May my each living breath
Be a gratitude-whisperTo my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```The foolish mind
Quite often performsIn the illusion-theatre.
My prayerful criesHave freed me
From thought-domination. ```Right before I meditate
My soul comes to decorateMy heart-room.
And gratitude-smilesAre most intimate friends.
```A soulfully crying heart
Is always protectedBy God’s
Soundless Compassion-Footprints. ```The human mind
Regularly producesDanger-desires.
```The aspiration-heart
Has no time to listenTo the mind’s doubt-broadcasts.
```How can my heart’s
Illumining faithEver abandon my searching mind?
Impossible! ```My morning prayer-songs
Affectionately greetMy morning meditation-heart-flowers.
```The soul places
The mind’s thought-bombsAt God’s omnipotent
Thunder-Feet. ```Only the names of
Self-giving aspiring soulsAre listed
In God’s Satisfaction-Directory. ```Unlike us,
God has only two Dreams:Humanity’s satisfaction-heart
And humanity’s perfection-life. ```O detachment-axe,
I have been longing for youSleeplessly and breathlessly
In vain. ```Be careful,
My young seeker-friends!Do not allow ambition
To masquerade as aspiration. ```I have so many things to do.
Let me start by shaking offMy lethargy-loaded desire-life!
```Because of the unaspiring mind
The soul and the bodyFind it almost impossible
To maintain their oneness-friendship. ```A doubting mind
Is an inevitable and ultimateFailure.
```Pay no attention
To the lessons that despairUnreservedly preaches.
```Truth has the capacity
To sing to the heartOf the heart’s soul-bird.
```O my mind,
Why do you allow yourselfEvery morning to be crushed
By your imaginary mountain-worries? ```Rainbow-dreams blossom
Most beautifullyInside the seeker’s
Purity-heart-sky. ```O my mind,
Why do you cherishBlind indifference every day
To the world at large? ```May my heart at every moment
Cherish my soul-divinity’sImperishable Heaven-dream.
```Each drop of divine love
Is indeed a universal giftFrom the Absolute Lord Supreme.
```O my mind-philosopher,
You must do something betterThan scoff at my heart-lover!
```My aspiration-life-tree
And its dedication-branchesEvery day I offer
To my Lord Supreme. ```Every morning
During my meditationMy soul goes at express-train speed
To my Lord’s Compassion-Height. ```The human mind
Not devotedly,Not even cheerfully,
But reluctantly listensTo the dictates of the heart.
```My soul’s adamantine will
Will never allowMy mind’s doubt-multitude
To approach my aspiration-heart. ```It is necessary
To honour the past,But it is compulsory
To welcome the future. ```O seeker,
Every dayTry to begin a new,
Soulful and self-giving life-story. ```What can separate
The purity of the presentFrom the divinity of the future?
Nothing! ```God’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartBlessingfully give me
Tomorrow’s satisfaction-delight. ```My service to humanity
Is my real opportunityTo prove my genuine love
For God and God alone. ```Be not lost, O seeker,
Between your complaining mindAnd your expecting heart!
```O mind,
Is there any human beingWho has never suffered
From the attacksOf ceaseless and ruthless doubts?
```May my vital do something
Infinitely betterThan pray for tireless attention
And ceaseless admiration. ```Peace-bridge is built
On mutually self-enlargingAnd self-giving foundations.
```How I wish that my heart
Would insistExactly the same way
That my vital resists! ```If you lose cheerfulness,
You have lost something great.If you lose faith,
You have lost something indispensable. ```I never thought that my mind
Would have a transformation-gateThat would be kept open
To God’s Illumination-Eye. ```Every morning, to my extreme sorrow,
I see a begging GodInside my heart
Asking for a flower-sweet smileFrom me.
```My Lord,
May my heart be alwaysA cheerful willingness-bird
To fly at Your loving Command. ```I shall never revisit
My long-abandonedInferiority-insecurity-insincerity-cave.
```I listen only to one thing,
And that is my heart’sBeautiful, soulful and powerful silence.
```Hello, hello, hello,
My life’s self-acceptance!Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
My long-torturing self-aggrandisement! ```Alas, how long
Am I going to remain stuckBetween my body’s lethargy
And my mind’s complacency? ```With infinite compassion
My silence-breath separates meFrom the thought-world.
```If your heart’s faith in God
Is genuine,Then you are bound to survive
Each and every doubt-attackOf the mind.
```My God-obedience,
You will always remainMy most intimate
And most cherished friend. ```The day I consciously
Fail to pray to GodFor the protection of my mind,
I see that my mind is surroundedBy suspicion-scepticism-night.
```O my mind,
You will discover sooner or laterYour worthlessness.
O my heart,You will discover sooner or later
Your fruitfulness. ```You see yourself
With your frustration-mind.God sees you
With His Preparation-Eye. ```I am so fortunate
That every dayMy meditation-moments are fed
By God’s Satisfaction-Heart. ```I soulfully admire
My aspiration-austerity-past.I happily welcome
My dedication-prosperity-future. ```You call it your dedication-duty.
