In this century,
God-surrender is strange, unusual,But never, never impossible!
```The unaspiring mind’s unwillingness
Is nothing short ofIts worst possible stupidity.
```The aggression of the vital
Is not only powerfully negativeBut also fruitlessly destructive.
```God’s Tears
ImmediatelyIllumine my mind.
God’s SmilesSooner than at once
Enrich my heart. ```My soul has many names.
I admire, adore and loveIts illumination-name
The most. ```O my stupid mind,
You have plenty of timeTo indulge
In hundreds of indecisions,But you have no time
For even oneBlossoming and fulfilling decision.
```We shall never realise
How much our willingnessAnd eagerness
Gladden and satisfy God. ```The teeming flaws
Of your yesterdayYou can correct today
Only if you are planning to completeYour aspiration-game
In God’s own Way. ```God has not hidden
His Peace-Nest from us.We are just not looking for it
In the right place.The right place
Is our oneness-smile-heart. ```God is not asking me
Why I am here.He is asking me
Why I am stillUnnecessarily delaying.
Spirituality sleeplessly needsEnlightenment,
It does not have to shunChild-heart-amusement
On its way to the destination. ```Alas, my Lord,
Why do I disappoint You every day?“My child,
You disappoint Me every dayBecause every day you faithfully keep
Your appointment with ignorance-night.” ```God’s Tears will never dry
Unless and untilYou offer Him
Your heart’s oneness-perfection-smiles. ```Each and every
Aspiration-heart-gardenIs bound to bloom,
But only when the God-Hour strikes. ```Since there is nothing
Unconquerable,We must sleeplessly dare
To do the right thingAnd be the right person.
```You have not dived deep enough.
Therefore you do not seeYour confusion-head
At God’s Illumination-Feet. ```Everything is bound to go wrong
If you are enamoured of singingYour own glory-songs
And not God’s Victory-Songs. ```Ego is powerful,
But not fruitful.Ego demands and commands,
Only to surrender eventuallyTo the illumination-soul.
```If you do not believe in
Your own prayer-life,How can you ever thrive
In God’s Compassion-EyeAnd God’s Satisfaction-Heart?
```God definitely loves me
No matter what I am doing,But He will definitely love me
Infinitely moreIf He sees me dreaming
Of becoming another GodLike Him.
```God wants me to show Him
My heart’s aspiration-attemptsAnd not
My life’s perfection-credentials. ```The setting sun
Blesses my lifeWith its purity.
The rising moonBlesses my heart
With its beauty. ```The desire-boat,
The desire-boatmanAnd the desire-river
Will never be able to arriveAt the Golden Satisfaction-Shore.
```God’s Satisfaction
Has not given up on me.God’s Compassion
Has not given up on me.Why then do I have to be
Discouraged and disheartenedAnd make friends with darkness-negativity?
```My Lord,
I do not want to live any moreIn my mind-jungle-town.
Please help me moveInto my heart-garden-village.
```Be not afraid
Of the unfamiliar.Be not afraid
Of the unknown.Just cultivate your oneness-heart-soil.
You will see thatNothing can remain unfamiliar
And nothing can remain unknown. ```In my outer life
I need my heart’s immortal tears,In my inner life
I need my soul’s immortal smilesTo be constantly happy,
Constantly fulfilled. ```God is bound to introduce you
To His own new LifeIf you just give Him
Your doubt-battered old mind. ```Each impurity-thought
Definitely deservesA life-long exile.
```The mind needs
A pin-pointed concentrationTo succeed.
The heart needsA God-oriented dedication
To proceed. ```The mind has to change
To become receptive.The heart has to remain the same
To be constantly productive. ```May Heaven’s sunrise
Every day feed my outer lifeExactly the way
It feeds my inner breath. ```O my mind,
Do not destroyThe God-satisfaction-hope
Of my heart. ```An inner experience
Is infinitely more valuableThan others’ lofty wisdom
Thrust upon us. ```When sweetness
Shapes our thoughtsAnd humility
Moulds our lives,Our inner speed
Becomes extremely fast. ```A minute of gratitude
To GodCan offer a man
Not merely hoursBut days of joy.
```The outer doubting mind
Can either be silencedBy the heart’s sleepless cries
Or illuminedBy the soul’s deathless smiles.
```Your spiritual life
Unmistakably endsWhen your soul,
Being disappointed in you,Gives up on you.
Is bound to buryHumanity’s frustrations and failures
In complete oblivion. ```A mind of silence
Is not onlyA life of light
But alsoA breath of delight.
And God-obedience-fragranceExpedite the seeker’s journey
Faster than the fastest. ```If yours is a self-effacing life,
Then you will undoubtedlyBe the possessor
Of God’s supreme Pride. ```The unwillingness
Of the mindAnd the blossoming
Of the heart’s dreamsWill always remain perfect strangers.
```The indulgence
Of the vitalAnd the carelessness
Of the mindAre taking humanity away
Every dayFrom God’s Compassion-Eye
And Satisfaction-Heart. ```My Lord,
You have already saved meFrom my cravings
For name and fame.Now do save me
From my self-importance. ```We are all bound
To be misjudgedAs long as we allow the mind
To misguide us. ```Alas,
I sail my own boatWith my ego-pride.
Yet I expectGod’s Protection-Eye.
