My Lord,
How can I offer You enough gratitude?“My child,
You and I are singingThe song of oneness.
This oneness-song goes beyondThe necessity of gratitude.
When oneness reigns supreme,Who will be grateful to whom?”
```You and your pride
Can live without God,But God and God’s Compassion
Cannot live without you. ```If you are ready
To go with your Beloved LordEven to hell,
Then rest assured,Your Lord will definitely turn hell
Into the highest Heaven. ```I am not imitating him.
He has achieved something before me,But now God’s Hour
Has struck for me as well,And I shall devotedly follow
In his footsteps.What you call imitation,
I call oneness-sharing. ```Man misunderstands
God’s Justice-Light.Man does not understand
God’s Compassion-Height. ```Let others call me a fanatic.
I will listen onlyTo my intuition-friend
Who tells meWhen to run and sit
At my Lord’s Compassion-Feet. ```He who leads me to God
Is most precious,For what else is he doing
If not playing the roleOf opportunity
For his faithful followers? ```A seeker’s winter of doubt
Is fleeting,But his spring of faith
Can easily be lasting. ```Frustration-night can veil
Your faceIf you do not sail
Your life-boatTowards the Illumination-Shore.
```When your Master does anything
With serious and soulful concentration,Do not miss the golden chance
To be with him.Use every opportunity
To receive the utmost from him. ```He wanted to go to hell
And see what it looked like.Teeming doubts came to him
And said,“You do not have to take the trouble
Of going to hell.We have brought hell to you.”
```O ex-God-lover,
The stark ignorance-axeIs fast descending
On your head. ```God is older than anybody.
Again, what is GodIf not an eternal Child
Playing in His infiniteGarden of Beauty?
```What is selfless service?
Some call it humility-service,Others call it humiliation-service,
But I shall always call itIllumination-service.
```Now that you have got
Freedom-confidence,One by one, your forgotten hopes
Will reappear. ```A true God-ambassador-messenger
Is he who deliversDivinity’s Smile
To humanity’s crying door. ```Be an eternal child.
Only an eternal childCan appreciate
Divinity within and divinity without.Only an eternal child
Can make inner and outer progressTo satisfy God in His own Way.
```Whether it needs rest or not,
You must compel your wandering mindTo rest,
And ask your still heart’s faith-flowerTo blossom
Slowly, steadily and beautifully. ```Do not cry.
I love you.Do not cry.
The world needs you.Do not cry.
God is still dreamingInside you and for you.
```God should not have to
Plead with you.Just do the right thing
Sooner than at onceAnd become His Eternity’s
Choice and fond instrument. ```Each truth-seeking cry
Will eventually becomeA God-manifesting smile.
```A servant of the transcendental Truth
Can never be lostIn the backwoods of ignorance-night.
```Because of your
Disproportionate tongue-greed,Your success-boat
Had to capsize and vanish. ```In his inner and outer life
He was shining.His Lord Supreme made him
A messenger boy on earth.Why?
Only to teach himHow to shine in humility.
```God’s selfless Service is found
Here, there, everywhere.Whatever good things
He has been doing for His creation,He is now asking you to do.
```Do not loiter
On your frustration-street!God is inviting you
To come to His StreetAnd hoist His Satisfaction-Banner.
```In top silence,
Patience-lightBroadcasts its indomitable power.
```Through his selfless service-offering
He at onceSmashed his outer pride
And expedited his inner illumination. ```You want to make a noble sacrifice,
But first ask if it is God’s Will.You must always go beyond morality
And allow DivinityTo make the decision for you.
```Be grateful to morality,
For it has establishedSome harmony on earth.
But remember,You are a truth-seeker.
For you spiritualityMust always come first.
```You are not only sitting
On the bondage-bench,But you are enjoying
The boring sound of bragging. ```God wants you
To come and play with HimAnd acquire
Divine name and fame.But you must first
Throw off the blame-blanketThat you have put on humanity.
```If you serve
Faithfully, devotedly and punctually,Although you have
Teeming problems and weaknesses,Inwardly you will feel
Joy in boundless measureFrom your selfless service-offering.
