The crystal Voice of my Inner Pilot
Is blessingfully granting my mindA thought-free, perfect silence-dawn.
```My mind’s teeming doubts
Wanted to rivalMy heart’s climbing aspiration.
But now my life’s realisation-treeHas no rival.
```Every day,
Early in the morning,We must sow the seeds of sincerity
In our mind-gardenAnd the seeds of purity
In our heart-garden. ```Now that you have
An open heart-surrender-policy,You have automatically become
A supremely choice instrument of God. ```I do not think
That it will ever be possibleFor you to illumine your entire life
With your on-and-off aspiration-switch. ```Spending a day in God’s company
Means drinking Nectar-DelightFor time unbounded.
```Man’s doubt-drenched mind
Destroys his life’sBeauty-purity-heart.
```Where is the difference between
Your aspiration-evading mindAnd your frustration-destruction-life?
```For many,
It is not merely difficultBut actually impossible
To bring backTheir gone-away aspiration-days.
```He who accepts each problem
As an opportunityIs bound to become
The master of problemsEventually.
```The mountain-top wisdom-light
Is never to be foundInside the human mind.
It is found onlyInside the divine heart.
```There is no way
For you to do everything correctlyUnless and until
You beg your soul-captainTo be in full command of your life.
```Always try to swim
In the river of hope.Once you give up swimming,
You will be found immediatelyAt the feet of the despair-dictator.
```Only kind-hearted souls
Can properly forgiveThe weight of man’s indifference-eyes.
```God did not even require you
To have a desire-door.God certainly did not ask you
To keep it openAll the time.
```Why do you not admit the facts:
That you did everythingFoolishly and proudly
At your own risk? ```If you want to be really happy
And fulfil tomorrow’s dreams,Then you must bury
Your past frustration-days. ```God will definitely console you
And illumine youIf your God-centred heart
Is ever misunderstood. ```In your inner life
You are so blindThat you do not see
What you actually do:You prefer unhappiness-thorns
To happiness-flowers. ```You do not have to roam
From crisis to crisisIf you are ready to choose
God the CompassionAs your sole Captain for life.
```I see, I see!
What do I see?I see every day
That God’s Justice-LightBows to God’s Compassion-Height
In my aspiration-empty life. ```When disappointment comes your way,
Remember that God will give youAnother chance
To sit for your life-examination. ```You are bound to accomplish things
Far beyond your imagination —Things divine, illumining and fulfilling —
If you just learn howTo disown your unruly thought-world.
```Each time I go to see God,
He asks me only one thing:“My son, have you brought Me
Some good newsFor a change?”
```When my life becomes one with
My obedience-heart,God shares with me His
Infinity’s immortal Secrets. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Grants a very long lifeTo my short-lived virtues.
```Frustration’s shackles bind us
When we climb downFrom the aspiration-tree.
```Peace was
The first-born child of God.Perfection will be
The last-born child of God. ```Perfection-mastery comes only
From the heart’s aspiration-cryAnd the life’s dedication-smile.
```Your happiness-heart-flower
Will not fadeIf you choose your soul-illumination
To guide you every day. ```Nothing succeeds as beautifully
And as powerfullyAs our mountain-aspiration-cries
And our fountain-dedication-smiles. ```If you sleeplessly pray for the death
Of your mind’s ignorance-night,Then God is bound to give you
His Heart’s everlasting Breath. ```A self-giving
And God-becoming heartIs humanity’s peace-flooded home.
```God’s Compassion-Rain
And man’s aspiration-plantsCan together change the face and fate
Of fast-descending humanity. ```If your heart is flooded
With gratitude,Then you can never fail to find
Your life’s perfection-summit-sun. ```The birth of ignorance-night
Nobody knows,But the death of ignorance-night
Everybody is bound to know. ```My Lord, my Lord,
I humbly and soulfully pray to YouNot to stop
My life’s self-transcendence-pilgrimage. ```Every day
God enjoys readingMy heart’s aspiration-blossoming
Messages. ```No, not even the compassionate God,
Not to speak of human beings,Will ever say a word
In defence of your heart’s insecurity! ```The sweetness
Of a purity-heartIs immediately embraced
By the fondnessOf God’s Satisfaction-Eye.
```God does not see any urgency
In transforming your life.Do you know why?
Just because you enjoy complacencyMore than anything else in your life.
```No matter how undivine you are,
God wants you to lookStraight into His Eyes
So that His Compassion can enter into youAnd transform your guilt-loaded life.
```To my wide surprise,
My heart is still in the leadAlthough I have not fed my heart
For a long time. ```Do you know why
You are acting like a demon?Because you daily enjoy listening
To your unlit mind’sWild sermons.
```My mind’s ignorance-imperfections
On earthCan never blossom
Into a perfection-treeIn Heaven.
```The man of the past
Longed to tame ignorance.The man of today
Overlooks ignorance.The man of tomorrow
Shall powerfully dominate ignorance. ```Our oneness-surrender
To God’s WillIs indeed a devastating blow
To impossibility. ```If you are eager to announce
The arrival of GodAt your heart’s door,
Then denounce doubtOnce and for all
With your illumination-mind. ```No imperfection,
No matter how small it is,Will forever remain hidden
From the eye of Time. ```My self-promotion
And God’s Love-SatisfactionAre never to be found together.
