If you live inside the circle
Of God’s Compassion-Eye,Then your outer success
And inner progressCan have no limits.
Born in a dayMay not die
For immeasurable years. ```My soul’s sadness-tears
Have purifiedMy entire heart-existence.
```If it is
A God-manifestation-dream,Then I wish to tell you
That this dreamCan and should come true
In your lifetime. ```His determination
Is as strong as steel.His dedication
Is as beautiful asAn all-blossomed flower.
```There is only one dream
That will always be perfectIn your lifetime,
And that is the dreamOf self-transcendence.
```Nobody is too weak
To fight against ignorance-night,For each human being
Has to prove ultimatelyThat he is a God-lover
And God-fulfillerOn earth.
```An insincerity-mind
Always fights againstA sincerity-heart.
Luckily,The sincerity-heart
Eventually wins. ```If you have obedience,
Then God will bless youWith kindness, compassion
And satisfactionIn ever-increasing measure.
```With the sadness-heart
Of the suffering Mother EarthAnd with the gladness-heart
Of the smiling Father Heaven,I have begun
My God-discovery-journey. ```My heart’s solemn promise,
My mind secretlyAnd treacherously
Tries to break. ```There is only one
Truly faithful companion,And that faithful companion
Is my God-surrender-heart. ```My mind tells my heart:
“Look what I can doFor you.”
My heart tells my mind:“Look what I have given you
And alsoWhat I am going to give you
In a twinkling.” ```Each uncomely thought
Is a self-destructiveForce.
```The earth-atmosphere
Never welcomesThe breath and life
Of newly God-loving souls. ```Do not waste
Your precious time.Every day
Try to make it a pointTo make real sense
Out of your life. ```There is only one right way
For me to go to God,And that way
Is my heart’s unconditionalSurrender-way.
```Suppose that God
Does not reveal HimselfTo your mind.
What will you do?Will you wait
Or will you give up? ```Pinnacle-purity-light
You can bring into your heartOnly by taking
Regular surrender-exercises. ```Today I can clearly see
That my life’sSelf-discovery-voyage
Is well under way. ```If I do not improve
My aspiration-dedication-relationshipWith God,
God is not going to consider meA choice instrument of His.
```Suppose God forgets
To bless me.What shall I do?
Only one thing:I shall love Him more,
Infinitely more,For He knows what is best for me.
```There is not
A single route to GodThat is not paved with
His Compassion-Vision-Light. ```For each individual
There is a right wayTo go to God, see God
And sit at God’s Feet. ```To appreciate others highly
For their good deedsIs, alas, foreign
To human nature. ```As long
As the unlit human mindEnjoys stupidity,
Fear will not be forcedTo disappear
From earth’s atmosphere. ```Each peace-prayer
Is a God-worshippingPurity-garland.
```The confusion-mind-territory
Ruthlessly defiesThe capacity of a compass.
```If we do not soulfully pray
And self-givingly meditate,We will not be able
To make divine senseOut of life.
```The stupid mind and vital
Quite often consciously visitThe pleasure-supermarket.
```A heart of humility
Is an excellentPride-prevention-medicine.
```There is no harm
In dreaming.But do not forget
That dreaming is notThe best thing.
The best thing isReality-becoming.
The human mind and vitalAre quite often fooled
By secret temptation-trickery. ```If you are
A fully awakened soul,Then you can separate
Death from fear. ```Without a soulful heart
You cannot haveA powerful meditation.
Indeed,This is a lesson
We have learntFrom the seekers of antiquity.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartAre solely responsible
For the peace-pactBetween my unwillingness-mind
And my willingness-heart. ```Another day
Does not meanAnother doubt-thorn.
Another dayMeans a new faith-blossom
Inside my heart-garden. ```If you have
A sincerity-heart,Then you can easily bring
Your aspiration and dedicationUp to date.
```O my mind,
I do not approveOf your frequent visits
To the unlit vital-cave. ```Can you not see
That GodIs especially proud of you,
For your monumentalWorld-responsibility?
```There is a great difference
Between possession and renunciation.If you really want
To win life’s victory,Then you must side with
Renunciation. ```Your life’s
Satisfaction-gatesMust be guarded
By your heart’sAspiration-soldiers.
```What a joy
To see the collapseOf our mind’s insecurity
And insincerity-building! ```Compassion-game
Is the fondest gameOf my Lord Supreme
On earth.Satisfaction-game
Is the fondest gameOf my Lord Supreme
In Heaven. ```Just one more time,
My Lord Supreme,Tell me that You love me,
And that You will not let meGo out of Your View.
Is not only possibleBut inevitable
If you can make friendsWith sincerity and purity.
```My Lord
Does not mind correctingMy mind’s silly errors
As long as my mindIs willing to be corrected.
```Even when
We quarrel with God,God does not forget to spread
His Love-Bird-Wings. ```To walk hand in hand
With your Father-Lord,Sow the seed of oneness-faith.
```Your heart’s inner flame
Will never be blown outIf your life becomes
A sleepless gratitude-breath. ```God’s larger-than-the-largest Ear
Immediately hearsMy heart’s faintest hope-whisper.
```Every time I see God,
The first thing He asks meIs to gaze
Deep into His Compassion-Eyes. ```O my heart’s
Silence-ecstasy-tears,I am all fondness
For you. ```Alas, I do not know
How I can separate my mindFrom its brooding,
Charcoal-black dreams. ```God wants me to be a first-class
And not a third-class passengerOn His Heavenward-sailing Boat.
