O my surrender-life,
O my gratitude-heart,I desperately need you both
To be my Eternity’s unparalleled friends. ```Illumine the inner road
To enjoy fullyThe outer freedom.
```Dive deep within;
You are bound to hearThe whispering
Peace-sea-messages. ```An unconditional God-lover
Always runs the fastestTo reach God’s Satisfaction-Feet.
```God expects
Each human being to beHis problem-liberator.
```Every day I chain my heart
Either to God’s Compassion-EyeOr to His Forgiveness-Heart.
```Alas, the cosmic gods
Do not help the human raceIn God-manifestation!
```God wants
My aspiration-heart-cryTo be His very close companion.
```Only a self-giving seeker
Is entitledTo weave a God-song
Every day. ```At God’s choice Hour
No soulWill remain unawakened.
```O devotion-adoration-hearts,
Who can equal youIn sweetness-delight?
No one! ```I want humility-fragrance
To guide and leadMy life’s outer journey.
```What you need is
Not a new mind.What you need is
Not a new heart.What you need is
A new God —A God who will tell you
That you can and you willFulfil Him.
```Alas, why have you allowed yourself
To be imprisonedBy unworthiness-ruthlessness?
```I am so happy
That your inner beauty-seedsAre growing so rapidly
In your outer life. ```My gratitude-flower
And God’s Satisfaction-HourKeep my life-boat
Sailing smoothly. ```Every morning I send my mind
For humility-trainingAnd I send my heart
For purity-training. ```How affectionately my soul
Is teaching my heartTo fly on the blue-gold silence-wings
Of Eternity! ```My prayerful eagerness
Can devotedly accomplishEverything that God wants me
To accomplish. ```A true heart-hero
Pleases God at every momentOf his life.
```Your mind’s fiery will-power
I admire.Your heart’s tenderness-tears
I love. ```At last I have found
My Lord’s FootprintOn the altar
Of my sacred heart’sSecret temple.
```My doubt-challenging confidence-soul,
Do take me with youWherever you go!
```Every day I enjoy watching
My rainbow-radiance-soulFrom my gratitude-heart-garden.
```Because of my morning’s
Delight-heartMy Lord is exceedingly pleased
With me. ```This morning
I forcefully evacuatedAll the dark doubt-fog
From my mind. ```Every day I am supposed to renew
My heart’s silence-licence.I do it cheerfully and gratefully.
```Every morning
My soul compassionately teachesMy heart
How to run at top enthusiasm-speed. ```O my vital,
You must not scatterYour frustration-thorns everywhere.
Don’t make me suffer so helplessly! ```Every day receptivity-river
Beckons me to swim in itFree of charge.
```If you ignore
The God without,How can you adore
The God within?Impossible!
```Your faith-heart
Is absolutely faultless.Again, your doubt-faults
Are unpardonably countless. ```At the end of the inner race,
A goodness-heartIs bound to be the winner.
```O my mind,
Because of your unruly thoughts,I am now prepared to jump
Into an unknown abyss. ```Be supremely patient with yourself.
Say a cheerful “Yes”All the time to your life!
```I must turn away from
My endless material needs.It is high time for me to look at
My life’s higher goals! ```The wheel of good fortune
Has spun once againMy way.
My aspiration-heart is back! ```How can you reach
Your soul’s mountaintopWithout crying intensely
And self-givingly? ```Anything new
Is an excitement.Anything perfect
Is an enlightenment. ```Human fulfilment
Is hopelessly confined.Divine fulfilment
Never sets limits. ```At the aspiration-gate
We must consciously waitAnd carefully listen
For God’s blessingful Whispers. ```My Lord,
One last Smile from YouToday,
And I shall love YouInfinitely more
Tomorrow! ```If you really want to win,
There can be noDivision-thought-response
Either in the innerOr in the outer fight.
```My Lord,
When I do not love YouUnconditionally,
Please bless meWith a heart-stopping fear!
```The divine in me
Loves everybody.It does not know how
To blame anybody. ```Before, I was a punctual
God-expectation-dreamer.But now I have become
A punctual God-surrender-lover. ```My soul and my heart
Every day exchangeOne love-song each.
```My Lord, teach me only
Two most melodious lines:“I love You only;
I need You only.” ```God has finally allowed me
To become a citizenOf His Satisfaction-Kingdom.
```My adoration-longing-tears,
Your beauty far transcendsMy description-capacity!
