My Supreme Lord,
To spread Your Message-LightAll around the globe,
I shall make my heart pure. ```Silence I desire
In my vital and in my mind.Without silence,
I am bound to beA hopeless failure.
```O Beauty infinite,
O Love infinite,Do come down, come down,
To transform my mind of clay. ```I long to fly
Like the birds in the freedom-sky.No more do I want to remain below
In the attachment-worldIn utter helplessness-sighs.
```My stupid mind loves
The desire-prison.Therefore darkness, only darkness,
Within, without, I see. ```When I try to satisfy
Everybody’s heart,My soul-bird dances
Ecstasy’s dance. ```Awake, awake, My Lord, awake!
Awake, awake today.You I shall worship
With my devotion-heart.You I shall give
My flower-casket. ```Into the world I came,
Myself to offer day and night.This sweetness-message
I shall proclaimWith infinite delight.
```For peace I shall cry,
For peace I shall cry.Cheerfully I shall bind
My little “I”At Your Feet divine.
```O newness in Heaven,
O newness on earth,Newness within, newness without,
Come, come, in silence come.To my Lord Supreme
I desire to offerMy success-victory-light.
```In the world of the unknown I roam
In search of the God unknown.One day I shall see
My Beloved Lord SupremeIn my meditation’s deepest depth.
```I know, I know,
Ignorance does not wantTo leave me.
To cast my ignorance aside,Therefore,
I cry for the Compassion-LightOf my Lord Supreme.
```Knowing perfectly well
The consequences,In utter pleasure-life
Teeming mistakes I have made.Therefore, my Lord,
The Golden ShoreNowhere I see.
```Today I shall place my old life
Inside a cave completely sealed.Fully blossomed I shall become,
And myself I shall raiseTo the highest summits
Inside the dream of the ever-new. ```Day and night I roam and roam
With my mindInside the thick of the thought-thorn-forest.
Therefore, I fail to see myselfInside my own heart’s wealth infinite.
```Each aspiration-heart
Carries in itA special dream-fragrance
Of God’s Vision-Light. ```I am determined
Not to sing any moreThe songs of man’s
Imperfection-wrongs. ```Today’s insincerity-mind
Will be heldIn tomorrow’s ruthless fear-grip.
```O seeker,
Do not stop to look back.The goal is ahead.
Run as fast as God wants you to! ```If we want to reach
The ultimate Goal,Then we must not allow
Our marathon enthusiasm-fireEver to be extinguished.
```If you are afraid of impossibility,
Then you can never be enrichedBy the plenitude
Of your heart’s inner power. ```Simplicity, sincerity and purity
Can easily silenceThe complication-confusion-mind.
```If we wholeheartedly long for
Perfection-life,Then God will come to us
As His whispering Wisdom-Fountain. ```If you want Peace infinite
In your mind,Then you must pray and meditate
To go beyond, far beyond,The realm of man-made
Division-thought-boundaries. ```An expectation-free commitment
Is undoubtedly the beginningOf a life’s enlightenment.
```If you want to be
Unfettered by desires,Then pray to God
For the daily deathOf your mind’s attachment-life.
```My heart feels
That there is only one thing dependableOn earth,
And that is God’s Compassion-Shower. ```A choice God-runner
Smilingly, lovingly and unconditionallyRuns at least one inner marathon
Every day. ```Alas,
The tragedy of a complicated mindIs that it paves the way
To utter suspicion-confusion. ```If your meditation-roots
Are not really deep,Then God’s smiling Eyes
And singing HeartWill not be able to bless you.
```In the unhorizoned stillness
Of the mindGod’s Perfection-Satisfaction-Divinity
Abides. ```I do not think
That there can be anythingSweeter and more fragrant
Than the sweetness and fragranceOf inner peace.
