How I wish I could come
To my Lord SupremeWith my gratitude-heart
At lightning speed. ```O my mind,
You cannot say that I did not tryTo transform you.
I tried, again and again,Only to fail!
```O my mind,
All you need to beIs simplicity-smile
And sincerity-cry. ```O my long-neglected heart-shrine,
Forgive me once more!I am going to use you
Throughout Eternity. ```My seeker-friend,
How can you have even an iota of peaceIf you allow your mind
To have butterfly-thoughts? ```Yesterday
Fear crippled me.Today
Doubt is devouring me.Alas, alas!
```My Lord,
May my life begin every dayWith an aspiration-song
And a dedication-dance. ```If you do not sow
Patience-seed,Can you ever collect
Satisfaction-harvest? ```The mind’s giant-doubt
Is no match forThe heart’s atom-faith.
```My Lord,
I agree with YouThat I should not allow
My heart-flower to wiltAny time
In this aspiration-life of mine. ```Each tiny doubt
Is a heavier-than-the-heaviestMisfortune-carrier!
```O silence-sun, O silence-sun,
In your glow my heart feelsInfinity’s Peace.
```Be supremely brave!
Stand face-to-faceWith ignorance-night!
It is bound to surrenderAnd disappear.
```Man denies God
Whenever he wants to.Yet God loves man
Even though He does not have to. ```A purity-heart
Lives in God’s ownOneness-Peace-Heart-Garden.
```My desire-transcendence
Is myGod-satisfaction-permanence.
```A doubting mind
Will eventually becomeA totally defeated
Expectation-life. ```Even God’s Compassion-Eye
Is not a remedyFor man’s unwillingness-disease.
```Only the fulfilment
Of God-directed decisionsCan make my life
Beautiful, peaceful and fruitful. ```My Lord Supreme,
May my life be devotedOnly to Your
Heart-Satisfaction. ```Every day
My inner life and my outer lifeLive on God’s
Forgiveness-Sweetness-Fragrance. ```May beauty’s hope
And duty’s promiseFlow towards
My aspiration’s future life. ```Inspiration-leaves
My mind needs.Aspiration-tree
My heart needs.Dedication-flower
My soul needs.Realisation-fruits
My life needs. ```A sincere God-lover
Is an unhorizoned God-messengerOf oneness-fulness-peace.
```The happiness of the soul
Dances only withA surrender-blossomed heart.
```God wants me to have
Happiness-receptivitySo that at a moment’s pause
He can bless meWith His Infinity’s Love
And His Infinity’s Peace. ```Every day
My Compassion-LordSaves me from drowning
In my roaring pride-ocean. ```O my doubting mind,
Away you go!I am so happy
To see you go. ```This morning
My Lord Supreme told my mindThat His Forgiveness-Licence
Had expired. ```My heart’s devotion-dawn
Is clearingMy mind’s cloudy sky.
```Each soulful thought
In the mindIs a new prosperity-dawn
For the aspiring life. ```A self-giving God-lover
Always winsThe inner election.
```How I wish
I could always liveInside
My peace-fragrance-heart-garden. ```May my heart’s intensity
Pilot my life’sEnthusiasm-boat.
```When God forgave me,
My gratitude-heartImmediately sparkled in my eyes.
```A mind-occupied life
Knows no divine joy.A heart-empty life
Knows no divine joy. ```An unwilling mind
Is doomed to beA crying failure.
```When I look within
I become my illumination-heart.When I look without
I become my frustration-mind. ```To be absolutely perfect,
ExcludeYour mind-information
And includeYour heart-education.
```To my extreme sorrow,
Yesterday my mind’s disobedience-cloudsBefriended me.
To my extreme joy,Today my heart’s sunbeams
Have befriended me. ```When I offer my Lord Supreme
My gratitude-heart,He chooses me to be a passenger
In His Compassion-Heart-Boat. ```My mind,
I shall not allow youTo fool my heart
Ever again. ```In vain
My heart tells my mindThat each moment
Is a God-fulfilment-opportunity. ```Two things I desperately need:
A simplicity-loving mindAnd a purity-blossoming heart.
```I perfectly know that
Doubt is synonymous withA foul-weather night.
