My Lord,
I need only one thing from You.I need to be soulfully, lovingly
And perpetuallyThe willing prisoner
Of Your Heart’s Oneness-Love. ```Alas, every day we waste so much
Of our soul’s precious time.Every day we delay our soul’s
God-fulfilment-messageOn earth.
```The flames of inner faith
Are so beautiful to look atAnd so lovely to play with,
They always make us feelThat we belong to a higher world
And a deeper world. ```May each day be
My God-expectation-dayAnd
My ignorance-cancellation-day. ```Nobody wants me to drink deep
Of tomorrow’s measureless sorrow-ocean.Therefore, my aspiration-heart and I
Can swim in the sea of delight. ```Friendship lovingly begins
And oneness fruitfully completesThe game divine.
```My mind’s long-standing doubts
Were finally dissolved.How?
By my heart’s ecstasy-tears. ```We don’t need an earthly
Incandescence-mind.What we need is a Heavenly
Renaissance-heart. ```God wants our satisfaction-heart
To enter into partnership withHis Perfection-Manifestation-Dream.
```Now that you are a sincere seeker,
You are willing to tellThe whole world
That truth is not your sole monopoly. ```To obey the mind blindly
Is to be in a helpless stateOf perpetual crisis.
```God will open the flood-gate
Of His DivinityIf you just open
Your heart’s humility-window. ```If you have to loosen,
Then loosen your tight heart-muscles.If you have to tighten,
Then tighten your loose vital-muscles. ```Do you know why
God has not been speaking to youOf late?
He has not been speaking to youNot because
You are a lost cause,But because
You have completely given upYour faith-nourishing life.
```Vehemently challenge the pride
Of doubt!Your long-lost life of faith
Will reappearTo energise you
And fulfil the Divine in you. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Every day comes downTo feed my aspiration-heart’s
Morning dreams. ```If we are satisfied
With our mind’s imperfection-night,Why should God
Take the troubleTo show us our heart’s perfection-day?
```When I left God’s Heart,
God said to me,“My child, your heart can leave Me,
But My Heart has no choiceBut to follow you
Blessingfully, lovingly and cheerfully.” ```Only one question God likes
To hear from me:“When am I going to realise You?
When?” ```Each human being has the freedom
Either to ascendThe zenith-aspiration-mountain
Or to descendInto the nadir-frustration-sea.
```When I live in my mind,
I become my mind-addiction-expectation.When I live in my heart,
I become my heart-surrender-satisfaction. ```Self-giving means
A secret and sacred wayOf God-living.
```God tells me that
If I require an explanationFor everything that He does
In me and for me,Then my aspiration-flames
He will never have time to kindle. ```Unfortunately, for a very long time
The human mind has beenIn the same unsatisfying profession:
Frustration. ```My Lord, there is only one way
You can hasten my transformation-life:By chastening my unruly mind!
```What does anger need?
Evaporation!What does doubt need?
Explosion!What does joy need?
Perfection, oneness-perfection! ```There are two ways
To reach our lofty goal:Either by appreciating
Our heart’s gratitude-flowersOr by eating
Our soul’s surrender-fruits. ```If you enjoy riding
Your merry-go-round of hesitation,How can God sing
His Satisfaction-Song for you? ```To deal with the darkness within,
We must establish our oneness-connectionWith God’s Compassion-flooded
Eyes of Light. ```God lends His listening Ear to us
Happily and unconditionally,But our fear of His Omnipotence
Prevents us from speaking to Him. ```God tells us not to read the story
Of humanity’s bondage,But to sing the song
Of humanity’s freedom. ```Humility’s flower-fragrance
Will definitely stopYour mind’s resentment-performance.
```God’s Heart can tolerate anything
Except the breathless tearsOf His seeker-children.
```Wake up, my mind, wake up!
It does not become youTo remain fast asleep
In the ancient arms of modern ignorance. ```God forced me only once.
He forced me to cancel my return tripTo the devouring ignorance-tiger-life.
```I never cut jokes
About my aspiration-heartAnd my dedication-life.
But I do not know whyI often cut jokes
About my God-manifestationOn earth.
```No matter how hard a human being tries,
Without help from AboveHe cannot escape his vanity-vital.
No matter how hard a human being tries,
Without help from AboveHe cannot escape his insanity-mind.
```As the human mind is not tired of losing,
Even so, the divine heartIs not afraid of winning.
```If you can remain unspoiled
By your success-life,God will definitely multiply
Your progress-life. ```If you do not care to be under
God’s Shelter-Canopy,How can God ever grant you
The opportunity to becomeA truth-lover and God-server?
```In my spiritual life
I have two indispensableTravelling companions —
My faithful lifeAnd my soulful heart.
```Your heart’s happiness-flowers
Are bound to wilt awayIf you are not compelling your mind
ForcefullyTo run along the road
Of aspiration-perfection. ```Not only the mind-clock
And the mind-time,But everything the mind says and does
Abounds with imperfection-mistakes. ```How can you abandon
Your aspiration-heart-childIf you want to be
A realisation-emperor? ```God does not have to convince you
Of His Existence.You just convince yourself
That you came into the worldTo do something great
And be something good. ```Smile beautifully,
Smile powerfully,Smile!
You will be curedOf your mind’s doubt-disease.
```God is extremely proud of my soul
For my soul’s promise-resurrection.God is extremely proud of my heart
For my heart’s aspiration-resurrection.God is extremely proud of my life
For my life’s hope-resurrection. ```What we call our heart’s
Gratitude-flower,God calls His Perfection-Manifestation.
