Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 20



The Golden Age will blossom

In those

Who live in God’s Compassion-Sea

And invoke God’s Satisfaction-Sun. ```



The Golden Age will rapidly blossom

In the hearts of those

Who most devotedly love God

And at the same time

Shall not remain detached

From His earth-family. ```



The unanimous opinion

Of God-lovers:

God has unconditionally done

Everything for them.

God is unconditionally doing

Everything for them.

God will unconditionally do

Everything for them. ```




Your life was a squadron

Of countless fears and deaths.


Your life is an inexorably

Deathward journey. ```



No matter where you cast your glance

To escape,

You see nothing but a blinding fog

Of uncertainty. ```



My Lord Supreme,

Whom in this world

Should I obey?

“My sweet child,

Obey only the one who shows you

All kindness, all compassion

And all forgiveness.

Only he deserves

Your constant obedience.” ```



Doubt is confusion.


Is the beginning of destruction.


Is the unpardonable negation

Of God the Delight. ```



No darkness can ever stop

My progress.

It is my unwillingness to transform

Darkness into light

That has stopped my progress.




Now that sincerity

Is your real name,

Your heart’s inner cry

Shall be able to answer

All your life’s questions.




Self-giving is transcendental,

But you have to make it

Universal too.

Something more,

You have to make it

Absolutely practical. ```



My inner quality tells me

Whom to believe and love.

My inner capacity shows me

How to believe and love. ```



You ask,

How can God the Compassion

Be so inconsiderate?

No, it is you who have to be

Infinitely more desperate

To realise Him. ```



God does not want to fulfil

Your desire-life.

Instead He wants you

To enter into the aspiration-life,

Your real life, your only life.




If you are fast asleep,

How can you hear God sing?

But if you wake up,

God will not only sing for you

His most favourite Song,

Nature’s transformation,

He will also teach you how to sing it.




Why does everyone need a project?

Everyone does not need a project,

But if anyone wants to make

Very fast progress

In his spiritual life,

Then he definitely needs a project.

When he has a project,

God cheerfully and powerfully gives him

Three injections:



And perfection-injection. ```



You want to know

What is the worst waste of time.

The worst waste of time

Is when you think

That God does not care for you at all

And that you will never be able

To become a choice instrument of His.




What promise to me

Will God always keep?

The transformation

Of my earth-bound sorrow

Into His Heaven-free Joy.




My Lord Supreme,

What is the best way to give You joy?

“My child,

Do not expect anything good

From your lower nature.

Do not expect anything bad

From your higher nature.

And always keep

Your inner determination burning

To give Me cheerfully

Everything that you have and that you are.”




O seeker-artist,

How do you get ideas

For your paintings?

“I do not get any ideas

For my paintings.

I just get an inspiration-message

From within,

And then I begin to paint.” ```



Great minds may think

That they are lonely,

But good hearts never feel lonely,

For they have established

Their universal oneness-delight

Everywhere. ```



I have forgiven all my sins

Except one unforgivable sin

And that sin is,

I do not love

My Beloved Supreme only.




He tells me

That he keeps very tight security

Around his mind.

How is it possible then

For teeming doubts

To enter into his mind

Every day?




For you it is nothing

To give God counterfeit coins

Since you have plenty.

But a true God-seeker

Has only one true coin,

And that coin is his God-coin.

He gives it to you free of charge.




Do not be afraid

Of the passion-flames of your vital.

Your soul’s volcano-will-power

Can and will easily drown them. ```



For a clear mind,

Try prayer.

For a pure heart,

Try meditation.

For a bright life,

Try aspiration-dedication.

For a perfect life,

Try surrender,

Surrender to God’s Will.




You are telling me

That a swarm of unwanted thoughts

Is buzzing inside your mind.

I tell you,

It is entirely your mind’s fault

That it wanted to be the host. ```



Even if there is no room vacant

Inside your heart-hotel,

God will immediately

Make a new room,

For God does not believe in

A “No vacancy” sign. ```



If you think

That you can easily drown

In ignorance-sea,

I tell you,

God’s Compassion can smilingly

And, of course, unconditionally

Save you.





I have good news for you:

God has unconditionally decided

That He will not allow you any more

To be surrounded

By self-imposed sorrows. ```



Be an unconditional

Truth-seeker and God-lover.

Rest assured,

All earthly superlatives

Will fade into oblivion.




I was devastated

By the news from the inner world

That I have all along

Been multiplying and glorifying

My untold earthly sufferings.




There is only one departure gate

For your journey home,

And that departure gate

Has been beautifully decorated

With your gratitude-heart

And surrender-life. ```



Indeed, this is a world of pretence.

Here you do not know anything.

You do not even have to learn anything.

Yet you can become a solid member

Of the world conference

For a better world. ```



My Lord,

If a soulful cry

Competes with a fruitful smile,

Who will win the race?

