Alas, a world-wide shortage
Of humility and purityIs considerably delaying the world’s
God-satisfaction-progress. ```There is no real joy
In self-promotion.Real joy abides
In God-manifestationAnd God-satisfaction.
```You must discard
Your dark and thickening doubtsAnd replace them
With fresh and fragrant faith. ```At every moment
Try to make your lifeA cheerful, soulful and prayerful
Service-songTo please God in God’s own Way.
```Only the upward-climbing
Thought-flamesCan illumine and liberate
The mind. ```Because your faith
Is so fleeting,Your life’s inner progress
Will remain a far cry. ```The path of God-obedience
Is the only pathThat I sleeplessly
And breathlessly need. ```May my thought-world embody
My soul’s divinity-floodedSweetness-paradise.
```Mine is not the life
Of God-disappointment-tears.Mine is the heart
Of God-fulfilment-smiles. ```When I become a prayerful server
Of God’s Dream,God becomes a full supporter
Of my reality. ```What am I doing?
I am exploringMy aspiration,
My surrenderAnd my gratitude-selves
At the Feet of my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```I am no longer in my mind’s
Doubt-bondage-prison.I am now in my heart’s
Faith-freedom-kingdom. ```The power of our soul’s
Immortality’s silenceCan and will
Transform this world. ```Each life reminds us
Of yet to be fulfilledGod-promises.
```When you pray,
Consciously try to smileIn the fragrance-life
Of your soul. ```I want my heart’s aspiration-room
And my life’s dedication-roomNot to remain unfurnished.
```God is proud of me
Only when He is ableTo blessingfully stroke
My humility-head. ```My Lord Supreme,
I am beginningAn altogether new day today,
With the art of prayerful listening. ```When your life bristles with problems,
Try to feel thatThe God of the Beyond
Can enter into your sincere prayers. ```My Lord’s Forgiveness
Has always been extremely kind to me;Therefore, I am still alive.
```My Lord wants me
To carefully count my good points,So that I can approach Him
With a prayerful mindAnd a cheerful heart.
```God does not want us
To decrease our soulful necessities.He just wants us
To decrease our absurd expectations. ```God does not want me
To pay my gratitude-debt to Him.He wants me only
To bring back my aspiration-heart to Him. ```God’s Compassion
Does not boss me around.It is usually my mind
That becomes my lord,With my inner consent.
Must come to the foreFrom the heart centre
For the fulfilmentOf high-climbing aspiration.
```The more we use our mind
To give us joy,The sooner we shall forget how to fly
With the Freedom-WingsOf our Lord Supreme.
```At long last I am successful
At bidding farewellTo my bitter world-resentment-life!
```I am happy
Only when I acceptThe transcendental Beauty of God’s Way
As my own, very own. ```O my stupid mind,
You always misinterpretMy Lord’s blessingful Silence-Messages!
```My life’s spontaneous willingness
To please God in His own WayHas come from
My heart’s sleepless awarenessOf self-expansion in God.
```For the mind to grasp
The entire truthIn a divine way
Is almost an impossible task. ```If we do not take
Our Inner Pilot more seriously,Then our mind will, without fail,
Prevent our heart from risingTo God-Heights.
```If I refuse to undertake
God-manifestation-responsibility,Then it will be my loss,
And nobody else’s. ```Real mental renunciation
Will bring you nothingBut vital frustration.
```Our only unfailing resource
Is our heart’sSleepless aspiration-cry.
```Your mind-anxieties
Will be put to restOnly when you are ready
To conquer fearWith your heart’s oneness-will
With God. ```If you cease to love
God the Unimaginable,Your meditations can never be
Deep, illumining and fulfilling. ```It is only our soulful prayers
That can help our hopeRise triumphantly.
```As long as you get joy
In your pride’s superiority,You will be denied
God’s Satisfaction-Smile. ```The life of ignorance
Is both infinitely strongerAnd infinitely stranger
Than we can ever imagine. ```If you tell God
That it is not within your capacityTo give up your desire-life,
Then God can help youOnly on the strength of
Your inner obedience-life. ```Real happiness
Can enter into my lifeOnly when I dare to think
God has not yet given up on me. ```If you do not forget
Your negativity-mind-depression,God cannot come to you
With His Oneness-Heart-Bliss. ```I shall not let the moment
Have its way.I want each and every moment
To follow my heart-Lord’s Way. ```It is better not to go to war
With either the stupidity-mindOr the impurity-heart.
It is always advisable to prayTo the compassionate God
For their illumination. ```When we are inspired
With the self-giving willTo live for goodness,
God feels that the hour has comeFor Him to smile
His transcendental Smile. ```The persistent ignorance-lover
Has no placeEither here or there —
Not even in God’s Heart. ```Weakness
Either in the mindOr in the heart
Or in the bodyLeads us
To inescapable slavery. ```Although we come into the world
To catch the beauty of the world,We are quite often caught
By the ugliness of the world. ```Nature compassionately takes
Very little from us.But we are always eager to devour
Not only everything from nature,But also nature itself.
```True, at present life cannot be
All sunshine.But there shall come a time
When our God-invocation-prayersAnd God-satisfaction-meditations
Will make our life all sunshine. ```There is only one right course
Of action:A sleepless and desireless
God-surrender-life. ```God does not want us
To draw experiencesFrom the pool of failure.