Is the cry of the heart.Realisation
Is the smile of the soul.Perfection
Is the dance of life. ```God does not want me to be
Curious all the time.God does not want me to be
Serious all the time.But God does want me to be
Spontaneous all the time. ```If we cannot have
A tension-free life,Then we are at the mercy
Of eventual disaster. ```If you can resist
Your temptation-vital,Then you can easily persist
In your aspiration-heart. ```Each good thought
Enhances our greatness-height.Each good action
Enhances our goodness-light. ```I feel that my prayer is perfect
Only when I pray to GodNot for His Smile,
Not for His Satisfaction,Not even for His Compassion,
But only for Him. ```God always has
A very marked preferenceWhen He has to choose
BetweenMy expectation-mind
And my surrender-heart. ```Even though
I have many times failedMy God-examination,
God does not want to dismiss me,For He wants His Compassion-Eye
To succeed eventuallyIn and through me.
```God’s Satisfaction
Weeps inside meEvery morning and every evening.
God’s CompassionDoes the same.
But God’s PatienceDoes not surrender to weeping.
His Patience knowsThat it is destined to be
The eventual joy-bringer. ```The heart that is conscious
Of its incompletenessWill definitely value
God’s ceaseless CompassionFor its Heavenward perfection-journey.
```My heart
Has already discovered faith.But my mind
Wants to invent faith. ```Twice God smiles:
Once when I do not wantTo escape from my imperfections,
And once when I sincerely striveFor perfection.
```May my heart’s aspiration-song
Remain endlessAnd breathless.
```Alas, I am helplessly tired
Of my mind’s long slavery.My mind, it is high time
For me to go beyond youAnd your doubt-territory.
```My heart’s prayerful tears
Always help meTo sail with peace-wind.
```I can and must thrill God
With my unconditional surrender-lifeAnd gratitude-heart.
```If you can implant God’s Name
And God’s Compassion-EyeInside your heart,
You will be able to escapeA doubtful mind
And a hurtful vital. ```Pray and meditate
Again and again.Your inner sun will once more
Come to the foreAnd illumine your unlit mind
Once and for all. ```May my life-boat ply
Between the beautyOf my heart-moon-shore
And the powerOf my soul-sun-shore.
```You will not be devoured
By shame and guiltIf you just kindle the flames
Of your aspiration-heartWith God’s smiling Compassion-Eye.
```To revive
Your fading aspiration-heartAnd dwindling dedication-life,
You must shed tears of gratitudeSleeplessly
For God the Forgiveness-Heart. ```As long as you cherish
Your self-doubt,God’s Satisfaction-Victory
In and through youWill remain a far cry.
```When the seeker’s confidence
Is nothing but arrogance,His heart loses all its beauty
And his life itselfBecomes futility.
```Do not forget that God
And God’s Forgiveness-Heart-FragranceLive next door
To your aspiration-heart-cries. ```A life of surrender
And a heart of gratitudeAre definitely two short-cuts
To arrive atThe Destination supreme.
```Desire is not only greedy
But also eagerTo devour your sweet surrender
To God’s Will. ```If you cannot silence the mind,
Then you will always be lostIn the jungle
Of your confusion-thoughts. ```Attack ignorance!
Defeat ignorance!These are the only things
Your soul wants you to accomplish. ```You will be allowed to enter
Into the heart-templeOnly when you have
Radically changed your mind. ```My soul wants me to accept
And not rejectGod’s earth-manifestation-Victory.
```Since God Himself
Is knocking at your heart-door,Do let Him come in.
He only wants to make youTruly, divinely and fruitfully happy.
```Do not dismiss
Your simplicity-life,Purity-mind and divinity-heart
From your lifeIf you really want to become
The choicest instrument of God. ```If you want to please God
In His own Way,Then you must allow
Simplicity to visit your mind,Purity to visit your heart,
And surrender to visit your life. ```God has hidden
My aspiration-failure-breathIn secrecy supreme.
Alas!How can I ever be worthy
Of His Compassion-Sea-Eye? ```My heart’s hope
Keeps me alive.My soul’s promise
Keeps me dynamic. ```Your mind’s negativity
And your heart’s creativityWill always remain perfect strangers
To each other. ```Self-praise
Eventually becomesHelplessly and hopelessly
Joyless. ```Be always
Prayerfully and soulfully receptiveTo God’s sacred Whispers.
```Unlike us,
God never finds anything tedious,Even in our desire-bound life.
```When our pride makes us feel
That we are the doers,And we do not need any help
From the inner worldOr the outer world,
That pride will be forcedTo crumble into dust.
```If God wishes me to come last
In the Heavenward race,Then cheerfully I am saying,
“So be it.” ```If we unconditionally surrender
Our life to God’s Will,Then our destination itself
Will run towards us. ```God never wants us to cry.
He is ready to cryOn our behalf
All the timeFor our perfection-life.
```The unwillingness-mind
And the insecurity-heartStudy in the same
Stupidity-school. ```The lethargy of the body
Is the killer ofThe heart’s enthusiasm-joy.
```My soul
Every day teaches my heartA new and soulful
Tolerance-song. ```God will be satisfied with me
And God will be proud of meOnly when I climb up
Every dayMy own self-transcendence-peak.
```My heart-gratitude
And my life-surrenderHave given me everything —
More than I deserve,Even more than I need.
```A peace-dreamer and a self-giver
Are undoubtedlyGod’s supremely chosen children.
```Since every day you are sailing
Against God’s Compassion-Current,How do you even dream of
Happiness in your life? ```Today’s streaming tears
Will be transformed intoTomorrow’s God-satisfying smiles.
```Every day
Each seeker should be determinedTo drop impurity-pounds
From his mind. ```Nothing can postpone
The inevitable:God’s choice Hour
Can neither be ignoredNor delayed.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 204, Agni Press, 1994
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