Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 16



The sweet rain of truth

Unconditionally helped him fly

Into the highest Abode of Divinity

Where God was waiting for him

With His Immortality’s Smile.




Do not be sad

To see your mind’s sunset.

Behold the perfection-splendour

Of your heart’s sunrise. ```



Every day my heart sings

A new song of gratitude,

And this new song


The joy of my perfection-delight.




God’s Compassion-Eye


His Forgiveness-Heart

Are planning something for you:

Your desire-mind

Is soon going to surrender

To your aspiration-heart.




What the world needs from you

Is your heart’s abiding faith

And not

Your mind’s towering philosophy. ```



As long as we claim to be seekers

Of the infinite Truth,

As long as we claim to be


There can be nothing

As important as obedience

In our inner life and our outer life.




Inner obedience

Is infinitely more difficult

Than outer obedience,

For to achieve inner obedience

One has the formidable task

Of fully conquering doubt. ```



Enslaved by words,

You immediately fall.

Emancipated by deeds,

You triumphantly rise. ```



In order to achieve


In your life of aspiration

And dedication,

Every day you must be ready

To brave inner and outer hurdles. ```



My Beloved Supreme,

I want to be a sincere, devoted,

Surrendered and perfect instrument

Of Yours.

I shall overcome all the hurdles —

Insincerity, insecurity, impurity,

Disobedience and ungratefulness —

That I may encounter along the way. ```



Great thoughts surround me

With God’s breathtaking Heights.

Good thoughts reveal

God’s infinite Beauty through me. ```



Your Master’s name is inspiration.

Your Master’s name is aspiration.

Your name is dedication.

Your name is manifestation.

His names and your names combined

Create a most significant gift

For mankind.




As soon as I see

Any of my inner barriers,

One by one

I shall break them

Into a million pieces

For my aspiration-life’s





A heart of purity

Sees that its life

Is at once

Inside mistrusting humanity

And frustrated humanity.




I am ready to touch the feet

Of hesitation and fear,

For they are protecting me

By delaying the fulfilment

Of my undesirable desire-bound life.




Postponement, I love you.

In my desire-life

You are preventing me

From touching the breath

Of the abysmal abyss.




If you really dislike

The dividing lines of your jealousy,

Then quite soon

They will reach their vanishing point. ```



If you are striving

To elevate your life,

Any obstacles you meet

Must be destroyed.

If you are going

To ruin your life,

Any obstacles you meet

Are your true saviours. ```



You are still

In your unmanifested perfection.

How then can God allow you

To enjoy companionship

With the Immortals?




Transcendence is perfection.

Perfection is transcendence.

When we transcend our capacities,

Immediately we get an inner joy,

An inner thrill,

Which is another name for perfection.

No perfection can ever be achieved

Without self-transcendence. ```



Your Master asked you

To sit in front of him —

Such an easy task!

And what did you do?

You allowed your unaspiring vital

And your doubting mind

To ascribe some motive

To his simple and blessingful request. ```



Fulfil your Lord’s Requests

With a soulful cry


A fruitful smile

And say, “This is what He wants.

I am going to please Him

In His own Way.”




Who has freed his life

From bondage-chains

By accepting falsehood

For his safety’s sake?





Just offer your Lord Supreme

Your inner obedience.

You will definitely be able to win

The Godward race. ```



Outer obedience and inner obedience

Must go together —

Two legs we need

To walk, march and run

Towards the ultimate Goal.




On your mark,

Get set,


In pin-drop silence

God’s Eagerness-Heart

Is waiting for you

At the finish line.




He is cherishing the idea

That obedience is not necessary for him,

Since once upon a time

He served his Lord

And did Him a big favour.

What a deplorable mistake! ```



Are you blind?

Can you not see

That by fulfilling your Lord Supreme

You have increased

Your own inner and outer capacities?




If you mount

On the wings of meditation,

You will see no division-skies

And no destruction-clouds. ```



On the strength of your mutual oneness,

You and your Master

Together have pleased God.

Your Master gave you God’s Message

And this Message was fulfilled

In and through you. ```



If you believe in your own

Ultimate perfection,

If you believe in the necessity

Of transcendence,

Then you have to have a permanent name

In the inner world

And in the outer world,

And that name is obedience. ```



Now that he has turned his back

On his unaspiring past,

He soulfully hears

The symphony

Of his heart’s God-fulfilling dreams.




Be careful!

The disobedience-force that today

Does not allow you to listen

To your Master’s

So-called ‘insignificant’ requests,

Tomorrow will have the capacity

To inwardly take you

Thousands of miles away from him. ```



My Lord Supreme,

Each time I do not obey You,

Each time I do not please You,

Each time I do not fulfil You,

I clearly see that I am feeding

A devouring tiger deep inside me. ```



You fool!

