There is nothing more valuable
On earth or in HeavenThan peace,
And this peace we get onlyIn our heart’s oneness-delight.
```Pray and meditate
And lead a divine life.If that is too difficult,
At least lead a human life.The other category,
Animal life,Is out of the question.
```If we run only inwardly,
Then we are meant forThe Himalayan caves.
We have to run both inwardlyAnd outwardly
For balance-harmony-satisfactionIn our spiritual lives.
```At every moment
You have someone as your master,Whether it is your soul or heart,
Mind, vital or even your body.Therefore, why not make
The divine choice? ```On your spiritually historical journey,
Carry with you all the timeYour unconditional surrender
To the Will of your Beloved Supreme,To sing your perfection-song
Inside your own heart-garden. ```My opportunity
Is nothing short ofAn unconditional Boon
From my Beloved Supreme. ```Use your imagination-bird to fly
Higher than the highest,Farther than the farthest.
You will be able to feelGod’s Pride in you
And Gratitude to youFar beyond your imagination’s flight.
```What we have done for the Supreme
Is more than an achievement.It is something that we eternally are:
Our birthless promiseAnd our deathless progress.
```God tells us,
“My sweet children,A birthless promise you are,
A deathless progress you are.Now this birthless promise
And deathless progressYou must offer to the world at large.”
```Only oneness-song
Will grant usSupreme victory.
Again, in divine victoryThere will always be
A oneness-song. ```Everything has been done,
Perfectly and completely.By whom?
By the Supreme alone.Just become His faithful, devoted
And unconditional instrument,Him to please in His own Way,
And thus be perfectlyAnd completely fulfilled.
```My Lord, my Lord,
May I have from YouIn writing
My life’s perfection-promise? ```O anxiety,
My heart’s peace-robber,My Lord will give me
Another peace-flooded heart. ```The fast-approaching Footsteps
Of the SupremeFrighten the unaspiring mind
But gladden the aspiring heart. ```My morning prayer
Wishes to becomeThe beauty
And the fragranceOf a morning rose.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do help me grow intoMy hope-immortalising dreams.
```Our God-thirst
Must climbTo God’s Satisfaction-Height.
```The sweetness of our soul
Illumines the breathOf our life.
```I offer my gratitude-letters
To my Lord SupremeThrough my surrender-post.
```Each aspiration-flame
Brightens the heartAnd enlightens the life.
```The doubtful mind
Is secretly afraidOf a peaceful heart.
```What I need is
A sincerity-loving heartAnd a simplicity-loving life.
```At last God is ready
To take birthIn the mind of man.
```The hope-train
And the promise-trainMust go side by side
To reach the destination. ```What is a human mind made of?
A human mind is made ofCenturies of dissatisfaction
And frustration. ```Doubt has nothing to do with
Our outer success,And especially not with
Our inner progress. ```Every day man’s life
Becomes shorter,But his hope
Grows deeper. ```O my deplorable mind,
I beg of youTo start your life
All over again. ```O my ignorance-life,
I have been with youFor a very, very long time.
It is now high timeFor me to acquire a new friend:
Wisdom-light. ```Beautiful
IsMy heart-flower.
IsMy life-garden.
```Each time we miss
A Heaven-sent opportunity,We automatically forget
The special road that leadsTo God’s highest Heights.
```I pray
For God to grant meThe opportunity
To cover the length and breadthOf the world
With His immense Fragrance-Name. ```O my mind,
For such a long timeYou have been walking
Along the path of spirituality.Can you not start running now?
```I am not going to be satisfied
By rebuilding my aspiration-bridgeTo the Golden Shore.
I want to build a totally new bridgeWith new aspiration-flames
And new dedication-flowers. ```O my mind,
Why do you forgetThat your sole duty
Is to exploreAnd not to explode?
```What I need
Is a mind-expanding thought.What I need
Is a self-giving heart,And nothing less,
Nothing more. ```Alas, my heart
Can no longer standMy Lord’s
Compassion-Arrival-suspense. ```The human mind carries
An unauthorised versionOf God’s Transcendental Vision.
```What I desperately need is
God-submissivenessAnd not
God-possessiveness. ```No road is easy.
Therefore, we must walk and runAlong the road
That has already been acceptedBy our heart.
```My heart’s cheerfulness-sunshine
Has at last illuminedMy mind’s despair-night.
```God-news may travel slowly,
But it travels effectively,Convincingly
And supremely. ```I have finally far transcended
The exorbitant strengthOf my commanding mind
And demanding vital. ```I do not know
Precisely what it is,But there is something
Inside the Compassion-EyeOf my Lord Supreme
That cheerfully and proudlyClaims me.
```If you want to be
A true citizen of the world,Then you must not hesitate
To exhaust your life-energyCheerfully and self-givingly.
```My Lord Supreme,
Is it really necessaryThat the human heart
Has to be broken time and againFor its ultimate purification?
My rainbow-dreamsCradled me.
TodayMy rainbow-realities
Are enlightening me. ```A oneness-heart-smile
Is undoubtedly a safeguardAgainst our insecurity-tears.
```Alas, each individual thinks
That he is an unmistakable authorityOn others’ imperfection-lives.
```God’s Love-List
Has made my heart happy.God’s Compassion-List
Has made my heart happier.God’s Forgiveness-List
Has made me the happiest,By far the happiest.
