One day I shall see God.
This hope is nothing other thanA Rainbow-Smile from God Himself.
```The human mind
Is always slow to awakenTo God’s earth-manifestation-Need.
```If God’s Satisfaction
Is not for God’s sake,Then we shall never be worthy
Of our divinity’s loftiest height. ```God does not mind
If we limit Him.God does not mind
If we criticise Him.But He does mind
When we limit our own capacitiesAnd indulge in self-criticism.
```To deliberately criticise
Another individualMay cause an indelible stain
On the critic. ```Is man in search of
A new self-discoveryOr a new self-interest?
```Do not underestimate
At any momentYour heart’s God-commitment-capacities.
```When I look at him,
I immediately seeThat he is nothing other than
A sheltering shieldOf humility-light.
```God does not want you
To suffer from thought-starvation.He only wants you
To have thought-illumination. ```Since you have infinite capacity
To surprise the world in many ways,Can you not surprise the world
Just by saying that you willNever, never find fault with the world?
```Each time I do not fulfil
An inner promise of my heart,I feel that my mind and vital
Are two completely smashed wingsOf my soul-bird.
```Who can be against me
When I take shelterAt God’s adamantine Feet?
Not even the world’sStrongest and darkest foe!
```If God-invocation is in your heart,
Then you will never be doomedTo life-isolation.
```A heart of humility
Has always something specialTo offer,
Anywhere in the world. ```The mind-education tells us
World-knowledge can be acquired.The heart-education tells us
God-Wisdom can be inherited. ```The body does not possess the soul.
The soul not only possesses the body,But also perfects, illumines and fulfils
The body. ```Alas,
The fate of human beings is deplorable!Even when a human being has enough,
He feels the supreme necessity of more. ```Humanity’s freedom-hope
Can never be achievedUnless and until humanity has won
Oneness-peace in the heart. ```O war-monger,
You are now a hero!But are you going to become
A super-heroBy establishing peace
Before the fulfilmentOf your world-destruction-dream?
```You want to challenge the world.
Alas, this is an ancient story.You have already done it.
You want to love, liberate andFulfil the world.
Ah, this is a new story.Now you have to complete it.
```Suffering may purify the mind
And illumine the heart,But suffering cannot liberate the mind
Or feed the heart with nectar-delight. ```Your curious mind
Wants to write God’s Biography.But God has already appointed
Your self-giving heartTo write His Biography.
```How stupid of you
To allow your mindTo interfere
In your heart-activities. ```Strive!
Soulfully strive!Aspire!
Sleeplessly aspire!There is no other way
To see the Face of GodAnd to feel the Heart of God.
```Do not deviate
From God-devotion-roadIf joy is the only thing
That you need in your life. ```Rest assured, if you are receptive,
God will without fail keepHis Life’s Peace-Satisfaction-Promise.
```A steady downpour of frustration
Has not left behindEven an iota of enthusiasm
In my heart. ```God’s Compassion-Boat
Has saved my lifeTime and again.
Therefore, I feel that I must doA great favour to God
By manifesting Him in His own Way. ```Purity is undoubtedly
The best bridgeBetween two human hearts.
```Lord, may I never forget
My promise to You,Even in my wildest dreams.
```When tomorrow comes,
It will not come alone for once.It will come with
A beautiful season of hope. ```My soul’s rainbow-qualities
Are saving my outer lifeAnd serving my inner life.
```You are such a fool!
Do you not knowThat it is almost an impossible task
To wear the crownOf aspiration and dedication
Every day? ```May my life’s
Hope-breathNever go out of season.
```The crown of importance
Everybody wants to wear.But how many actually deserve it?
```When tomorrow comes,
I shall deliberately forgetMy life-threatening insecurity-fever.
```Alas, why do we blame God
For the decisions that we makeAccording to our own necessity
And capacity? ```I always feel
That my expectation-lifeHas a shorter-than-the-shortest
Breath. ```When I give God a hard time,
He smiles with His Vision-EyeAnd cries with His Silence-Heart.
```I got the shock of my life
When my long-cherished confidence-heartAll of a sudden deserted me.
Why did it desert me?Because I made a special friendship
With my doubting mind. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
And my gratitude-heartMeet together
In God’s secret and sacred Heart-Garden. ```If you do not have aspiration-movement
In your life’s dedication-boat,How can you ever reach
The God-realisation-manifestation-shore? ```Surrender is always beautiful;
Gratitude is always powerful:This is what my Beloved Supreme
Most compassionately teaches meIn the inner school.
```God does not mind
If you do not read His Suggestion List.But your soul does mind,
And your soul will force youTo read God’s Suggestion List,
For inside God’s Suggestion ListIs the brightest beginning of your life.
```Most of humanity’s mental diseases
Can be cured by the soul’sWillingness-eagerness-enthusiasm.
```We are not the forgotten children
Of our Beloved Supreme.He thinks of us,
He fulfils usIn His own divine Way.
```My Lord Supreme,
Why do You allow misunderstandingTo create measureless suffering
For each human being?“My child,
I do not want misunderstandingTo rule human life,
But your supremacy-hankering mindEither consciously or unconsciously
Creates untold misunderstanding-suffering.” ```To live in fear
Is to make oneself feelThat God is not within earshot.
```Your God-realisation-hunger
Itself manifests GodIn a very special way.
```Not earth-bound desire-hopes
But Heaven-free aspiration-hopesCan give me Infinity’s peace.
```God’s Family Secret:
Only the interdependent soulsAre the harbingers
Of perfect satisfaction. ```Perfection,
Where do you live?On Eternity’s
Self-transcendence-road! ```Does God need ignorance?
