May my heart
At every momentGrow into the spreading wings
Of oneness-peace. ```The stupid mind just wants
To win a certificate,Even if it is
A suspicion-certificate. ```An unseen Hand guides me
Day and night.Therefore, I am not forced to wander
In the jungle of useless thoughts. ```If you devotedly cultivate
Surrender-soil,Then God will gladly tell you
All His life-stories. ```You cannot catch
The perfection-bird.You are allowed
Only to fly with it. ```What is doubt?
It is somethingThat can be thrown ruthlessly
Into the sea of nowhere. ```Is there anybody
Who has not sufferedThe attacks
Of disappointment-squadrons? ```Your God-thirsty heart
Will eventually enjoyThe intimacy of God’s Heart-Home
As long as it continuesTo cry for God.
```The wise heart always wants
To follow the soul,But the foolish mind
Never wants to! ```Inspiration is the beauty
Of climbing hopesAnd illumining promises.
```You want to know
What I shall leave behindAs my legacy?
I shall leave behindOnly one thing:
A legacy of self-giving gratitude. ```He who flies
On the wings of willingnessWill not miss
The fulfilment-train. ```My self-transcendence-will
Knows no impossibility-limit.It embodies
God-manifestation-delightOn earth.
```Each and every seeker
Will eventually surrenderTo a self-giving
God-fulfilment-life. ```You are happy because
You have done the right thingBy soulfully renewing
Your wisdom-library card. ```O my heart, be not sad,
Even though most of the timeYour expectation-trains
Do not reach their destination. ```Unless you use
Your heart’s soulful faith,You will not be able to change
Your life’s fearful fate. ```To become a champion-soul,
What you need isA receptivity-heart
And a willingness-mind. ```Each unhealthy thought
Is nothing other thanA withering life-flower.
```There is a place
For every soulful promise,And that place is
In the Heart of God’s Smile. ```Your victory is certain,
For even your mindIs now bubbling over
With fearless and sleepless enthusiasm. ```O human mind,
When will you stop enjoyingNegativity-frown?
```Faith-blossoming faith,
Illumining faith and fulfilling faith —It is you alone
Who have given meThe beauty of intuition-horizon.
```Sometimes it seems to God
That the human raceHas been spiritually paralysed
Right from the beginning of creation. ```If you always look ahead of you,
Then failure-darknessWill not be able to shadow
The beauty of your heart-garden. ```Perfection dawns
When my powerful actionsProclaim my soulful beliefs.
The mind quickly wants to earn.Goodness
The heart slowly wants to earn.Perfection
The life carefully wants to earn. ```My faith-flower-heart
EmbodiesMy life-transformation-fragrance.
```My wholehearted forgiveness
Helps my perfection rapidly growIn God’s Satisfaction-Light.
```If you consciously enjoy
Your tiredness,You will never be able to wear
Victory’s garland. ```If you want greatness,
Then enter intoEarth’s mind-room.
If you want goodness,Then enter into
Heaven’s heart-home. ```Each soulful thought
Brings us into the PresenceOf our Lord Supreme.
```Possession is man’s
First desire.Renunciation may be man’s
Second desire.But perfection should be man’s
Third and last desire. ```Constant self-offering
Is indeed a cureFor man’s sleepless self-indulgence.
```There will be no end
To your walkingIf you either consciously or unconsciously
Walk along the road of desire. ```When my thought becomes action,
My Lord becomesImmediate Satisfaction.
```When man touches
God’s Feet,He regains his forgotten paradise.
```Each time a desire is fulfilled,
It indefinitely delaysOur unconditional surrender
To God’s Will. ```He who does not accept
The challenge of responsibility-duty,Cannot go far
Along life’s fulfilment-road. ```If you turn a deaf ear
To your heart’s message-light,Satisfaction-plant cannot grow
Inside your heart-garden. ```Complete faith
In God’s CompassionShould be a top priority
Of each individual life. ```Unless you develop
Obedience-receptivity,God will not and cannot
Satisfy HimselfIn and through you.
```When you can dismiss
Each desire of yours,God’s Manifestation-Eye
Will smile at you. ```Use your willingness-wings!
Your life will be able to flyIn the blue sky of Infinity.
```Silence, silence, silence,
If you want illuminationIn your mind,
If you want realisationIn your heart
And if you want perfectionIn your life!
```Now that your mind’s
Doubt-nights are gone,Your heart’s faith-days
Will fast approach you. ```You can transform your life
If you avail yourselfOf your inner obedience-opportunity
At every moment. ```If you are not totally self-giving
In your spiritual life,Your mind’s sincerity
Will be under investigation,Your heart’s purity
Will be under investigationAnd even your soul’s divinity
Will be under investigation. ```If you have gratitude in your heart
And obedience in your mind,Then your life-songs
Will be full of soul-stirring melodies. ```Your mind will soon be illumined
By your soul’s lightBecause your life is now at war
With unwillingness. ```Your complacency-life
And God’s expectationOf your life’s perfection
Can never be seen together. ```He who expects constantly
Suffers unimaginablyFrom the earth’s unwillingness-forces.