```Insecurity, world-doubt,
Self-doubt and God-doubtLive together
In the same unlit mind-cave. ```There is something most valuable
Missing from my aspiration-heart,And that is my gratitude-joy.
```Now that I have escaped
From my mind’s captivity,I am soulfully, spiritually,
Divinely and supremely awakenedTo God-heights.
```The soul’s magnanimity
And the heart’s generosityAt every moment understand
The sufferings of humanity. ```Do not allow doubt
To challengeThe soulful utterances
Of your inner conviction. ```Your gratitude-heart
Will grant you enthusiasmEither to illumine
Or to tame the mind. ```O my doubting mind,
A confusion-graveIs awaiting
Your certain arrival. ```Each soulful thought
Is a rainbow-joyThat tries to transform
My suffering life. ```May my heart be
My daily aspiration-practice.May my life be
My daily perfection-practice. ```Meditate, meditate!
You will see how easy it isTo swim against temptation-stream.
```My powerful concentration-eye
Is my ignorance-tiger-piercing spear.My soulful meditation-heart
Is my world-transforming fragrance-garden. ```Oneness-heart-love
Can only be treasuredAnd can never be measured.
```If you do not improve yourself,
Who will take the troubleOf transforming your life?
No, not even God! ```God will smilingly transform us
If we willingly tell GodThat His Way is our way,
Our only way. ```If you live only in the mind
And never go beyond the mind,Then you are bound to collide
With confusion-night. ```God has told me
That if I can be responsibleFor my soulful heart,
Then He will be responsibleFor my uncertain life.
```I prayed intensely
To change God’s Mind.God meditated self-givingly
To change my heart. ```We doubt God precisely because
We have befriended our mind the doubter.We believe in God precisely because
We see eye to eye with our heart the lover. ```O my hope-bird,
Although you are carrying meInto the heart of the Unknown,
I love you and I treasure you. ```Man’s perfection
And God’s SatisfactionWill someday, somehow, somewhere
Take place. ```You know the right way.
You are standing on the right road.You are facing the right direction.
What can possibly be delayingYour journey’s progress-march?
```My imperfections
Do not make you perfect.Therefore, you have no reason to ridicule
My imperfections. ```My Lord, I do not want
To remain any moreAn idler.
“In that case, My child,
I am making youMy Satisfaction-worker.”
```Without faith,
In both God and oneself,How can one pass through
The black and starless ignorance-night? ```Confidence comes not from self-denial.
Confidence comes not from self-assertion.Confidence comes from self-sacrifice
And self-perfection. ```How many human beings can take
God-Elevator to God-Height?None, unless God’s Grace
Does the miracle of miracles. ```There are so many fragile things
Here on earth.Hope is fragile,
Faith is fragile,Gratitude is fragile,
To name a few. ```My heart’s morning dream
For God’s HappinessIs unconditionally entering
Into my life. ```What can poor God do for you
If you choose every dayTo knock at despair-door?
```There can be no time
Better than nowTo please God
And be His choice instrument. ```You can surprise God
Not with your mind’s dissatisfactionBut with your heart’s satisfaction.
```What is human life, after all,
If not a constantly hopelessAnd helpless effort
To climb the Everest-heights? ```If you are your mind’s
Careless God-search,How can you be your heart’s
Breathless God-Satisfaction? ```When your heart is touched
By bitterness,You are bound to miss
God’s Nearness. ```A high meditation is
A soulful, peaceful and naturalGod-Beauty’s Heaven-Smile
In a seeker’s aspiration-heart. ```A sleepless devotion to God
Can give us a deathless heart-smileTo transform our unlit human mind.
```What can meditation do?
Meditation can do many things.In your case, your meditation
Is determined to stop your vitalFrom resurrecting its long-dead frustrations.
Is nothing other than happiness.Happiness
Is nothing other than our inner progress.Our inner progress
God not only appreciates but also treasures. ```If you will regularly use
Your surrender-prayers,Then God will turn your life
Into His Satisfaction-Tower. ```God-realisation is not a race.
It is a spontaneous revelationOf the inner face.
```O my heart’s insecurity,
When will you realiseThat you are my life’s
Worst possible troublemaker? ```To be a lifelong citizen of Heaven,
I must be my heart’sOneness-joy and fulness-satisfaction.
```O my stupidity-mind,
Can you not seeThat your manufactured illusion-world
Is crumbling day by day? ```God is counting on
My mind-progress,For therein plays
His own Victory-Trumpet. ```Cultivate, cultivate
Your heart’s oneness-peace-garden.Lo, God Himself is announcing
Your victory over world-division. ```If you hesitate,
Your heart’s God-realisation-promiseAnd your life’s God-manifestation-promise
Will never reachGod’s Dream-fulfilled Perfection-Palace.
```When your heart grows into
A glowing lamp,It will illumine your mind’s
Cloudy road. ```If you are afraid of climbing up
Your inner Himalayan heights,You cannot be a member
Of God’s ever-expanding love-society. ```What humanity needs at every moment
Is the pure breathOf an illumining and fulfilling
Forgiveness-heart. ```My heart’s prayer-whisper to God:
“My Lord, do increase the fragranceOf my purity-heart-flower
Every day, every hour,Every minute, every second.”
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 136, Agni Press, 1990
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