```The togetherness
Of our heartsIs the fulness
Of God’s Satisfaction-Soul. ```Alas,
Most human beings are blindedBy their own
Ingratitude-heart-nights. ```The heart’s gratitude-journey
Is always beckonedBy the fulness
Of God’s Golden Shore. ```When your heart and eyes radiate
With love divine,Infinity’s Peace comes and blesses
Your life’s aspiration-journey. ```Self-doubt is bound to chase you
If God-faith within youDoes not become
Stronger than the strongest. ```Remain inside
The aspiration-fountainIf you want to climb up
To the realisation-mountain-summits. ```When I do not consciously
And prayerfully aspire,I become the rise and fall
Of my own heart-kingdom. ```My everyday goal
Is to be of serviceTo every aspiring heart
And every serving life. ```What I need is
Deep harmony and sweet peaceTo stop the rain
Of non-stop anxiety-blows. ```Only a self-giving heart
Has the rightTo establish a direct contact
With its all-illumining soul. ```Study life’s sincerity-lessons
And heart’s purity-lessons.God the Teacher will bless you
With His mighty Satisfaction-Pride. ```If you want to proceed
Quickly and perfectlyTowards the destination,
Then look at your lifeFrom your soul’s wisdom-height,
And not from your mind’s intelligence-plain. ```You fool!
God does not want you to chooseThe difficult over the easy
To arrive at His Heart-Home. ```My mind’s newness-beauty
I love.My heart’s fulness-fragrance
I need. ```My Lord,
Repeated failuresCannot paralyse me.
But Your displeasure-Face can. ```Each soulful thought of mine
Paves the wayTo mankind’s perfection-life.
```Every day
My gratitude-heart and IDecorate the Feet
Of our Lord Supreme. ```O world’s purity-flower-heart,
Where are you?O world’s impurity-thorn-mind,
Where are you not? ```No human mind
Can enter intoThe thought-free Silence-Beyond.
```God I invoke
To visit my self-giving shore.Me God invites
To His all-blossoming Shore. ```With my aspiration-heart
I sit at the Feet of God.With my dedication-life
I become a member of God’s Family. ```The whisper of the Silence-Beyond
Awakens humanityFrom its death-bound sleep.
```A self-giving heart
Is the fastestUpward climber.
```May my soul dream on
Until its dreamsCome perfectly true.
```May my soul’s dance
Be Heaven’s gift to earth.May my heart’s song
Be earth’s gift to Heaven. ```May I not, my Lord,
Lose Your private phone number.May I not, my Lord,
Lose Your home address. ```May I not receive
Old ageWhen it arrives for me.
```May I unconditionally bow,
My Lord,To each and every Wish
Of Yours. ```May I walk with You,
My Lord,Willingly, happily and self-givingly
Every morning. ```May my aspiration-attempts
Be not only quick,But also enduring.
```May I not be a fool
To miss God’sMorning Meditation-Invitation.
```May I remove every day
Stark doubt-daggersFrom my mind.
```May I always be found
Between the realisation-heartAnd the God-manifestation-life.
```May I not be fool enough
To ever springAn unwelcome surprise on God.
```May I every morning play
With my aspiration-heartAnd its sunrise-smile.
```May my heart always remain
Wide openFor Love divine to enter.
```There was a time
When the poet in mePrayerfully desired to roam and roam
Inside my heart-garden.The poet in me now sleeplessly cries
To clasp the flower-beautyOf my heart-garden.
And before long, the poet in meWill meditatively grow into
The nectar-fragrance-delightOf my heart-garden.
```My mind needs
Self-awareness.My heart needs
God-fulness. ```Alas, alas, alas,
I amMy God-disobedience-downfall.
```My mind prays to God
For a greatness-lifeTo conquer the world.
My heart prays to GodFor a goodness-life
To love the world.And I pray to God
For a surrender-breathTo please God in His own Way.
```God says to me,
“Come in, My child,My Heart’s Rainbow-Wings
Are waiting for you.”God says to my heart,
“Come in, My child,My Heart’s Rainbow-Wings
Are waiting for you.”God says to my mind,
“I am sorry, My child,There is no more room.”
```Supreme, Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
You are lovingly, compassionately,Untiringly and unconditionally
Preparing meTo be a choice instrument of Yours
For the fulfilmentOf Your Earth-Transformation-Dream.
