My soul, I need
Your ancient wisdom-lightTo feed my heart.
My heart, I needYour pure love
To feed my mind. ```O humanity’s loving heart,
Your sweetness-smileCaptures God’s Compassion-Eye.
```God asks for
Only one good quality,Not even two,
Inside the heart-lifeOf each and every human being.
```Unless you become
A self-giving server of GodIn man,
Your complete happinessWill not come into being.
```God does not want me
To create opinions.He wants me only to create
Prayerful and soulful actions. ```Simplicity in the outer life
Cannot do everythingTo please us.
Purity in the inner lifeCannot do everything
To please us.But once we have surrender
To God’s Will,Both simplicity and purity
Will be of unimaginable assistance. ```Only a man of sterling faith
Is ready for the inner journey,The journey that God treasures
More than anything else. ```Before you expect any favour from God,
Show Him your mind’s determination,Your heart’s aspiration
And your life’s willingness. ```I have entered many times
My heart-temple,Which is so beautiful.
How I wish I could enter only onceMy soul-temple,
Which is infinitely more beautiful,Plus fruitful!
```Say the right thing,
Do the right thing,Become the right person,
Before it is too lateFor you to feel
That God-Compassion is on your side. ```The mind says to the heart,
“Have you come here to destroy me,Or have you come to illumine me?”
The heart says,“I have come to illumine you,
And nothing else.”The mind says,
“Then I am at your disposal.” ```A mere sadness-heart
Cannot expediteOur Godward journey.
A mere sadness-heartIs a deplorable failure
In a human life. ```Unless you become
A sleepless voyager,The surges of ignorance-sea
Will just devour you! ```Be not at war
With your mind’s imperfection.Just take care of your heart.
God’s CompassionAnd your heart’s aspiration
Will do everything for you. ```My meditation-fountain
Quenches my heart’sAspiration-thirst.
```The outer world-voice
Is so easy to hear.The inner world-voice
Is extremely difficult to hearBecause my body, vital and mind
Are at constant warInside my silence-heart-life.
```My Lord Supreme,
My willingness-capacity to serve YouIs the only good quality that I have
In my aspiration-life. ```Sweetness, soulfulness and fruitfulness
Have dawned in your eyesBecause you have made
Your unconditional surrender to God. ```The mind’s complaint against the heart
Is a birthless and deathless story.The heart’s complaint against the mind
Is a rare experience-song. ```My heart’s gratitude-flame
Has the capacity to hastenMy life’s inner cry
And my life’s outer smile. ```Do you know what God’s
First morning thought is?He wants to see a soulful smile
From each and every human being. ```My Lord is asking me
To devotedly waitFor the rainbow-dawn
Of a new world. ```God does not believe in
Slave-surrender.He believes only in
Cheerfulness-surrender. ```A division-mind
Will imprison you.An aspiration-heart
Will liberate you.A perfection-life
Will immortalise you. ```Inner faith in God
Is the very beginningOf stupendous victory-delight.
```A heart of sleepless surrender
Is the treasure-houseOf God’s endless, sacred Blessings.
```Sweetness-forgiveness has dawned
Upon your life,Because you are sleeplessly pleasing God
In God’s own Way. ```God does not want you
To enjoy lethargy any more.He wants you to be dynamic
In outer self-givingAnd inner God-becoming.
```I have made it a point
To soulfully brightenMy heart’s self-giving lamp.
```God wants me to make the choice
Either to claim Him as my very ownOr to possess His world
And be possessed by His world. ```Every morning I try devotedly
To sail the life-boatOf inner progress-delight.
```My life’s hope
BlossomsOnly in my heart’s
Surrender-garden. ```If you are an advanced seeker,
Then God’s one-way soliloquyWill illumine you and fulfil you.
```I shall remember
That my life’s stupendousHeavenward journey
Commenced with a fragile hope. ```How can you make any inner progress
If you allow yourself all the timeTo be assailed
By blind impatience-night? ```Once you have established
Your inner contactWith your Inner Pilot,
Your life’s transformation-victoryWill not remain a far cry.
```Immortality does love
The beautiful achievementsOf fleeting time.
```No matter how hard you try
To annoy or ignore God,You will fail to escape
God’s all-pervading Compassion-Eye. ```Man has only two duties:
To offer God an orphan-cryAnd to offer God a prince-smile.
We unmistakably treasureThe boons
And cleverly forgetThe Boon-Giver.
```God is impartial,
But the human mindFails to understand it.
It judges God’s Wisdom-LightIn its own very limited way.
```God tells me
That I have many times given HimMy crying heart.
Now He wants me to give HimMy smiling life.
```If you pay attention
To God’s timely inner Warnings,Then in your outer life
You can avoid danger-accidents. ```It seems that most human beings
Secretly enjoyAn overdose of doubt.
```When you do not do the right thing,
Neither Heaven’s compassionNor earth’s concern
Will be responsible for you.You will only be able to blame yourself.
```Each day we try to become
A little wiser.Alas, instead of becoming wiser,
We become helplessly older. ```Any piece of good news
Is only meant forHeaven-receiving and earth-inspiring
Human beings. ```A genuine prayer-life —
Believe it or not, my fellow seekers —Is supremely simple and fruitful.
