No soulful hope
To please GodIn God’s own Way
Can ever be wasted. ```A man without aspiration-flames
Cannot be cherishedBy God’s Satisfaction-Smiles.
```Never forget that your faith-friend
Has no parallelIn your aspiration-heart
And dedication-life. ```May each prayer and meditation
Of mineRing God’s Victory-Bell
From summit to summit. ```Each desire-fulfilment
Desperately requiresSleepless prayers.
```When faith
Turns to doubt,Ignorance-supremacy
Begins to shout. ```A self-giving life
Is itselfAn unparalleled achievement
For a seeker. ```How beautiful it looks
When the mind swimsIn the heart’s
Purity-flooded surrender-lake. ```Alas, I am totally lost
BetweenThe cry of ancient seekers
AndThe frown of modern criticisers.
```God blesses
Each aspiration-heartWith Eternity’s purity-road.
```My breathless meditation
Is my heart’sEcstasy-trance.
```What each human being needs
Is a momentWithout desire-invasion.
```God-lovers look
Extremely beautiful and pureWhen they talk about
Their beloved Forgiveness-God. ```To me,
Most beautifulIs the smiling Eye of God
And most powerfulAre the streaming Tears of God.
```Yesterday’s ignorance made me
A temptation-maker.Today’s illumination has made me
A temptation-breaker. ```Mine is the heart
That sleeplessly needsA silence-feeding soul.
```A God-seeker’s child-heart
Is soulfully and charminglyBeautiful.
```Peace wants to blossom
Inside your heartAnd nowhere else.
```My Lord,
I do not needA perfection-life.
I need onlyYour Compassion-Eyes.
```How can I ever describe
The haunting qualitiesOf my heart’s silence-songs?
Each and every seekerWill run along the road
Of unconditional surrender. ```For Your Compassion-Sea,
My Lord,I shall cry and cry,
But I need not sigh. ```From the mind we can at best
Learn how to proceed forwardWith halting steps.
```There is only one way
To feed my Lord Supreme,And that is with my heart’s
Mounting silence-flames. ```What is the use
Of having a heartIf it does not pulsate
With nectar-delight? ```O truth-seeker,
Be careful and tactful always.Otherwise,
You can be very hurtful. ```I know that God is aware
Of my mind’s teeming agonies.But I would like to be aware
Of His compassionate ConcernAs well.
```If I am great,
Then it is due toMy heart’s gratitude-tears.
If I am good,Then it is due to
My life’s surrender-smiles. ```My Lord Supreme,
I am crying for You.Can You not see?
“My child,I am beckoning you.
Can you not see?” ```Self-deception
Is bottomless and shameless.Self-perfection
Is sleepless and endless. ```God wants you to be liberated
From your desire-lifeAnd to cremate your desire-life.
```Each seeker will sooner or later
Come to realiseThat God’s Compassion-Height
Is infinitely strongerThan His Justice-Light.
```Prayer reduces
My mind-doubts.Meditation reduces
My heart-insecurities. ```Mother Earth is always ready
To sympathise with our sufferingBecause of our utter helplessness.
```My wisdom-heart
Never invitesThe clever depression-guest.
```No matter how undivine we are,
We cannot go beyond the reachOf God’s Compassion-Eye.
```On a daily basis
I hunt the doubt-animalIn my mind
To make myself supremely happy. ```My Lord Supreme
Is so happyTo be able to bless me
With my heart’s progress-crown. ```No matter what I do,
I fail to disperseMy mind’s heavy ignorance-clouds.
```God is telling me
That there is a oneness-bridgeBetween
My soul’s rainbow-dreamsAnd
My heart’s fountain-realities. ```Every day
My Lord Beloved SupremeBlesses my surrender-blossomed heart
With His Transcendental Pride.Alas, alas, alas, every day
My Lord Supreme helplessly criesWhen He looks at
My deliberately unsurrendered mind. ```A sleeplessly self-giving life
Is indeedA breathlessly
Ecstasy-surcharged heart. ```God does not love me:
This is an old story.God does not care for me:
This is an old story.God does not need me:
This is an old story. ```I love God:
This is a new song.I care for God:
This is a new song.I need God:
This is a new song. ```God loves us unconditionally:
This is a new song.God cares for us sleeplessly:
This is a new song.God needs us desperately:
This is a new song. ```A simplicity-life,
A sincerity-heartAnd a purity-breath
Can always please GodIn His own Way.
```If you do not aspire,
Then you will be forced to liveIn a lonely unreality-world.
```May my heart-cup
Be filled to the brimWith surrender-gratitude
To God. ```To me,
The heart that does notLove other hearts
Is a criminal heart.The heart that does not
Cheerfully expandIs a failure-heart.
```A big zero-mind
Can easily haveA super hero-heart.
```My Lord,
May I see You smiling at meFor a change?
