God’s secret Name
Is Forgiveness.God’s sacred Name
Is Compassion.God’s most satisfying Name
Is man’s perfection-fulfilment-dream. ```If humility nourishes
Your aspiration-heart and dedication-life,Then you do not need anything else
To nourish your entire being. ```When humility knocks
At your heart’s aspiration-door,Do not delay!
Immediately and cheerfully respond. ```Just one look
From his Master’s compassion-eyeMelted his mind’s iron resentment.
```Every day try to have
As many sessions as possibleWith your silence-soul.
```My fully blossomed faith-heart
Has terminated permanentlyMy mind’s doubt-career.
```You have to force jealousy
To resign,For jealousy never retires
On its own. ```An ingratitude-heart
Unconsciously drinksMost dangerous death-poison.
```For the ignorance-mind
To spy and lie constantlyIs not at all
A difficult task. ```I love at once
Your ancient aspiration-heartAnd your modern dedication-hands.
```I assure you
That not for longWill doubt and fear-enemies
Be able to tortureMy aspiration-heart.
```As each mind can produce
A loud sound,Even so, each heart can produce
A most haunting melody. ```Between your journey’s start
And your arrival at the Golden Shore,Do not allow doubt to roar.
```Temptation never deserves an interview
Either from your loving heartOr from your searching mind.
```If the mind hesitates
To accept the divine light,Then the aspiring heart
Is bound to stagnate. ```Without God’s boundless Compassion,
How can one cureOne’s fatal depression-disease?
```Can you not see
That your aspirationIs extremely low?
How can you then keepYour expectation so high?
```Each sincere seeker
Will, without fail,Have a sunlit fragrance-flower
In his heart-garden. ```False devotion within,
True expectation without:Alas, this is what most
Human beings are. ```Each time I learn
An obedience-song,God lets me count
His supreme Blessings. ```You want to know
Where I prefer to live?I always prefer to live
In the depths of my devotion-heart. ```Do not pay any attention
To your thoughtless mind.Your thoughtless mind
Is a meaningless memberOf your spiritual family.
```God-loving aspiration alone
Can save usFrom constant doubt-intrusion.
```You may not fulfil
Your promise to God,But God is determined to fulfil
All His inner and outer PromisesTo you.
```In my heart’s aspiration-dictionary
The word “failure”Is never to be found.
```There is only one place
That gives me enormous joy:That place is my heart’s
Devotion-intensity-room. ```A mind of impurity
And a heart of faithlessnessCan never live separately.
```The aspiration-heart
Always enjoys travellingOn a straight, swift road.
```The tears of the heart
Eventually reachThe highest Tower
Of God-Satisfaction-Delight. ```Is there any human mind
That has not sufferedThe ruthless torture
Of ignorance-chaos? ```Only the true God-lovers
Are entitled to composeGod-Smile-songs.
```God’s future creation
Relies considerablyOn His obedience-loving seekers.
```Although you have a brilliant mind,
That does not meanYou can escape
The blows of ignorance-giant. ```It is not an easy task
To erase satisfactorilyThe doubting mind’s confusion-blackboard.
```Each soulful thought
Helps the heart soarWith newly blossomed joys.
```Meditation is by far
The best encouragementFor a beautiful and soulful thought.
```Not the forest-seeker
Of the mind,But the garden-lover
Of one’s own heartCan kindle one’s aspiration-flames.
```The soul is all the time
Inspiring and encouragingThe heart’s quick progress-march.
```A sleepless aspiration-heart
Is bound to collectGod’s Compassion-Harvest.
```At every moment
God is appreciatingMan’s earth-loving smiles.
```A seeker’s secret
And sacred treasureIs his aspiration-dedication-
Heart-garden. ```My heart’s aspiration
Is always ready and eagerTo carry my mind
Far beyond the domainOf ignorance-frown.
```Genuine sincerity
Is bound to warn usOf the meditation-negligence
Of our seeker-heart. ```Behold, behold!
My aspiration-heartIs climbing up
My soul’s promise-tower. ```Behold, behold!
My soul’s joy is strikingLovingly and powerfully
My heart’s determination-gong. ```If you are pleasing God
In God’s own Way,Only then will you be entitled
To break the challengeOf the mind’s doubt-thunder.
```Who told you
That I have nothing to enjoy?My mind’s doubt-bankruptcy
Every day I enjoy. ```My mind studies
At the hesitation-schoolWhile my heart studies
At the illumination-college. ```Whenever my heart
Is suffering from despair-pain,I immediately bring delight-doctor
To cure the patient. ```The cry of my aspiration-heart
Is bound to be invitedBy the smile of my illumination-soul.
```When I am my confidence-soul,
I can safely enterInto doubt-fortress.
```No soul enjoys shopping
In the mind’sRestless confusion-market.
```My heart’s aspiration-home
Is daily visitedBy high-ranking Realisation-Masters.
```If your heart-boat sails
In the river of aspiration,Then you are bound to reach
The realisation-destination. ```To make tangible progress
In any sphere of lifeCan never be an easy task.
```God is blessing me
With something infinitely betterThan success,
And that thing isA conscious and constant love of Him.