And what do I do?Every day I show You
My haughty mindAnd give You
My ungrateful heart. ```My Lord Supreme, my Lord Supreme,
Please give me a new heartTo treasure Your infinite Tears.
Please give me two new eyesTo reveal Your immortal Smile.
Please give me a new mindTo please You sleeplessly
And breathlesslyIn Your own Way.
```My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
I came not alone.I came with Your Infinity’s
Compassion-Blessing-Light.My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
I shall go not alone.I shall go with Your Immortality’s
Perfection-Satisfaction-Delight. ```My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
I was Your Life-Infinity’sVision-Flute-Melody.
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Lord,I am now Your Heart-Immortality’s
Victory-Drum-Delight. ```My Lord, there was a time
When I was a spirituality-orphan.I am now a spirituality-infant.
My Lord, what shall I be next?“My child,
You will be a spirituality-giant,And I shall make of you
My hero-warriorTo manifest My Transcendental Dreams
On earth.” ```My Lord Supreme,
What a beautifulGod-blossoming morning!
Alas, my mind is too feebleTo embody my God-gratitude.
Alas, my heart is too stupidTo accept my Lord’s God-Compassion.
Alas, my life is too blindTo see my Lord’s God-Perfection.
My Lord Supreme,Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me!
```My Lord, my Lord,
My life was once a long storyOf my mind’s
Desire-reality-forest.My Lord, my Lord,
My life is now a God-loving,God-serving and God-pleasing song
Of my heart’sAspiration-dream-garden.
My Lord, my Lord,My name is now my gratitude-heart.
```My Lord Supreme,
Last night You hadA most significant Dream.
In Your Dream You made meYour most perfect and choicest instrument.
My Lord Supreme,Last night I, too, had
A most significant dream.In my dream I clearly saw You happy,
Unimaginably happy,For the first time in my entire life.
Is my soul’s God-choice.Gratitude
Is my heart’s God-choice.Surrender
Is my life’s God-choice.Perfection
Is my God-choice.Self-transcendence
Is my Lord’s God-choice. ```My Lord Supreme,
How can I realiseYour highest Divinity
And Your transcendental Heights?“My child,
There is only one way —The way of love, devotion
And surrender.You can try other ways,
But you are bound to fail.Happiness you want?
Mine is the only Way.Fulfilment you want?
Mine is the only Way.” ```My Lord, my Lord,
May Your Divinity’s BeautyAnd Your Immortality’s Fragrance
Play hide-and-seekInside the aspiration-breath
And dedication-lifeOf my Fountain-Art.
```My sleepless heart-hunger
Is my golden opportunity-sunTo love, serve and fulfil
My Lord SupremeIn His own Way.
```Only the smiling silence-life
Can bring down the Absolute SupremeIn His Transcendence-Delight.
```My soul is extremely proud
Of reading my heart’sSurrender-book.
```To get a satisfaction-trophy
From God,Offer God
Your perfection-life. ```Who can live on earth
Without feeding his heart’sHope-hunger?
```I went to God
For consolation.He gave me
Illumination instead. ```The height of genuine devotion
Can never be reachedBy frustration’s arms.
```Your heart’s silence-peace
Will not permit youTo lie to God.
```What I need to know
Is if God will everBe pleased with me.
```My Lord, my Lord,
Give me a doubt-free mind!My Lord, my Lord,
Give me a fear-free heart!My Lord, my Lord,
Give me a worry-free life! ```O God the Compassion-Eye,
Do not, do notFrom me withdraw!
```My Lord, my Lord,
My heart breathlessly needsTo hear from Your Heart.
```In a moment’s ticking,
God can make meAnother God.
Of course, if He wants to! ```My Lord,
Sulking I came to You.Smiling I am returning.
```My Forgiveness-Lord
Is begging meAnd commanding me
To steal into His Heart. ```I sacrifice
Only what is unreal:My ignorance-possession.
I keep and I shall always keepThe things that are real:
My love of God,My oneness with God
And my longing for God-SatisfactionIn God’s own Way.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 184, Agni Press, 1993
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