Finally I have discovered
My heart’s perfect beauty:Gratitude.
```God loves
Our hope-heart-smilesMore than we can ever imagine.
```Negativity never cherish!
It weakens the heart’sBeauty, joy and power.
```We must uproot
Not only the negativity-junglesBut also the separativity-trees.
```Today I am extremely proud
Of my mind,For it is for the first time
Basking in my heart’s silence-sun. ```Desire-life
You cannot deceive me any more.Aspiration-life,
You cannot escape me any more.Dedication-life
You cannot hide from me any more. ```Expectation-clouds
Are always available.Frustration-downpours
Are always available.Surrender-sun
Is never available. ```If only this world of ours
Loved God a little more,Our suffering hearts
Would grow into smiling lives. ```What I need
At every moment in my lifeIs constant
Satisfaction-expansion-heart. ```My mind’s eloquence
Must come fromMy heart’s sleepless silence
To feed the world-hunger. ```Willingness is
More than capacity.Willingness is
The nearness of God. ```Economise
Rather than revolutioniseYour thinking mind-activities.
```When I pray and meditate,
I feel that each thoughtIs either a God-thunder
Or a God-flute. ```It is I
Who have to make the choiceTo make myself
Happy and perfect. ```My heart’s necessity-blossoms for God,
My heart’s capacity-blossoms for God,My heart’s willingness-blossoms for God
Are always unlimited. ```Every morning my heart and I
Drink together only one thing:Hope-nectar.
Must climb upHigh, higher, highest.
They are not meant to sink. ```For year and years
My heart has been studyingAt patience-school
To know the purposeOf human life.
```My Master’s
Life-transforming touchI await
Prayerfully and eagerly. ```You looked enough
At your outer world.Now look at your inner world.
Your own soul-beautyWill not only inspire you
But also immortalise you. ```Each night
Before I go to sleepI pray to my Lord Supreme
To plantBeautiful and positive dream-seeds
Inside my gratitude-heart-garden. ```If we have no cheerfulness,
How can God bless our mindEven for a moment
With an angelic Vision-Light? ```You are a fool.
That is why you have cancelledYour inner commitment
To your Lord Supreme. ```Where do I live?
I live in betweenMy Master divine
AndHis life-transforming touch.
My heart needs sleeplessly. ```Only a surrender-heart
Or a silence-mindCan hear God’s Angel-Whispers.
```Nature’s message to mankind:
Do not kill me!God will bless you
With His Compassion-EyeAnd Forgiveness-Heart.
```In the spiritual life
The loss of a simple lifeAnd the loss of a pure heart
Can only be feltAnd never adequately described.
```It is very strange
That each human beingAt times is afraid
Of his own tiny mind. ```Do not worry!
God never asked you to worryEither about Him
Or about others. ```Both the desire-mind
And the aspiration-heartMust surrender
To the Absolute Lord Supreme. ```Nature’s last message to mankind:
Do not mistreat me!If you mistreat me
You will be a deplorable loserIn the battlefield of life.
```My outer commitment to mankind
Is to become a great man.My inner commitment to God
Is to become a perfect slave. ```What I need
Is indomitable strengthIn my mind.
What I need
Is inimitable surrender-joyIn my heart.
```If your brave promise is broken,
Then be prepared to makeA braver promise
To arrive at perfection. ```What kind of love is it
That does not embodyThe message of universal service?
```Each new message from Above
Indicates God’sUnconditional self-giving Joy.
```I call it
My perfection-heart.God calls it
His Satisfaction-Eye. ```My mind’s unchanging occupations:
```Where there is no smile
Inside the heart,That means the mind
Has shut the heart-door. ```What I desire
Is man-supremacy.What I need
Is God-intimacy. ```God will change your fate
In a twinklingIf you do not cherish
Your weakling-heart. ```I am impure.
In whose eyes?In God’s Eyes
Or in the eyes of the world?If it is in God’s Eyes,
I shall try to proceedHigher and higher,
To become a perfect instrument of God.But if I am impure in man’s eyes,
Then I shall have to remainOnly soulfully silent.
```The confusion-mind
Is never allowed to enterInto the heart-illumination-temple.
```To me,
Beautiful is my heart’s helplessness,But not my mind’s hopelessness.
```The mind’s discipline-life
DeterminesThe perfection-speed of humanity.
```There can be no inner Heaven of delight
For a human beingWho does not aspire to become
A perfect citizen of the world. ```I need God the Compassion
To watch over my heart.I need God the Forgiveness
To watch over my mind. ```When I meditate,
My Lord gives meA heart without walls.
When I pray,My Lord gives me
A mind with open doors. ```How can God
Ever be pleased with youIf you cherish
Your mind’s sole occupation:Frustration?
```O my heart,
You may not be wantedBy the world,
But you are not only wantedBut also needed
By the Lord Supreme. ```My Lord Supreme tells me
That His Heart-accessIs not restricted to the poor.
