Even before I start
My morning prayers,I see a stream of blessings
Descending into my heart. ```What your life needs
Is illuminationAnd never ovation.
```If your idol is mental idleness,
Then psychic happiness and fulnessWill never come into your existence.
```Perfection-performance is the result
Of a slow, steady and unerringPreparation.
```In the new edition of your life-book,
There should be a chapterOn your unconditional surrender.
```You may not expect ingratitude
From the world.Nevertheless,
The world will bless youWith ingratitude,
Without fail. ```How is it
That you do not noticeYou have a small mind
But a big ego? ```When God asks you to do something,
He does not set any deadline.But if you want to satisfy Him
In His own Way,Then do everything for Him
Faster than the fastest! ```Unlike earth’s rules and regulations,
God’s rules and regulationsAre always easy to follow.
```If you can please God
With your aspiration-flames,Then the realisation-sun
Is within your easy reach. ```To kill time
Is to force the soulTo forget about
Its God-manifestation-promise. ```If you take meditation
As an obligation,Then your life’s emancipation
Will always remain a far cry. ```Take the inner, soulful initiative.
The outer successWill fast approach you.
```What can substitute for
The inner satisfaction?Nothing, absolutely nothing!
```Your forward surrender-steps
Make God happyFar beyond your imagination!
```God is ready to give you
His blessingful Consciousness-Crown.Just show ignorance
Your life’s disgust-frown. ```Your God-manifestation-awareness
And eagernessDo not underestimate!
```Alas, three promises we forget
When we enter into the world:God-realisation,
God-manifestationAnd earth-transformation.
```If you are not a genuine seeker,
God will definitely not allow youTo enter into His Heart-Temple.
```O my mind,
In so many years on earthYou have learnt so little,
And what’s more,Even that was too late.
```Your mind’s desire-dust
Has polluted your heart’sAspiration-cries.
```May my mind every morning
Become as beautifulAs hope-dawn-rays.
```Your life-boat is sinking.
But even nowYour heart is not bringing God
Into the picture. ```Constant silent prayer
Receives a dream-boatWith golden sails
From Above. ```What are you searching for?
I am searching for my heart’sBirthless and deathless sun.
```When you have done away with
Your frustration-life,You are blessed with
Aspiration-acceleration. ```If you are serious
About your self-transformation,Then God will make
Your self-examination-courseExtremely easy.
```It is in the unknown sea
Of the BeyondThat I feel my permanent home.
```Unseal the treasures of your soul.
Your sadness-mind and madness-vitalWill no longer function.
```Small is humanity’s aspiration-cry.
Smaller is humanity’s realisation-smile.Smallest is humanity’s perfection-dance.
```Every day God hopes to have
A new, illumining, fulfilling memberIn His universal Oneness-Family.
```When your heart learns to weep
Only for God,Your ignorance-sleep
Will come to an end. ```I would like to play a game
Where there will beNo winner, no loser,
But only the enjoyerOf the game itself.
```God will always provide us
With opportunitiesTo find the real path
To reach the perfection-shore. ```God wants to create
A compassion-continentIn your sleeplessly self-giving life.
```Use this moment
To empty your mind,Enlarge your heart
And invoke God’s Compassion-Rain. ```To live is to obey;
To obey is to fulfilBoth the receiver and the giver
In the world of inner aspirationAnd outer dedication.
```My heart is a regular subscriber
To God’s Heaven-singingAnd earth-crying Newspaper.
```God never asked me
To change anybody’s mind.He asked me only
To enlarge my heart. ```My human pride tells me
God is completeOnly with me.
My divine wisdom tells meThat out of His infinite Compassion
God invites me to play with HimTo complete His Game.
```How can you be so cruel
As to ignore your soul-child’sHelpless cries?
```The outer adventure
Makes us happy.The inner adventure
Makes us perfect. ```Is there any day
When we are not imprisonedBy our ego’s hurtful hallucinations?
```You do not have to blame temptation
When it comes.Just resist it!
```God will become
The Director of your life-movieOnly after you have prayed to Him
To become an unconditional, earth-loving,Heaven-fulfilling actor.
```To doubt one’s own inner capacities
Is nothing short of drinking poisonMade by oneself.
```God may wish to remain anonymous
When He does something for us.But He never wants us to remain anonymous
When we cry to sing His Victory-Song. ```God, will there be a day
When I do not have to faceThe torture of my mind’s
Shameless tyranny? ```What keeps
A human being alive?His progress-rainbow-hope!
```Don’t waste your time
Thinking of Eternity.Do immediately
What you are supposed to do.Since Eternity exists,
It will definitely bring you the rewardFor your today’s self-giving.