“My child,

Always the fruitful smile will win.

A soulful cry

Comes from a human heart,

But the fruitful Smile

Comes from God Himself.” ```



My desire-life

Surrenders to my aspiration-heart

Only when I see my soul

Speedily driving my body-chariot. ```



My expectation-cliff,

Did you not find any better place

To put me

Than in a frustration-chasm? ```



You know perfectly well

That you cannot govern your life

Even for a single day.

Then why do you not vote for God?

Once He becomes the Ruler

Of your life,

You will see that He can easily

And unconditionally

Govern your life.




You fool,

Why did you allow

Ignorance-snake to bite you?

Can you not see

That you have totally lost

Your beauty-flooded vision-eye? ```



Do not be doomed to disappointment.

Your life will not remain forever fettered

By an iron fate.

Time’s waters will wash away your fetters

And you will be granted

By the Lord Supreme

A new opportunity

To long for the perfection-life. ```



Now that your heart

Is on the silver summit of aspiration,

Your life is bound to grow

Into a sea of satisfaction-delight. ```



If you are sleeplessly pure,

Then you will never be found

On the shipwreck of your unfulfilled hopes.

Yours will be a life of perfect fulfilment. ```



My Lord,

What have I seriously done wrong

That you do not allow me to remain

Inside the nest of Your Protection-Eye?

Do tell me.

I am all ready to change my life

Once and for all

To please You in Your own Way. ```



O my stupid mind,

How is it

That you do not want to enjoy

A short holiday

From your mad and wild

Doubts and suspicions? ```



Do not expect others,

Who are in so many ways

As weak as you are,

If not worse,

To stop you from doing

The wrong thing.

It is only your prayer to God

That can eventually help you

Overcome your weaknesses.




O my mind,

Be not afraid of God’s Greatness.

O my heart,

Be not afraid of God’s Goodness.

This time, when God invites you,

You must accept His Invitation.

His Invitation is all Sweetness,

All Fondness and all Fulness. ```



As the matchless weapon of the strong

Is non-violence,

Even so, the unparalleled weapon of the pure

Is surrender. ```



One problem I cannot leave alone:

My ungrateful disobedience

To God’s unconditional Compassion-Eye.




What have I been longing for

All along?

Purity’s cheerful sound-light

And divinity’s soulful silence-delight. ```




A stupid little desire

Has the capacity

To keep me from accomplishing

A big, wise aspiration.




Now that once again

You are on speaking terms

With God,

Do not forget to ask Him

To grant you

A life of grateful obedience. ```



When you go out,

Be sure

God the Compassion goes with you.

And also be sure

To be a perfect instrument

Of God the Satisfaction

On the way.




Previously you prayed


Now you are praying

Frequently and fervently.

Soon you will start praying

Frequently, fervently

And unconditionally.

Then the Golden Shore of the Beyond

Cannot and will not remain a far cry.




Look beyond

Your compassion-face.

God’s Satisfaction-Heart

Is claiming you

As Its very own.




He deliberately crashed

His heart-plane

Into God’s Compassion-Sea

To receive a new life

Of aspiration, dedication and perfection.

Lo and behold,

He was more than successful.




There was a time

When I died

For the perfection of man.

Now I am living only

For the Manifestation of God.




You have turned your ignorance-life

Upside down

And you are now far beyond the reach

Of temptation-snare. ```



Because I was raised

On God’s Compassion,

I can easily and inseparably

Become one

With humanity’s imperfection

And inspire humanity

To look upward, to dive inward

And not to lose hope. ```



It was you who wanted

The greed-hare to lead you.


It is you who will have to allow

The sorrow-tortoise to follow you.




Oneness is the perfect expansion

Of our inner reality.

Let our heart’s oneness only increase

To make us feel

That we belong to a universal world-family,

And this world-family

Is a fulfilled Dream of God.




If you deliberately try to cloud

The happiness of humanity,

God will never come to you

As His Satisfaction-Giver. ```



Your heart has been walking

For a long time

Along enthusiasm-road.

Can you not ask your mind

To walk even for a day

On enthusiasm-road?

How can you be truly happy

When your mind fails

To do the right thing?




Your mind is full of busy thoughts.

Poor God,

The Giver of Silence-Delight,

Has been standing at your mind’s door

For a very long time.




What kind of disciple are you

If you do not think

That self-discipline is the only hallmark

Of your aspiration-dedication-life? ```



What is my faith

If not my heart’s

Spontaneous calmness

And my life’s

Beautiful and powerful fruitfulness?




There was a serious clash

Between my heart’s sincerity

And my mind’s superfluity.

God immediately declared

That it was all my mind’s fault,

That my mind was the real culprit. ```



God does not want you

To put your ignorance-criminal to death.

