God’s Eyes bless us
Every day.God’s Heart forgives us
Every day.God’s Soul inspires us
And encourages usTo be His choice instruments
Every day. ```God wants the faith
Of my purity-heartTo tame
My doubt-monkey-mind. ```When I run in my outer life,
God blesses meWith His Compassion-Eye.
When I dive in my inner life,God blesses me
With His Satisfaction-Heart. ```Every day
You have to reconfirmYour aspiration-reservation
On your heart-flight. ```Man’s sweetness-heart-hope
Is tremendously lovedBy God’s Fulness-Heart-Promise.
```Our outer journey
Needs God’s Compassion-EyeFor its encouragement.
Our inner journeyNeeds God’s Satisfaction-Heart
To reach its destination. ```Poor God,
I have punished You for so many yearsWith my desire-thoughts.
From now on I shall love You and adore YouWith my aspiration-heart-oneness.
```Go forward, go forward!
Dive deep within, dive deep within!The cosmic game, in your case,
Is not yet over.You must accomplish more,
Infinitely more,For the Lord Supreme.
```Can you not forget
Your mind’s insecurity,Your mind’s demands,
Your mind’s unwillingness?All your mind’s undivine qualities,
Can you not for a moment forget?If you can,
Yours will be progress unimaginable! ```An ingratitude-seeker feels
That God’s Vision-EyeDoes not lead him and protect him.
```With my heart’s aspiration-cry
And my life’s dedication-smile,Every day I try to free
At least one human beingFrom the fetters of ignorance-night.
```Do not wait
For God to cry for you!Do everything devotedly and soulfully
Immediately,So that you can see God smiling
And prevent God from crying. ```Every day
God puts the “Welcome” signOn His Door.
He never usesThe “Do not disturb” sign.
```Your ignorance-dream-boat
Has to be shatteredBefore God gives you
His own Eternity’s Vision-Dream-Boat. ```If you only conceal your problems,
And do not offer themTo your Lord Supreme,
Then they will becomeInfinitely stronger.
```Your heart likes to sing —
Not to get God’s Attention,But to proclaim God’s Compassion
And Satisfaction on earth. ```O tears of my mind,
I do not trust you,I do not need you,
I want nothing to do with you!You are false,
You are deceitful!You want to feed me
With false satisfaction-promises. ```My mind is waiting
For the disappearanceOf my heart-faith.
My heart is waiting
For the appearanceOf my mind’s transformation-face.
```You must listen
To God’s Heart-AdviceBefore you begin
To spend time with your mind. ```The disappearance
Of your mind-problemsWas not due to
What you saidOr what you did,
But because God wants you,For His own inner Reason,
To be a choice instrument of His. ```Nobody has forced you
To swim in the seaOf multitudinous problems.
It is you who wanted,In secrecy supreme,
To enjoy this present life of yours. ```His heart-progress
Has been thwartedBy his exorbitant
Mind-success. ```There is not a single mortal
Who has not receivedA Compassion-Call from God.
But there are so many human beingsWho shamelessly do not respond
To God’s Call. ```Alas, poor God every day receives
False hunger-criesFrom humanity.
```There is nothing wrong
If you cry like a childTo draw God’s Attention.
Only if you do not cryIs everything wrong with you
And everything wrong for you! ```When I look at my heart,
I feel so sadThat it has taken upon itself
The torture of my doubt-mind. ```God,
I have only one prayer.That prayer is to love You only
And also, more and more,At every moment.
```When I cherish
Doubt, suspicion and negativityIn my mind,
God suffers from a stormIn His Oneness-Heart-Life.
```My Beloved Compassion-Lord Supreme
Forgives meEven when I offer Him
Unhealthy and unsolicited advice. ```God does not know,
For Himself,What relaxation is.
He knows only one thing:The illumination of mankind.
```O my strangling vital,
Can you not seeThat God is standing
Right in front of you?How stupid you are
To refuse to speak to God,Your Beloved Lord!
```There is only one thing that always
Makes us unhappy and miserable,And that is our deep fear of surrender
To God’s oneness-loving Will. ```O my dissatisfaction-vital,
You will never be satisfiedUnless you are ready
To have a heart-to-heart talkWith God’s Compassion.
```Obedience, constant obedience:
It is you who bring to meFrom my Lord Supreme
Freedom-perfection to enjoy my life. ```The sword that I see
Inside the Eye of my Lord SupremeIs not meant to destroy me,
But to frighten my unwilling mindAnd illumine my God-fearing life.