He wants usTo draw experience-light
From the heart-surrender-fountain. ```One single ignorance-thought
Can enter into our mindIn various forms
Of trials and tribulations. ```My Lord, when I think of Your Heart,
I want to feel that it is reachableAnd not unreachable.
My Lord, when I think of Your Mind,I want to feel that it is comprehensible
And not incomprehensible.My Lord, when I think of Your Justice,
I want to feel that it is mutableAnd not immutable.
```What is spirituality,
If not constant self-vigilanceAnd self-discipline?
```I know, I know,
Attachment-powerIs mighty.
Detachment-powerIs mightier.
Enlightenment-powerIs by far the mightiest.
```I came into the world
Not to escape the miseries of life,But to challenge and conquer
The ruthless torture of misery. ```If you have chosen the way
Of pleasing God in God’s own Way,Then you must never be attached
To anything that lures youOr tempts you.
```When we enter into desire-life
And want to remain there,We cannot see the end
Of despair-night. ```The unripe individual ego tells me
That I am the possessor.The ripe universal ego tells me
That God is the only PossessorAnd the only Possession.
```Twice God smiles:
Once when I sayThat I can accomplish
Whatever I want toWithout God’s Help,
And once when I sayThat God does not care at all
Whether I accomplishOr do not accomplish
Anything. ```I want to be blinded
And remain blindedBy God’s Compassion-Eye
And Protection-Feet. ```Do not provoke a war
Between your mind’s impurityAnd your heart’s purity.
Invoke God’s PresenceTo do the needful
Inside the two. ```Two miracles
God has chosen to grant us:He will give us the capacity
To manifest Him fully,And we shall all become
His supremely choice instruments. ```My Lord, protect my mind
When it is doing something wrong.My Lord, support my heart
When it is doing something right. ```I was astounded
When I found outThat I was included
In God’s world-transformation-Plan. ```My Lord, do give me the capacity
To live in a never-ending streamOf self-offering-bliss.
```Readiness to please God
Is the minimal qualification we needOnce we enter into
The spiritual life. ```My Lord Supreme assures me
That my sweetness-surrender-heartWill be my fulness-satisfaction-life.
```In the past
I saw the speedOf God’s Compassion-Light.
Now I see the speedOf God’s Forgiveness-Joy.
```I have now come to realise
That I can pave the God-roadNot with my powerful words
But with my prayerful deeds. ```God will allow us to walk
Along the illumination-roadIf we carry with us
Nothing but a silence-heart. ```Alas, will ever human beings
Come to realiseWhy they enjoy so much
Their fragile ego-shelter? ```Ignorance cannot stain any soul.
But ignorance can definitelyMost deplorably delay
The manifestation of the soul’s visionOn earth.
```Whenever we live in the mind,
We must realise that we areThe prisoners of the mind.
And whenever we live in the heart,We must realise that we are living
In the most spacious palace of the heart. ```Man is not God’s disastrous mistake.
But man himself in the course of timeMay be the creator of disastrous mistakes.
```Human friendship
Is quite often brittleBecause this friendship is made
From two unlit human minds. ```O my heart,
I want you to remain alwaysUntarnished
By selfishness, narrownessAnd unwillingness.
```It is not a crime
To be plagued by doubts.But it is indeed a crime
If we do not pray to GodTo illumine our doubting mind.
```An unaspiring man is,
Without fail,Bound to live a life
Of endless and deathless contradictions. ```Our life is anchored
To fulfilling hopeOnly when our soulful prayers
Touch the Compassion-Feet of God. ```Surrender, surrender,
Surrender to God’s Will!Then you will see that
Happiness lies in your pathHere, there and everywhere.
```O seeker, if you do not please God
In God’s own Way,Destruction-despair
Will frequently visit you. ```You do not have to push yourself
Towards GodFor all you are worth.
Just place your oneness-heartAt God’s Compassion-Feet.
```I want my life’s pendulum
To swing upward and inward,Not backward and forward.
```My Lord, I do hope
That someday You will release meFrom the heavy burden
Of my unruly thoughts. ```My heart seeks shelter
Inside God’s Compassion-EyeAnd not in my mind-made excuses.
```There was a time
When I was onlyA supremacy-thirsty world-traveller.
But now I long to beA God-ecstasy-hungry heart-seeker.
```The fortune of my life
Has at last arrived:My aspiration is far beyond
Ignorance-snares. ```God Himself came down
From His celestial ThroneTo bless me
When He saw that my life had becomeA life of unconditional surrender.
```The days I do not pray and meditate
My heart makes me feelThat my life is shamelessly
Frittering awayIts precious and auspicious days.
```If you do not believe in
God’s Compassion-flooded workingsInside your life,
Then you are not ready to embarkOn your spiritual journey.
```The eyes of the mind
Quite often deceive usFar beyond
What our heart can imagine. ```The desire-mind
Is a name-fame-hunter.The aspiration-heart
Is a God’s Love-Name-chanter. ```A God-manifestation-soul
Finds no necessityFor a pleasure-vacation.
```Who is a genuine seeker?
A genuine seeker is heWho carries wherever he goes
God’s Love in his smile. ```I long for the rainbow-beauty
Of the inner world,And not for the power-capacity
Of the outer world. ```God does not turn you away.
It is your mindThat turns away from God.
```To think of peace
Is not the answer.To speak of peace
Is not the answer.Even to dream of peace
Is not the answer.But to pray for the delight of peace
Is the answer,The only answer,
To life’s countless problems. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 191, Agni Press, 1993
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