“My child,May I see you surrendering
Your mind’s bondage-lifeFor a change?”
```My Lord,
My blundering life every day needsYour thundering Footsteps
And nothing elseTo perfect my ignorance-flooded life.
```The presence of sincerity
In the aspiring heartIs needed
For a healthy and lastingHappiness.
```My aspiring heart
Every day struggles hardTo escape my mind’s
Darkness-ignorance-forest. ```O my doubting mind,
Are you not ashamedOf inventing every day
New problemsFor my aspiring heart to solve?
```Oh how I wish
I could make friendsWith the silence
Of the evening stars! ```Oh how I wish
I could knowMy tomorrow’s life
With my today’s heart! ```I must eventually realise
That the mind-thirstOf my desire-life
Can never be quenched. ```The blossoming smiles
Of my heartAre my divinity’s God-dreams.
```We are such fools
That we are seekingPermanence-joy
In a fleeting world. ```How can I make spiritual progress
WithoutThe aspiration from within
And the inspiration from without? ```Alas, the desire-mind
Will never have the capacityTo transform its own nature.
```My Lord, do give me the capacity
To pray to You every dayFor my aspiration-heart’s
Lightning-oneness-speed. ```My Lord, do not fulfil
My mind’s freedom-desires,But do fulfil
My heart’s surrender-desires. ```A special Grace is needed
From AboveFor the mind to escape from
Anxiety-worry-prison. ```Aspiration
Is sweetness.Dedication
Is fulness.Surrender
Is sweetness-fulness-fragrance. ```What I need is not
A God-questioning mindBut a God-crying heart.
```Each time we pray and meditate,
God helps us expandOur heart’s oneness-realm.
```How can we ever expect to find
Protection-securityInside our division-barrier-mind?
```What is a human mind
If not a conscious and constantComfort-search-attempt?
```When I soulfully pray,
I fly with the flamesOf my wisdom-radiance-sun.
```Every morning
I cry for God’s SmileTo clear away
My yesterday’s problem-clouds. ```I am afraid of many things,
But I am mostly afraidOf my mind’s
Binding and blinding thoughts. ```Each good thought of mine
I seeAs a star of my heart
In my soul’s Infinity-sky. ```There is no end
To our heart’sNewness, eagerness and willingness-
Capacities. ```If you are wise,
Then do not waitFor the Christ to return.
You can go and see himIn Heaven
With your aspiration-heartAnd surrender-life.
```As the mind invented sin,
Even so,The heart has discovered forgiveness.
```The mind
And its calamity-confusionAre an old story.
The heartAnd its poise-illumination
Are a new story. ```An unaspiring mind
Is always afraidOf newness-adventure.
An aspiring heartNot only loves
But also grows intoThe life of newness-adventure.
```Because of our earth-bound
Ignorance-mindWe always try to separate
The sound of lifeFrom the silence of death.
```Each time I offer something
To Mother EarthTo make her happy,
She immediately blesses meWith her endless cosmic energy.
```As you cannot separate
Fragrance from flower,Even so, you cannot separate
Life from death. ```Each effort towards self-discovery
Is indeed the divine prideOf the world of progress-manifestation.
```The desire-fulfilment-dance
Is so fleetingThat it is hard to know
When it startsAnd when it ends.
```Alas, most human beings
Live in the worldOf unfulfilled personality.
```My God-surrender
Helps me enjoyThe delight of my soul’s
Dream-expanding horizons. ```What does my life need?
My life needs onlyA few flames
From my Lord’s Compassion-flooded Sun. ```Even to accept the fact
That God is in all human beings,Not to speak of loving God
In all human beings,Is a difficult task for us.
```The difference between
Dream and RealityIs this:
Dream awakens usAnd Reality fulfils us.
```Alas, ours is the mind’s
Comfort-searchAnd not the heart’s
Enlightenment-discovery. ```My mind lives either
In the world of nothingnessOr in the world of unevenness.
```My prayer-life tells me
How far I can go.My meditation-life tells me
Where I eternally am. ```My meditation does not
Have to go anywhereTo see anyone
Or to bring anyone to me.My meditation is my magnet-heart.
```Each good thought
Is indeed a powerful protestAgainst our life’s
Ignorance-king. ```May my eagerness-heart
Tirelessly swimIn the heart of selflessness-sea.
```Mine is the morning prayer-song
That cries for the descentOf God’s Existence-Consciousness-Bliss.
```Only into the heart of faith
Does God enterWith His Forgiveness-Miracles.
```Yesterday I called them
My aspiration-heart-seeds.Today I call them
My dedication-life-blossoms. ```My life is composed of
My inner world’s prosperityAnd my outer world’s poverty.
```What we need is courage,
Not hope,To live in God’s
Compassion-Protection-Hands. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 178, Agni Press, 1993
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