```Self-doubt is slow death,
And God-doubt is the quickest deathIn the seeker’s inner world.
```At long last my human mind
Is no longer in collusionWith darkness-ignorance-thief.
```God can only cry for you,
But He cannot smile at youWhen He sees
That you have deliberately becomeA dying aspiration-flame.
```To unload the heavy burden
Of the past,Invoke the flying banner
Of the God-loving and God-manifesting future. ```Unless you show God
Your heart’s meditation-wings,How can God allow you
To walk hand-in-hand with Him? ```Man’s heart-cry is the beginning
Of his perfection-light.God’s Heart-Smile is the beginning
Of His Satisfaction-Delight. ```Make up your mind!
When God appears before you,Will you ask Him
For your own God-realisationOr will you pray to Him
For His own Satisfaction? ```You have not thought of God
For a very long time.Today God will send you
A compassionate reminder.Needless to say,
God will not be the worst loserIf you do not pray and meditate any more
In this incarnation. ```Each new day
God starts in and through meWith a gentle persuasion
To become a better instrument of His. ```Each hesitation-moment
Can and will be devouredBy the frustration-wolf.
```Even one act
Of disobedienceWill make you eventually
The great author of failure. ```Alas, there is no dearth
Of doubt-dwellers,But there is definitely a dearth
Of faith-lovers. ```Oneness-road is never lonely
Either in the world of aspirationOr in the world of dedication.
```The misunderstanding of the human mind
Cannot be fathomedBy the wisdom-light of the God-lovers.
```If you offer your gratitude-heart
To God the creation,Then you are bound to get
A foretaste of Heaven’s Delight. ```In the inner world
His Inner Pilot is a teacherOf the unknowable.
In the outer worldHe enjoys being a student
Of the unknown. ```O my mind,
How long will you remainAn absolute stranger
To my truth-loving consciousness-light? ```For a long time
I have been longingTo free myself
From the monotonous mind’sInquisitive detective stories.
```Is there any human being on earth
Who has never falteredUnder the weight
Of ruthless and ceaseless problems? ```There is no human mind
That cannot be successfully boundBy a thought-rope.
```To conquer your mind’s
Volcano-anxiety-thoughts,Your heart needs
The patience of a treeAnd your life needs
An intensity-arrow. ```The soul-king has two ministers:
The mind-minister and the heart-minister.The heart-minister always
Cheerfully obeys the king.The mind-minister often
Deliberately disobeys the king.But the soul-king has surrendered himself
To his forgiveness-light. ```Everything God does very easily,
Except one thing:He finds it extremely difficult
To revoke His Compassion-Credit Card. ```Man’s life is in between
His heart’s purity-rosesAnd his mind’s impurity-thorns.
```Every day my Lord Supreme
Unconditionally feedsMy mind’s concentration-bird
And energisesMy life’s determination-wings.
```Be careful, O my doubting mind!
True, God’s Compassion-HeightHas forgiven you;
True, God’s Justice-LightWill forgive you.
But I assure you,Your soul-captain
Will never forgive youFor your deliberate misdeeds.
```Although you have miserably failed,
God has not yet decidedTo stop using you.
Who knows, He may grant youAnother golden chance.
```I am so happy
That my heart never suffersFrom hope-scarcity.
```You do not need a ferocious tiger
To devour you.Your atrocious jealousy can easily
Devour you alive! ```Alas, alas!
My insecurity has enormousIgnorance-receptivity-capacity.
```Every morning and every evening
My soul flies its hope-kiteIn my aspiration-heart-sky.
```Every day I pray
To my Lord SupremeTo break asunder
My mind’s unwillingness-shackles. ```What do you actually get
From your unwillingness,Save and except
Your deplorable unworthiness? ```O my mind, don’t be a fool!
Tell me if you will ever seeA desire-balloon
That will not burst eventually. ```Man unconsciously deposits his love
In God’s Heart-BankBut consciously and cleverly overdraws.
And what does God do?He plays His Forgiveness-Role
Most satisfactorily. ```If you cannot bring your sincerity
To the fore,Then stay with your life’s
Impossibility-inferiority-stupidity-friends! ```If I sincerely believe
That I am my life’sConstant unworthiness,
Then I am sureThat God’s Compassion-Eye
Will help me and guide me. ```Yesterday God came to me
As a healing Heart.Today God has come to me
As a smiling Eye.Tomorrow God will come to me
As a helping Hand. ```Do you ever ask yourself
The question of questions:What will happen to you
If God ever decidesTo withdraw from you
For your utterly shamelessDisobedience-mind?
```Do not overlook
The God-Height.Do not overeat
Ignorance-night.Do not oversleep
Your meditation-light. ```O stupidity-incarnate seeker,
Only God has the HeartTo enjoy seeing
His miraculous EyeAnd your ridiculous life
Living together. ```God does not believe
In your promise-tower.He believes only
In your aspiration-hour. ```Who told you that God-Satisfaction
Will not remain a far cryIf your aspiration-heart is not expanded?
```Mine is the heart that enjoys
Eternity’s aspiration-dreams.Mine is the soul that enjoys
Immortality’s realisation-realities. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 126, Agni Press, 1989
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_126