```Although God receives
Message after message from humanity,He does not mind
Reading its messagesOr hearing its messages.
But when He answers,If humanity does not respond
To His Request,Then definitely He minds.
```When the mind and the vital
Perform on my life-stage,I watch them,
But with endless embarrassment. ```Whoever dreams
Of God’s Peace on earthIs a beautiful, illumining
And all-fulfilling child of God. ```O my mind,
You have all alongBeen an attention-monger.
Can you not now becomeAn aspiration-lover?
Try,You are bound to succeed!
```I do not deserve it,
But God always keeps meIn His Compassion-Heart-Boat.
```My soul’s promise-sun
Will be fulfilled before longBy my heart’s breathless cries.
```God’s Compassion-Light
Knows no foreigners.Therefore,
Everybody can knockAt His universal Heart-Door,
And He will immediately open it. ```My mind,
You are losing yourselfIn hallucination-sky
With your doubts and suspicions.In that way you will never be able
To perfect the world.Never!
```To escape the mind’s
Torrential doubt-rain,I soulfully, prayerfully and safely
Take shelterInside my faith-protected heart-nest.
```My purity-heart
Not only admiresBut literally adores
All-giving God-lovers. ```To look at God’s Feet
Is not enough.You have to place
Your life’s humility-breathAt His Feet.
```It is too much
For my faithful heartTo answer each and every
Absurd questionOf my doubt-cherishing mind.
```If you have a mind
Of great intentions,If you have a heart
Of good aspiration,And if you have a life
Of sleepless dedication,Then your nature’s perfection
Cannot remain a far cry. ```A false teacher
And a false studentHave a very deplorable thing
in common:An idle promise.
```In the inner world,
Whoever dreams of peaceIs undoubtedly a God-lover.
In the outer world,Whoever works for peace
Is undoubtedly a God-server. ```Only your gratitude-heart
Has the capacity to valueGod’s Satisfaction-Smile.
```Show the world what you have:
A dynamic promise.Show God what you are:
A helpless breath. ```This world of ours
Is extremely familiarWith two hard realities:
A shallow mindAnd a narrow heart.
```To bask in your heart’s
Happiness-sun,Never be inside
The cave of frustration-darkness. ```Every day
I pray to seeMy heart’s sunrise.
Every day
I meditate to beA citizen of my soul’s
Vision-flooded clime. ```I do not pray to God
For sweet dreams.I pray to God
To become the smileOf my self-giving realities.
```If you do not have
A soulful loveFor God the creation,
You will not be ableTo sing your heart-melody
For any human being. ```When I heard my soul’s
Final departure-song,I cried for my loss.
And, again, I smiledBecause of my soul’s gain.
```A mind of indecision
And a heart of hesitationCreate tremendous, sleepless sorrows
Inside the Compassion-HeartOf our Lord Supreme.
```O my mind,
When are you going to sayA final good-bye
To your doubtful life?Do you not think
That it is high time for youTo long for genuine satisfaction
For yourselfAnd for the satisfaction-hungry being
Inside you? ```What is my sorrow?
My sorrow is my own creation.How did I create it?
I created itFrom my God-unawareness
And from my God-unwillingness. ```O my mind,
You have been telling meThat you have nowhere to turn.
You have triedEach and every place.
If so,Then try one more place:
God’s Compassion-Heart-Nest. ```My Master’s all-illumining voice
Is my choice.My Master’s choice
Is my mind,Empty of doubt-songs.
```O my mind,
Give to my heartYour unwillingness.
Do not keep it from my heart!To your wide surprise,
My heart will transformYour unwillingness
Into an ever-ready willingness. ```God’s Forgiveness-Feet
InviteNot only my willingness-heart
But also my unwillingness-mind.But my willingness-heart is invited
To be His hero-warriorAnd my unwillingness-mind is invited
To be His fault-announcer. ```Each soulful thought
Is a climbing stepOn my way
To God-realisation-summit. ```O my mind-tyrant,
How do you dare thinkThat you will be able
To lord it over meForever and forever?
I believe in God’sUnconditional Grace
And I believe in yourTotal transformation.
```I tell my Lord Supreme
That I have tried my best.My Lord Supreme
Laughs and laughs at me,And then He says,
“You can and you must tryTen million times harder
To please Me and fulfil Me.” ```The easiest way to realise God
Is either to cry helplesslyLike a child
Or to establishA God-surrendered oneness-life.
