Every day
I must steer my life-boatWith my eagerness-heart
And my enthusiasm-mind. ```If you want to succeed
In anything in life,Then you must use
Your soul’s dauntless lion-power. ```Not only individual and collective
But also universalIs the tendency to deliberately ignore
The dictates of the Inner Pilot. ```With your heart’s streaming tears
And not with your unshed tearsYou can erase your dark past.
Self-indulgence-blessingInevitably becomes
```Nobody cares to know
What I am doing.Alas, why do I care
To bare my secret thoughts? ```A man of sincerity
Is dismayedBy his own mind’s
Bold shout-power. ```Each and every flame
Of the aspiring heartIs fed
By the blessingful and fruitfulOpportunity-sun.
```Unless all the aspiration
And dedication-troopsOf the world
Are mobilised,The peace-manifestation-dream
Of earthWill remain a far cry.
```O my mind,
My life is alreadyToo complex.
For God’s sakeDo not complicate it more
With your contagious doubts! ```The human mind
Likes to prophesy unhappinessAnd not happiness
Day in and day out. ```The happiness
Of an ego-bloated mindIs as enduring
As a mound of sand. ```If the mind’s sincerity
And the heart’s purityWalk together,
Then every obstacleOn the way
Will definitely crumble. ```A self-giving thought
Is indeedTime well-spent.
```A God-loving heart
Takes the doubting mindAs an unwelcome intruder.
```Quite often
Our expectations go downhillFaster
Than our own imagination. ```I may not always know
What God’s Will is,But I do know
What a good thought is.Why do I not invite
The presence of a good thoughtTo lift me and my surroundings up?
```The beauty of the morning
Inspires us.The beauty of the evening
Purifies us. ```May each morning come to me
With an inspiration-message-light.May each evening come to me
With a gratitude-message-light. ```Be brave
To see the face of newnessAnd feel the heart of newness
If you want to startYour life’s Godward journey.
```Each man has qualities
Good and bad.God wants me to look
Only at man’s good qualities.To correct his bad qualities
Is God’s Task.I must not interfere
In God’s cherished activities. ```My Lord Supreme
Dearly treasuresMy life’s progress-report.
```Nothing can be
More valuable and fruitfulThan to cherish
Each gratitude-breathOf our heart.
```He is so sad
That his life-carIs helplessly stalled
By doubt-giant. ```Life is nothing
Other thanAn opportunity-fountain-smile.
Always brings inRuthless frustration-night.
```Can you not see
That God is crying and weepingFor you to join Him in His Boat
To reach the ShoreOf the ever-transcending Beyond?
```If your mind is brave,
Then challenge thought!If your heart is pure,
Then transcend thought! ```Love God unconditionally!
You will not be chainedBy earth-bound time.
```The mind’s willingness
Is always treasuredBy the heart’s openness.
```It takes a man of courage
To enjoyEarth-adventure-journey.
```In the morning
I prayTo God’s Compassion-Eye.
In the evening
I meditateOn God’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```This world of ours
Has only two realities:Sadness
```Alas, I do not know
If the need for peaceWill ever be on the increase
In the human mind. ```O my mind,
When will you stopAllowing your kingdom
To be ruledBy ruthless ignorance-night?
```The golden smile
Of HeavenAnd the silver gratitude
Of earthAre extremely fond of each other.
```Alas, each human life
Is either consciouslyOr unconsciously bound
By unlimited expectation-chains. ```A surrender-life
Ascends.A gratitude-heart
Expands. ```A heart of faith
SeesNo mind of doubt
Anywhere! ```Temptation and attachment
Are two membersOf life’s insecurity-team.
```True, a mind of sincerity
Is rare.But rarer still
Is a heart of purity. ```I do not want to part with either of
My most precious possessions:Two helpless eyes
And one hopeless heart. ```Where do I live?
I live in my sweet hope-homeAnd nowhere else.
```Each thought is uncertain,
Each action is uncertain,Life itself is uncertain.
Alas, everything on earthIs doomed to be uncertain.
```My Lord,
May my heart be floodedWith compassion-oneness-capacity.
```Ego means
Sleepless attention-necessityAnd nothing else.
```Self-imposed obligation
Stupidly pleasesThe undivine in me.
Self-forgetful sacrifice
Supremely pleasesThe divine in me.
```Neither self-doubt
Nor self-aggrandisementCan change the real reality
In us. ```Each good thought
Is a beautifulHeart-flower.
```Unbelievable, but true:
My suspicion-mind,My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
And my Lord’s Forgiveness-HeartTogether live.
```My morning meditation-beauty
Is my self-perfection.My evening meditation-fragrance
Is my Lord’s Satisfaction. ```The God-satisfaction-seekers list
Has always beenShorter than the shortest
Since the beginning of human aspiration. ```If God has the time
To smile at you powerfully,How is it
That you do not have timeTo cry for God soulfully?