Do you think your aspiration-heart

Will be scared to death

If it sees

Your mind’s thought-bullies?




He mistakenly thought

That he would escape,

That somebody else would fall

Into the vital-tiger’s den.

Alas, soon he was found

Inside the cave of destruction

Which he himself had created

Through his disobedience. ```



No wonder I see you

As a picture of perfect self-deception.

I see you have gladly allowed yourself

To be caught in the currents of desire. ```



You will always remain

Unfamiliar to defeat

If you carry a smile

That touches every heart. ```



Overcome your weaknesses

On the strength of your sincerity

And obedience.

Your sincerity will save you,

Your obedience will illumine you.




Do you want to make progress

Or do you want to crawl

In your spiritual life?

If you feel the necessity

To walk, march and run,

Then obey your Inner Pilot

Every day, every hour, every minute.




My soul is the poet in me.

My heart is the poetry in me.

My Beloved Inner Pilot

Is the Reader in me. ```



I desired to become great

On the human level.

My desires killed me.

I aspire to become good

On the divine level.

My aspirations are illumining me

And fulfilling me.




An ungrateful heart

Is the darkness

Of man’s life-torturing

Inner poverty. ```



You can plumb the depth

Of your inner light

Only if you come out


From the abyss of your lifeless

Nothingness. ```



Every day ask yourself

Whether or not

You want to see your highest divinity.

If the answer is “Yes”,

Then it is worth staying in the spiritual life

To realise God. ```



The chosen instruments

Of the Lord Supreme

Will always feel

That they are not indispensable.

The very moment

They feel that they are indispensable

Is the beginning

Of their spiritual downfall. ```



Can you imagine!

God has given up

His Infinity’s Power

To play with me

Inside my insecurity-cave.




I am now enjoying

My supreme surrender-freedom.

Thousands of years have worked on me

For this most precious moment. ```



You can be a supreme authority

On divine victory

If your mind

Has a ceaseless thirst

And your heart

Has a sleepless hunger

For God.




A doubting mind


A sleeping body:

These are the two universal sicknesses

Of humanity.




In the inner world

Doubt is unmistakably

The most powerful enemy —

The enemy that makes us doubt

Our Lord Supreme

As well as our own capacities. ```



Unless you are totally freed

From the prison

Of your antic attitude

Towards God’s


How can you ever have

A heart of satisfaction-sun?




On my way to Heaven

Do you think I will ever forget

To carry

My Heaven-indifference-proof shield? ```



Every morning

My mind and I wander

Upon the shores of delusion.

Every evening

My heart and I sing hymns

At Heaven’s Gate,

Yet we are not proud.




If you have not yet fulfilled

The Requests of your Beloved Supreme,

Then now is the time

For you to forget about the useless past.

Just voice forth:

“I will do it, I am doing it.” ```



Today’s difficulty-race

Is making your body, vital and mind cry.

Tomorrow’s victory-crown

Will not only make those three happy,

But also will make three more members

Of your inner family happy:

Your heart, your soul and your God.




My Lord,

What You need, I also need.

“True, My child.


I am meeting with My Needs,

While you are not.

But do not worry.

I will definitely show you

How to do it.”




Do you know what he has done

Quite recently?

He has sold his earth-cave to God

To buy God’s Heaven-Home. ```



Now that he has escaped

The tempting chasm

Of insincerity,

He is hoisting the flag

Of his permanent victory.




When you are cheerfully

Able to offer

Your achievements to God,

You become a life of aspiration,

And the rest of the world

Will undoubtedly derive benefit

From your achievements.




Let us go back

Into the world of aspiration.

Let us aspire every day

To be worthy

Of our Lord’s Compassion-Flood

And Forgiveness-Sea. ```



Yours will be the life

Of a continuous miracle-maker


Your soul-vision is sprouting

Into your heart-reality.




What have inner disobedience

And outer disobedience

Done for him?

He has gone back to his old life,

Where he is once more wallowing

In the mire of ignorance. ```



How can God play His Cosmic Game,

His divine Lila,

If He is all the time

Finding fault with His human children?

Then there would be no Game.




O fear, doubt, anxiety and insecurity,

When are you going to learn

That you are

The unfortunate soldiers

Of ignorance-king?




Sincerity and obedience

Are the obverse and reverse

Of the same coin.

As a truth-seeker

You have to feel

That you are that golden coin. ```



At every moment

Be sincere

To your own inner longing.

Do you really want God?

If the answer is “Yes”,

Then be sincere and remain sincere.

If you do not really want God,

Then for you there is no necessity

To remain sincere.




During my philosophical period

I thought

That God was God’s own Head.

Now during my spiritual period

I know

That God is God’s own Heart. ```



Each day observe

How many good thoughts you have

That inspire your life,

And how many discouraging,

Unaspiring and harmful thoughts

You allow to enter into your mind.