```A God-realised soul
Is absolutely certainAs to when the ignorance-mind
Will end its hesitation, suspicionAnd imperfection-role.
```My heart’s perfection
AndMy life’s transformation-roles
I have takenAs my soul’s top priorities.
```Hesitation, doubt, suspicion
And utter failureAlways live together.
```Our mind is definitely
Going to bow downTo the illumining oneness-pressure
Of the heart. ```Each time I pray
I see inside my heartA peace-tree growing.
Each time I prayI see inside my heart
A peace-flower blossoming. ```Alas,
I thought insecurityWas an insect bite.
But to my wide surpriseNow I see insecurity
Is indeedAn elephant-kick.
```O my mind,
How can my heartSolve your problems
If you do not dareTo surrender them
To my heart? ```If you cannot
Altogether delayYour desire-fulfilment-hour,
Try at least to delay itIndefinitely.
Has a powerfulAnd destructive friend:
Arrogance. ```O my simplicity-heart!
Where are you?O my publicity-mind!
Where are you not? ```God does not cry for
Your life’s adoration-garland.He cries only for
Your heart’s aspiration-flame. ```Not secretly,
But prayerfully and breathlessly,You are supposed to watch
How and whyYour Inner Pilot does everything.
```If you become
An unconditional God-loverAnd God-server,
Then you will becomeThe flower of God’s Life,
The beauty of God’s Heart,The fragrance of God’s Breath.
```A heart of peace
Is the dearest memberOf the oneness-family.
```O my mind,
Why are you afraidOf realising God?
O my mind,Why do you not have
Anything nice to sayAbout mankind?
O my mind,Can you not see
That the inner world wants youTo keep your mouth shut?
```My Lord,
A fearful mindI had.
A loving heartI have.
A surrendering lifeI shall be.
```My instant obedience
And God’s complete SatisfactionAre two perfect friends.
```My gratitude-heart
Is the master keyTo open up all the rooms
Of God’s Heart-Palace. ```Alas, your mind
Is a closed room.Even God the Compassion
Cannot open it. ```The aspiration of the heart
And the dedication of lifeMust be dynamic
So that every dayYou can move fast, faster and fastest
Towards your destined goal. ```God’s Love
Does not choose.Therefore, God’s Love
Does not lose either. ```Yesterday
I was an inspiration-seed.Today
I am an aspiration-plant.The day after tomorrow
I shall grow into a dedication-tree. ```Be not afraid
Of your heart’s new hopes!But do be afraid
Of the old frustrationsOf your mind.
```Where do I live?
I live betweenMy mind-library
And my heart-librarian. ```Success is measured
By the outer joy.Progress is measured
By the inner peace. ```You must at least
Think of GodAs an old acquaintance of yours,
If you find it difficultTo think of God
As an old friend of yours. ```Temptation will not dare
To chase you,If you run towards
God’s Heart-Home. ```Even to think of
Giving up hopeIs to lose the strength
Of your precious life-energy. ```Believe it or not,
God likes to hear from meMy imagination-stories
And not my reality-stories. ```I know
God has been asking for me.Alas,
I get tremendous pleasureIn avoiding Him.
```My unwillingness-mind
Was yesterday’s king.My willingness-heart
Is today’s king. ```If you can appreciate
The beauty of your heart-flower,Then God will remove
Some of the piercing thornsOf your mind.
```God’s Greatness
My mind admiringly desires.God’s Goodness
My life devotedly desires.God’s Oneness
My heart self-givingly desires. ```God’s Forgiveness
Does not choose.God’s Compassion
Does not choose.I do choose.
I choose God’s Forgiveness-HeartAnd God’s Compassion-Eye.
```The mind’s self-doubt
Can be conqueredOnly by the heart’s
Determination-fire. ```Every day
I want to be a studentOf my mind’s transformation
And my life’s perfection. ```Every seeker
Eventually becomesA perfect explorer
Of self-illumination. ```The heart’s insecurity
And the mind’s impurityMust not be allowed to chase you
On your God-aspiration-journey. ```I wish to live every day
Between my heart’s gratitude-tearsAnd my life’s perfection-promise-smiles.
```The heart that is all aglow
With willingnessWill one day be blessed
By God’s complete Satisfaction-Smile. ```Each inspiring dream
Is an illumining fragranceOf the soul.
```Music is not in banging.
Music is in soothing.Music is in self-giving.
Music is in earth-planet-fulfilling. ```Far beyond the borders
Of ignoranceIs the life-illumining
Satisfaction-torch. ```Nobody can escape
Expectation-disaster.Unconditional self-giving
Is indeed the beginningOf God-becoming.
```The act of surrendering
In the beginningIs indeed a difficult task,
But eventuallyEven unconditional surrender
Becomes an effortless effort. ```Do you want
To make God really happy?Then never give up your hope
Of becoming absolutely perfect. ```To achieve success
At times may not beA difficult task,
But to make progressIs always
A difficult task. ```God tells me
That I am notMy mind’s mistake-clouds,
But I amMy heart’s slow and steady
Perfection-blossoming sun. ```Self-giving
Is alwaysThe sunlit path
To all the higher worlds. ```Every day
We must discoverAn entirely new approach
To see God, serve GodAnd become
Choice instruments of God. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 185, Agni Press, 1993
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