Life’s satisfactions. ```Smilingly to forgive
And blessingfully to forgetIs a typical day
In the life of our Lord Supreme. ```My aspiration-heart
Takes meTo the Giver of Love,
And my dedication-lifeBrings me
To the Taker of pain. ```Nobody can always escape
The teachings ofIgnorance-tyrant.
```The mind sees the opening
Of frustration-gates.The heart sees the death
Of an insecurity-seeker. ```Sincerity and purity
Can definitely reachThe highest oneness-height.
```If you have
A surrender-gratitude-heart,Then God Himself will adorn you
With His Fragrance-Heart-Flowers. ```Never breathe “Why?”
If you wish to flyIn God’s Heart-Sky.
Is a fruitless productionOf unlit minds.
```A spiritual king is he
Who is the possessorOf an empty mind
And a full heart. ```Because of your unused heart,
Today you have becomeA total failure
In your spiritual life. ```Morning is the time
For me to offerMy gratitude-heart.
Evening is the timeFor me to offer
My peace-life. ```For aspiration-flames,
Every day I force my mindTo go to my heart’s
Aspiration-faith-garden. ```At last I have thrown away
All my mind’s impurity-presentsAnd all my heart’s
Insecurity-presents. ```To lead a spiritual life
Means to enjoyThe beauty and purity
Of one’s own heart-garden. ```I have many homes
To live in,But my heart’s gratitude-home
Is by far the best. ```My heart-troops have to conquer
My mind-territorySo that I can have a fruitful
Satisfaction-life. ```A humility-heart
Is bound to winIn humanity’s
Perfection-search-life. ```The Master tells the unaspiring seeker
That the Hour of GodHe will not be able to escape.
```Practise, practise every day
Your life’s aspiration-dedication-songsIf you want to be
A God-fulfilling dreamer. ```No fame can buy
Any lasting happiness.True happiness is in
Sleepless self-giving. ```If you want to accelerate
Your self-transcendence-pace,Then do not be afraid
Of your life’s adversity-surges. ```If you want to run
Faster than the fastestIn the inner world,
Then what you needIs a non-stop self-giving smile.
```Cast off immediately
The painful memories of yore,And try to be inseparably one
With your heart’sLife-awakening and
God-fulfilling dreams. ```What is detachment?
It is our aspiring heart’sWisdom-perfection-delight.
```Unless and until you make your heart
Your instructor,You will not be able to become
God’s satisfaction-builderOn earth.
```Ancient God-discovery-eagerness
Will inevitably illumineThe confusing and confused mind
Of modern human beings. ```O my God-Doctor,
I entirely depend onYour Compassion-Medicine
To protect my heart’s aspiration-life. ```Both man and God
Are apt to tell the storiesOf their victory-flooded lives.
```We can easily tame
Our wild doubt-tigerIf we long to be
A mild oneness-lamb. ```Nobody has compelled you
To follow the confusion-path.You have made
This unconscious temptation-choiceYourself.
```Doubt has infected
Your mind.Fear has invaded
Your vital.But you must challenge
Both doubt and fearSo theirs is a short life.
My heart’s obedience
Is my life’sSpontaneous love for God
In action. ```The sadness of my lost faith
I can neither describeNor even imagine.
```Obedience is the cheerfulness
Of the outer life.Gratitude is the fulness
Of the inner life. ```Alas, who could even imagine
That my heart’s willingness-obedienceWould be mercilessly attacked
By my mind’s unwillingness-disobedience? ```Your determination is crippled
Precisely becauseYou have not kept your inner faith.
```Even the bravest
Of human soulsFind it almost impossible
To survive the attachment-avalanche. ```If you are always unaware
Of your heart’s inner shrine,You will indefinitely have to appreciate
Your mind’s empty hunger-temple. ```You can never go beyond
The bondage of thoughtIf your heart does not enjoy
God’s omnipresent and omnipotentFaith-Garden.
```Come out of your mind’s
Doubt-tent!God is ready to bless you
With His Heart-Nest. ```God-manifestation is beauty’s
Fully blossomed flower.Man-transformation is duty’s
Fully ripened fruit. ```Just love God and serve God
And please God in His own Way.When the choice Hour strikes,
God Himself will book your passageTo His highest Heaven.
```What my life needs
Is the strongest faith-root.What my heart needs
Is a sleepless self-giving-tree. ```As the sun rises
Always in the east,Even so, willingness rises
Always in the heart. ```I am absolutely sure
That my forgiveness-MasterIs infinitely stronger than
My disobedience-disaster. ```My life on earth is indeed
Unmistakable proofThat God is at once proud and fond of
Earth-hero-warriors. ```To transform human love
Into divine loveA humility-heart
Is of paramount importance. ```I assure you
That your mind’s attachment-arrowsWill never be able to penetrate
Your heart’s detachment-shield. ```My Lord,
I am bound to YouWith the double tie
Of my heart’s loveAnd my life’s need.
```Anything that is given by man,
Handle with care.Anything that is given by God,
Universally share. ```Because of your artificial education,
Today you are forcedTo worship ignorance-idol.
```God sees no difference
Between my outer life’s prideAnd my inner life’s poverty.
```Self-giving applies to everyone.
This most precious secretOriginated with God.
```You do not have to worry
About your ego’s existence.Just evict it
From your life-house!God can and will take care of it
In God’s own Way. ```God always blesses us
With a round-trip ticketThe moment He sends us
From HeavenTo work for Him on earth.
```Man is worse than an animal
When his heart grows intoThe darkest ingratitude-night.
```Be wise!
At every moment runFast, faster, fastest.
Otherwise,Ignorance-tiger is bound
To overtake you. ```Alas, when will my
Self-styled importanceCome to an end?
God definitely does not needAnother God.
```A life of success
Comes and goes.A heart of progress
Grows and glows. ```He who foolishly carries
His excess desire-weightIs nothing other than
An unaspiring human being. ```When morning dawns,
I tell God:“My Lord, I love
Your Beauty’s soulful Dream.”When evening sets in,
I tell God:“My Lord, I adore
Your Duty’s fruitful Reality.” ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 125, Agni Press, 1989
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