```God will give me a copy
Of His Self-Transcendence-SongIf I want to do only one thing:
To strike His Victory-Gong. ```When we fail to pass
The God-Justice-Examination,God immediately blesses us
So we will try and succeedIn His Compassion-Height-Examination.
```May each thought of mine
Become as beautifulAs the prayer-dawn
Of my flower-heart. ```There is no light
At the mind’s unwillingness-door.It is all darkness,
Darker than the darkest. ```O my mind,
You may think that your lifeHas plenty of time.
But God tells me that His WillDoes not have that much time
For you. ```Why do I have to listen
To the dry philosophyOf my truth-confusing mind
When I am fortunate enough to hearThe sweetness-song
Of my God-loving heart? ```You want to know
Why your heart’s aspiration-plantHas withered.
Alas, can you not seeWhat you have done?
You have allowed your doubting mindTo challenge and defeat
Your oneness-blossomingAspiration-heart-plant.
```Each cheerfulness-smile
From my heartGives me the strength of a lion
And the beauty and purityOf a larger-than-the-largest
Heart-garden. ```My farewell to my doubting mind
Is a task well completed.My welcome to my surrender-life
Is a task well begun. ```O my imperfection-friend,
I call you my friendPrecisely because
I have not given up on you,And also because
You are more than willing to change. ```God has not asked me
To count the stepsThat lead to Heaven.
He has given me the jobOnly of increasing
My heart’s gratitude-speedSo I can climb up the fastest.
```Every human life
Has many enemies,But God-disobedience-enemy
Is the most dangerous. ```O my mind,
Your sincerity-strengthHas surprised you.
Now use your determination-strength.It will surprise you
Infinitely more! ```Is there any truth-seeker
Who is not misunderstood?Is there any God-lover
Who is not misunderstood?Is there any God-representative
Who is not misunderstood?Is there anything divine
That is not misunderstood? ```Misunderstanding
Is the most ancient disease.But God has taken up the bold challenge
To conquer misunderstandingWith His Compassion-flooded Eye
And Forgiveness-flooded Heart. ```My heart plants hope-seeds
Inside each and every heart-garden.But alas,
My mind does not plantEven one hope-seed
Inside its jungle-life. ```Time is the sovereign
Of the foolish mind.Time is the sovereign
Of the stupidity-mind.But time is the most willing slave
Of the wisdom-soul. ```Nothing is important
In my outer life.In my inner life,
Everything is important —Especially the quality
Of my heart’s aspiration-cryAnd the quantity of my soul’s
God-manifestation-smiles. ```My mind
Is always on the lookoutFor self-interest-joy.
My heartIs always on the lookout
For God-Satisfaction-Delight. ```Try to remain always
On the meditation-road.Once you leave the meditation-road,
You are bound to enter intoIgnorance-mud, ignorance-dirt
And ignorance-clay. ```There can be no joy
In livingEither in jealousy-town
Or in insecurity-village. ```Because it is so easy
To betray the heart,The mind does it every day.
Because it is so difficult
To love the mind,The heart accepts the challenge
And does it daily,Plus satisfactorily.
```God loves to cradle
Fondly and proudlyThe breath of a oneness-purity-heart.
```Do you think God is happy
When He sees you crawlingWith your incompetence-limbs?
No, He is not!He is more than ready
To bless youWith the fastest speed-legs.
You can have themFor the soulful asking.
```Frustrated desires
Precede destruction.Destruction precedes
Humanity’s complete failure. ```O my frustration-vital,
I have come to realise thatUnless you are ruthlessly battered
You are not going to changeYour life-style at all.
```Divinity’s Blessing
We can receiveOnly when we purify our mind,
Energise our heartAnd unify our life.
```Each time
I make a sweet promiseTo my Lord Supreme,
He blesses meWith a new, sacred life-breath.
```O my mind’s
Overconfidence-ego,Your hopeless and helpless downfall
Will take place infinitely soonerThan you can ever imagine!
```God tells me
That He has seen me playingMany, many times
My self-torture-game.Now He wants me
To watch and participate inHis Heart-Rapture-Game.
```Your heart’s sunlit mountain-summit
You are going to climb without failIn this incarnation.
Just be genuine in mindAnd pure in heart!
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 157, Agni Press, 1991
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_157