```God’s Vision-Island
Is waiting for you.Can you not quickly embark
In your heart’s swiftest progress-plane? ```Keep swinging on
Your heart’s gratitude-gate.God will before long
Transform your earth-bound fateInto a Heaven-free smile.
```When your Master asks you
To obey the Divine in him,You have to know
That he himselfAlways obeys Someone —
His Eternity’s Pilot Supreme. ```What do I want?
I want to see my mind’sFalling desire-star.
What do I want?I want to see my heart’s
Rising aspiration-sun. ```If you have made
Your ego-life a big eater,How is it you cannot make
Your surrender-life a great God-dancer? ```If you do not take
Your Lord Supreme’s GiftsWith a gratitude-heart,
Who will be the real loser? ```When he soulfully offered to others
What his Beloved Supreme had given him,He immediately increased
His own devotion-delight. ```God asks me to show Him
What I gave Him yesterday —Proper enthusiasm.
If I can show proper enthusiasmTo Him today,
Then He will give meWhat He truly is — Love.
```If you do not perfect
Your determination-exercise,God will not invite you to see
His Satisfaction-Dance. ```The disciple offers the Master
His soulful receptivity.The Master offers the disciple
His heart’s sweetest gratitudeAnd his soul’s highest blessings.
```In the life of a true seeker
Receptivity is not a mere wordFound in the dictionary,
But a living realityThat touches the very Depth
Of God’s Heart. ```You are asking me,
What has God’s Compassion-SmileDone for me?
God’s Compassion-SmileHas demobilised my doubt-army
For good. ```You are longing for
Your desires’ death.How can you kill your desires
Unless you are badly in need ofGod’s Breath?
```Whenever you sincerely
And soulfully meditate —No matter when, no matter where —
Your Master’s inner sunWill respond without fail.
```When you are meditating
In your Master’s absence,Your imagination-power
Can either bring your MasterRight in front of your mental vision,
Or it can sendYour meditation-consciousness
To your Master. ```You must defend
Your life’s manifestation-powerWith your heart’s aspiration-tower.
```Your faith-tree has dropped dead
And now what I still hearIs a deafening sound.
```The Lord Supreme
Needs only thoseWho are eternally faithful,
Sleeplessly cheerfulAnd ready to follow Him
At all times. ```You are perfectly surrendered
To your mind.You have become
Your mind’s best instrument.You think that you know everything
Better than God.Alas, what can poor God do for you?
```God’s Hour had struck for him.
But when he deliberatelyNeglected his meditation,
The inner divine forcesKicked him
Infinitely harderThan he would ever have imagined.
```When opportunity knocks at your door,
Pay attention!If you ignore your opportunities,
The retribution will be unimaginable. ```Unless you take your mind-student
To your heart’s illumination-palaceEvery day,
It will die to keep companyWith confusion-crowd.
```God has already given you
What He has for you —His transcendental Smiles.
When are you going to give HimWhat you have for Him —
Your heart’s gratitude-tears? ```The Hour has struck for you.
ProceedAccording to your own capacity.
Why waitFor those who are not ready
To fly high, higher, highest? ```What is transcendence,
If not a minor alterationOf my earth-aspiration-cry?
```Don’t hide your doubt-drums.
Strike hard!And let them burst into pieces
Immediately. ```There should be no difference
Between your everyday heart-aspirationAnd your life-newness.
There should be no differenceBetween your everyday heart-soulfulness
And your life-fulness. ```God is not interested
In the eagerness of your vitalTo defeat others.
God is only interestedIn the eagerness of your heart
To achieve perfectionIn your own life.
```Just think of
Your life’s transformation.God will then definitely love you
Infinitely more. ```False light will tell you
What you can never do.Real light will tell you
Not only what you can unmistakably doBut also
What you have perfectly done alreadyTo please your Beloved Supreme.
```To appreciate the beauty
Of a flowerIs not a difficult task.
But to become the flower itselfIs indeed a difficult task.
```Cry and cry sleeplessly
If you want to change the world.Love and love constantly
If you want to change yourself. ```Self-deception:
This is what the human nature knows.Self-perfection:
This is what the divine nature knows.Self-transcendence:
This is what the supreme nature knows. ```He mistakenly feels
That what others have to offer himIs of no value.