```How can you have
Full confidenceIn your mind’s
Temporary faith? ```Because of God’s constantly
Unconditional Forgiveness,Man can still hope
And still proceed forward. ```My doubting mind
And my strangling vitalHave joined the gathering
Of completely lost beings. ```If you are a stranger
To aspiration-summit,How do you expect perfection-sun
To dawn upon you? ```Without
God’s infinite Compassion-Light,No human being can shatter
His life-binding shackles. ```Your life will not be able
To remove the dust of failureIf you do not make friends
With climbing hope and illumining promise. ```To pass through the dark corridor
Of ignorance-night,You need a heart
Flooded with silence-light. ```My soul this morning blessed me
With very special advice:Be happy, be happy, be happy
Only after you have accomplishedThe impossible,
And not before! ```O sky-vast hope,
Where are you?Will you not respond
To my heart’s streaming tears? ```My soul is asking my life
To live only insideThe breath of my gratitude-heart.
```O my mind,
I feel so sorry for you —That you have allowed yourself
To be tortured by curiosity-eagerness. ```My soul repeatedly tells me
That there shall come a timeWhen my outer face will be surrounded
By my soul’s all-illuminingAnd all-fulfilling aura.
```Today something completely new
Has awakened my mind.My mind feels sincerely guilty
For its exorbitant self-praise. ```When my mind does something,
It wants to amplifyIts action-achievement-sound,
But when my heart does something,It prayerfully waits
For God to do the needful. ```Alas, my heart’s long-treasured
God-realisation-hopeHas been washed away
By a ruthless, giant disbelief. ```No blighted doubt can uproot
The sterling faith-plantIn the heart of human beings.
```Alas, there is a yawning gulf
Between hurtful depressionAnd powerful determination.
```The repetition of advice
I never enjoy,Either when I give it
Or when I receive it. ```My heart of oneness-sympathy
Always tries to eraseThe failure-fear of my mind.
```Inside the very depths
Of my mind’s storm,I always see a vast expanse
Of silence-peace. ```Not when you are forced
To find truth,But when you are eager
To find truth,Will you discover
The true meaning of life. ```This morning I was so surprised
To see my mind standing side by sideWith my heart
At the faith-starting line,Preparing to run
To the peerless satisfaction-finish. ```The illumining soul
And the crying heartAlways like to play
God-fulfilment-game. ```God has a special liking for me,
Not becauseI have achieved something great,
But becauseI have a God-faith-foundation-heart.
```The ignorance-giant
Ruthlessly drags my mindAlong the brooding,
Thickening doubt-road. ```O my mind,
I can tolerate youEven when you do many, many
Things wrong.But one aspect of yours
I dislike vehemently,And that is your stubborn
Unwillingness-frown. ```Stark disappointment
Gave a hasty chaseTo his fame-fed life.
```I have put my hope-friend
In my heart’s aspiration-boatTo arrive at perfection-fulfilment-shore.
```My heart’s abiding aspiration-cry
Is now being protected and perfectedAnd eventually will be liberated
By the watchful Compassion-EyeOf my Lord Supreme.
```Every morning I do
My heart’s oneness-stretching exercisesSo that I do not suffer
From my mind’s insecurity-cramps. ```The sweetness-fruits
Of my surrender-lifeMy Lord Supreme
Dearly treasures. ```To gain confidence-might,
Use your imagination-mindAnd aspiration-heart.
You are bound to be successful! ```To forgive humanity unconditionally
Is, indeed, to meetAn unparalleled challenge in life.
```O stupid mind,
When will you have the wisdomTo search for eternal Truth
And not for temporary, fleeting truth? ```Based on what I have observed
In my spiritual life,I believe that nothing good
Can ever remain unachievedBy a sincere God-lover.
```Alas, I do not know how long
I shall have to hang on toA tiny, feeble faith-thread
In my aspiration-life! ```I have never felt
Anything like this before!One single purity-thought
Has kept my entire beingExtremely happy
For many long hours. ```My mind says to my heart:
“O heart, tell meWhat you have learnt
From God’s Satisfaction-Smile.”My heart says to my mind:
“O mind, do not searchFor earth-explanation,
But long for Heaven-illumination!” ```Alas, how many times
Does God have to tell meThat it is my aspiration-seed
That will one day grow intoA fully-blossomed manifestation-tree?
```Every morning
My soul teaches my aspiring heartA new, self-giving happiness-song.
```The Eastern view of life:
Time will wait for youAs long as you want.
The Western view of life:
Alas, what was I doingWhen the time disappeared?
```He who has not achieved
Perfection-patience in life,Will not be blessed
By God’s infinite Delight. ```To accept all human limitations
And then transcend or transform themIs precisely the thing God wants
From each and every human being. ```Your gratitude-heart-fragrance-breath
And God’s Satisfaction,God wants to keep inseparable.
```Everything has to go wrong, alas,
The moment the mindBecomes the sole judge!
```Before destruction has taken place,
Nobody thinks that destructionIs attachment-forest in disguise.
```Every day
God gives a special Blessing-MessageTo His intimate circle of believers.
```My heart’s prayer-dreams
Are my life’sReality-fulfilment-promises.
```God-adoring feelings
Are the peerless treasuresOf a seeker-heart.
```God does not use
His direct Justice-Light-LineAs often as He is entitled to.
```Do not ride the depression-train!
It will, without fail, collideWith the destruction-train.
```God compassionately commissions
Each life-artistTo paint a picture
Of a peace-loving world. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 150, Agni Press, 1991
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