I call it God’s Satisfaction-RealityIn and through you.
```My mind may swim
In desire-pond every day,But my heart swims
In aspiration-sea at every moment. ```Complacency: what is it?
It is the very beginningOf slow but inevitable spiritual death.
```My gratitude-heart-bird
Flies and fliesIn my soul’s illumination-firmament.
```Something is always praying.
I know that very thingIs my heart’s cry.
Something is always meditating.I know that very thing
Is my soul’s smile. ```If necessary,
Start with a conditional surrender-stepUntil you have the capacity
To take the unconditionalSurrender-stride.
```God’s Compassion
Will definitely prepare youFor any challenge you encounter
On the way,If your faith in God
Is sleepless and breathless. ```Each man must know
That what he hasIs only an earthly body
But what he eternally isIs a Heavenly soul.
```Your heart does not interfere
In your mind’s affairs.How does your mind dare to meddle
In your heart’s aspiration-activities? ```O my mind,
For years and years I have been hearingYour sermons.
Now I need a break!I want to hear
My heart’s whisper-messages. ```If you sleeplessly aspire,
You will not remain a prisonerOf the failure-past.
```If you keep your heart-home
Perfectly beautiful, soulfulAnd immaculate,
God’s Vision-Eye and Satisfaction-HeartWill play hide-and-seek
Inside your life. ```There is nothing
And there can be nothingAs useless as my mind’s
Suspicion-nightAnd my heart’s
Despair-grave. ```May my heart’s aspiration-bird
Fly and flyHigher than the highest
Even when my mindIs consciously enjoying
Ignorance-sleep. ```There is only one thing
That God treasures from your life,And that is your heart’s soulful
And unconditional surrender-smile. ```God’s Compassion-Eye and
His Forgiveness-HeartAre always ready to go
To any extremeTo liberate me from my self-chosen
Ignorance-night. ```Don’t be a fool!
What is there to hide?You do not have to hide anything
From your God-messenger-friend. ```My Lord Supreme,
How shall I find You?Again, how can I find myself
Except at the footOf my heart’s aspiration-tree?
```When I even try to explore
The Unknown,I feel within me
A flood of ecstasy. ```There is no despair-death
For him who has surrenderedConsciously and soulfully
His earth-bound desiresTo God’s Heaven-free Will.
```In my case,
My low self-esteemIs my heart’s only joy-destroyer.
```God wants you to enjoy
Your own perfection-abundanceAnd not the world’s
Temptation-turbulence. ```If you think that you
Have the capacity to blindly blunder,Then you must also feel that God
Has the capacity to kindly forgiveYour blunders,
Past, present and even future. ```If you can make your mind
Completely empty of thought,Then you are bound to accomplish
Something divinely greatAnd supremely good
For your Lord Supreme. ```With my morning prayers and meditations,
I not only cut the roots of ignorance-treeBut also drink profusely
Wisdom-light and delight. ```Every day, every hour,
Every minute, every secondYour soul offers its valentine to God.
Now you just countHow many times a year
Your mind sends its valentine to God.Perhaps not even once!
```Consciously or unconsciously
If you allow your mind to misguide youHow can you be a member
Of God’s inner Heart-Circle? ```A pure thought can fly
Easily and freelyInside the heart’s
Vastness-satisfaction-sky. ```Be brave,
And put your purity to the test!If you succeed in your examination,
Then your aspiration-birdIs bound to soar higher than the highest.
```My mind’s teeming complications
Tell meThat I am already a colossal failure.
My heart’s climbing aspirationsTell me
That God has already chosen meTo be a perfect instrument of His.
```O my mind,
Do not blame God.God never wanted you
To live in darkness-ignorance-room. ```I would like to learn everything
From your God-pleasing heartAnd nothing
From your man-pleasing mind. ```My mind tells me
That dark days are ahead.My heart tells me
That bright years are ahead. ```Everybody knows that
It is a most difficult taskTo escape his own ignorance-shadow
And enjoy supreme freedom. ```My Lord tells me
That my today’s heartIs my tomorrow’s face.
```Life is a bad dream
When I am only for myself.Life is a good reality
When I am an all-giving heart to all. ```My soul is telling me
That my aspiration-heartNeeds no introduction to God.
```If you dig deep in your inner life,
You will be able to avertAll man-made disasters
In your outer life. ```No matter what fate unfolds for me,
I shall always keepMy adamantine faith-will
In my Lord Supreme. ```Be brave!
Be a life-challenger!Never be helplessly
And hopelessly crippledBy brooding despair!
```An impure life
Is nothing short ofAn indirect form of suicide
In the inner world. ```Be careful!
Be not a friend of your ungrateful mind,Which cherishes hostility
To God’s constant Compassion. ```A pure heart’s
God-pleasing aspiration-cryEchoes and re-echoes
In God’s silence-floodedSatisfaction-Heart.
```My Lord,
May I remember at every momentThat my sleepless faith in You
Is an unfailing friendThat will lead me only towards You.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 130, Agni Press, 1990
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