```Each soulful thought
In my mindAdds to the beauty and purity
Of my heart’s glistening chandelier. ```Do you want to hide from God?
You certainly can!But God has not learnt
The art of hidingFrom your heart-tears.
```Every morning
I am drenched withMy Lord’s Compassion-Rain.
Therefore,I am of selfless dedication-service
To mankind. ```Alas, alas!
What has proud successDone to him?
His proud successHas stabbed
His humility-heart. ```We cannot realise
The true value of anythingUnless and until
We have purified our mindCompletely.
```God does not want us
To be burntIn the fire of repentance.
He wants us to swimWith a new wave
Of progress-willingness. ```When will the proper time come
For you to giveYour mind’s frustration-night
To God,And receive Illumination-Light
From HimIn exchange?
```God is so happy with me
And so proud of meBecause I am making Him work hard,
Very hard,In and through me.
```The proud mind was shocked
When it was finally challengedBy the loving and correcting heart.
```Your earth-existence
Has no meaningBecause your life is empty
Of patience-satisfaction. ```You will not be satisfied
With a mind-wall.You will be satisfied
Only with a heart-home. ```When I look at the world,
I watch nothingBut a conscious preference-game.
When I look at Heaven,I watch nothing
But an indifference-game. ```O my heart,
I have every confidenceThat you will be able
To cure my mindOf its insecurity-sickness.
```The time is not distant
When every manWill constantly long for
The total transformationOf his unlit mind.
```When I think of this earth,
I suffer from mind-sickness.When I think of Heaven,
I suffer from sympathy-emptiness. ```Do not accept
Conservative philosophy.Do not accept
Radical philosophy.Abide by your own spiritual philosophy.
Your philosophy isYour heart’s willingness to work
For God’s fulness-manifestationOn earth.
```The heart-aspiration-boat
Must sailEven under the thickest
Mind-cloud-sky. ```Do not allow your old fear
And your old doubtTo haunt and torment your mind.
Help your mind to be fedBy new imagination, new inspiration
And new dedication-flames. ```If my Lord Supreme does not cultivate
From time to timeMy heart’s aspiration-tree,
Then my life will be devoidOf soul-beauty and heart-purity.
```The divine love-boat
Continually sailsTowards the Golden Shore.
It does not have to dock anywhereFor repairs.
```You should not
Do anything other thanExpect unexpected frustration-failure
From your desire-life. ```Do not allow your life
To be a three-ring circus.Become the life of greatness
And reveal the heart of goodness. ```Always be ready
To give full supportTo your deserving
Aspiration-heart-cries. ```Never allow impatience-night
To destroy your mind’s serenity,Heart’s purity
And life’s sincerity. ```Cultivate a mind of flexibility.
You will easily be able to widenYour circle of self-giving friends.
```Step away from
Your mind’s godless pride.God’s Magnanimity-Heart
Will immediately claim youAs its very own.
```To me, an unrealistic mind
Is not only unproductiveBut also self-destructive.
```Double check your life’s
Dedication-list.Make sure that everybody
Who is invitedIs served devotedly
Inside your heart-garden. ```God-intimacy,
Not world-supremacy,Has to be your life’s
Breathless motto. ```It is to please God,
Your Inner Pilot,That every day
You are strengtheningYour heart’s
Aspiration-credentialsAnd your life’s
Dedication-credentials. ```Can you not see and feel
That your soul is desperately cryingFor your heart’s
Spiritual hunger-fitness? ```Let us take life as it comes.
If we test our strengthBy pulling and pushing life,
Then we will altogether loseThe flower-beauty of life.
```Always be
Active, dynamic and resolute,So that your long-standing
Misfortune-troublesCan soon come to an end.
```In your inner life
Build a compassion-bridge,And in your outer life
Build a tolerance-bridgeBetween you and humanity
To bring the real in youTo the fore.
```Keep your distance
From insecurity-biteAnd impurity-punch
To run the fastestIn your heart’s aspiration-race.
```To accept the spiritual life
Is to spread the gospelOf aspiration-flames
And dedication-drops. ```Plunge into soulful action.
God will beckon youTo be the companion
Of His Heart-Life. ```When I overestimate
My potential,I become an object
Of world-ridicule.When I underestimate
My potential,I break the Heart
Of my Compassion-Lord Supreme. ```Wage war
On your confusion-loving mind.Your illumination-soul
Will immediately garland youAnd crown you.
```Do not magnify your mind-problems.
Intensify your heart-cries.Your mind-problems
Will automatically disappear. ```Your soul-charisma
Will come to the foreIf you throw yourself
Willingly and cheerfullyInto God-manifestation tasks.
```Cheerfully blow the whistle
On your body’s laziness,Your mind’s hesitation
And your heart’s insecurity.God will immediately claim you
As a supremely choice instrumentOf His.
```Never allow
Your doubtful mindTo boss you around.
God Himself has chosenYour faithful heart
To be your only boss. ```Do not overlook the daily faults
Of your unaspiring mind.Do not overestimate
Your heart’s aspiration-cryFor your life’s perfection-smile.
```God loves you
For your heart’sAspiration-purity.
God loves youFor your life’s
Dedication-intensity.God loves you
For your soul’sOmnipresent luminosity.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 163, Agni Press, 1991
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_163