```What I need
Is the beauty of hopeAnd the duty of patience
To make enormous progressIn my inner life.
```To my great surprise,
Every day I getQuite unexpected Blessing-Gifts
From my Lord Supreme. ```The heart’s aspiration-cries
Must never be neglectedFor the ruthlessly doubting mind.
```Sweeping changes in my inner life
Have strengthened meTo pray and meditate once more,
Sincerely, soulfully and self-givingly. ```Every day I do two things:
I make a hope-gardenInside my heart,
And I create a promise-mountainInside my mind.
```If you are rooted
To a comfort-life,Then God’s Satisfaction-Heart
Can never be claimed by you. ```I am really happy now
Precisely becauseI have realised the futility
Of my expectation-mind. ```Can there be a greater fool
Than you areIf you postpone
Your self-improvement-life? ```The path of the heart’s insecurity
Can never lead usTo our divinity’s
Transcendental Reality. ```An uncommitted heart
Is indeedA most deplorable failure
In our aspiration-life. ```You must do something better
Than just soundingYour aspiration-dedication-drums
At every moment. ```Is there any day
When little deathsDo not visit human beings?
```The armour of fear
Is reigning supremeOn earthly soil.
```I have two
Most significant friends:My soul
And my soul’s unfinished task. ```There shall come a time
When this world of oursWill have a new, all-loving
And all-fulfilling Master:Peace.
```A self-giving thought
Is a step forwardTowards humanity’s
Perfection-life. ```O insecurity,
For years I considered youMy best friend.
But from now on,I shall take you as
My worst foe! ```Darkness has the capacity
To choose youOnly when you do not turn
Towards the life-illumining light. ```May I treasure
Only those prayersThat stand as champions
Of universal harmony. ```The higher worlds fondly treasure
Humanity’s hope-birdsAnd promise-sky.
```O excruciating suffering,
You are so powerful!I do hope that someday
You will prove to meThat you are meaningful
And fruitful as well. ```O sadness,
I do not know whyYou came to me.
Is it because I deserveYour ruthless presence?
Or is it because you are helplessAnd it is predestined that you give me
A God-ordained experience? ```Where do I live?
I live in betweenGod’s human tears
And God’s divine Smiles. ```Each self-giving life
Has a permanent passportTo enter and live in
God’s Consciousness-Light-Bliss-Realm. ```O my sound-mind,
How can I liveWith your destruction-frown?
O my silence-heart,
How can I liveWithout your fulness-love?
```A self-giving life
Is far beyondThe temptation-desire-snare.
```God needs from you
Your soul’s childlike smileAnd your heart’s childlike cry
Before He allows youTo breathe in
His universal Breath. ```The Lord Supreme tells
Each and every human beingThat the strength of sincerity
Knows no finite boundary. ```O my stupid mind,
I am urging youTo pay all attention
To your soul’s invaluable,Step-by-step
Nectar-instructions. ```Only the heart
Of a genuine God-loverCan house
God’s infinite Vision-Smile. ```Each unaspiring human being
Is hopelessly and helplessly lostInside his mind’s darkness-cave
And his heart’s ignorance-breath. ```The failures of the past
Want to be your boss.The frustrations of the present
Want to be your boss.The visions of the future
Want to be your boss.The Compassion-Eye of God
Wants to be your boss.It is you who have to make the choice.
I hope that you makeThe right and infallible choice.
```Before he entered into
The life of aspiration,What he had and what he was:
A thunder-mind.And now,
What he has and what he is:A flower-heart.
```What weighs infinitely more
Than anything in this world?The frustrations
Of each human being. ```God invites only
The sleepless gratitude-soulsTo participate in
His Victory-Procession through Heaven. ```Each morning and each evening
May I become my heart’sRainbow-melody-flute.
```God has challenged Himself
To see perfectionIn each human being.
```I am determined to climb over
Each and every mountain-obstacleI encounter in my life.
```It seems that
All human beings sufferFrom earth’s attachment-life
And Heaven’s detachment-soul. ```The doubting mind
Always finds mistakesNot only
In God the creationBut also
In God the Creator. ```What can save us?
Our quenchless thirstFor the ever-loving
And ever-transcending Beyond. ```No sleepless determination
Can remain unsuccessfulAnd unfruitful.
```I can never be happy
Unless I can return my heartTo its Source:
God the infinite Compassion-Light. ```God-seeking eyes
I needed.A God-loving heart
I now need,And I shall forever need.
```A single Compassion-Smile from God
Lifts me upTo my summit-self-transcendence-height.
```My soul’s purity-fragrance-breath
Does have the capacityTo smash my mind’s attachment-chains.
```My Lord Supreme
Builds a peace-templeInside each purity-thought
Of my mindAnd each aspiration-cry
Of my heart. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 180, Agni Press, 1993
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_180