Let me do something
Absolutely new today:I shall unconditionally fulfil God,
If even for a fleeting second. ```Hope shows the way.
Promise shortens the way.Aspiration reaches the destination.
```If you hold fast
To your ideals,God will definitely expedite
Your Heavenward journey. ```Humanity’s perfection-dream
Comes fromThe universal soul within.
```Aspiration can cover
The weaknesses of your heartAnd also the imperfections
Of your mind. ```My life-prayer is
For humanity’s God-realisation.My heart-meditation is
For humanity’s God-manifestation. ```O seeker,
What you need is dynamism.O seeker,
What you need is radiance.If you have both dynamism and radiance,
Then you can escapeMany impediments in life.
```A couple of minutes
Is more than enoughTo intensify your heart’s
Aspiration-cryAnd multiply your life’s
Dedication-smile. ```You do not need anything else
Save and except your inner faithTo navigate your way
To the Golden Shore. ```Fate never wrongs you.
It is you who do wrong thingsTo your fate.
```Gratitude-song is the only song
That the angels singAt every minute
For the Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme. ```To fulfil
Your Eternity’s dreamYou need
Your Infinity’s courage. ```God, I do need
Your Justice-Light.But I need Your Compassion-Height
Infinitely moreTo quench my sleepless thirst
For You. ```Uncertainty, insecurity and impurity
DecreaseAs the aspiration-flames increase
In a seeker’s life. ```God is all ready to shower
His choicest Compassion-BlessingsOn you.
Why are you delayingIn coming to Him
With your weary heart? ```A twinkle in God’s divine Eye
Can illumine your darker, darkestEarth-journey
So you can reachHeaven’s immortal Satisfaction-Smile.
```My Lord Supreme,
The sweetness and fulnessOf Your divine Eye
Are illumining my long-treasuredDoubting mind.
```God does not smash our dreams,
For God Himself has created our dreamsTo be the foundation-stones
Of our Himalayan realities. ```In the spiritual life
How can you be cruelIf you have a prayerful heart
And a soulful lifeAs your self-giving friends?
```My sweet Lord Supreme,
Save me, save me, save meFrom stabbing doubt-agonies!
```My heart fondly tells me
To do the right thing.My mind forcefully compels me
To be the wrong thing. ```When I walk along
The sincerity-road,I become my life’s
Capacity-sky. ```Every day
My Lord Supreme sitsAt the foot of His own
Compassion-Tree,And I sit
At the foot of my ownGratitude-tree.
```Only the willingness-boat
Carries usTo the fulness-shore.
```Mine is the daily morning duty
To invokeA devotion-prayer-life.
```Why are you so sure
That your mind-soundWill never lose
To your heart-silence? ```My greatest gift
To humanityIs my purity-light-fragrance.
```If you are a genuine seeker,
Then you know thatYour prayer-aspirations
Will be fulfilled in God’s own Way. ```You can lose everything
If you have to.But do not allow yourself to lose
One thing:Your hope-heart-boat.
```My Supreme Lord,
You do not have to explain,For I shall no more complain.
```When I go even one step beyond
My ego-mind,God tells me
That my life is perfect. ```My Lord Supreme
Asks me only to transmit HisForgiveness-Message-Light.
```My life’s only serious mistake
Is that every dayMy stupidity prevents me
From receiving LightFrom God’s Compassion-Eye.
```God wants me to
Take Him soulfullyAnd take my own life seriously
At every moment. ```My silence in action
Means my life is travellingOn the perfection-road.
```What I have
Is a daring mind,And what I am
Is a weeping heart. ```My aspiration-heart,
Cry, cry!I want to see you crying.
My dedication-life,Smile, smile!
I want to see you smiling. ```God’s Compassion-Smile
Is my life’s onlySecret and sacred collaborator.
```Readiness runs,
Oneness flies,Fulness dives.
```What today I call
My heart’s devotion-plant,Tomorrow I shall call that very thing
My life’s perfection-tree. ```It is you who have chosen
Your misery-life.What can poor God do
To save you or help you? ```My oneness-heart
Needs only God-lovers.My supremacy-mind
Wants for itselfNot only admirers
But also adorers. ```If there is no purity
In your heart,That means your spirituality-train
Is off the track. ```Devotion-offering
Is my soulful task.Compassion-showering
Is my Lord’s bountiful Task. ```Man has only a short-term
Aspiration-cry,But he wants to have
A very long-termGod-Satisfaction-Smile.
```Although the human mind
Is hard of hearing,God will someday, somehow
Sing His blessingful Faith-SongsThrough the human mind.
```What I need every day
Is a shuttle serviceBetween my aspiration-heart
And my dedication-life. ```An abiding satisfaction
BlossomsEven from a brief glimpse
Of God. ```O human mind,
I have always known and feltThat you are an orphan
Of divinity. ```For your disobedience-dart
God may forgive you,But your soul will not —
Never! ```I must ask my mind
And all its problemsTo evacuate my aspiration-heart.
```O my mind, come, come!