```My Lord Supreme,
First things first:Do bless me to become
An obedience-heart-smile. ```If it is true
That my Lord Beloved SupremeIs coming,
Then it is equally trueThat I am finally
Becoming. ```Consciously and confidently
We must say good-byeTo the storms
Of our mind’s ignorance-night. ```I do not want to be
The master of earthly things.I want to be
The brother of Heavenly things. ```The mind has to grow
Divinely.The heart has to glow
Perfectly.The life has to flow
Supremely. ```My tolerance
Is my Lord’s IlluminationActing in and through me
For my perfection. ```A good thought
Must never be kept encaged.Let it fly
In humanity’s oneness-freedom-sky. ```God the Aspiration
Is becoming very powerful in me.How I wish
God the SatisfactionTo be pleased with me
As well! ```The mind’s assertion
I was yesterday.The heart’s aspiration
I am today.The soul’s realisation
Tomorrow I shall be. ```In the morning
When my heart cries for God,God blesses me
With a flower-fragrance-breath. ```If you have
A sleeplessly God-surrendering heart,Then your disappointment-mind
Cannot come into existence. ```My heart’s prayer-fragrance
Soulfully grants meMy life’s progress-delight.
```O my heart’s gratitude-teardrops,
Where are you?I desperately need you
To win the SmileOf my Beloved Lord Supreme.
```Even in the eyes of his enemies,
His heart is goodAnd his mind is great.
```I am so happy
That I have finally startedTo piece together
My shattered aspiration-life. ```He who is supremely great
Cannot be tormentedBy man’s ingratitude-thorns.
Is my inner name.Determination
Is my outer name.Lo, I have started tearing down
The towering walls of my doubts. ```My heart’s
Gratitude-breathIs my life’s
Sacred flower-fragrance-garden. ```My Compassion-Lord Supreme
Every day tells meThat He will give me
Another chance. ```Who is your Master?
Not he who asks youTo touch his feet,
But he who asks youTo be his Eternity’s friend.
```Only an unconditional surrender-heart
Has the capacityTo learn fast, very fast,
The God-manifestation-game. ```O my mocking mind,
O my suspecting mind,There shall definitely come a time
When you will be utterly disgustedWith yourself.
```My life’s outer success
May please my Lord Supreme,But my heart’s inner progress
Definitely fulfils my Lord Supreme. ```I am sure that
Tomorrow’s heart-illumining dawnWill teach
My God-searching mind. ```The happiness of my life
Cannot flyWithout my heart’s
Aspiration-wings. ```God needs
My pure heart.I want
God’s sure Power. ```My meditation is
My aspiration-sky.My meditation is
My dedication-ocean. ```Every day my heart
Takes a tremendous riskIn trusting my mind.
```Since God alone
Cannot satisfy me,He takes help from
His Compassion-Light. ```At times
Unlearning is a blessing unparalleledFrom Above.
A miniature aspiration-hillIs my spiritual height.
```I must know
That nobody has forcedMy aspiration-heart
To be in exile,Nobody.
```Happy is the mind
That does not doubt.Happier is the heart
That does not fear.Happiest is the life
That does not surrenderTo ignorance-night.
```Alas, where am I?
I am in betweenA visible ocean
And an invisible shore. ```Each uncomely thought
Blights humanity’s lifeAnd pains Divinity’s Heart.
```Be brave!
Cancel all your surrender-thoughtsTo failure.
```Each time I meditate
On God’s Compassion-Eye,God helps me to shed tears
Of gratitude-delight. ```The indifference of Heaven
And the helplessness of earthAre unfathomably painful
To each other. ```Every morning
I breathe in hope-breathAnd breathe out fulfilling promises.
```A reality-dream
Shall fulfilHumanity’s God-fulfilment-prayer.
```The suspicion-mind
Is a perfect strangerTo humanity’s aspiration
And Divinity’s Compassion. ```Everybody clings to
Satisfaction-realityNever blossoms.
```Every day
My gratitude-heart beckonsGod’s Compassion-flooded Heart.
Will without failOne day surrender
To simplicity’s transformation-sun. ```Each desire-story
Eventually surrendersTo aspiration-song.
```How can you ever
Feed and please GodIn His own Way,
If you continue enjoyingYour doubting mind,
Insecure heartAnd impure breath?
```God’s Will
Will begin to prevail in your lifeIf you can
Quite frequently and freelyShow your enthusiasm-smile.
```A heart of oneness-peace
Will always find a homeIn everybody’s heart.
```Your soul has done
Countless good deeds for you.Can you not do
A good deed for your soul,Just by offering it your gratitude-heart?
```Only a seeker
With unconditional surrenderWill be able to build
A new world-promise. ```How can I make God happy?
Only by serving GodIn God’s own Way.
```How do I serve God?
I serve GodWith my gratitude-tears.
```If you can enjoy
God-oriented thoughts,Then your mind’s bondage-chains
Will disappear. ```Inspiration and aspiration
Are not man-madeBut God-blossomed.
```My Lord,
May my aspiration-heartBe given the chance
To hold Your Compassion-EyeJust for a moment.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 174, Agni Press, 1992
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