God does not need ignorance for Himself,But He acts in and through our ignorance
For our liberation and perfection. ```Yesterday’s God-lovers
Did not care for God-manifestation.Today’s God-lovers
Care for God-manifestation,But alas,
Their success is still a far cry. ```My heart’s faith is never afraid
Of establishing a friendshipWith my mind.
But the doubting mind does not wantThat friendship.
```God and mankind together
Are enjoying todayA new, life-satisfying hope-festival.
```Do not bank on the mind’s
Celestial wisdom,For all the mind has
Is clever trickery. ```Both rich and poor,
Strong and weak,Can knock at God’s Door.
But God’s CompassionEmbraces only those
Who are totally pure in heart. ```If your outer life has a problem,
Then the inner life will definitelyBe ready to help you out
By solving the problem. ```When the mind gives purity-sermons,
I laugh only to cryAnd I cry only to laugh.
```Do not worry if you have lost
Your passport to paradise.God will bless you with a new one.
Just offer Him one sincere gratitude-tearFrom your heart.
```Just imagine, just imagine
That you are not responsibleFor your confusion-mind!
You are responsibleOnly for your illumination-heart.
```Each step
Along my God-surrender-roadIs my life’s tremendous progress.
```I shall enjoy God’s Command
Infinitely moreThan His standing Ovation.
```God the Teacher does not suspend
The disobedient student.He just spends His precious Time
Only onThe willingness-obedience-student.
```If you do not soulfully persist
In your aspiration-dedication-life,At any moment you can enter into
Your mind’s abysmal abyss. ```God’s Compassion-Song
And my heart-thrillLive together permanently
And satisfactorily. ```God does not care if you win
Your Heavenward race.But He does mind if you do not
Participate in the race. ```The meeting place of my heart’s tears
And my soul’s smilesInvites me to celebrate
Their oneness-victory. ```My soul does not care for its supremacy.
It cares only for its intimacyWith my purity-heart
And my dedication-life. ```My self-offering
Is the after-effectOf my Lord’s unconditional Smile.
```God wants me to lead
A hallowed life.He also wants me to have
A secret and illumining placeWhere He and I can play
Hide-and-seek. ```Beyond the sound-life
Is the breath of silence,And beyond the breath of silence
Is God’s Victory-Trumpet. ```God wants us to aspire.
God wants us to serve.Only one thing He does not want:
To remain even for a secondUnclaimed by us.
```My Lord,
May I be allowed todayTo enjoy
An inspiration-flight-thrill? ```My Lord,
Please do not allow meTo enter into the doubt-danger-zone,
At least for a day. ```My Lord,
I do not wantTo shape my own history.
I would like Your Compassion-EyeTo do it for me.
```My Lord,
How I wish You could give meThe capacity to become
A real native of Infinity’s Shore. ```The brave ascent of humanity
Entirely depends uponThe compassionate descent of Divinity.
```My Lord Supreme tells me
That if I do not haveAspiration-heart-flames,
Then He will not give meDedication-plenitude-seeds.
```Unmask your mind
If you want to seeThe Golden Face of Truth
And becomeThe Diamond-Heart of God.
```No, not even the worst rogue
On earthCan ever escape
God’s Compassion-flooded Eye. ```At last my heart
Heaves a sigh of great reliefBecause my mind will not enjoy
Any moreThe close company of doubt.
```On earth
God enjoys mostThe beauty and purity
Of a seeker’s heart-smile. ```The first human cry
Was for the perfection of life.The last human smile
Will be for the complete satisfactionOf God.
```God does not need our human applause.
What He needs from usIs an ever-ready willingness
To be a real partnerIn His Divinity-Manifestation-Game.
```Indeed, extremely hard it is
To forget the powerful soundOf my lost ignorance-drum.
```My Lord Supreme,
How and why do You allowIgnorance-eyes, ignorance-ears,
Plus ignorance-mindTo follow human beings
Wherever they go? ```O my false desire-friend,
How many times do I have to sayGood-bye to you?
Can you not seeThat my real aspiration-friend
Has already arrivedAt my heart’s self-giving invitation?
```Positive thoughts lovingly tell me
I am on the wayTo my long-dreamt-of
God-realisation-palace.Negative thoughts vehemently tell me
I am not even worthyOf a tinier-than-the-tiniest
Ignorance-cave. ```Who can run the fastest?
Only he who has lost everythingAnd yet needs nothing
From this confusion-cherishing world. ```God may not allow anybody
To carry His Wisdom-HeadHere, there and everywhere.
But He will allow everybodyTo carry His Compassion-Feet
Wherever they want. ```O my self-created
Sadness-mind-enemy,I am determined to transform you
Into my happiness-heart-friend. ```My seeker-friend,
Before it is too late,Tell God that you will love Him
Only with what your mind hasAnd what your heart is!
```All problems begin inside
The doubting and suspecting mind-jungle,And they end inside
The loving and caring heart-garden. ```Simplicity, sincerity and purity
Are not enoughTo please God totally.
Only a sleeplessly self-giving heartCan become the choicest instrument of God
Inside the depths of Mother EarthOr inside the vastness of Father Heaven.
```My Lord,
Do tell me what tempts meTo stand against You?
“My child,It is your ignorance-feeding willingness
That compels you to stand against Me.” ```My Lord,
Today I shall only pray to YouTo grant me the capacity
To climb up to my own highest heightAnd bring it down to place inside
Your Compassion-flooded Heart. ```I do want to see a seeker
Who can prove to meThat he is not handicapped
By his self-doubt. ```Between my heart-tears
And my soul-smilesThere is a secret and sacred place
Where I always sing and fly,And that place is my soul’s
Promise-fulfilment-delight. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 149, Agni Press, 1991
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