Then record them

In your inner notebook. ```



His complacent self-sufficiency

Makes him feel

That the progress he has made so far

Is more than enough for him.

He feels no necessity

To increase his inner hunger

Since at every moment

He is pleased with what he has

And what he is.

What an unfortunate seeker! ```



Yesterday I desired to achieve

So that I could become

Something or someone great

In the world.

Today my desire has been purified

And transformed into my aspiration

To serve the world.




He wanted to become great

Not by competing with others

Or with himself,

But by creating a new hunger

For God the Beloved Supreme.




I started my journey

With desire.

I am continuing my journey

With aspiration.

I shall complete my journey

With gratitude. ```



Selfless service is definitely

An act of rich creativity.

What have you created?

A feeling of fulfilling oneness

In your life.




Be good and remain good.

Be perfect and remain perfect.

If you are already good,

Then transcend your goodness.

If you are already perfect,

Then transcend your perfection. ```



Devoted and soulful service

Means a vast expansion

Of our conscious oneness

With God the Creation. ```



God took thousands of years

To make you realise Him.

Now it takes you

Only a fleeting second

To tell the world that you are

His supremely chosen instrument. ```



If others cannot appreciate

Your self-offering

And cannot offer their gratitude,

It is their loss,

For they are not making progress.

You just continue

Offering your services

Soulfully and devotedly

To your Beloved Supreme

And you will make

The fastest progress.




Try to run the fastest.

Aspire soulfully and devotedly.

There shall come a time

When there will be people on earth

To appreciate and value

Your aspiration-mountain. ```



If you allow

Your life-tree to be sprinkled

By small temptations,

How can it bear

Big illumination-fruits?




If you are convinced

That you are meant for the highest Reality,

Then go one step forward

And ask yourself

How you can reach the Highest.

To take you

To the top of the Himalayas

There is an inner elevator,

And this elevator is nothing other than

Your heart’s unconditional obedience-light. ```



Obey your Inner Pilot,

Obey your Master,

Obey your soul’s dictates.

You are bound to reach

And become

The Light of the Beyond. ```



He turns his life

Into his heart’s purity-fragrance

To charm

His soul’s God-Vision-Eye. ```



Do not try to advise the world

With your limited capacity

Or look down upon the world around you.

If you feel that you are better

Than those who are not aspiring,

You are playing with temptation-fire

Right in front of you.




Why are you trying to change

The outer world?

Why are you trying to make others feel

That their world is very bad

And yours is very good?






When hope is gone,

I see one thing,

I feel one thing

And I become one thing:

The mud of ignorance.




God’s first Message:

“My child,

I want you to please Me.”

God’s next Message:

“My child,

I am showing you

How you must please Me.” ```



His writings represent

Both his inner world of realisation

And his outer world of dedication.

If you read his writings,

You will see inside you

An inner highway

On which you can drive your life-chariot

Faster than the fastest

To the destined Goal.




I like your heart.

I admire your soul.

I love your God.

But I vehemently dislike

The stone face

Of your stark solitude. ```



The philosophy of self-transcendence

Is the highest Message

That God has handed down to humanity.

Not only that,

He considers this Message

Equally applicable to Himself. ```



Anything that God is asking us to do

In our lives,

He Himself is also doing

In His own Life.

He is giving us the Assurance

That we can do the same thing

Provided our belief in Him

Is perfect

And our obedience to Him

Is unconditional. ```



God has given

A universe-sustaining heart

Only to those

Who have denied themselves





Obedience embodies

The message of perfection-light.

Obedience embodies

The message of transcendence-delight. ```



Each time you obey

The Will of the Supreme,

Your body-consciousness becomes light,

Very light,

And you can easily fly

Into the highest Realm

Of His Infinity’s Light

And His Immortality’s Bliss. ```



Every day remind yourself:

Yours is not the mission that will fail.

Yours is the God-ordained mission

That is bound to succeed. ```



My Eternity’s Beloved Pilot Supreme,

I know, I know,

I came into the world

For only one purpose:

To give You the utmost Joy

In your own Way. ```



Although you may not be perfect,

You are supremely chosen,

For you have definitely established

A self-giving heart of oneness

With your Lord’s Transcendental Will.




His life’s morning stumblings:




His life’s evening stumblings:

An interference-mind


An indifference-heart. ```



My Lord,

You have made me

Your chosen instrument.

But I know that others

Can easily be made into

Your choice instruments

If You execute Your Compassion-Flood

In and through them.

Never will I say that I am

An indispensable instrument,

But I will always remain

Your grateful instrument. ```



I am a sea of gratitude

Within and without,

My Lord,

For You have chosen me

Out of Your infinite Bounty

To do something special for You

In Your Life of Manifestation.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 16, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from