```Never mind if you are a latecomer
To the spiritual life.God will supply you
With the same nectar-delightThat the early arrivals have received.
```God enjoys your conversations with Him
Not because He learnsSomething new from you
But because He gets the opportunityTo help you empty your ignorance-mind
And unlearn your pride-lessons. ```Early every morning
You must push asideYour doubt, suspicion, anxiety
And worry-curtains. ```Be practical!
If you are attractedOnly by theories,
Nobody will appreciate you,And needless to say,
Nobody will need you. ```You can at least every day
Secretly whisper your shortcomingsTo your Lord Supreme.
```If you can part company
With self-indulgence,In the inner world
Yours will beGod’s Satisfaction-Effulgence.
```To make friends with anger and pride
Is the beginningOf destruction-disaster.
```O God-seeker,
Be not afraid of jumpingInto the abysmal abyss of your mind
To illumine it,So that you can be
A choice instrument of GodIn every part of your entire being.
```Your heart’s unwillingness
Thinks you are goingAway from God’s Compassion
Fast, faster, fastest. ```God wants you to be pleased
With yourself.Therefore, do not allow
The dark shadows of unworthinessTo engulf you.
```Alas, it is so difficult
To overcome the heart’sInsecurity-attacks.
```I assure you that
You will be able to run the fastestIn the inner world
With your newbornGod-Satisfaction-Promise.
```Do not think of tomorrow’s
Hope-bud.Meditate on tomorrow’s
Promise-flower. ```I am so fortunate
That every dayI am sheltered
By God’s own Protection-Eye. ```No matter what you do
And no matter what you are,God’s Justice-Light
Will only illumine youAnd not punish you.
```My joy abides not
In my mind’s imagination-flight.My joy breathes ever
In God’s sleepless Light. ```Over the years I have had
Many bosses.Needless to say, my mind
Was by far the worst. ```My heart and my life were born
Only for one thing:God-Satisfaction.
```Very often we are not compelled,
But we are addicted toThe pleasures of ignorance-night.
```To have implicit faith
In God’s CompassionIs the beginning
Of a faultless journeyAlong the spiritual path.
```My poor heart!
It has to plead sleeplesslyWith my mind
To get on the right track:Self-offering.
```The world sees my public joys,
But my heart and I feelOur private sorrows.
```Many times I have fallen,
But I will never allow myselfTo be broken.
This is my solemn promiseTo my Inner Pilot Supreme.
```God wants us to change
Our sad desire-possessionInto aspiration-satisfaction.
```If you do not have
The imagination-courage of a hero,You will not be able to succeed
In any worthwhile field. ```God’s Justice-Mind
Asks me to give and give.God’s Compassion-Heart
Asks me to receive and receive. ```Your constant self-sacrifice
Will make youAn impossibility-achievement-victor.
```Man without God’s Satisfaction
I have seen many times.But God without man’s complaints
I have never seen. ```My every soulful smile
Is a beautiful plantIn God’s Heart-Garden.
```I do not want
A satisfaction-mind-life,But a perfection-aspiration-heart.
```Man consciously or unconsciously
Forgets to offerHis heart’s gratitude-gift
To God the constant Giver. ```You will be a failure
Only if you allow your heart’s joyTo be eclipsed
By your mind’s clouds. ```Now that I have become
An aspiration-mendicant,The desire-prince has left me
For good. ```Make up your mind!
What do you want —Ego-mastery or ego-slavery?
Choose the right thing! ```At God’s Heart-Restaurant
Your devotion can enjoy a divine mealFree of charge.
```The impurity of your mind
Does not allow your heartTo be in the company of God.
```Give what you have
Cheerfully.Give what you are
Constantly.Then you will hear God’s Footsteps
Approaching you fast,Very fast.
```My poor mind!
Every day you are forcedTo climb up
Endless confusion-staircases. ```Is there any human being
Who has not misusedGod’s Compassion-Light?
Is there any human beingWho will not eventually be illumined
By God’s unconditional Compassion-Light? ```A fully satisfied life
Is indeed a rare creationOf God the Dreamer.
```Your aspiration
Is nothing other thanYour heart’s pilgrimage
Along Divinity’s God-flooded Road. ```Remember, O seeker, remember
That even the strongest temptationCan never be omnipotent.
```Because of God’s
Compassion-promptingI see my life’s
Aspiration blossoming. ```Your life’s insecurity-insects
Will run awayWhen they see the flood
Of your heart’s gratitude-tears. ```Success-crown
May be a fragile thing,But never progress-throne!
```If God’s Compassion-Light
Is not visibleIn your success-pride,
Then your victoryWill be of no avail.
```Every day an unaspiring mind
Not only welcomesBut also treasures
Impure and clouded thoughts. ```Because of your purity-heart,
God will exempt you from studyingIn ignorance-night-school.
```Is there any seeker
Who has not sufferedDuring his aspiration-adventure on earth
From untold despair-pangs? ```Bring to the fore
Your soul’s purity-power.Then you will not suffer
From insecurity-suffocation. ```Whenever I do not feel
My gratitude-heart,I see myself clearly
At the farthest pointFrom my Lord’s Satisfaction-Heart.
```If you are truly dedicated,
Then your aspirationCan never be complicated.
It has to be as bright as a starAnd as direct as a sunlit road.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 135, Agni Press, 1990
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