He wants you to inspire the criminal

For his fire-pure transformation. ```




Is as utterly disheartening

As my weak dream-plants

That will not grow into





You have always been responsible

For the satisfaction of your life.


Satisfaction is still a far cry.

Can you not once give God a chance

To take the initiative

In granting you

A life of abiding satisfaction?

Let Him try.

I am sure He will bring about

Satisfaction for you.




As the desire-life

Is a very bad investment,

Even so, the aspiration-life

Is a perfect investment.

Here, one day you will grow into

God’s Omnipresence

And God’s Omnipotence.




I have been watching and wondering at

How fortunate I am

To have a faith-flooded heart

And a silence-fulfilled life. ```



It is true

That no one worth possessing

Can ever be possessed.

But every rule

Admits of exception.

My Beloved Supreme is not only

Worth possessing,

But I can possess Him quite easily

On the strength of

My absolutely surrendered life. ```



You want to know

What I am doing now.

I am sleeping

With my heart’s silver dreams.

I am also doing something else:

I am inviting you

To come and enjoy with me

My unprecedented experience-ecstasy. ```



No earthly word

Can ever come to my aid

When I try to tell the world

That what I have

Is God’s Compassion-Sea

And what I am going to become

Is God’s Satisfaction-Flood.




I had a world-class dream:

A freedom-flooded life.

Lo and behold,

My heart of silence is enjoying

The manifestation of that dream

Into reality. ```



There is one thing

That can never become outdated,

And that is the satisfaction

Of your heart’s surrender-delight. ```



My life’s

Unconditional surrender

Means God’s final Revision

And perfect Edition

Of my life’s script.




When our life is spontaneous,

Our experience is real,

And this reality

Is our own divinity’s perfection-delight. ```




Can you not see the old God

With His new Footsteps

Entering into your heart-room? ```



If you have sincerity

In your determination

And determination

In your sincerity,

Then Divinity’s Goal

Cannot remain a far cry. ```



How can you maintain purity

Throughout the day?

Just keep a flower with you

And look at it with a soulful smile

As soon as impurity

Tries to assail your mind. ```



A rich person can definitely

Realise God.

Lord Buddha was a prince.

Sri Ramachandra was a prince.

Janaka was a king.

Like that, there were

Quite a few rich people on earth

Who did realise God.

Again, there are some people

Now living on earth

Who are both materially and spiritually rich.




How can you feel

The living Presence of God

All the time?

Cry for a sincerity-mind.

Cry for a purity-heart.

Cry for a divinity-life. ```



Do not forget

To take your silence-medicine

Every day

If you want to keep away

From sound-disease.




Why do you think

That the body is inferior to the vital,

Inferior to the mind

And inferior to the heart?

No, God wants your body

To be a divine instrument of His

Exactly the same way

As He wants your vital, mind and heart

To be His divine instruments.




Early in the morning

Every day

My Lord’s supreme Blessing invites me

To walk along the beach of my soul.

I obey Him

And try to remember my sweetest oneness

With my Beloved Supreme.




God definitely

Does not come to a seeker

To see his heart’s

Empty refrigerator. ```



The blessing of aspiration

Is an enlightening heart-garden

Where inspiration-dedication seeds

Grow quite rapidly. ```



Ignorance leaves him

With only a desire-train

To try to reach his soul’s

Divinity’s Reality-Shore. ```



Life is not meant to be

A wasteful amusement park.

Life is meant to be

A soul-enlightenment-shrine. ```



Peace and dynamism

Must go together.

To His children of the East,

God has given peace

In boundless measure.

To His children of the West,

He has given dynamism

In boundless measure.

The combination of the two

Will make a perfect world-family. ```



You are a world-class aspirant.


In your case it is quite possible

That you are running

Faster than the fastest

To God. ```



The present excitement


The future excitement:

I have seen the Face

Of a living God.

God will make me

An exact prototype

Of His divine Reality. ```



As hurdles are for jumping,

Even so,

Inspiration is for singing,

Aspiration is for transcending. ```



If you play

The flute of creation,

You can easily enjoy a brisk pace

Towards God’s Freedom-Light. ```



If your mind really wants

To serve God,

Then you should immediately

Try working

At a world-service-plaza.




At last knowing what to do,

He is now racing the long run

To reach the Vision-Eye

Of his Beloved Supreme. ```



The mind’s certainty

And the heart’s intensity

Can see the perfection-descent

Of God’s Satisfaction-Smile

From Above.




A Gift from the Supreme

May come at any time, any place,

And it always far surpasses

Human dreams. ```



Your life’s only necessity

Is divine authority.

How can you and why should you

Be afraid of that authority

Which is nothing other than

God’s Compassion-Sea? ```



I am so fortunate

That my life has now grown

Into a golden dream

That is sailing

On an endless smile-river.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 20, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from