```The mind’s ignorance-night
Threatens the beauty and purityOf the heart’s day.
```The clever ignorance-enemy
Has takenMy innocent progress-friend.
```I left my God-manifestation-dream
In Heaven.I lost my God-realisation-dream
On earth. ```If you do not have
A sincere heart-cry,You will not be able to fight
Against the hostile forcesIn the inner world.
```When I live inside
My gratitude-heart-home,God’s Compassion-Eye
Is my immediate neighbour. ```Since God does not sell peace
In His Universal Shop,I shall have to make it
Inside my heart-home. ```Nothing can ever eclipse
My life’sPurity-heart-moon.
```Insecurity and humiliation
Are unconsciouslyInseparable friends.
```Your heart-whisper
Is tremendously loud.Even the distant God
Can hear it. ```A perfect disciple’s life
Is worth all the troublePreviously created by him.
```A calculating mind
God never appreciates.A self-giving heart
God not only lovesBut also treasures.
```According to God,
Everybody has natural,Illumining and fulfilling
Aspiration-capacity. ```The inner doctor
Always findsThat the outer patients
Are incurablePrecisely because
They are too impatient. ```Nothing beautiful,
Nothing meaningful,Nothing fruitful
Can be producedBy the fear-factory
Of the human mind. ```My Lord,
I really do not want to waitFor Eternity
For the transformationOf my human nature.
```O my mind,
When will you start running forwardInstead of walking backward?
```Every day my soul and I
Are desperately lookingFor a burial ground
For my past blunders. ```There can be no dead end
On purity’sHappiness-progress-highway.
```O my mind, it is you
Who are deliberately enjoyingA self-imposed exile
From God’s Compassion-Kingdom. ```God wants my soul to know
Who is whoIn the aspiration-world.
God wants my heart to knowWho is who
In the dedication-world. ```Yesterday my aspiration-account
Was short of funds.Today my dedication-account
Is short of funds.Tomorrow my surrender-account
Will be short of funds.Alas!
```A genuine seeker
Will definitely be foundBetween his life’s greatness
And his heart’s goodness. ```He who wants to make
The fastest progressShould have this motto:
“Now is the only time!” ```Alas,
Is there any dayWhen my mind’s enthusiasm-flag
Is not at half-mast? ```Aspiration-road and dedication-road
Are never boundBy any speed limit.
```Only an unconditional seeker
Sits for the finalGod-realisation-examination.
```My Lord’s Protection-Eye
Has always played the roleOf my life’s protection-armour.
```God is immensely surprised
When the human mindFollows the divine heart.
```When my Lord sees a soulful thought
Inside my mind,He asks His Soul-Bird to dance
To my heartbeat. ```To speak with divine authority
You have to cry like an orphanFor luminosity.
```If you do not light your heart-candle,
Then peace in your human mindIs nothing short of impossibility.
```Is there any earthly problem
That does not haveA purifying and illumining purpose?
Is the fulfilment of my life’sBeginningless and deathless dream.
```Your fears are unfounded.
When the opportune time arrives,Both God the Compassion
And God the PerfectionWill come to you.
```The human mind asks,
Why?”The divine heart asks,
“Why not?Why not?
Why not?” ```Fastest progress-privilege
Is meant only for thoseWho can cheerfully
And unconditionally waitFor God’s choice Hour.
```The giant-self inside my heart
Is always amusedWhen it sees the dwarf-self
Inside my mind. ```When God gives
His Renunciation-Delight-Sermon,Immediately the church
Becomes empty! ```No self-giving here on earth
Will remain unrecognised,Unapplauded
And unfulfilled. ```Run with your longest
Enthusiasm-strides.God will grant you
His Ocean-Heart-Love. ```My sincere aspiration-heart
Shortens the life spanOf my doubting mind.
```Intensify your heart’s
Will beckon you. ```My fondness
For my doubting mindPollutes the soulfulness
Of my heart. ```God sings the song of perfection
Only when I becomeThe voiceless voice
Of my silence-heart. ```God’s earth-planet
Is very fragile,But His peace-planet
Is His Infinity’s Power. ```In the inner world I call it
My heart’s aspiration-entrance.In the outer world I call it
My mind’s desire-exit. ```O my vital,
I am so tired of listeningTo your never-ending
Failure-sadness-stories. ```The fastest wings
Of the time-birdNo mortal can ever dare
To challenge. ```God’s Justice-Light
May not wait for you,But His Compassion-Height
Will definitely wait for you,No matter how late you are.
```Slowly and steadily
If you walk with gratitude-steps,Then lovingly and convincingly
God will come towards youWith plenitude-treasures.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 144, Agni Press, 1991
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_144