Come and see God.Regardless of your past,
God is allowing youTo come and see Him.
```Every day in a very special way
My heart is cradledBy the silver light-moon.
```Only your soul-lot
Is safe.Therefore, there alone
You can parkAll your mind-problems.
```Listen, listen, O my mind!
God is singingHis Oneness-Satisfaction-Song.
```May my vision-eye
Self-givingly enjoyHeaven’s beauty and earth’s purity.
```God’s Compassion-Light
Always loses something preciousIn translation.
```A seeker’s life is a life
Of conscious and infinitePossibilities.
```Meditate on God sleeplessly!
You will see that God’s Compassion-EyeIs not even a heartbeat away.
```O my stupid mind,
I am giving youOne more chance.
This time choose the right thing:Faith, purity-faith.
```Without making
Unconditional surrenderOne cannot study
God’s complete Satisfaction-Subject. ```Only a child
Of purity-light-dawnIs allowed to speak to God
Every morning. ```Behave yourself, O my mind!
Otherwise, God the Compassion-HeightMay not like you,
And God the Justice-LightMay punish you.
```O my mind,
Your illusion-smokeYou mistake
For your aspiration-fire. ```My surrender is my passport
To Heaven.My gratitude is my free access
To my Lord Supreme. ```In the deep silence-delight
Of your aspiration-heartNo temptation-tornado
Can torture you. ```At times I wonder
Why my heart has taken the riskOf accepting my ungrateful mind.
```May my life live between
My gratitude-tearsAnd my surrender-smiles.
```One can always get a clear view
Of the satisfaction-shoreFrom the top of the aspiration-mountain.
```My Lord, I have seen You perform
Your disappearing tricks.Please show me
Your reappearing tricks. ```My outer pain teaches me
How to be pure.My inner pain teaches me
How to be perfect. ```I am indeed happy today
Because I have surrenderedMy own feelings
To my Lord’s all-fulfilling WillUnconditionally.
```Yesterday I dreamt of aspiration.
Today I am dreaming of perfection.Tomorrow how I wish I could dream
Of God-manifestation. ```If you want God to be responsible
For what you say,Then beg God at every moment
To claim you as His very own. ```Soulfully, sleeplessly and breathlessly
I wish to be God-directedIn everything that I do
From now on. ```O my mind,
For so many years I made you happyBy allowing you to lead me.
Can you not now make me happyBy following me?
```Possessiveness and fruitlessness
Together liveAnd together die
In our mind-jungles. ```I do not have to lose my own divinity
To awaken others’ sleeping heartsAnd silence others’ doubting minds.
```Do not depend on others.
Do not depend on yourself.Just depend on the Sweetness-Whispers
Of your Inner Pilot. ```God wants me to be responsible
For His manifestationExactly the way He is responsible
For my aspiration. ```Say “Yes”, say “Yes”, say “Yes”
To the worldOnly when you can be of service
To the world.Otherwise, enjoy complete silence!
```God wants me to show Him
My life’s humilitySo that He can bless me
With His Eternity’s Infinity. ```I have made many choices
In my life.Alas, each stupid and greedy
Choice of mineHas taken me farther and farther
Away from God. ```When the time comes,
God Himself will ask youTo take a break.
Meanwhile, continue manifestingGod’s Love-Compassion-Light
Here on earth. ```I may be afraid of my relationship
With God’s Vision-Eye,But I am never afraid of my relationship
With God’s Compassion-Heart. ```Every day I am enjoying
My dependenceOn my soulful heart
And my independenceFrom my hurtful mind.
```God wants to know from you
When He has ever asked youTo please others’ minds
Before pleasing His Heart. ```Keep no space
Between God’s Forgiveness-HeartAnd your own gratitude-heart.
```Who am I,
If not an easy-goingAmateur God?
```Surrender has been a friend of mine
For a long time.Alas, still I do not know him very well!
```When Heaven helps you
Readily,Can you not offer Heaven
Your gratitude-heartUnreservedly?
```Why don’t you listen to God?
He has asked your guilt-harbouring mindSo many times
To forgive and forget,And proceed onward.
```Alas, I cannot control my own mind
Even for a fleeting second.Then how do I dare to try to control
The mouth, face and eye of the world? ```Your God-defending thoughts
Can and will save youFrom your self-defeating life.
```Life’s tragedies have only one remedy:
God’s Compassion-EyeIn God’s Satisfaction-Heart.
```If you want to choose happiness in life,
Then choose willingness first;Happiness will automatically follow.
```To lose material things
Is to lose the power of earth.To lose spiritual things
Is to lose the beauty of Heaven. ```Alas, I did not know
That my mind’s impatience-momentsHave the capacity to destroy
My life’s God-approaching dream-boat-shore. ```Your confession of your mistakes
Is God’sPerfection-Preparation-Satisfaction
In and through you. ```My prayers know how
To touch God’s Feet.My meditations know how
To feel God’s Heart.My surrender knows how
To please GodIn God’s own Way.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 140, Agni Press, 1991
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_140