```Now that you have graduated
From God’s Obedience-School,Your mind’s success
And your heart’s progressWill be unlimited.
```To be earth-bound
By attachmentsIs to be mercilessly enslaved
By insecurity. ```Tame, tame and tame
Your mind-monkeyIf you want to enjoy
The divinity of silence-light. ```Your counterfeit compassion
Will neither illumineMy mind’s search
Nor feedMy heart’s hunger.
```There is nothing
That can transcend your heart’sEver-transcending radiance.
```O purity’s rainbow-sky,
How I wish I could flyEvery day
In your measureless expanse! ```The doubt-worlds
Are not worthyOf a God-seeker’s attention.
```Your constant unwillingness-negativity-mind
Is nothing short of your unworthinessIn the Kingdom of Divine Life.
```Be constantly self-giving
If you want to be happy.Then you will not be forced
To experience expectation-hunger. ```Confront your self-doubts!
Be brave!They are bound to be vanquished.
```Your purity-heart is blossoming.
Therefore, God is blessing youWith His Satisfaction-Smile.
```O purity-beauty,
O purity-divinity,O purity-immortality,
My sleepless heart longs for you.Do tell me where you are!
```Is there anybody
Who is not forced to learnSome insecurity-songs
During his entire lifetime? ```Do not allow your mind’s
Desire-hungerTo collide with your heart’s
Constantly blossoming peace. ```There should always be a distance
Longer than the longestBetween you and doubt.
```Be not lost
Between your mind’s unwillingnessAnd your heart’s enthusiasm.
Choose your heart.Remain in your heart,
With your heartAnd for your heart.
```It is not an easy task
To muster the courageTo surrender consciously and soulfully
To God’s Will. ```Now that you have passed
The willingness-examination,Your life’s perfection
Cannot remain a far cry. ```I call it my aspiration-life.
God calls it His Eternity’sPerfection-Satisfaction-Journey.
```Self-indulgence is
An insatiable thirstThat can never be quenched.
```He who deliberately lives
In ignorance-nightWants to destroy the beauty
Of freedom-light. ```The darkness of ignorance
Cannot devourThe beauty, light and delight
Of the rising sun. ```My heart’s purity-flames
Will one day dance withThe twinkling stars of Heaven.
This is the hope-promiseI treasure.
```I love sorrow-sweetness
Because it at oncePurifies my heart
And illumines my mind. ```O my heart’s hope-river,
May you always remainClose, visible and available!
And hope-enthusiasmSpeak in two
Totally different languages. ```A powerful promise-heart
Can freely flyIn Heaven’s vastness
And fulness-sky. ```You have two soulful eyes
Of hope.You have two powerful arms
Of promise.Therefore, nothing and nobody
Can obstruct your wayTo Infinity’s Shore.
```My hope may die,
But not my promise.My promise may die,
But not my Lord’sDream-Fulfilment-Reality
In and through me. ```My Lord,
You do not have to prove to meThat You love me.
But do give me the capacityTo prove to You
That I love You. ```My Lord,
Every day I long to swimIn the river of
Your measureless Compassion-Smiles. ```Is there any division-mind
That does not need God?Is there any oneness-heart
That God does not need? ```Doubt-freed,
My mind has at last decidedTo sing and play
In freedom’s fragrance-garden. ```Every peace-blossoming heart
Is a chosen instrumentOf the Absolute Lord Supreme.
```O whispering voice of delight,
Do acceptMy heart’s streaming tears.
```An unconditionally surrendered
God-seekerIs bound to arrive quickly
At God’s Promise-Fulfilment-Shore. ```Live in the heart’s purity;
You will see paradise everywhere.Live in the mind’s impurity;
You will see prison everywhere. ```Each soulful thought
Is a conscious self-giving serviceTo the Lord Supreme.
```A wisdom-deserted mind
Dares to do everything,But fails
In each and every attempt. ```The human body
Is nothing butA tiny, fragile earth-cottage.
How can it last indefinitely? ```A sincerely aspiring life
Cannot be separatedFrom undying gratitude
To the Absolute Supreme. ```God-manifestation-message-light
You receive from GodOnly when you satisfy God
With your Heavenward aspiration. ```You and your soul-river
Can and will enterInto the ocean of light
Only after you have shedInfinite gratitude-heart-tears.
```With my life’s simplicity
I go to God.With my mind’s sincerity
I speak to God.With my heart’s purity
I listen to God. ```When you give what you have
And what you are to God,God immediately grants you
His Ecstasy-Boon. ```A universal peace
Has always beenHumanity’s most ancient need.
```A peace-blossoming heart
Is the beginning of perfectionIn human nature.
```My Lord,
No matter how hard I tryTo turn away from You,
I see Your Compassion-EyeAnd Your Protection-Feet everywhere.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 138, Agni Press, 1991
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