```My surrender-heart
Is the kingdomOf my life’s Heavenward dreams.
```Alas, at times
I do sincerely feelThat I can live without God,
But God cannot live without me. ```I am not bragging
When I tell the worldThat every day God tells me
In fondness-whispersThat I am another God.
```Determination minus ego
Is the beauty-smileOf a perfection-life.
```Just try
A soulful cry.Lo, God is
His powerful Smile! ```Silence-peace-poverty
Is overwhelmingHere, there and everywhere
On earth. ```My mind’s sorrowful dreams
Are always followed byMy life’s tearful realities.
```Alas, I am not looking for
Hope-trees,Not even for hope-plants,
But only for a fewTiny hope-seeds!
```Nobody can fathom
The beauty of your heart’sSacred and secret tears.
```How can I make any progress
With my mountain-highMonotony-life?
```Nothing attempted, nothing achieved.
Be supremely brave!The Transcendental Goal is yours.
```Patience never loses for good.
Its ultimate victoryIs certain.
```This morning my heart and I
Celebrated the perfect endOf my mind’s tyranny.
```God has made my heart’s cries
One, perfectly one,With the colours of tomorrow’s dawn.
```There is not
A single ego-mindThat is not
An exhibitionist. ```An unconditionally surrendered heart
Is to be foundIn a galaxy
Of God-Fragrance-Breath. ```No more shall I permit my mind
To be the manager-directorOf my aspiration-life.
```O my heart,
I am praying to youTo become
My uncompromising bossAnd to demote
My stupid ignorance-mind. ```My heart and I
And even my mind enjoyedThe swan song of my mind’s despair.
```God-Bank accepts
Only our heart’sPurity-fragrance-cheques.
```Once you have joined
The God-manifestation-team,There is no way to quit.
```My silence-flooded mind
Knows not even a singleDesire-whisper-breath.
```I can do it!
I have done it!I have become the sleepless
Willingness-childOf my Lord Supreme.
```A powerful mind
Can have enemies,But not a peaceful heart.
```My heart is lovingly washing off
The impurity-dirtOf my mind’s unwillingness.
```God lovingly adds
His divine DignityTo my heart’s purity-smile.
```Why should I live any more
With the dead ashesOf fruitless loneliness?
```When God the Compassion
Speaks well of him,He immediately turns a deaf ear
To God the Justice. ```My mind,
I am telling youOnce and for all,
Either please meOr leave me alone!
```My Lord,
My secret heart-shrineIs only for Your Compassion-Feet.
```When a oneness-heart
Runs for President,Every citizen of the inner world
Will vote. ```O outer prosperity,
You are not beautifulOr powerful enough
For me to cherish. ```It seems that by nature
The human mindDoes not like self-expansion.
```O my unwillingness-mind-balloon,
Do surrender to my soul-light!Otherwise, before long,
You will be punctured. ```The power of the heart
Is secret, sacred,Illumining and fulfilling.
```The doubting mind
Is the stuff of whichLife-disasters are made.
```At every moment
The heart needs happiness-newsTo expedite
Its God-manifestation-journey. ```O my mind,
Start searching and aspiring.Otherwise, you will be forced
To surrender to uselessness-nothingness. ```Be not lost in between
The pride of your mindAnd the selflessness of your heart!
```Yesterday my mind was standing
And today my vital is standingIn line
For stupidity-throne. ```Your mind suspects
God-existence.Your heart rejects
Your mind-stupidity. ```Every morning God comes to me
With His Perfection-Rainbow-SmilesTo feed my heart’s
Aspiration-hunger-flames. ```There is no problem
That cannot be solvedBy perseverance and persistence-light.
```Each human being is expected to be
A soulful ambassador of goodwillTo improve the standard of mankind.
```At times a little nostalgia
Is helpfulTo intensify the heart’s
Aspiration-cries. ```Good fortune
Will definitely smile on youIf you stand divinely firm
Behind your own supreme convictions. ```Start your self-discovery-journey
Towards your life’s integralAnd universal freedom.
```Challenges disappear
When you unconditionally dependOn God’s Compassion-flooded Eye.
```Peace is not a compromise.
Peace isA oneness-fulness-satisfaction-embrace.
```God does not want to hear from you
All your ignorance-experiences.God wants to hear from you
How you are planning to realise Him. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 167, Agni Press, 1992
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_167