It is for all. ```If you want God
To broadcast your achievements,Then you must never allow your mind
To resort to self-parade. ```O seeker,
I am telling youThat God-manifestation
Is not a far cryFrom God-meditation.
```Nothing else
But the ancient wisdom-thoughtsWill be able to cure
The maladies of modern man. ```My Lord,
I need from YouOnly a sunrise-heart
And a sunset-mind. ```May each human heart become
The aspiring morning’sEnthusiasm-flower-smile.
```There is only one real life,
And that real life beginsImmediately after the death
Of the ego. ```Alas, I do not know when
I shall have the capacityTo make a long-distance call
To my Lord’s perfect Satisfaction-Smile. ```O my stupid mind,
Stop enjoyingYour constant and shameless
Doubt-drizzle. ```Only a silence-mind
Can perfectly hearThe Whisperings
Of God the infinite Compassion. ```Beauty’s peace-dove,
I soulfully love you.Humility’s peace-dove,
I sleeplessly need you. ```There is only one way
To liberate meFrom hurricane-anxieties,
And this is throughMy heart’s God-loving
Gratitude-cry. ```God sings His Satisfaction-Songs
Only inside the heartsOf the cheerfully self-giving seekers.
```The mind’s stubborn refusal
To accept the heart’sAll-illumining light
Is utterly shocking. ```Every time my mind
Makes friends with doubts,My Lord Supreme suffers
From undeniable disappointments. ```The destructive pride
Of the suspicion-mindMust immediately
Be smashed asunder. ```Today’s dream-seeds
Are tomorrow’s reality-trees,Reality-flowers
And reality-fruits. ```An iota of faith
Can blossom intoA sunshine-victory.
```When I starve my earthly desire-mind
And feed my Heavenly aspiration-heart,God invites me to come and be a member
Of His immediate Family. ```If you do not respond
To the call of your compassion-soul,Then freedom from happiness
Will be your unavoidable fate. ```The entire world
Is helplessly surrenderingTo the forest
Of depression-night. ```Each aspiring heart
Is destined to be floodedWith sweetness-happiness-fragrance.
```He is indeed
A deplorably poor manWhose heart is empty
Of gratitude-joy. ```I do not want to have
Only the courage for newness.I want to have
The willingness for perfect fulness. ```Each dreamer has
God the CompassionAs the Source
Of his inspiration-light. ```Justice-God,
True,I am afraid of You.
But I do knowThat it is You
Who can and will bless meWith Your Perfection-Delight.
```I do not need
A life of happy surprises.What I need is
A heart of divine enterprises. ```Inside my heart-hermitage
I hear the Satisfaction-Flute-SongsOf my Lord Supreme.
```Each small step forward
Is the new beginningOf an all-transforming human life.
```I do not believe in service.
What you call service-mountain,I call delight-fountain.
```It is infinitely easier
For a man to love youThan to understand the message
Of your soul’s compassion-eye. ```The mind’s complexity-clouds
Have coveredThe heart’s unity-sun.
```O my mind,
Be not afraid of perfection-light,For it is nothing other than
Lasting satisfaction-delight. ```The human mind is always afraid
Of having new guests.The divine heart is always welcoming
Both the new guestsAnd the old guests.
```It seems that
The desiring mindAnd its isolation-loneliness
Are inseparable. ```Tomorrow is too late.
Even later todayMay not be the right time.
Go and see God right now.He is eagerly waiting for you.
```The God-Satisfaction-Game
Has many rules and regulations,But they are all
Extremely compassionate. ```O my mind,
Be wise once and for all.Don’t rest any more!
My heart has already started the journey.The goal is beckoning you, too.
```My heart’s aspiration-cry
Will never fail.My life’s dedication-smile
Will never fail.My soul’s manifestation-dance
Will never fail. ```Be careful of impurity-thoughts!
They can run wildInside your mind-territory.
```Every day
I simplify my mindSo that I can
Amplify my LordInside my aspiration-heart.
```If you want to develop
Adamantine will-power,Then you must not foster ill will
Towards any human being. ```Every day
I cherish only one thing:My heart’s sleepless flow
Of God-hungry tears. ```A realised soul is he
Who smilingly every dayDives deep within,
Runs speedily forwardAnd flies high, higher, highest.
```God does not care for
My self-expressionAnd self-manifestation.
He cares only forMy self-investigation
And self-interrogation. ```My heart’s soul-bird
Has two wingsTo fly in the firmament
Of Divinity’s unhorizoned delight:A sleeplessly crying wing
And a sleeplessly smiling wing. ```O my mind,
Do not be afraidOf speaking about God.
O my heart,Do not be afraid
Of speaking to God.O my life,
Do not be afraidOf dining with God.
```How real is God?
God is as realAs my heart’s aspiration
And as real as my soul’sGod-manifestation-smiles.
```Every day my Lord Supreme
Watches my surrender-heart-birdFlying in His own Heart’s
Satisfaction-Sky. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 170, Agni Press, 1992
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