In the name of self-sufficiencyHe is just riding his own ego-horse.
```If your Lord Supreme requests you
To do something,Rest assured,
He has already given you the capacity —Even more than necessary —
Long before you actually need it. ```When I think of God,
I think of God’s Quantity-Life.When God thinks of me,
He only thinks of my quality-heart. ```Mine is purity’s
Attraction-heart.Mine is impurity’s
Repulsion-mind.In between the two
I am totally lost. ```When you walk
With your fellow travellersAlong Eternity’s Road,
Like a magnetYou should try to draw
Inspiration and aspiration from them. ```Just because God
Thinks of your enemy too,Do you think
He loves you less? ```Insincerity is dangerous.
Sincerity is adventurous.Purity is prosperous.
Divinity is precious. ```You do not have to
Give up anything.Just value your spiritual life
And automatically you will feelThat this new life of yours
Comes first. ```By accepting the spiritual life
You are telling meThat God comes first in your life.
Now do everything soulfullyTo bring yourself closer to Him,
And also try to feelThat He, only He, is your Eternity’s All.
```Two things of yours
Always astonish me:Your mind’s confusion-forest
And your heart’s perfection-garden. ```Opinion:
This is what my mind wants.Perfection:
This is what my heart wants.Liberation:
This is what my life wants.God-Satisfaction:
This is what I want. ```During the day
Use your imagination-powerTo remember your soulful and powerful
Morning meditation.Imagination is a world of its own,
And this imagination-powerCan save you, illumine you and fulfil you.
```Soulfully ask God
How to use the spiritual energyYou receive in your meditation.
Then it will never be wasted. ```Indecision
Tells me two things perfectly:What death looks like
AndWhere death is.
```God is not asking you
To desert your mindImmediately.
He is only asking youTo illumine your mind
Completely. ```God asks you to come Home.
He does not ask youWhat you will do
When you come Home. ```Yesterday
You allowed your mindTo be overcrowded with thoughts.
TodayYou are allowing your mind
To be overcrowded with doubts.Yet you want to have
A peaceful mind and a fruitful life! ```Your heart’s love-quality
Is quite poor.How do you then expect
To awaken the sleeping human beings?Your wishful thinking
Will eventually endIn a powerful frustration.
```You want to be first in everything.
Now make up your mindOnce and for all
Whether you want to be firstIn the world-illumination-race
Or in the world-possession-race. ```Alas, you cannot explain
God the Great.Alas, you cannot feel
God the Good.Alas, you cannot imagine
God the Perfect. ```What is your primary concern —
To love GodOr to serve God?
If you want to love God,Pray for inner purity.
If you want to serve God,Pray for inner certainty.
```A talker may only
Talk on perfection,But a listener can definitely
Grow into perfection. ```God definitely wants you
To succeed in life.But it is you
Who have to do alwaysThe best thing.
```The heart’s silence-sunrise
Is the harbingerOf the life’s sound-joy.
```You must implore
God’s Compassion-LightBefore you dare to explore
The beauty and divinityOf the inner world.
```Be not afraid
Of revealing the truth.Be only afraid
Of concealing falsehood. ```Everything comes and goes,
But oneness-love remains,And it remains so permanently.
```Whether your mind
Is running after desireOr desire is running after
Your mindIs quite unimportant.
Both your mind and desireAre quite harmful.
Therefore, watch out! ```God has already built
A road for you.Can you not at least
Walk on itAnd see if it is satisfactory?
```Ask your heart to give
The right kind of adviceTo the world.
Ask your mind to receiveThe right kind of advice
From the world. ```God wants you to entertain Him.
Alas,Instead of entertaining Him richly,
You have enchained Him mercilessly. ```God has a question for you.
Answer it immediately:Do you want Him
To save you from yourselfOr to save you from the world?
```God does not mind
If your road is differentFrom His road.
But He will definitely mindIf both of you
Finally do not arriveAt the same destination.
```Realisation is not
The end of the road.It is only a challenge
On the way to God’sPerfect Manifestation on earth.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 18, Agni Press, 1983
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